

RimWorld – 決定版ドライアド ガイド


ドライアド タイプの究極のガイド




それらは、植物のための耕作可能な土地がなく、木のための砂がたくさんある極端な砂漠でのゲームなど、難しいゲームを可能にする高い可能性を秘めています.または、木が冬の間も生産を維持する低成長期のゾーンにあるものや、最北端のツンドラタイルなどの成長しないタイルでも.彼らは氷床で成長することができないままです。また、暗闇の中で菌類の砂利 (トンネラーミームでロック解除) に植えることもできます。



植物スキル 0 のポーンは、1 本の木に 4 つのドライアドを維持する、または 65% 以上の接続強度を維持するのに 1 日 7.5 時間かかります。接続強度を 5% 上回ると仮定すると、1 ドライアド:3.3 時間、2 ドライアド:4.8 時間、3 ドライアド:6.7 時間。プラント 10 では、わずか 5.8 時間しかかかりません。プラント 20 で最低 5 時間かかります。


より速く剪定できますか (つまり、より多くのドライアドを取得できますか?)

現在、剪定は植物のスキルによってのみ影響を受けます。木製の手と 50% のマニピュレーションを持つポーンは、2 つの野手を持つポーンと同じ速度で剪定します。植物のスキルを向上させる以外に、それらをより速くすることはできません.

ツリー コネクタの剪定速度

植物のスキル:100% を維持する時間。 0:6.5、10:4.6、20:3.6。これは剪定速度に対する 25% のボーナスであり、x%/hr とは関係ありません。ただし、剪定統計を見ると、1.25 倍の乗数がポーンに適用され、レベル 20 で 140% の剪定速度が得られますが、非ツリー コネクタは 112% です。

Combat Dryads:The Clawers and the Barkskins

これらの恐ろしいドライアドは、ツリーの接続されたポーンに従って戦い、動物と同じように戦います。パワーに関して言えば、Clawers は信じられないほど高いダメージを与え、7.44 の近接 DPS と驚くべき 80% の装甲貫通力を誇っています。これは、メカノイドを含む、ゲームがあなたに投げかけることができるほぼすべての敵の鎧を簡単に引き裂くのに十分です. Barkskins は 60% が鋭く、30% が鈍いという高い装甲ステータスを持っており、数発のショットを弾くのに役立ちます。クラウアーはバークスキンよりも著しく高速ですが、その差は 0.8 セル/秒にすぎません。

攻撃をそらしたり鈍らせたりできる唯一のポーンは、80% 以上のシャープ アーマーを与えるパワー アーマーを備えたポーンです。これには、粉々になった帝国のカタフラクト ソルジャーや、海兵隊や偵察用のパワー アーマーを着用する可能性がある荒々しいアウトランダー派閥のような、特に重装甲の産業技術の敵が含まれます。これらのポーンを殺すことはできますが、一貫して鎧を貫通することはできません。

実際の使用に関しては、他の動物と同様に、数字は常に役立ちます。複数のポーンに戦闘ドライアドのあるツリーを持たせることで、入植者が戦う必要がまったくなくなります。 4 人のクローワーのグループは、ゲーム序盤のレイドを排除できます。また、4:4 戦略を使用すると、12 人ほどの敵によるゲーム中盤のレイドをかなりの量防御できるはずです。多くのポーンを使ったレイト ゲームのレイドに対処するには、別のアプローチが必要ですが、ドライアドは近接ポーン アグロを取ることでマスターを守ることができます。ゲーム終了のレイド シーケンスは、ドライアドが完全に回復するには密度が高すぎるため、これらの重要なレイドで役立つように、またポーン防御として使用するのは控えめにします。



彼らは動物であり、入植者ではありません。入植者はそうではありませんが、それらは簡単に交換できます。ムカデに 4 つのクラウアー ドライアドを失っても、戦闘ポーンよりもダメージが少なくなります。


ドライアドには、繭の中で 3 日間回復するオプションがツリーに追加されました。彼らは失われた体の部分がすべて癒された状態で現れます。つまり、彼らは特に優れた大砲の飼料です.


ドライアドは生き物なので、他の生物と同じように死ぬ可能性があります。これが発生した場合、未熟なドライアドには 8 日間、繭をカーストに巻き込むにはさらに 6 日間かかると予想してください。すべてのドライアドが戦闘で死亡した場合 (可能性は低い)、新しいドライアドの完全なセットが完成するまでに 38 日かかります。最初のドライアドは常に丸 8 日かかるとは限らないため、実際の時間は異なる場合があることに注意してください。現実的には、ドライアドの約 75% は完全に殺されるのではなく倒されているため、再び歩けるようになるとすぐに回復することができます (これを行うには少なくとも 1% 移動する必要があることに注意してください。すべての脚を手動で殺して交換する必要があります)。



私の意見では、これらの人はバークスキンよりもはるかに優れています.彼らのダメージ出力は非常に高いため、通常はほとんどの敵のポーンをソロで倒すことができますが、1 体の敵に群がるほうがうまくいきます。良い戦略は、敵を攻撃し、ポーンを敵が入り込む場所の近くに置くことです。敵は同時に攻撃する可能性が高く、高速です。

