

Terra Randoma – 初心者ガイド (ヒントとコツ)

Terra Randoma に関する簡単なヒントと一般的な情報をお探しですか?


Terra Randoma は挑戦的なゲームです。比較的簡単なので、デフォルトのキャラクターの背景と星印 (引退したグラディエーターとサメ) を選択できます。 Permadeath はオプションです (デフォルトではオフになります)。

ゲームを開始したら、インベントリを開いてタレント ストーンを下部のアクション バーに配置し、戦闘時に使用できるようにします。

マップの南にあるボートでゲームを開始します。初めての海の旅は無料です。 (後で、ボートを借りるために支払う必要があります。)









戦闘は、従来のローグライク ゲームのようにターン制とグリッド制です。 Terra Randoma での戦闘は非常に流動的です。必要でない限り、停止する必要はありません。近接武器と遠隔武器の切り替えは瞬時です。

画面の下部にアクション バーがあり、強攻撃や旋風攻撃などのタレント ストーンを配置できます。



Terra Randoma の敵は非常に知的です。彼らはあなたを「嗅ぎ」、あなたについてきます。彼らはできる限り地形を利用し、オブジェクトの後ろに隠れることができます。彼らが重傷を負った場合、彼らはパニックになって逃げるかもしれません(しかし、彼らは後で戻ってくることを決めるかもしれません).一方、一部の敵は大胆不敵です。たとえば、ゴーレムは脳がないためパニックになりません。ミノタウロスは勇敢すぎてパニックにならない.

敵はあなたに物理的なダメージを与えるだけでなく、あなたを遅くしたり、混乱させたり、気絶させたり、毒を与えたり、病気にしたり、石化させたりすることもあります。彼らはあなたに火や霜のダメージを与えることもできます.再生能力を持つものもある。接頭辞と接尾辞を備えた敵の修飾子システムのおかげで、それらはさまざまな種で提供され、互いに際限なく変化します。 10% の確率で敵が「富裕層」、「エリート」、「吸血鬼」などの修飾子を持ってスポーンします。

敵の派閥には、ネズミ族 (ネズミ、コウモリ、ネズミ人)、盗賊、野生生物 (ヘビ、クモ、ハイエナ、ムカデ、巨大な蜂、イノシシ、キノコ人)、アンデッド (スケルトン、ゴースト)、スライム、ゴーレム、ミノタウロスとゴルゴン。ゲームの開発が進むにつれて、より多くの派閥が追加されます。


Terra Randoma のキャラクターには、Strength、Dexterity、Intelligence の 3 つの属性があります。これらの属性に関して分類された 15 のスキルがあります。ゲームの開始時に、6 つの背景と 12 の星印から選択します。

クラスの制限はありませんので、キャラクターをカスタマイズする方法を完全に自由に選択できます。レベルアップするたびに 1 つの属性と 1 つのスキル ポイントを獲得し、それらを自由に分配することができます。冒険者ギルドからスキルポイントを購入することもできます。特定のスキルで 5 ポイントごとに、いくつかの特典が得られます。詳細については、各スキルにカーソルを合わせることができます。

ヘルス、スタミナ、空腹のバーは常に画面の左下にあります。キャラクター シートのすべての統計情報を 1 つの画面で確認できます。


Terra Randoma にはターンベースのスピード システムがあります。 1 ターンに 2 タイル移動する高速な敵もいれば、2 ターンに 1 タイル移動する遅い敵もいます。しかし、これで話は終わりではありません。キャラクターの体格、運ぶ荷物、身に着けている装備によって、キャラクターの速度レベルもさまざまです。

Let’s say your base speed is %100. This means you have one action per turn, which you use to move or attack. If your speed is %200, you have two actions per turn. The higher your speed, the more frequently you will get a free action. So if it is %150, then you will have a free action after your second turn. If it is %110, then you get a free action every ten turns and so on.

Talent Stones

Your character can acquire Talent Stones to perform some special moves during combat. Each character starts with two talent stones at the beginning of the game, varying with respect to your choice of background. Otherwise, talent stones can only be bought from the adventurer’s guild.

To use a talent stone, you equip it on the action bar. Once you activate it, there is a cool down period. Using a talent stone consumes a certain amount of stamina so you need to be strategic about when to use it. Some talent stones can be combined, so if you use Fire Blade, then Whirlwind Attack, you will set all adjacent enemies on fire.

