

Home Sweet Home Survive – スペクターとして始めるためのガイド

Spectre (Killer) を使い始めるための初心者向けガイド。対象となる視聴者は、敵対者としてプレーを始めたが、サバイバーいじめの標的になった人です。


こんにちは。ここでは凡庸なプレイヤーが、HSH:S でキラーとしての経験を始めるためのガイドを提供します。このガイドは、アーリー アクセス バージョン 用に作成されました。このゲームの性質上、ここに記載されている情報は、ゲームの将来のビルドでは古くなったり、無関係になったりする可能性があります。






  • 強さ – 2/4
  • 速度 – 3/4
  • スニーク – 3/4



Invisible Form は、スペクターとして最もよく使用されるツールの 1 つです。偵察、移動、狩猟の 3 つの主な用途があります。アクティブな特典と同様に、この能力は試合の最初の 60 秒間はクールダウンになります。


インビジブル フォームに入ることの最も強力な側面の 1 つは、このフォームにいる間に取得するオーラ リーディング プロパティです。インビジブル フォームに入ると、定期的にインビジブル フォーム内にいる間 (画面上の色の変化として視覚的に示されます)、すべての生存者の輪郭が表示されます。これは素晴らしいツールです。すべての生存者の位置を把握し、次の狩りで誰をターゲットにするかを正確に特定できるからです。


Invisible Form は、現在狩りをしていないときにマップ内を移動するための素晴らしいツールです。インビジブル フォームにいる間に得られる動きの増加は、サバイバーに圧力をかけ続けるための非常に価値のあるツールになります。生存者の近くにいる間は動きが減少しますが、この形態で生存者を追い越すことは、普通に通り過ぎようとするよりも速いです。


オーラの読み取りによる意識の向上と移動速度の向上により、インビジブル フォームはターゲットの選択とハントの開始の両方に非常に強力なツールとなります。生存者のシルエットを見ることで、マップ上のどこからでも殺したい生存者を特定できます。これにより、ターゲットの選択能力がゲームの他のどの部分よりも高くなります。 Further, by leaving invisible form just before a survivor enters your sneak radius, you can follow the uncloak with an attack for some quick damage to survivors, and initiating a hunt with that survivor. Do note, uncloaking provides nearby survivors a clear audio queue that gives them time to try to react to your uncloaking. Also, uncloaking with a survivor inside of your sneak radius causes you to go into an animation lock preventing you from using an action (including attacking).

How not to use Invisible Form

With only a couple of exceptions, Invisible Form should not be used during a hunt with a survivor. This is because Bloodseek is reset upon entering Invisible Form. Considering Bloodseek is how you will score hits on survivors, resetting it is less than ideal. As you play, you’ll learn when you should use this during a hunt.

Your Abilities and You:Immunity

Immunity is your defensive cooldown in HSH:S. The main purpose of this ability is to ignore stun effects of survivors. On a 20 second cooldown, this ability gives you 5 seconds of immunity to stuns. This can be useful in many circumstances:

  • A doorway contains a trap (indicated by white thread around the door frame)
  • Survivors are trying to stop you from hunting your preferred target
  • Survivors are trying to murder you.
  • When intending on destroying a locker a survivor jumped into.
  • When turning a sharp corner you expect a survivor to try to stun you at during a hunt. (Especially if you see their weapon sticking out from around the corner)

On a side note, more skilled survivors will attempt to bait out your Immunity by faking an attack on you in order to burn the cooldown, and then stun you after it fades. As you start off playing, let yourself be baited. As you get more experience with the game, then you can start trying to dodge highly telegraphed attacks instead of using immunity.

Your Abilities and You:Blood Portal (Belle)

Blood Portal, like Invisible Form, starts the match on cooldown for 60 seconds. This ability enables you to teleport to a random survivor. This incredible ability will not score you a hit, but it does escalates Belle’s ability to pressure survivors.

Useful times to use Blood Portal:

  • After killing a survivor
  • A survivor has locked you in a room or area using a sigil.
  • A survivor has used a powerful drop that does not have a good follow-up path
  • To initiate a hunt while Invisibility Form is on cooldown.
  • You have completely lost the survivor you were trying to hunt.

Advanced tip:Some Animation locks, including Blood Portal, grants the user invulnerability frames. This means you can use Blood Portal during a brawl in order to buy yourself time while your Immunity is on cooldown. This can be especially useful during an end-game brawl.

Your Abilities and You:Blood Trail (Belle)

The most powerful part of Belle is her passive perk Blood Trail. It turns this ever-present hunter into a ruthless predator. There are two parts of this ability, each are extremely beneficial for you as a Specter.

  • While in a hunt, you will see a red mist that lead to the closest survivor.
  • While in a hunt, you will gain Bloodseek at an accelerated rate compared to other Specters.

The first aspect of this perk allows you to keep track of survivors during hunts that successfully utilize Line of Sight to obstruct your view of their pathing. This is why it is extremely hard to lose a Belle that is chasing you, as she will always have a line drawing her towards your location.

However, the second part of this perk is what makes Belle terrifyingly powerful. Bloodseek is how you get hits on survivors. As you spend time in a hunt, Bloodseek gives you an increase in your movement speed. Bloodseek resets when you use an action (except missing with an attack). Belle’s Blood Trail increases the rate in which Bloodseek increases!!