ムカデを全滅させる 4 匹の爪。


私はまだ具体的な良い使い方を見つけていません。このゲームではアーマーはちょっと風変わりで、クラ​​ワーよりもわずかに少ないダメージしか受けません。それらを使用する唯一の理由は、それらがターゲットとの近接攻撃もできることです。私は、これらの人を使用して、遠距離のターゲットと交戦し、あなたの入植者に支援のために撃ってもらいます。ただし、この戦術でのフレンドリー ファイアは問題であり、ドライアドは敵ではなくフレンドリー ファイアで死亡します。彼らをあなたのポーンの近くにとどまらせて、あなたのポーンが射撃を続けることができるように、近接戦闘を行います.これは、多数の乱闘が突破し、タレットを破壊したり入植者を攻撃したりする場合に適しています。ポーンが安全に (3 タイル以内) 撃つことができる接触範囲で特に役立つ可能性があります。ポーンは近くにある必要があるため、このためにはポジショニングが非常に重要です。


バルバトスは、クラワーよりも約 35% 有効な HP を持つべきだと言いました。これは推測ですが、少なくとも数字を出してくれてありがとう。


どちらもフレンドリー ファイアが有効で、ボディ サイズが .65 であるため、通常のポーンよりもヒットしにくいです。近接 10 のポーンが 76% であるのに対し、近接ヒットの確率は 62% です。



おそらくスランボは最高の戦闘動物ですが、ワーグは入手するのがより合理的であるため、それらと比較します. 18 の部族に対するテストに基づいて、フラットな戦闘比較では、8 つのワーグは 4 つのバークスキンと 4 つのクローワーのそれに一致します。ワーグはより重傷を負いますが(完全な健康状態を回復することはできません)、ほとんどが生き残りますが、ドライアドは壊れやすいため死亡率が高くなります.私の意見では、彼らは予想される速度で再増殖し、手足を再生できるという事実により、ワーグ(およびハスキーのような他のオプション)を打ち負かしました.動物は繁殖し、出産し、訓練され、交換が必要な場合は成熟しなければなりません。仕事に関して:私の意見では、ドライアドが勝ちます。ほとんどの動物は、特定の食物、キブル、または干し草を必要とします。必要な量を見つけるのはかなり難しく、食べ物が多すぎたり足りなかったりすることがよくあります。また、いくつかの動物用のペンと、十分なスキルを持つトレーナーも必要です。そのため、何時間も戦闘力と比較する方法を計算することはできませんが、ドライアドの方が持ちやすいと言えます。


確かに、ツリーが占めるスペースの量、ドライアドのパワー、ポーンがそれらを維持するのにかかる時間は、非常によく一致します。ガウランレンの種を手に入れることができれば確実に入手できますが、動物の場合は運に左右されます (オスとメスを地図上に表示するか、貿易キャラバンで入手できます)。


これらのかわいい仲間は木の周りを歩き回り、2 日ごとに 32 個の果実を実らせます。


それぞれが 2 日ごとに 32 個のベリーを生産します。 4 つのドライアドの完全なツリーでは、2 日ごとに 128 ベリーになります。これは、四分円あたり 960 ベリー、年間 3840 ベリーです。


ポーンは基本統計で 1 日 1.6 の栄養を必要とし、ベリーは 0.05 の栄養を持っています。調理する方法がない場合に生のベリーを食べると、ドライアドが 4 つある木は正確に 2 つのポーンを養うことができます。料理ができる場合、それは 2 日ごとに 12.8 回の簡単な食事であり、これは 3.6 個のポーンに十分です。


あなたのポーンが人間の食べ物をまくのを好まない場合 (牧場主)、これによる気分のペナルティを受けません。ただし、肉以外を食べると罰せられます。


多くの場合:いいえ、いくつかの特定の状況では:はい。まず、一年中安定して生産するので、枯れ病や冬季、停電(水耕栽培)の心配がありません。そのため、生育期が短いタイルを使用している場合、冬の間もいくつかのポーンを維持できます。これは、食品を冷蔵したり、ペミカンを作ることができない場合 (イデオロギーや動物の不足による肉の制限) に特に役立ちます。


Woodmakers produce 25 wood every 2 days

How much wood?

Each Dryad produces 25 wood every two days, so with 4 dryads thats 100 wood every two days. That’s 750 wood in a quadrum and 3000 in a year.

If you like to make chemfuel, that is 50 chemfuel every 2 days, enough for about 5.6 chem generators (5833 W). Woodfired generators are horribly innefficient, but think like 2 generators.

For Tribals, thats enough for 5 campfires or 5 passive coolers.

Why choose these when I can cut down trees?

Harvesting non-sowed trees requires pawns to travel, cut, and carry wood back. This isn’t streamlined with pawn behavior, so it takes them a while if there aren’t trees very close. Harvesting sowed trees takes a lot of space and they take a lot of work to plant. A single tree yields ~.73-.93 wood per day on a constant grow schedule. They are also hard to grow at maximum efficiency.
Beliefs matter (heh wanted to say that)!