Weapons and Armor

There is an item generator in Terra Randoma using prefixes and suffixes that can produce hundreds of thousands of different weapons and equipment.

The weapons and armor can be made of different materials from wood to aquatril (an ore uniquely found in Terra Randoma), from linen to all kinds of leather. The weight of the equipment depends on what material it is made of. Material also affects damage of a weapon or defence of an armor.

The prefixes include descriptions like “reliable”, “unforgiving”, “ruthless”, “blazing” and “enigmatic”. They give bonuses to all sorts of stats including critical hit, attack, defense and health.

The suffixes include descriptions like “of the vicious viper”, “of the smiling phantom”, and “of the chilling touch”. They inflict enemies status effects like poison, fear, fire and ice.


When you open your backpack, you can see not only your backpack and your weapons &equipment, but also your character’s statistics. So you know exactly what happens when you wear or take off an equipment. It takes only seconds to optimize, tidy up and get going.

What you carry in the backpack is not limited to weapons and armor. You will have your fair share of old school inventory management between consumables like potions and food, valuable daily items, gems, different materials that enemies drop, and books with randomly generated names.

The system is weight-based. How much your character can carry depends on Strength Attribute and in particular, Athletics Skill. Weight of each item is easily seen when you hover on the item and by looking at the bottom right corner of each item card.


There is a new map each time you start a new game in Terra Randoma, but it is always an island or archipelago. There are 5 towns, an Adventurer’s Guild, an Alchemist Tower and an Old Lighthouse.

There is a tavern in each town where you can eat food and rest, while also meet NPCs willing to give you a quest. There is also a Lord assigning you special quests if you have enough reputation points.

The starting map randomly ranks the towns as rich, medium, poor and very poor. The rich settlements have the biggest market, so there is more variety and quantity of everything you can buy:food, potions, equipment and armor.

Your actions effect the prosperity level of cities. They grow as you trade with them and accomplish missions given by their citizens and lords. By doing good, you earn reputation.

There are also events and crisis that happen at or to the towns, like a Good Harvest where food is abundant and cheaper, or Famine, where you can find no food sold at the market. There is a key on the left side of the Map screen where you can see definition of all events and crisis.


You can zoom in and drag the procedurally generated overworld map. There are indicators on the map showing prosperity level of each town, your reputation level in each of them, as well as events and crisis. There is a map key on the left explaining what each icon means.

Travelling &Incidents

Traveling in Terra Randoma is fun! There is a chance of encounter with every step you take, like the hex-crawling games of the 80s (except there are squares not hexagons). If you want to travel rather safely, you can. The danger level of each tile is shown with exclamation marks at the top of the screen.

There are four types of tiles on the overworld:plain tiles, forest tiles, mountain tiles and water tiles. The plain and water tiles are less dangerous than forest tiles, which are less dangerous than mountain tiles. There is also a day and night cycle. It is safer at day time than at night. So if you want trouble, you go to the mountain tiles at night and see hell lose upon you. If you want a peaceful journey back home, however, then you’d be wise to travel at day time through the plain tiles.

The chances of a friendly encounter, for example, with a traveling merchant, or discovery of a hidden treasure, are slim on more dangerous tiles. Likewise, the chances of a hostile encounter, like a bandit ambush or beast attack, are slim on safer tiles. Negative encounters can be dealt not only with battle but through some skill checks.

Camping, Hunting, Foraging

When you are on the overworld, you can camp on any tile, except water tiles. At the top of the screen, you can see the danger level of each tile shown with exclamation marks. So when you click that “Camp” button, you see a percentage showing you the chances of enemies launching an attack while you sleep.

But camping isn’t all about resting. You may simply camp for the purpose of finding food. Food is not cheap, nor very abundant in the dungeons. Each step on the over-world plain tiles takes 1 hour (and twice as much on the forest and mountain tiles), so hunger will be an issue when planning your route. You also need to pay attention at hunger during combat because your character gets hungry faster when his stamina level falls below the half.

You can forage for food or hunt to find meat. Both options may mean that you encounter all sorts of hostile beasts in order to be able to earn your food.


There is currently two weather conditions:Sunny and Rainy. Rain slows down travel speed on the overworld, and makes recovery at camps less effective due to lack of campfire. It also reduces effectiveness of the ranged weapons and disables any fire effects your weapons or talent stones have.