

MementoMori:ティア リスト:最高のキャラクターの完全なランキング


MementoMori には非常に多くのキャラクターが集められているため、必然的に「このキャラクターは「いい」のか?」という疑問が生じます。そこで私は、無料の報酬で世界中からウィッチを募集し、PVP と PVE でお尻を手に入れようと試みました。その知識は、MementoMori のティア リストに集約されています。



N レア度のヒーローは、現在ゲーム内に 4 人しかいないため、このリストには含まれません。より高い基本ステータスのためだけに、よりレアなヒーローを使用する必要があります。


魔女も文字の等級で分類され、S ティアが最高で D ティアが最低です。多かれ少なかれ、文字の等級は次のことを意味します:

  • S: ゲームのほぼすべての面で優れていると期待できる優れたユニット
  • 回答: 信頼できるパフォーマンスを提供する万能の優れたユニット。
  • B: どの面でも特に優れているわけではありませんが、悪くはないまともなユニットです。
  • C: 彼女を引き留めている、またはギミックが多すぎる、または信頼性に欠けるいくつかの予約がある使用可能なユニット。
  • D: うーん

最後に、すべての階層リストと同様に、これは主観的なものです。 これは、すべてを網羅した層リストではありません (実際、私たちの誰もそうではありません)。結局のところ、あなたは 100% 自由に好きな人を使うことができます。あなたを止めるものは何もありません。十分な投資があれば、N レアリティのヒーローでさえ、最大のレアリティとレベルに達することができます!



S フィレンツェ
A アムレス、アイリス、ナターシャ、フォーティナ、リーン、オリビア
B サブリナ、ザラ、ミミ、アリアンロード
C イリヤ

S ティア


– 最大のばかばかしさに到達するにはクリティカルバッファーが必要です

フローレンスはダメージディーラーの意味を定義しており、リリースイベントの最後に保証されたキャラクター選択の最有力候補の1人になる必要があります.ベース キットだけでも、マルチ ヒッター攻撃で高い倍率を備えています。しかし、Florence を際立たせているのは、クリティカルを当てることに専念していることです。ターンごとにクリティカルの可能性が高くなり、クリティカルをヒットするたびに、彼女の 1 つのスキルがもう 1 回ヒットし、最大で 8 になります。痛い.




+ ナノマシン、息子
+ メイジを憎み、彼女の 1 つのスキルでメイジに与えるダメージが 50% 増加します
+ スキルに付属する強力なパッシブ:敵へのダメージが 10% 増加し、自身の失われた HP に応じて ATK がスケーリングされ、魔法のように攻撃されます。
– ちょっと遅い

やった、Metal Gear Rising:Revengeance を作った 参照。いまいましいゲームを買わせてくれさえすればよかったのですが、余談です。

私たちのお気に入りの上院議員のように、アムレスはただ死ぬことを拒否します.彼女は、死ぬ代わりに 1 のヘルスで生き残ることができるパッシブを持っており、さらに投資することで 2 ターンの間、彼女を死から救うことができます。これを、失った体力に基づいてより多くの ATK を与える彼女のパッシブ (最大 80%) と組み合わせると、信じられないほどのカムバック メカニックのレシピが得られます。ああ、彼女の核兵器もかなりいいです。メイジへのダメージが 50% 増加するのはいいことです。レベル 2 では、敵はより多くのダメージを受けます。 Amleth は非常にかさばるので、使用する場合は速度を少し上げてください。


+ 優れた AOE を提供するシンプルなキット
+ 新規プレイヤーのクエストでレアリティが上がりやすい
– スキルは、最大のターゲットのために最大レベルを必要とします
– 単一ターゲットに悪いダメージ

Iris はゲームの開始時に入手できる優れたユニットです。MementoMori の初心者向けガイドを読めば、私が彼女についてどう考えているかがわかります。彼女は希少性が低いにも関わらず優れたパフォーマンスを誇っており、(希少性が低く、新しいプレイヤーのクエストがあるため) 彼女を簡単に手に入れることができるという事実は、彼女の主張を本当に助けます.

