

Siralim Ultimate – ビルドの作り方




私はこのゲームを約 1000 時間プレイしており、そのうち 200 時間は AFK であるか、愚かなビルドをセオリークラフトしながらゲームを起動しています。その結果、プロ意識にとらわれすぎずに、少なくとも構築の基本について適切な概要を説明できる十分な資格があると思います.

誰もが完璧ではなく、誰もが独自のプロセスを持っていることを心に留めておいてください。これは、新しいお気に入りのプレイ方法につながる多くの方法の 1 つにすぎません。このガイドは、十分に検討する価値のあるプロセス全体を概説しているため、最初から最後まで全体を読む必要があります。この後が最も理にかなっています。




ステップ 1:アイデア




当然のことのように思える人もいるかもしれませんが、ビルドのアイデアを思いつくための最良の方法の 1 つは、そのままの状態でゲームをプレイすることです。限界を押し広げて、失敗している場所を見つけてください。











私の場合、やりたいことの具体的なアイデアを思いつくのに約 2 日かかります。頭の中でアイデアを思いつくままにします。私はこのアイデアが本当に好きですか、それともただの流行ですか?つまり、私は個人的に、ばかげたミームを追いかけて「笑ってこれを機能させるつもりだ」と言いますが、単に快適なものを求めているだけかもしれません。まったく問題ありません。

アイデアを衝突させましょう。あなたがプレイしているゲームを見てください。地獄、Netflixを起動して、ビルドを少しだけ頭の中で煮込みます.漠然とした戦いがどのように進むかを視覚化してみてください.集めた小さなアイデアを洗濯機に入れて、少し回転させます。彼らが行くのを見てください。ご想像のとおり(しゃれた意図はありません)、このビットには少し想像力が必要ですが、現実的には必要になります。このゲームには約 1000 体のクリーチャーがいます。

ステップ 2:理論上のカービー


あなたの案? Aurum が Carbuncles を散歩に連れて行くと、すべてが死んでしまいます。





ここには少し批判的な思考が含まれますが、ほとんどの作業は Bestiary と Thylacine Studios discord の便利なダンディ クリーチャーの大要を介して行われ、Siralim Ultimate の下の General Discussion タブに固定され、CTRL-F 機能に不健康に依存しています。 .

この検索には、1 時間とは言わないまでも数分かかるはずです。ここでキーワードを探しています。この例では、「キャスト」からスケーリングするため、「知性」からお気に入りの統計を探し、「攻撃」を探します。さて、これは奇妙なものです。この 3 番目の選択は純粋に好奇心からです。私たちに関連する多くの特徴は見つかりませんが、チームの基礎を構築している間、脳を動かし続けます.


この例では、オカルティストがインテリジェンスのキャストとスケーリングの両方を非常にうまく行っていることがわかりました。私たちはこれらの人たちと、私たちが気付いた他のいくつかのものを使いたいと思っています.ウォルパーティンガーは攻撃時にちょっといいことをします。それを使って、スペルキャストから攻撃力を独自にスケーリングするトパーズ カーバンクルに重みを与えることができますか?




その主要な統計をスケーリングします。もっとキャストしてください。トパーズを主な攻撃者として設定します。これら 3 つの要素をビルドに簡単に組み込むことができるはずです。正直なところ、他のビルドでも同じことが言えます。ビルドの機械的能力に関して考慮すべき主な要因は、約 3 つあります。それは、どのように機能するか、使用する統計情報、およびダメージをどれだけ安定して出せるかです。

呪文、攻撃、間接ダメージはすべて抵抗できることを経験から知っています。 3 つすべてのソースを、このハイパーズームインのアイデアに入れてみてください。要約すると、この例には次のようなものがあります:

トパーズ カーバンクルは、私たちが見つけたいくつかの優れた特性を使用しています。Colourblind は攻撃時の Scourge 呪文で、Martyaxwar は単一のターゲット (scourge!) 呪文への追加攻撃です。それはおかしいです。トパーズはキャストに基づいて攻撃力をスケーリングするため、より強力になるだけです!

