

ボットワールド アドベンチャー ビギナーズ ガイド:敵の裏をかいてボットワールドの秘密を暴くためのヒント、コツ、戦略

Botworld へようこそ — 野生のロボット (またはボット) が自由に歩き回り、隅々に冒険と危険の両方が潜む、高くそびえるスクラップの山に囲まれた世界です。

あなたはボットマスターです。擬人化されたネコ、イヌ、バッファロー、またはトカゲとボットパック。ボットの通信や制御に役立つ強力なツールです。 Botworld の荒野に勇敢に立ち向かうのは、信頼できる Bot と Botpack です。しかし、ほとんどの冒険と同様に、おそらく誰もが見ることができるより大きな絵がそこにあります。秘密と啓示に満ちた世界であり、すべてがどのようにしてこのようになったのかを知るのはあなた次第です。

Featherweight のクリーチャー コレクター RPG ジャンルへのリリースは、適切なタイトルの Botworld Adventure です。このゲームは、ほとんどのコレクター RPG とはまったく異なる方法でプレイします。あなたのボットは主に単独で戦い、バーがいっぱいになると究極のスキルを発動します。あなたはボットをバフしたり、拡張可能でカスタマイズ可能な武器で敵のボットを攻撃したりして強化することで、サイドラインからボットをサポートします。

さまざまな種類の敵が次の対戦相手 (つまりあなた) を探している広大で広大な世界には、探索の余地がたくさんあります。しかし、多くのクリーチャー コレクター RPG と同様に、多くのプレイヤーは、大小の敵を打ち負かす最善の方法を見つけるのに苦労することがよくあります。

ナンバーワンのボットマスターになるつもりですか?古代世界が残した隠された手がかりを明らかにしたいですか?人とボットが調和して暮らせる明るい未来のために戦う準備はできていますか? Scrapper's Coast に到着したばかりで、仲間のボットマスターよりも先に進む方法を知りたい場合は、以下のボットワールド アドベンチャー ビギナーズ ガイドをお読みください!


他のすべてのクリーチャーまたはヒーロー コレクター RPG と同様に、Botworld Adventure には、一緒に戦うボットの独自の分類があります。各ボットには独自の才能があります。たとえば、一部のボットは、近接戦闘で他のボットよりも速く敵を倒すのに適していますが、他のボットは、敵のボットのグループが集まってダメージを与えることができます.彼らのタイプに慣れていれば、あらゆるニーズに合ったチームを作るのに問題はないはずです。






タンクは、倒すのに時間がかかるタフで扱いにくいボットです。重装甲であるため、防御力が高い戦車もあれば、興味深いクラウド コントロール スタイルのスキルセットを備えている戦車もあります。味方のボットをチェイサーやスナイパーなどのより薄い装甲で保護する必要がある場合にも配備する必要があります。



やんちゃな感じ? Evader Bot は、これまでに戦場に出た中で最も迷惑な Bot です。 Evaders の配備は、あまり速くない敵のボットの注意をそらすための簡単な方法です。一部の回避者はスナイパーやスプラッシャーに匹敵する印象的な範囲を持っているため、これらのボットを使用してタンク ボットやブロウラー ボットを簡単に忙しくしておくことができます。そして、その名前が示すように、彼らは生き続けるために攻撃を回避します.



Brawlers は、誰もいじりたくない荒っぽいタイプのボットです。タンクほど頑丈ではなく、チェイサーほど致命的ではありませんが、ブロウラーはほとんどすべてのボットとの戦いで自分自身を維持することができます.これらのボットは戦闘の真っ只中で活躍し、眼球センサーが暗くなるまで後退しません。それらを準備して、試合の準備をしてください!

(Brawler Bot の例:Yanky、K.O.、Scatter)



(スナイパー ボットの例:Chomp、Longshot、Pupil)


Sniper の親戚である Splasher Bot は、敵を一撃で送り出すのが大好きです。小さなフレームで強力な兵器を使用するスプラッシャーは、仲間のボットに対して集まった敵のグループに対して効果的です。射程、ダメージ、行動はスナイパーと非常に似ていますが、群集への対応が優れています。

(Splasher Bot の例:Lobby、Rocketeer、Mort)




6 人のチームにこれらの各ボットを少なくとも 1 つずつ配置することは、バランスのとれた状態を維持し、あらゆるシナリオに対応できるようにするための良い方法です。当然のことながら、それらを戦闘でどのように展開するかは、最初の大きなステップです。これを台無しにすると、戦闘が即座に敵に有利になる可能性があるため、配置について話しましょう。