アイリスは簡単にモブを一掃し、進行するにつれて敵のパーティーワイプに貢献し続けますが、彼女の欠点はクリファの魔女との戦いで実際に現れます. Iris の 3 ターゲット スキルは Mob に対して非常に効果的ですが、敵が 1 体の場合は 1 回しかヒットしないため、DPS が大幅に低下します。彼女はまた、レア度の低いユニットであることにも苦しんでいます。つまり、よりレアなキャラクターを獲得すればするほど、レア度の低いキャラクターに圧倒されることになります。


+ 誰でも無料です (2022 年 10 月 28 日の執筆時点)
+ 不可解な攻撃力とダメージ軽減パッシブ
– ダメージ軽減パッシブでは、ヘルスが 50% 未満である必要があります
– ターゲット数を最大化するための投資が必要



+ 優れたサポート スキル:シールドとリジェネ
+ 優れた生存性
– ダメージが大きすぎない
– シールドを最大化するにはスピード投資が必要

フォルティナは、彼女の親友に背中を刺され、彼女の手で死にそうになったという非常に荒いものでした.幸いなことに、これは彼女が非常に強力なサポートユニットであることを妨げるものではありません. Fortina には、自身の ATK (シールド) とターゲットの最大 HP (再生) をスケールオフするシールドと再生バフが付属しています。このバフは全員に影響するため、常に便利です。フォルティナの 2 スキルは、最も攻撃力の高い敵を核攻撃し、死に最も近い味方を回復します。

フォルティナがつまずくのは彼女のパッシブです。彼女のアンハインドバフと防御/カウンターの増加は、彼女のチームではなく、彼女を助けるだけです.ルナリンなどの一部のキャラクターは、味方に包括的なダメージ保護を提供するため、これは特に不快です.とはいえ、フォルティナは依然として強力なサポート ユニットです。敵の攻撃を先制できるように、彼女に速度を与える準備をしてください。


– 彼女のキットを最大化するにはクリティカルが必要です

リィンはフローレンスに似ている。小さくて弱いフローレンスですが、それでもフローレンスです。 Reanの最大のアドバンテージは、攻撃力のなんと5倍から開始できる、解除不能のシールドにあります。このシールドは彼女に仕事をする時間を与えます - 敵をクリティカルで攻撃して 30% の ATK バフを発動させ、より多くのキルを可能にします。最後に、リーンは健康を失うにつれてクリティカルを増やし、カムバックを助けます。

サブリナのようなクリティカルに依存する他の戦士とは異なり、リィンのパッシブはどれも敵を殺すという彼女の役割から可能な限り気をそらすものではなく、戦闘への正面からのアプローチ (シールド) のために、彼女はしばしば中程度から大成功を収めることができます。彼女が最終的に倒される前に、いくつかのクリティカル。


– ATK デバフは、彼女が傷つくことを必要とします

背の高い人よりも広い人を探しているなら、オリビアはまともな選択です.彼女のバフはばかげたレベル (最大で 30% の ATK と DEF) に達することは決してありませんが、実際には彼女は全員をバフします。

B ティア


+ 多数のクリティカルにカスケードできるマルチヒッティング 1 スキル
– 力を殺すよりも生存力を強化する
– クリティカルへの依存度はフローレンスほど効果がありません

ある日、誰かが「フィレンツェだけど守備だ」と言ったかもしれません。最終結果はサブリナであり、別のクリティカル スケーリング キャラクターであり、かなり精彩を欠いています。別のゲームのように、サブリナは間違いなくその仕事のためのツールを持っているでしょう:主要なDEFバフ、自己デバフクレンジング、およびプログレッシブタンキネス.ここでトラブル?いずれにせよ、彼女はアグロを自分自身に引き寄せる方法を持っておらず、まともにヒットするが、タスクを完了するためのフォロースルーが欠けているユニットを残しています.