Ruby Carbuncle は、Zealot Occultist と Djinn Pyromancer と融合しました。これは、多くの知性といくつかの間接的なダメージがあるためです。最初の 2 つは、スペルキャストに基づいて知性をスケーリングし、独自のデバイスに任せるほど強力です。


追加の呪文の効力とチャージ使用量の削減のためのサファイア カーバンクル、ルビー カーバンクルとジーロット オカルティストは、ジンのセットアップのように知性をスケーリングする専用のキャスターが必要なためです。問題が見つかりました。

この例では、サファイア カーバンクルの特性を読み取ったおかげで、ビルドの明らかな弱点を発見したので、すぐにそれについて考える必要があります。この場合:スペルチャージ。それらは制限されており、痛い領域にあります.


ステップ 3:最初の大きなハードル


私たちは何をしたいのかを正確に決めました。この例では、多くのキャストを行い、知性を大幅に拡張したいと考えています。 1 点のダメージだけでは十分ではないことがわかっているため、さまざまな方法でダメージを与えたいと考えています。

何よりも明白な弱点が 1 つ見つかりました:スペル チャージです。



シラリム アルティメットには多くの特徴があります。それらの多くはあなたに答えを与えますが、それらの多くには、最初はそれほど目立たないかもしれない欠点があります.

あなたの最初の考えは最も明白かもしれません。私たちの問題を導火線として解決してくれるクリーチャーがここにいます。私たちの例では、サファイア カーバンクルは、余裕のある小さなセットアップの後でチャージを使用して私たちを止めます…すべてのクリーチャーで特性スロットを使用することを犠牲にして。

それは価値がありません。重複した特性がビルドに不可欠で無視できない場合を除き、一般的に重複する特性の量を減らしたいと考えています。 /P>


サファイアは機能しませんが、まだ手放したくありません。つまり、ダメージ ベースのキャスターを 1 人に制限する可能性があります。ゲームにはあらゆる種類の呪文があり、専用のダメージ ディーラーが 1 人いるのはまったく普通のことです。



多くの場合、役立つバフがチームに必要です。あなたの男に無料のキャストを与えるアルケインのようなもの。ここでゲームが教えてくれないのは、Arcane が有効なターンに実行されるすべてのキャストに実際に影響するということですが、これは後でテストするためのものです。 For now, our focus is on the effect itself and how we obtain it at minimal cost to our build’s available slots

Spells aren’t always not the answer, though. Spells like Drain Power or Living Necklace can help us mitigate our concerns, and since we’re using Aurum, they can just be a much needed, consisted piece of utility in our spell rotation. It’s ideal – we can set up our caster and the rest of our dudes can have Generous setups. There might be a better way to do this, but for now we have our answer.

Part 4:Zooming Back in

You’ve done it. You’ve solved your first problem. Your team is now stable and self-sustaining, at least in terms of its mechanical capability. This is the first major milestone for your team.

At this point, you want to do another pass over your team just to be sure. You’ve already got your first three creatures, and the rest will fall into place pretty easily. Your primary goal is to make a pass over the most important things you’ve learned over your journey to this point and either reinforce or mitigate, depending on its interaction with your build.

In this example, you want to run Aquamarine because those buffs will offer your team some extra utility, and Onyx carbuncle’s a neat little dude, because debuffs are just universally bad, and then…

God, then there’s Aurum, that glistening lad…

Setting yourself up for success

Now, for a moment, ignore that voice in the back of your head that’s telling you there’s more problems. The thing is, if this is your first build, you don’t know exactly what those problems are until you’ve tested the team a bit. Hell, even if this is your tenth build, you don’t have every point of perspective. You know what comes next, don’t you?

Play the game

For now, you want to fuse this first team up. Give it a little play around, see what it does, what makes it tick, and what it’s missing. Look for where it fails. This is the most important part:failing. A failure is not a bad mark on you, it’s a sign that you’ve taken the time to make a mistake and to learn. A transferable lesson, by the way.

