

Bastide – 入門ガイド

このガイドは、村をうまく立ち上げ、特定のゲーム メカニクスの操作を理解して、少数の村人の村から 100 人の住民 (およびそれ以上) の都市に移行できるようにするためのヒントを提供することを目的としています。

スターター ガイド

Whats on Start


1.このゲームでは、フォレスター、鉱山、木造の小屋、牧草地、鍛冶場、仕立て屋の 6 つの建造物について考えます。


2. 6 人の村人が 2 つの家に分かれています:4/4 が住む木造の家と 2/3 が住む茅葺きの小屋です。

したがって、優先事項の 1 つは、新しい入植者を連れてきて植民地を拡大できるようにするために、新しい家を作ることであることは明らかです。


3.井戸があります。各井戸には 50 の水ユニットがあります。




4.また、80 個の石、60 個の木材、12 個の銅を収納できるオープン ストレージもあります。

オープン ストレージでは、木材、厚板、銅、鉄、石、化粧石などの原材料を保管できます。



あなたの倉庫には次のものが含まれています:45 種類のグローバル食品が含まれています:小麦 10 個、卵 3 個、牛乳 2 個、肉 20 個、ベリー 5 個、キノコ 5 個。

倉庫には、ティッシュ 5 個、生皮 15 個、薪 20 個、衣類 14 個、薬草 10 個、薬 3 個、道具 6 個、剣 4 個、防具 3 個も含まれています。


最初は、村人はすべて労働者のステータスを持っています (建設、石の収集、木の伐採などに利用できます)。その後、彼らは仕事を割り当てられます。その後、彼らは森の番人、羊飼い、パン屋、仕立て屋などになります。



  • フォレスター: 木材の生産が可能で、建設に 12 の木材が必要であり、生産するのに最大 2 人の従業員が必要です。従業員で構築
  • 私: 石、銅、鉄を生産でき、最大 3 人の労働者を必要とします。鉱山は即座に建設され、15 の木材と 5 の石が必要です。
  • 鍛冶屋: 彼は道具、刀、鎧を作っています (従業員 1 名)。鍛冶屋は労働者が建てる必要があり、費用は木材 15 個と石 10 個です。
  • テーラー: 夏服と暖かい服を生産することができます(あなたの人口が寒さに苦しむことなく冬を過ごすのに役立ちます).労働者によって建てられました。費用は木材 15 個と石 5 個です。
  • 木製キャビン: それは経済的で不快な宿泊施設です。労働者によって建てられました。丸太小屋の費用は 11 材木です。 2 人の住民が含まれています。
  • 牧草地: 構築に費用はかからず、すぐに構築されます。それを利用するには、労働者(ブリーダーになる)が必要です。生産された品種に応じて、食料と基本的な製品 (羊毛、卵、牛乳など) が得られます。


ヒント:最初のステップとして、人口 (新しい家) を増やし、十分な食料を生産するのに十分な構造 (畑と牧草地) を確保し、基本的な材料 (木、石、その後、銅と鉄)。




ヒント :新しい住民の到着を可能にするために、常に空の住居を用意する必要があります。

木造の小屋を建てる (コスト:木材 11)。この木製の小屋を他の小屋の近くに置き、倉庫の近くに置いてください。



カートの費用は 5 木材で、すぐに組み立てられます。非常に有益な投資です。

カートを使用すると、1 人の作業員が新しい家を建てるのに必要なすべての木材を積み込むことができます。作業員がオープン ストレージと建設現場の間を毎回 1 つの木材を運んで行き来する必要はありません。





構築に費用はかからず、すぐに構築されます (トレースしてからポータルを作成する必要があります)。 A pasture requires an employee (breeder).

Each type of pasture produces different foods and commodities:

Name – Product

  • Cow – Meat, Skin, Milk
  • Pigg – Meat, Skin
  • Sheep – Meat, Wool
  • Chicken – Meat, Egg

Tip:Start by creating a pasture for the cows and a pasture for the sheep, and send the breeder to capture the animals nearby.

To do this, look around you in your village, you will see sheep and cows, click on the animal then on the “capture” box.

Grazing cows will give you meat and milk, in addition to raw hides.

Grazing sheep will give you meat and wool.

Wool and raw hides will be needed (later) by the tailor:it is useful to have stock already before building the Tailor, so that it is operational as soon as it is built.