+ 高い乗数、スプラッシュ ダメージ
– チャンスベースのデバフ
– 生存率パッシブは笑える

ザラはイリヤと同じように、黒髪で剣を振るう戦士で、簡単に手に入れることができます。ただし、イリヤとは異なり、ザラは走り込んでダメージを与えるための優れたキットを備えています.彼女の気絶はイリヤのように 100% ではありませんが、それでも 70% でかなり良くなります。つまり、サイコロに挑戦したい場合です。彼女はスピード デバフ 2 スキルも持っています。これは素晴らしいことです。


+ 敵同士を繋ぐのはとても良い効果です
– 効果を発揮するには多くのバフが必要
– ATK boosting passive requires her to not get hit for 2 turns (good luck)

Mimi is in a pretty weird position, and I don’t mean her bad posture. Her kit begs for the carry position, but the reality is that setting up kills for Mimi is difficult as her main damage skill scales with the number of buffs she has, not their quality. Instead, Mimi works better as an off-carry who can shield herself while picking at multiple foes. More importantly, Mimi has access to Resonance, which links the enemies with the highest and lowest DEF at the start of the battle, causing them to share each other’s damage!


+ Can hit surprisingly hard for a low rarity unit
+ Reliable ATK debuff
+ One of the few reliable ATK debuffers
– Dependent on debuffs to maximize damage

While Arianrhod may be a Warrior, she’s better in a supporting role. It may even be in your best interest to keep her ATK low, as while her ATK debuff is reliable, it requires Arianrhod to have a lower ATK than her targets. This can actually be beneficial for her, as her 1 skill gets a hefty 50% multiplier if it hits an enemy with a debuff, which can make up for the deliberately lower ATK.

C ティア


+ Guaranteed stun
– Random targeting on her stun
– Doesn’t contribute much else

Illya is the first unit you get in MementoMori そしてええと。 That’s about it. She does come with a guaranteed stun on her skill, but the random targeting nature of this stun greatly hampers its usefulness. Illya would be better served if she targeted the enemy with the highest ATK, but no, she can just as easily whack the support instead. Sadly for Illya, this means that you’ll likely want to replace her as soon as you can.

MementoMori Sniper Tier List

S Cordie
A Ivy, Amour
B Nina, Libra, Loki, Primavera, Petra
C Dian, Hathor

S ティア


+ Great snowballing potential with excellent damage multipliers
+ Hard to pin down
+ Gives DEF Break a reason for existing
– Requires at least 50% HP to maximize her effectiveness

Cordie is another character who you should seriously consider using your one-time character invitation on. Cordie’s got the benefit of a relatively straightforward kit which just deals a lot of damage, as well as a heavy self-buff if she does land a kill. But perhaps the scariest part of Cordie’s kit is her 40% DEF Break; while you usually only have to worry about Speed as a secondary stat, 40% defense penetration is nothing to scoff at.



+ Ridiculous multipliers on her skills
+ Potent comeback mechanic that scales with the number of dead allies
– Requires multiple buffs and a debuffer ally to maximize her damage

A little girl with a bear. How many times have I seen this in a game? Anyway, to business.

At first glance, Ivy doesn’t offer too much apart from a higher multiplier triple random-target (plus one) nuke. Where she really shines, though, is her 2 skill:at max level, these attacks are guaranteed to hit, attack once more per buff Ivy has to a maximum of 3 attacks, and deals an obscene 810% damage per hit to enemies with debuffs!

While Ivy hits incredibly hard, you do need quite a bit of setup to get her going. For one, she needs at least 2 different buffs to maximize her nukes – and she has no self-buff. You’ll also want a debuffer that can ideally hit all enemies with a debuff (even a minor one) just to get the higher multiplier on Ivy’s nuke. Is it worth giving up those character slots to help Ivy shine? That’s your call.


+ Great assassin
+ Good party-wide damage skills
– Revive only triggers from direct damage

Amour is a good unit who has just one role:kill the enemy as fast as possible. To that end, she’s got an incredibly potent focus-fire skill that specifically targets the enemy with the least HP. Amour also has powerful party-hitting attacks, both off her 1 skill and on her 2 skill by default. Last, but not least, Amour self-revives once per battle and immediately hits the enemy in her lane for 10% of the damage she’s taken over the past 20 turns (which is basically the whole battle). She’ll get her storybook ending, by hook or by crook.

B ティア


+ 5 random target nuke off the bat that can very reliably steal buffs with investment
+ Throws her own debuffs at enemies, punishing them for hindering her
+ Surprisingly sturdy due to evasion and strong damage reduction passive
– Lower damage multipliers on her skills compared to other SRs

Nina is a pretty decent character:she hits multiple targets decently hard. But what really makes Nina stand out is her ability to both steal enemy buffs and throw her own debuffs at her enemies instead. While the buff steal caps at 80%, the debuff transfer is guaranteed, and enemies that rely on status ailments to hinder your progress may find that they don’t like the taste of their own medicine.

