

Brave Conquest ビギナーズ ガイド:王国を急速に成長させ、敵を倒すためのヒント、チート、戦略

かなり長い間モバイルゲーマーであり、基地建設戦略ゲームまたはカジノゲームを楽しんでいる場合は、IGG とその人気のあるゲームのいくつかに精通している可能性が高いです。同社は 2012 年からモバイル ゲーム業界で活躍しており、現在ポートフォリオには 55 のゲームがあります。 Lords Mobile はいくつかの国で一貫してゲームのトップ 10 にランクインしており、1 億以上のダウンロード数を継続的に増やしています。また、Castle Clash も 5,000 万以上のダウンロード数を獲得しており、IGG のゲームはその 1 つであることが証明されています。特定のジャンルの内外でさえも最高です。これらの成果と他の成功したタイトルの長いリストにより、同社がリリースした他のゲームも同様に肯定的なフィードバックとフォローを受けています。

Brave Conquest は IGG の最新のモバイル ストラテジー ゲームであり、リリースから 1 か月も経たないうちに、いくつかの国で新しいゲームのトップ スポットを獲得しています。同様に、Brave Conquest は、Google Play ストアだけで 10 万回以上のダウンロードを獲得し、Android と iOS プラットフォームの両方のユーザーから概ね好意的なレビューを維持しています。

モバイル ゲーム市場における城塞戦略ゲームの過多を考えると、Brave Conquest などの新しいゲームが市場に浸透し、そのほとんどを追い越すことは、すでに巨大で驚くべき成果です。これらすべてのゲームに類似点はありますが、Brave Conquest は新機能とゲーム メカニクスがうまく組み合わされており、初心者もベテランも同じようにプレイして楽しむことができる、新鮮でありながら親しみやすいパッケージを提供します。基地建設ストラテジー ゲームが好きな場合、またはそれに飛び込みたい場合は、間違いなく Brave Conquest をチェックする必要があります。

あなた自身の王国の支配者であり司令官として、すべてを構築し、管理する仕事はあなたの手に委ねられています。最初は一度に 1 エリアずつ敵から土地を取り戻し、軍隊の一部も解放します。より多くの建物、ヒーロー、軍隊を解放するにつれて、それぞれをアップグレードして、今後の課題に備えることが基本的な責任の一部になります。収集する必要があるさまざまなリソースと、王国の成長と発展に関するさまざまなニーズに合わせて節約して割り当てる通貨があります。王国の領主としてのあなたの役割は、王国を管理し、土地を悩ませているモンスターを退治するだけではありません。他のプレイヤーとの協力的で競争的なゲームモードも豊富です。

Brave Conquest は一見すると圧倒されるようなコンテンツで溢れていますが、ゲーム開始から 30 分以内に完了することができるゲームの最初の章は、知っておく必要があるすべての基本を教えてくれる優れたチュートリアルとして機能します。戦闘での実際の操作は他のものよりも少し難しいですが、ゲームの初期段階でさまざまな戦闘に参加するにつれて、きっとコツをつかむことができます.自分で調べなければならない多くの機能が残っていますが、ゲームの初期段階でロックを解除する基本的な機能のチュートリアルに従えば、すべてが比較的簡単にうまくいくはずです.

正直なところ、ゲームの進め方に関係なく、ゲームを進めることができます。群衆の先を行き、王国をより速く発展させ、PvP バトルを支配したい場合は、ブレイブ コンクエストの初心者向けガイドに従ってください。多くのヒント、チート、戦略が付属しているため、軍隊と王国をより効率的に。



通常、すべてを自分で移動しても問題ありませんが、自分で機能を探索するよりも、画面の下部に設定された目標を順守する方が良い戦略です. 1 つには、これらのミッションを達成することでより迅速に獲得できるリソースを蓄えたいと思うでしょう。さらに、ミッション リストは、ゲームをプレイしながら行う必要があるすべてのことを確認できるように設計されています。これらの目的のほとんどが、王国の領主として従事する通常の事柄とどのように一致しているかを考慮すると、現在の目的の完了に関連する活動を常に行うことを目指す必要があります。



他の基地建設戦略ゲームと同様に、Brave Conquest でマルチタスクを実行できることは、キャンプを拡大し、ヒーローと軍隊をより効率的に開発するために必要なスキルです。 Although it may take a while for you to get used to it if you are a total beginner, you will sooner be accustomed to the general flow of activities in the game as you engage in most of it a bit like routine after playing the game for a while.

For starters, you constantly need to be upgrading something and hardly leave room for your builder to be idle. Although some structures have limitations as to how far you can upgrade them based on the level of your castle, what you would want is to keep structures at the max upgrade level as far as you can do so. Since renting a second builder costs diamonds, spend on it when you are certain that you will make the most out of it and be able to build and upgrade structures without interruption for the next 3 days.

Beyond building and upgrading structures, be sure to consistently collect gold from cabins and stone from your mines. These structures continuously generate valuable currencies you will always have a need for so even if you are not bent on playing the game sometimes, be sure to log in, claim resources and log out just to keep your kingdom earning. You will need to do the same to your Hall of Honor for medals needed to upgrade your troops. Although farming is a bit more time-consuming as you need to manually sow and reap various crops from it, tend to it regularly as well.

There are various items and events that can pop up within your kingdom as well such as animals that can be hunted or mobs of monsters that you need to eliminate. Once you have gone through to more basic aspects of maintatining your kingdom, spend some time to clean up your surroundings as well as each of these instances offer rewards too.