まず、一度に展開できるボットは 3 つだけです。ボットを対戦相手と交互に展開し、最初の展開を行います。



3 番目をすぐに起こさないようにしましょう。この項目は、ボットバトルの最初のルールである展開について説明するのに役立ちます。

ボットを展開する場合、ボットがどこに行き、誰と戦うかが決まるため、フィールドでの配置は重要です。ボットは、遠距離か近接かに関係なく、最も近い敵ボットと交戦するようにプログラムされています。敵のボットが最初のターゲットよりもあなたのボットに近づくと、代わりにその敵のボットを攻撃します。これが、Bot を賢明に戦闘に配置することが非常に重要な理由です。


Botworld Adventure にボットを配置する際に注意すべき点がいくつかあります:

  • 上で述べたように、戦車を持っている場合は、まずそれを配備してください。
  • イベーダーは、敵を引き寄せる能力を持たないタンク、チェイサー、ブロウラー (チェイナーやヤンキーなど) に対する優れたカウンターです。近接ボットを遠距離のチームメイトから遠ざけることは、優位に立つための良い方法です。
  • スナイパーとスプラッシャーは射程距離があるため、回避者に対抗できます。これが機能しない唯一のケースは、Evader が Dune Bug の場合です。これは、その範囲が前述の 2 つのボット クラスの範囲に匹敵するためです。その場合は、代わりにチェイサーを使用することを選択してください。スナイパーは配置によって予期しない動作が発生するため、常に最後に配置する必要があることに注意してください。
  • チェイサーは、スナイパーまたはスプラッシャー ボットの位置を台無しにする可能性があります。スナイパーまたはスプラッシャーが最初にタンクを攻撃するために有利な場所に配置された場合、チェイサーはそれらをタンクから逃がすことができます。
  • 敵がフィールドに複数の近接ボットを持っている場合は、スプラッシャーを検討してください。味方のボットに一斉にタックルさせると、スプラッシャーの大きなターゲットになります。戦いの過程で、スプラッシャーは彼らに大量のダメージを負わせ、スプラッシャーが十分に強い場合は完全な敗北さえも引き起こします.
  • フィールドに戦車や強力なブロウラーがいない場合は、サポートを展開しないでください。サポートはDPSにもタンキングにもあまり貢献しないため、サポートを持つことはオールオアナッシングの戦術的な動きです。サポートが公開されている場合、それは運命にあります。

    ただし、適切に実行された場合、これはハイリスク、ハイリターンのシナリオになる可能性があります。サポートは、サポートボットのスキルに応じて理想的に展開されます。たとえば、敵が複数の Evader を持っている場合、Tether のようなサポートを配備して、1 つの Evader を固定します。 Tether には、Slash や Chomp のような DPS の高い味方のボットが必要です。
  • 自分のチームに DPS が不足していて、最前線の戦士も足りないと感じたら、ブロウラーを配置します。ブロウラーは疑似戦車のように振る舞うかもしれませんが、DPS がわずかに優れています。ブロウラーはほぼすべてのボットとの戦いを選ぶため、これらは敵を油断させる可能性があります。そのうちのいくつかは、K.O. のような興味深いスキルを持っています。戦いが激化するほど強くなります。



3. Fight For Scrap

This is the true reason why you should be fighting.

Scrap is to water as your Bots are to saplings. Without Scrap, your Bots will not grow and they will often die out in battle. Scrap is used in a variety of things, but we’ll talk about that later.

In this item, we’ll talk about combat, the best part of the game. In defeating your opponents, you will be rewarded with Scrap. This is what you may encounter during your runs here in Botworld Adventure:

Wild Bots And Bandits

Wild Bots are predictable but dangerous. They attack in swarms and, once you encounter them, their positions are already set on the field. For example, some of them have huddled together while others are spread out evenly across the battlefield. How you approach these mechanical monsters is up to you.

Bandits fight akin to you. They have their own Botpacks, they deploy their Bots the same way you do, and they also jetpack home when they lose! Compared to wild Bots, they have their own tactics and we’re not just talking about how they fight. Once they spot you, they will give chase, and boy do they each have their own way of getting into a fight with you.

Dog Bandits are persistent, Cat Bandits will try to outsmart you in a chase, Buffalo Bandits will charge at you in a straight line, Lizard Bandits will use nets if they get close enough, and Rat Bandits… well… there’s nothing too special about Rat Bandits (nothing that we’ve noticed anyway).

There is a possibility for you to encounter them at the same time or for nearby bandits or wild Bots to join into the fray. This is called a Multiple Fight. While it is rewarding to take out two opponents at once, your Bots will suffer greatly since you won’t have time for your Repair Canister to activate properly between battles (we’ll talk about the Repair Canister later). Try luring one away from the other and fight them one by one instead.