Additionally, Nina is surprisingly sturdy despite being a Sniper. Not only does she pack a 30% evasion and damage reduction passive, but she also has extra damage reduction against attacks that would do more than 10% of her HP as damage.


+ Decent assassin
+ Guaranteed DEF down with investment
– Why can’t I skip upgrading her 1 skill

Libra is a deceptively powerful archer that seems to show up a lot in enemy formations, and for good reason. With a decently-powerful nuke that always snipes the lowest HP target, as well as a hefty party-wide 65% DEF debuff on all enemies (at maximum investment), Libra can serve her team well both as an assassin and as an attack opener.


+ Low rarity sniper
+ Passive Speed buff
– Chance-based silence
– No multi-hitting options

Loki is a low-rarity character that benefits from a straightforward kit. It’s best to think of her as a starter assassin as Loki is guaranteed to target both the enemy with the highest ATK and the lowest HP with her 1 and 2 skills, respectively. As a more common unit though, her multipliers aren’t too great and even if she can inflict silence, it’s chance-based. While she’s definitely usable, don’t expect Loki to stick aroudn for too long if you pull a higher rarity Sniper.


+ Passive ATK and Speed buffer
+ Can lower DEF on crit
– Passive buffs reliant on how many of your characters are still alive
– Doesn’t actually strip buffs
– Low stun chance

Primavera’s kit is okay, but what really stands out is her passive Speed buff. There are better buffers out there, true, but Primavera is one of the few (if any) who make her allies faster just by existing. If alpha strikes are the name of your game – and oftentimes, they will be – you should seriously consider addign this songstress to your team.


+ High multipliers
+ Surprisingly big ATK buff that scales with remaining HP
+ Boosted normal attacks
– Requires high HP to maximize
– Hurt me more

In a funny twist of events, the lower rarity Petra has a more cohesive kit than our other resident dark knight, Dian. Petra’s main gimmick is using her 2 skill to gain a huge amount of ATK (up to 30% of whatever HP she had left after casting it), and given that it only shaves off 10% of her current HP, chances are you’ll end up with a huge boost. This also plays well into her 1 and 3 skills, which have high multipliers and a double normal attack, respectively.

One thing you’ll need to watch out when using Petra is that unlike most other games where dark knight type units require low HP, you’ll actually want as much HP as possible on Petra at all times.

C ティア


+ Strips buffs
+ Can gain Invisibility which helps her durability a bit
– Needs HP to be viable
– Longs for the sweet embrace of death too much
– Evasion-based defense

Dian lands in C-tier not because she’s bad, but because she’s tricky to use. Her nuke is okay – 410% to 3 targets with a 25% bleed effect is pretty nice. But the star of the show is her 2 skill:it’s a high-risk, high-reward nuke that costs 35% of Dian’s max HP (though thankfully she can’t activate it at less than 40%) and converts all that HP into a nuke that hits 3 random enemies. While it’s undoubtedly very expensive, consider that, without any external factors and at max level, this skill will do 19,520.2 damage to 3 enemies.

There’s a lot of things to consider when using Dian:will she be fast enough to maximize the damage of Cursed Bullet , or is she going to end up below threshold? Will she die after she uses it, and is that a risk you’re willing to take? And last of all, are you willing to shuffle random substats for HP to maximize Dian?


+ High multiplier on her 1 skill
– Crit-based debuff ramping
– Chance-based debuffs
– ATK boosting passive requires her to not get hit for 2 turns (again, good luck)

Yet another character that feels like they got the worst pick of the lot when it came to doling out SR skills. About the only notable thing about Hathor is that she hits for 720%, but she’s super circumstancial:low chance for debuffs, significant ATK gain only if she doesn’t take damage, and a lame ramp up when critting. Hard pass, unless she’s your waifu.