For this first run of the draft team, you want to run it without realm instability. You have to accept that this team will not be good, and you have to see the flaws from the ground up. Run 10-20 realms depending on how many times you teamwipe.

In our example, one of the first things we’ll notice is that we can’t reliably start first… And that’s a problem. We need to be able to set up our Onyx Carbuncle to make us immune to debuffs, and even then, we need to be able to disable enemies in a significant enough way to stop us wiping!

Part 5:Utilising Common Strategies

It’s around this time you’ll want to refer to the Siralim Discord for help. Around this point you’ll want to dip into common strategies used by the community. Now, while this may not be an exhaustive list of strategies, here are a few examples:

Phase Knight helps us heavily mitigate sources of indirect damage by reducing it by 80%

Mimic’s trait lets one of our creatures start first every time, allowing is to set up our team on turn 1.

Ravens and Occultists give spellcasting teams healthy int scaling and stat-based utility, and are incredibly powerful if you can avoid the many ways the game can punish you for running a spellcasting build

Pegasus is useful on a tanky setup, or a setup that will make a creature cast on damage taken, by redirecting killing blows to itself. Consider setting this up with an Emerald Carbuncle in our example, and something that reduces incoming damage.

An Apis Defender with the Ethereal trait can be a potent alternative should you be able to lock enemies out of spells. All attacks are diverted to the Defender but they’re immune to the damage, at the cost of hitting the bottom of the timeline if he takes an actual hit.

Laughing Wisp with a Mimic can allow a guaranteed turn-1 spellcasting setup without having to worry about game-start Silences – something we’ll cover in a moment. Casting the first 5 non-ethereal spells on turn start is ridiculously funny.

Terror Wight with Unicorn Vivifier and a method of achieving multiple attacks is a solid way to have a tanky powerhouse heading your party. It’s also incredibly accessible early on, as these are some of the first creatures you meet!

Yetis are a steadfast, consistent source of crowd control. The only downside to Freeze is that it can be a little unreliable without backing it up with something like an Icemane Yeti

Maniacs have provoke-based suicide traits that can be used to proc Terror Wight stat boosts. Using a Glutinous Slime will allow you to share those boosts around, giving your entire team a much-needed stat scale!

Automatons on their own are capable of reducing enemy stats at turn start. Priests give you the stats instead!

Dolor Sin and Dryad Vindicator can set up a recursive enemy debuff and stat reduction combo by triggering each other with said effects (thanks for this one Sirc from the Siralim discord!)

Sins and Sanctuses are generally reliable sources of stat manipulation. For early forms of builds especially, it’s worth considering these!

Apis Majesty and Humanitus Sanctus as a combo raises the base statline of all of your other creatures by boosting its own stats and sacrificing its offensive power, and then sharing 15% of those stats with everyone else. For a setup that doesn’t sacrifice the offensive power of a sixth of your party, consider replacing Apis Majesty with Invidia Sin for a sudden powerhouse of a creature!

Amaranths are sturdy sources of defensive stats. Kolossi offer significant health-based boosts as well, which is an incredible defensive consideration where the Defence stat may fail you.

Transient Spectre and Decrepit Automaton are an absolute brutal combo:given a high base defence, this creature will lower enemies’ defence by 15% of its own and then on-defend will lower it by a further 30% of their own defence.

The Decay spellgem severely hampers enemies by removing their statboosting artifacts.

Mass Dispel can save you surprisingly well if your team doesn’t rely on buffs or debuffs – alternatively, Dispel can wipe everything on a single target, Absolute Corruption can turn buffs to debuffs, and Reverse Polarity can do the opposite. Very valuable gems to have.

Certain Bards add unique stat scaling to attacks – useful to help squeeze out a little extra out of a team that scales stats other than attack but still needs that backup!

Nature Shapeshifter gives you insurance versus the Confuse status effect by making self-attacks heal instead of harm.

As said before, this is not an exhaustive list.

Part 6:Refine, Recap, Experiment

By now it should hopefully be obvious what you need to do. You’ve been doing this over and over, and the process does not change much.