No guts, no glory, as they say! In the Arena, you may challenge various Botmasters from all over the island. As you rise through the ranks, your opponents will get tougher. But even then, your efforts in the arena will allow you to open chests every day granting you Scrap.

Sometimes, the Scrap can be of the Rare grade, so this is one of the better, albeit more challenging ways, to get only the best Scrap. If you’re looking to upgrade your Botpack, you’ll have to face Arena Masters; highly powerful and highly specialized Botmasters who could easily stomp your team if you aren’t prepared.

While the Bots themselves are quite important in a fight, at least 50% of the contribution comes from you. Your skill when using your Botpack abilities is one of the keys to victory in battle.

4. Use Your Botpack Wisely

Your Botpack comes with a loadout of gizmos and weapons that can help lead your team forward while they battle. Using them wisely could turn the tide but it also depends how you set them up before you’ve set out for your adventure. Here’s what we can recommend to you:


Each Botpack comes with charges that fill overtime as a battle goes on. Depending on the number of charges a Botpack has, abilities in your current loadout may be used. We recommend using low-charge abilities since many of them are flexible and helpful, but normally, abilities with higher charge requirements are more powerful. Having utility abilities like Gust is really helpful in pushing enemy Bots in the direction of the Tank, or Poison Bolt (if aimed well) can be used to wither the health of a problematic Bot on the enemy team.


Once unlocked, gadgets may help give you the upper-hand during a run. They do not help in Arena Matches, but they’ll help you through the wilds. These, much like abilities, are merely equipped on a whim and may suit any player’s playstyle.

For example, the first two gadgets you may equip are either something that makes your Bots perform better or something that makes your Botpack Abilities quicker. Both are quite useful but it all boils down to the player’s preference.

As we’ve mentioned earlier, Scrap is quite important and its ties with battle are inseparable. The best way to find Scrap AND bandits and wild Bots to beat up is to go exploring the world before you.

5. Explore The World

What is Botworld Adventure without the “adventure”?

The game has a sprawling, living world that’s ripe for exploration by anyone. It’s teeming with all sorts of creatures and nasty bandits out to steal your Scrap. Since Scrap is your priority in Botworld Adventure, there are many more ways out in the wild to get this. But as you venture forth, there are a few things you may need to pay attention to. Here’s what you should look out for while you’re hunting for Scrap in the fields of the unknown:

Landing Pads

Okay, this isn’t really a way you can get Scrap, but these are important. Landing Pads allow you to jetpack to them without having to run out from Scrapper’s Landing and find your way there on foot.

After finding a Landing Pad, activate it so the next time you want to go adventuring, you may use your map to get around. Your character will jetpack to your newly-unlocked Landing Pads closer to your area of interest.

Scrap Piles

As the adage goes:one man’s trash is another man’s treasure. In Botworld, all Scrap is treasure. You’ll never know what you’ll need it for and you’ll be thankful to have surpluses of one item. There are Scrap Piles scattered all over each map. Finding them is one thing, but getting the Scrap from them safely is another. Make sure no hostiles are around to mess you up before you interact with these!


Chests are like Scrap Piles but they contain much rarer Scrap in them. They also take a much longer time to open, so watch your back! If you happen to find any of these, consider yourself as though you’ve struck gold.


The little rabbits and bugs running about? They’re carrying Scrap! Chase them down and try to see what they have, but be careful about running into the enemy while you do that. If you’re in the desert, beware the scorpions, too. They sting and they’ll drain some of your Repair Canister. Oh, speaking of which…

Your Repair Canister

Do you see the blue and red bars at the top-left portion of the screen? The blue bar is the overall health of your robots. The red bar is your repair canister. Notice how after every battle, that red bar goes down to make the blue one go up. If you’re running low on your Repair Canister, it’s time to jetpack home. But if you’re out to live dangerously, then that’s completely on you.

Speaking of living dangerously, how about exploring a map with only the rarest materials but the most powerful enemies?

6. The Danger Zone Rewards The Brave

Welcome to the Danger Zone where the name of the place fits to a tee!

Unlike exploring the wilderness, Danger Zones only give you 1 chance to get as much scrap as you can before you get defeated. Either you fight until the end or you leave after finding what you need. While it’s true that the Danger Zone has all sorts of rare Scrap needed to build the most powerful Bots imaginable, every Botmaster has access to such a place only once a day. If you choose to jetpack out of there, you won’t be able to come back until the next day.

To tackle a Danger Zone properly, you have to first mentally outline your priorities. Are you here to find rare Scrap in the chests? Are you out to fight the toughest enemy out there? Open the Danger Zone’s map and study it.

We recommend dodging your would-be opponents along the way due to the abuse your Repair Canister will receive after every battle. This place is littered with enemies (there are more than usual) so you’re bound to fight at least two or three of them as you explore. Either way, we wish you good luck and a good haul should you attempt this adventure.