MementoMori Sorcerer Tier List

S Fenrir
A Merlyn, Mertillier
B Soltina, Lunalynn, Freesia
C Rosalie, Moddey, Tropon, Theodora, Soteira, Skuld
D Cherna

S ティア


+ Excellent cooldown reduction skill
+ Reliable heal that helps allies that are being focused down
+ Gigantic DEF
– Adjacency gimmick

Fenrir is another one of those characters you might want to spend your invitation on. While she’s definitely not as flashy as either Florence or Cordie, what Fenrir brings to the table is dependable support. Not only does Fenrir provide debuff cleanse and more importantly cooldown reduction, but she also has a respectable nuke attached to her 1 skill.

Fenrir also provides great survivability to her team thanks to a passive heal that immediately targets anyone whose HP dips below 50%. At max level, this skill heals 20% of its target’s max HP, and it trigger once every 2 turns – all of which means that just having Fenrir in your party makes your team that much harder to kill.



+ Good ATK buffer for carries
+ Dispels enemy buffs
+ Florence exists
– Loses her crit rate boost if lots of your characters are dead

I can’t talk about Merlyn without mentioning Florence. Merlyn’s is good by herself, but it’s her ability to enable Florence to go full alpha strike that makes her worth using. By positioning Merlyn in either the first or last slot, then putting Florence beside her, you can guarantee at 20% crit rate boost, which, with how Florence ramps up, is very scary indeed.

By herself, Merlyn is good. As mentioned, she boosts crit rate for an adjacent ally if most of your party is still up and running. She can also strip enemy buffs and give her carry a 40% ATK boost (again, Florence).


+ Incredible buffer for her carry
+ Reduces skill cooldowns
+ Very hard to shut down
– Lackluster damage options

If your carry lacks the ability to get big numbers on her own, put Mertillier in your party. This alchemist packs a triple threat for your enemies:65% ATK buff on the ally with the highest ATK, debuff cleansing, and up to 2 less turns for cooldown!

While all this is very respectable, the rest of Mertillier’s kit is less wow and more meh. She can gain shields (at a piddling fraction of the original damage her skill 1 caused), can gain regen and stealth, and is really hard to debuff. The good news is you can pretend all of these don’t exist and focus solely on her ability to supercharge your main heroes.

B ティア


+ Fast
+ Guaranteed stun on enemy’s carry if their MAG is lower, can also sleep
+ Surprisingly sturdy thanks to barrier and debuff cleansing
– Not good against multiple enemies

You get two copies of Soltina for free just by doing your release missions, and you really should. Thanks to her high speed and guaranteed stun (with enough investment), Soltina serves as a potent counter to non-Sorcerer carries, hitting them with a very powerful 780% nuke that also guarantees a 1 turn stun. Soltina’s 1 skill is also a stun, but less reliable – it hits 2 enemies with a guaranteed sleep and a major critical resistance debuff, but that hit itself has to crit. I guess Merlyn has another job.

On the downside, while Soltina is a potent disabler, her own damage options aren’t too graet. Even at max investment, she’ll only hit 3 targets with her 1 skill, and never more than 1 target with her major nuke/stun.


+ Fast
+ Innate 40% damage reduction at max investment
+ Makes allies tougher just by hanging around
– Poison is lame
– Silence is dependent on crit

Lunalynn is Soltina’s older sister, so it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that she has a similar kit. Lunalynn’s ideal use is to strike all enemies as quickly as possible and inflicting silence. Other than that, she doesn’t bring too much to the table aside from increasing ally P.Def by up to 20%.

Lunalynn is cute, but she’s not without flaws. While landing the silence is always great, Lunalynn needs to crit to guarantee the proc – a task that can be daunting as A.) Lunalynn’s innate speed is pretty high, meaning she’ll likely act before any buffer, and B.) There are better characters to pour crit buffs on.


+ Potent heal
+ Passively makes team harder to kill
– Iffy lifesteal
– Super underwhelming 1 skill

Freesia is one of the few dedicated healers in MementoMori, with her 2 skill healing the 3 allies with the least HP, and conditionally giving them even more health and DEF. Freesia’s 3 skill also provides allies with blanket protection, and while it’s not much, damage reduction and increased evasion on 100% uptime are always pretty good.