Your ranchers will go and capture cattle on your orders. The more cattle you have, the more that cattle reproduce. This allows you to quickly arrive at a full pasture paddock and a full paddock producing goods.

Create the 4 possible pastures, they are necessary and very useful.

Tip:Later, when you create a new pasture, send your breeder to look for animals nearby AND ship animals from your pastures that are full.

For example:you are creating a new cow pasture. Your breeder can go and capture animals. And from your first cow pasture, you can ship animals to that new pasture.

This gradually allows you to fill your 2 pastures.

2. Farmhouse

Farms are built without any construction costs. Each farm (or field) requires 3 workers.

There are different types of crops:

  • Cereals that produce wheat
  • Cabbage that produces cabbage
  • Pumpkins that produce pumpkins
  • Onions that produce onions
  • Cotton which produces linen (which will be used to make fabric and therefore clothes for the tailor and shoes for the shoemaker).

Tip:The first field to build is a grain field with 2 farmers. The wheat field is used to harvest food, and later this wheat will be used by the mills to make flour, and by the bakers who use the flour to make bread.

Grain, meat and milk are brought to the warehouse by the employees. And it is therefore in the warehouse that your population will find its food.

Tip:Make sure you have multiple warehouses as your village grows to prevent workers in fields, farms, etc. from spending too much time bringing production to the warehouse instead of producing. The more they have to walk to get to a warehouse, the less time they spend producing.

Likewise, your inhabitants will collect their food from the warehouse:make sure that they do not have to walk too much.

Managing your warehouses and their location is therefore really essential.

At this stage, you therefore have:

  • 2 farmers (cereal field).
  • 2 breeders (cow and sheep).
  • 2 workers (who are building your first wooden cabin.

Additional Explanations About Food

You can also build orchards:they produce pears. The orchard needs an employee.

At the start of the game, it is important to produce food. Each inhabitant consumes units of food.

Each type of food (pear, grain, meat, mushroom, etc.) gives the same number of food units to your inhabitants.

If you want, you can only feed your people with pumpkins…

…except that your population will have a health problem. The richer the food, the less likely your population is to die from disease or suffer the vagaries of the cold.

So, if a unit of food is the same regardless of the food consumed to satisfy hunger, the food you provide to your people will influence their health and happiness.

It’s like in real life:a rich diet produces a healthy population.

Some foods are richer than others, and some foods influence the happiness of your population more than others.

Cheese, meat, etc. ensure good health.

Bread, beer, etc. ensure better happiness.

This point is very important.

And at the Same Time, Build a Forester

At this stage, you therefore have:2 farmers (cereal field), 2 breeders (cow and sheep), 2 workers (who are building your first wooden cabin.

As soon as that first log cabin is built, start building a Forester.

A basic resource that you will always need is wood. The forester allows you to produce wood (by cutting trees in his area, and by regularly replanting trees).

The forester needs 2 employees.

Tip:place an open storage near your forester. This way the 2 loggers will spend less time transporting the logs and they will produce a lot more.

If your open storage is far away, loggers will bring their harvest log by log to this storage, which means they will produce little, because they will spend a lot of time transporting.

And After That?

It all depends on your style of play and the development you want.

You have the basics to get started without a hitch.

It is advisable to build a tailor (who will produce clothes, especially warm clothes) and a blacksmith (who will produce tools).

These 2 steps are absolutely necessary.

Building a tailor is also building a tannery (to process raw hides). All of this requires wood (hence the Forester).

Building a blacksmith requires having wood, metals and stone, in order for him to be able to produce, and that means building a mine (maximum 3 miners).

The mine is built automatically, if you have the resources.

At the same time as these constructions, continue to always make sure you have new empty dwellings to accommodate new villagers.

And as your population increases, build pastures, fields and industries (mill, baker, etc).

Tip:The Gatherer and Herbalist are very helpful in ensuring the production of herbs, which will allow your doctors to produce medicine.

This point should not be overlooked.


You now have all the basics to discover this wonderful game.

And to be able to go through the first years without problem while seeing his village prosper with 90% happiness.

Don’t hesitate to build a graveyard when your population increases:the graveyard reduces the happiness drop caused by each death. It is built instantly, if you have the necessary number of stones.