3. Take Note Of Troop Advantages And Weaknesses

The basic troops in Brave Conquest follows the “rock-paper-scissors” mechanic in determining each kind’s strengths and weakness. Infantry beats cavalry, cavalry beats archers, and archers beat infantry. There are naturally other units that you can unlock at random from silver and gold chests later on, but those are either modified versions of the 3 basic units or are neutral as far as the advantages and disadvantages of the basic units are concerned.

Having three basic units, you will also have 3 unique formations that you can set up at the barracks. Given each unit type’s distinct advantages and disadvantages, the natural choice for setting up each formation is to counter whatever team you are going up against with in combat. Take not that you can edit the combination of heroes and troops you have in each formation as well as make adjustments to each unit’s position on the grid before actually engaging in battle. Remember as well that for every level up your barracks gains up until level 6, additional slots will be unlocked which means you can add in additional troops for every formation.

As far as paying players may be able to secure more stylish and rarer units and heroes ahead of free players, you should not let it discourage you from engaging them in PvP battle either in the arena or the expedition. The basic units and starting heroes are pretty decent and should be able to secure you wins, provided that you have a good formation and manage to come up with an efficient roster of units for each battle you engage in.

4. Keep Your Heroes, Units, And Spells Upgraded

There are numerous battles you will have to engage in as you push your way towards progress in Brave Conquest. Beyond good strategy, tactical formations, and having a perfect combination of units and heroes for each battle, you can still suffer defeat if the gap between your army’s level and the opposing team is substantial enough. As such, be sure to allocate a good deal of your gold to level up the heroes that you actually use, and spend those hard-earned medals to strengthen your units.

It is important to decide early on which, from among the 3 initial heroes you acquire, are best suited for your general strategy and preference. You may be fortunate enough to secure a fourth hero early on from the chests, but then again, you have to begin investing in two heroes especially since you will only be able to utilize 2 of them at a time. Don’t entertain the idea that just because the starting heroes are free means that they are inferior. These heroes maybe basic but each one can serve its purpose well paired with a good strategy as well as some level ups.

Although you will have a lot of gold in the early part of the game, you will quickly run out of it, more so if you allocate it across a greater number of heroes. As such, primarily focus on two heroes first and if you can, push for the tenth, twentieth, and every 10 levels after if you are close to it to unlock the passive boosts that they provide.

Keep in mind as well that the passive buffs heroes acquire for every 10 levels they reach applies to specific units or structures. As such, be sure to relate it to how you will develop each of the troops you have. Although there are a lot of troops to be unlocked, the 3 basic ones will always be a necessity, especially for beginners. As battles will always have varying mixes of troops, it will be important for you to level up each of the basic units you have. Despite having freedom as which one to prioritize, at least keep other unit types close as far as upgrades go as you will always be needing all three of them in various battles.

Like heroes, you can also only equip 2 spells in combat. You can upgrade spells through your spellworks structure and upgrading the structure itself leads to unlocking additional spells. For starters, try to unlock at least one or two more spells before you decide on which ones to focus on. As you will need huge amounts of gold to level each spell up, you should consider testing each one out before deciding to upgrade the two you will always use in combat.

5. Time Your Spells And Skill Activations In Combat Right

One of the fun and exciting aspects of Brave Conquest comes in the mechanics of every battle. As amazing as how you can fully customize battle formations before the start of each battle, having manual inputs as to the activation of each hero’s skill and the spells you have is an aspect of the game that can heavily impact the outcome of battle.

Perhaps, for a beginner, activating spells and skills as soon as they become available is almost an instinctive move. While that may present its advantages on certain occasions, waiting for the perfect moment to drop a fireball or to freeze enemies can help turn the tide of battle. More so once you have healing spells or skills that cause debuffs to enemy units. Additionally, some skills and spells require more precision in terms of aiming at a target. Although it may take a while for total beginners to get used to it, the highlight effect you will notice on enemy units is very helpful in determining a spell or skill’s activation.

6. Complete Side Quests, Events, And Achievements

There are plenty of rewards to be earned for every battle you complete as well as every stage you finish in Brave Conquest. On top of that, you also receive immediate rewards as a result of achieving missions. Beyond all those rewards, there are still plenty to be earned and for the most part, the activities you need to engage in to claim those extra rewards follow or align with the usual activities you engage in as you play the game.

Click on the “Quest” icon at the lower left corner of your screen to view side quests that you can complete to earn extra rewards. These side quests typically revolve around produces you reap from your farm or materials you can produce at your factory. As such, you have to include production in these structures along with the other matters you consistently attend to.

There are diamonds to be earned from the trophies section that you can access through the icon at the lower right side of your screen. As each tab has a red dot indicator on it for uncollected rewards, be sure to check each one and claim your diamonds immediately. You can also earn a free chest with some resources from the shop once a day. It may not be much but it helps as you need every bit of resource you can get your hands on in the game.

Once you start the game, a 7-day time-limited event will initiate. This event holds a variety of milestones you need to meet to obtain valuable rewards. If it so happens that you haven’t started playing the game yet as you read our guide, be ready to play with a lot more effort on your first seven days as these rewards will greatly help in the quick development and growth of your kingdom as well as your heroes and troops. Be sure to claim rewards as soon as you can as it will always be beneficial to invest those resources immediately on the kingdom itself as well as your heroes and troops.

そこにあります! This ends our beginner’s guide for IGG’s latest mobile strategy game Brave Conquest. Although, we left plenty of content untouched, we are fairly certain that you will be able to manage to push through all of them with the concepts and ideas behind the tips, cheats and strategies we shared. Again, Brave Conquest is a game where the time and dedication you commit to it will foster better results. Combine effort and strategy and you will have an easier time growing your kingdom and beating every enemy that crosses your path. If you know additional tips or tricks that you would like to share, relative to the ones we discussed here, we would appreciate hearing from you about it so don’t hesitate to let us know via the comment section!