While you’re out exploring and finding all these neat things to further your progress through the game, there are actual quests that guide the player.

7. Complete Contracts

Contracts are like the sidequests of Botworld Adventure. While not as lengthy or difficult as the Main Quest, these often get refreshed every now and then. There are different kinds of contracts for you to fulfill. A few examples of these include:

  • Defeating enemies
  • Activating or finding things on the map
  • Catching critters
  • Rescuing civilians
  • And more

After accomplishing these, you will fill up a meter for a pass. This is what grants you your rewards. Each Botmaster starts out with the Free Citizen Membership where you get a slew of rewards already but if you would like to support the developers and the game, you may get yourself the Mayoral Membership for even more rewards.

Contracts basically help you make the world a better place. But wouldn’t you like to know the goings on of the world itself?

8. Follow The Main Quest

The Main Quest is what propels the story forward. While some of the requirements can get steep later on, this is how you can bring yourself through Botworld Adventure’s main storyline. You will be acquainted with its lore, its unique cast of characters, and you might even grow closer to your own team of Bots. Most of the objectives of the Main Quests may take time to complete, but this should be a reason for you to strive for a better team and a better you.

The best part about following the Main Quest is that it also helps reveal to you what you need to upgrade next. It’s with these upgrades that you’ll get much further into the game.

9. Upgrades And Fusion Are Important

As it is in many RPGs, a level up is an improvement. Each level up carries your character forward and Botworld is no exception. Almost everything you have is upgradeable and it may need your attention as you progress further into Botworld Adventure.


Naturally, your Bots will level up on their own. This will improve their AI. Upon doing so, each AI upgrade is actually a list of quirks that you can use to slightly alter the way they behave. For example, some Bots will be able to apply stuns when they strike at their enemy with regular attacks from now on.

When you’re in the boat, your Bots can be physically upgraded. This means an overall increase to their stats, making them more powerful than before. After you reach Upgrade 10, they’ll have reinforced Bot plating, gaining some new duds in the process. It really adds to their personality.

Ability Fusion

Want more abilities for your Botpack? Try having them fused. Not only will you gain access to rarer and more crafty abilities, but you’ll also clear your bag of duplicates. If there’s a particular ability you’re using, however, and it has two more duplicates, don’t fuse it unless you won’t be needing it. This ability will most likely be lost forever.

Botpack Chips can be fused the same way and follow the same rules, too.


The boat is an integral part of your stay here in Botworld. It’s basically your home where Mom and Dad help improve your Bots as well as house new members of the crew that supports your journey.

The reason behind it being integral is that a better boat means farther destinations. Some quests and upgrades even require your boat to be upgraded to a certain level. Aside from the Main Quests and Contracts, this is a whole different quest on its own.

Boat Generators

Boat Generators create a passive flow of money, materials, and chips for your Botpack. You may even get double rewards by watching ads for each. After upgrading your boat, you may choose to upgrade these as well. If you frequent the wilds, we recommend you also upgrade the Scrap Upgrades.

Scavenger Training and Shakedown are recommended if you prefer fighting over treasure hunting and Treasure Hunter and Metal Detector are recommended if you prefer treasure hunting over fighting. The choice here is completely yours.


Recruits are NPC Botmasters that may accompany you on your journey. Aside from passively doing jobs for your boat, they can be summoned in the field to help you soften enemies up. Much like you, they have their own Repair Canister. If that runs out, they jetpack home and can’t be called unless you end the run yourself.

Recruits can be strengthened if you upgrade the other Bots you have; the ones you aren’t using. The cumulative upgrade levels of these Bots dictate the level of your Recruit. Ergo, if you want stronger recruits, upgrade all of your Bots.

10. Buy Scrap From The Shop

Occasionally, you’ll notice that you’ll have a scarcity of that one Scrap item. If you’re lucky, the shop might have it. Every day, the shop gives away a free Scrap item, but if you need those bigger amounts for upgrades, you may also buy the Scrap that’s for sale.

These purchases are worth it especially if you’re trying to focus on building up this one Bot you have in your team. Don’t keep buying out Scrap you don’t need yet, that’s what adventuring into the wilderness and the Danger Zone is for.

They say that the real journey is the friends you make along the way, and it’s true. In Botworld Adventure, all of the Bots you discover, build, and fight alongside will teach you valuable lessons in getting better at the game as well as strategies that you can own.

The allies you bring into your boat will greatly assist you in keeping your Bot team strong and every character has their own story to tell. The wilds of Botworld are calling. Wear that Botpack with pride and both straps!

Got other tips you’d like to share with your fellow Botmasters? Is there anything we might have missed? Shoot us your ideas in the comments below!