Freesia’s 1 and 4 skills may as well not exist though – the former deals piddling amounts of damage, and the latter has a 30% chance to activate off normal attacks for a pittance of health. Freesia’s 4 skill is especially egregious, as her major party heal scales off MAG, while this lousy lifesteal hit scales off ATK.

C ティア


+ Lots of self-sustain
+ Multi-targeting attacks
– Bleed is funny
– Doesn’t capitalize on all her HP gain

I’ve noticed a trend in gacha games where there’s this one character that has a lot of self-sustain but no way to capitalize on it. In Blue Archive, that’s Izumi, and in MementoMori, that’s Rosalie. Rosalie’s got a lot of tricks for keeping herself alive, such as life steal on her nuke and passive regeneration. But that’s about all she’s got. At least she’s free, so you can eventually feed Rosalie to somebody to make them stronger.


+ Can provide long-lasting debuffs
+ Self-sustain via regen
– Poison by itself is meh
– Gimmicky kit

Moddey is one of those SRs that have a really weird kit. By herself, Moddey isn’t too impressive:her skill just ekes out 420% damage and deals an absolutely amazing (no) 3% of the target’s max HP as damage on their turn. With how fast battles go in MementoMori, this may as well not exist.

Where Moddey excels is putting up long-lasting debuffs on enemies, thus paving the way for allies that have extra effects if they hit someone that already has a debuff. While there’s no way to test what exactly her Blight debuff does, the fact is that it sticks around for 4 turns. Most skills have a cooldown of 4 turns, so you’re pretty much guaranteed to trigger extra effects.


+ Steals buffs
+ Has an innate Speed buff
– Buff stealing dependent on getting critted and is chance-based until maxed
– Low multipliers on her skills

Tropon is one of those rares that you get the feeling were just shoehorned in. Despite having a pretty nice backstory and a cute character design, her kit is severely lacking the punch you’d expect from an SR unit. Sure, she hits a lot – but that’s at a low multiplier, meaning that several other people can do the job better. And for a swindler, Tropon doesn’t really have much in the yoinking category. About the only thing I can say is that she deals magic damage…which isn’t too relevant as there are better mages out there.


+ Always targets enemies with the most HP
+ Decent multipliers on her skills
+ Party-wide DEF debuff
– Chance-based debuff

Theodora is an okay mage with no real shortcomings. Her skills do hit decently hard, and if you’re looking for someone to always chip at the healthiest enemy hero, then you’ve got your girl. One of the better things Theodora has going for her is her DEF debuff, which can go up to 70% with investment (and can actually be higher thanks to her innate Debuff accuracy boost).


+ Guaranteed ATK debuff
+ Low-rarity healer
– Debuff only targets 1 random enemy

Skuld falls short of what would be a good low-rarity unit. I’d trade all the damage on her 1 skill just to make it a party-wide ATK debuff, but no, she has to throw out a half-assed 360% nuke at one target, making her a lot less reliable. You can use her if you need a hybrid debuffer/healer, but Skuld excels at neither of those roles, and will probably end up as a rarer witch’s lunch.


+ Guaranteed SPD debuff
– Counters with bleed

Soteira won’t win any awards for killing enemies, though it’s admittedly amusing to see her 1 skill hit 8 targets. What this Sorcerer does well is her Speed debuff; while it only hits 1 enemy, it’ll always target the fastest one, and is a guaranteed debuff to boot. While I’ve no doubt you’ll eventually replace Soteira, she can help against teams that rely on a fast set-up – until you get someone rarer who can do the same job, at least.



+ Multi-hitting attack
+ Can stun and bleed
– Stun and bleed is on a single target skill

合格。 While Cherna has a multi-hitting attack, it’s got a pitifully low multiplier:230%, to be exact. This could be mitigated a bit by putting at least her bleed and stun proc on it, even at much lower values, but nope. And if you were wondering, yes, her stun + bleed proc is chance-based, and only hits one random target. Hoo-rah.

Play Who You Want to Play

At the end of the day, it’s up to you to choose who to use and who to pass over. With enough patience, you can even discover unorthodox uses for heroes that don’t perform too well by standard measures!

That concludes my tier list for MementoMori, and I hope I was able to give you some ideas on who to build, as well as who is a perfect candidate for the meme queen team that breaks the meta. If you have anything to share, make yourself heard in the comments below!