The primary change to how you want to do things now is mostly mathematical. You can do this without really paying much attention to the minutiae:as long as you have a vague idea of one number being bigger than another, and understanding what kind of stat boosts will trigger more often than others, you should be able to open up opportunities to close up weaknesses in your build.

For example, in our Carbuncle build, the primary issues we have are as follows:

  • Spell charges, which we consider ourselves solved with Arcane, but this doesn’t give us enough help past turn 1.
  • Turn-1 silence, which we have some of the pieces to fix, but we haven’t put them together yet.
  • Turn ordering, which we can solve by giving one of our creatures the means to set everyone else up.
  • We die fast.
  • Back to the drawing board, then.


We’ve spent a lot of time working on our spell charge problem, but this still isn’t fixed. That’s fine, though:iteration is important. That’s how a build gets fixed up.

We want to zoom out a little here. Giving everyone Arcane is not sustainable, and there’s no way we can just stop everyone spending spell charges. There is the option of using Drain Power and running the Evoker spec to avoid using too many charges at once, but in this instance, we don’t want to lock ourselves into a single spec.

The best option here is to have a dedicated, powerful caster fused with Sapphire Carbuncle, with the rest casting low-impact utility spells that can easily be managed by Drain Power.

Turning our attention to some of the niche applications of Relics, we have the option of using Triumvir to give Aurum a turn-1 Arcane buff, freeing up a creature trait and giving Aurum some extra intelligence scaling, which isn’t the worst thing in the world. Since he’s our setup boy, he can spam spells for free on turn 1, setting up Sapphire Carbuncle and Onyx Carbuncle on turn 1.

The turn-1 silence can be solved by giving Aurum a certain Wisp trait:the Laughing Wisp. Since Aurum only exists for his trait and his turn-1 setup, we don’t care that he’s getting slapped down to the bottom of the timeline every time someone sneezes on him, as long as he sets up Onyx Carbuncle so that our silence debuffs don’t matter any more. In other words:it’s entirely okay to sacrifice 1/6th of your team if it means the rest of your team can work better than that single part.

Because we only need one creature to set the rest up, our turn ordering is solved by a simple Mimic fuse on Aurum, but for any other team, refer to the codex. You’re looking for anything that can push you up on the timeline:speed is important here, but it’s not always accessible. You can’t just give everyone a Mimic trait, because that’s trait real estate lost. It’s here that you could fall back on a spell that shuffles the timeline order, because anything’s better than being last!

Alternatives to this for other builds include Manticore traits that make turn order based on attack instead, or setups that can cast things like Avalanche at the start of the game. It’s around this time you want to really play with dumb setups.

Survivability doesn’t just mean defence, and just because we’re dying fast doesn’t mean we’re out of the fight. We can use Vitja’s Surprise on a creature that has Flourish as its top slot to spam revival spells on-death, or perhaps Vitja’s Revenge for a more luck-based alternative that conserves spell charges. As long as you can figure out how to keep those spell charges up, you’re doing absolutely fine.

Alternatives to this involve traits that help scale defence early in the game, or lower the stats of enemies similarly quickly. Refer to the common setups section of the guide for things like this, or look for traits and spells that specifically synergise with your setup.


Check over every step you’ve done until now. Fail and fail again. Rewrite your team with some new ideas. Using the Assassinate missions you can relatively quickly farm trait materials that you need, so you should always be able to access the stuff you need given the right amount of time. Perfecting a team past the first couple of drafts is something that will take you a lot of in-game time. and there is nothing wrong with that.

Step 7:The Conclusion

By now you’ve definitely made a choice. Either this team is possible, or it isn’t. Heck, maybe the team doesn’t work but you find it so fun that it doesn’t matter.

What you need to understand is that this game is all about learning. You learn what works, what doesn’t work. You learn how to synergise. The entire main story is one big tutorial, introducing you to new mechanics, new trials, new things that you will have to watch out for throughout the game. Keep watching and keep learning.

Above all else, remember these 5 steps:

  • Fail.
  • Learn.
  • Build.
  • Iterate.
  • Repeat.