If you have a tree connection ideology and particularly with the tree cutting precept, your colonists will quickly rack up bad moods (at most -10 if a lot of trees are cut). Woodmakers don’t give that guilt, and additionally the gauranlen tree will make them happy if they see it, more than a normal tree can (+10 mood bonus compared to +6 for rich forest).

Could they make me money?

If you’ve got better ways to make money, then no. Wood is worth $1.2 each, and most settlements will buy it, but it is very heavy and not easy to transport. Selling with a bad social pawn, you get 0.6 of their value when selling, so they sell for at least $0.72 per wood, or $36 a day. For easier transport, chemfuel takes more work and power, but weighs 1/16 as much as the equivalent wood. It’s worth $2.3, sells for $1.38 and will make you $34.5 a day and also sells to most settlements. Not the most fantastic rates, but they can over time allow you to buy things. With a Trade price improvement of 15% (social 10), you will get $41.4/$39.68 a day. With T.P.I of 30% (social 20), you will get $46.8/$44.85 a day.

Are they worth it?

No if you are running a normal colony, yes if you have tree connection or no trees on the map to harvest that you need to.


Carriers will haul stuff

Hauler dryads directly can help hauling things and replace a job that is usually done by colonists. They move at 2.4 cells/second compared to a human moving 4.6 c/s. They can carry 50 items of a stack compared to a human’s 75. At face value, 4 carriers can haul 1.39x as much stuff as a human can in the same time frame.

Dogs can haul, why these?

In my experience, animals with the hauling training rarely actually haul stuff. They get sort of “inspirations” to haul stuff a couple of times a day, basically wandering around uselessly for 1/3rd the time. Carriers will carry until they get sleepy, which is about the same amount of time as human pawn. They don’t need to eat or have their training maintained by a pawn, while normal animals do, and often have specific food requirements that can be hard to fulfill in certain situations.

The colonist that prunes the tree can haul, why even bother?

As said, they haul all day at 1.4x the efficiency of a normal pawn that will prune it for 5-7.5 hours. That leaves plenty of time for your pawn to do things other than haul. They also don’t get mood penalties for seeing corpses, so they can clean up a battle without your favorite hauler destroying your components because they saw 5 too many corpses (note:there’s an ideology precept that removes this). Also, if you have colonists that are dumb and try to haul things from outside the safe zone during a raid, these guys are better to lose than a colonist.

Are they worth it?

If you don’t like seeing your colonists haul stuff, yes. I personally hate seeing my pawns travel across the map to pick up 1 steel when they could be researching. If you have enough* hauling animals that you can maintain, then no. If you prefer your pawns to haul rather than the tree and dryads, no.


Medicinemakers make 3 herbal medicine every 2 days.

My opinion on these right now

They are really useless in pretty much every situation. Healroot takes 13 days to grow, and even a small area on 70% soil growing in 18.5 days, you’d only need 111 tiles of grow zone and a decent plants colonist to match the rate. In actuality there is no need for the amount of herbal medicine they produce.

My hopes for changes

Some advantage over herbal medicine, I personally think they could give neutroamine in small amounts could be cool. Neutroamine is synthetic however, which conflicts with the concept of dryads, so we probably wont see that. Instead I think they should give better medicine, an inbetween for herbal and industrial. Possibly have a chance based system to get better medicine. They could also make some sort of medicinal related natural product, like an insect jelly equivalent or an item that can slowly heal a pawn’s injury with a plant-like replacement (that might be a little far from vanilla). They could also give ambrosia, which seems pretty plausible.

Could you make money with these?

They have the exact same money production rate as woodmakers, so see there. Beyond that they are at a significant disadvantage, since settlements won’t buy it, and most wandering traders won’t buy it. Don’t consider making industrial meds with them for money. Really bad exchange rate there.

How could they be used?

If you don’t want the hassle of growing healroot, a pawn can take care of 1 medicinemaker dryad in 3.3 hours, and satisfy your medicine needs.

How much medicine?

4 medicine every 2 days with 4 dryads will give you 16 herbal medicine every 2 days. That’s 120 a quadrum and 480 a year.

Are they worth it?

No in almost every situation. The expection is if you are unable to grow any healroot for some reason (no grow season).


Three gaumakers will enter a pod to make new gauranlen seeds

In the photo, three gaumakers have entered the gaumaker pod while a fourth wanders around.

Is this better than waiting for the event?

It is more reliable so yes. If you have a ritual that gives them as rewards, that may be enough for your needs, if not, still yes. It also adds on to how many you can get. According to 1.3.3072 patch notes, you get a sprout roughly every 60 days without tree connectors, and every thirty days with tree connectors. You only need one tree connector for the rate, but having multiple ideoligions are annoying imo.

What do I need for them?

The tree’s connected pawn must be in a tree believer ideoligion. There also must be a viable spot for the gaumaker pod. This can be any tile 2-3 cells from the tree with 70% fertility or higher (not sand). it also appears the tile must not have gauranlen moss, which you can cut by putting a grow zone on a target tile, after which the pawn will try to plant, just delete the zone before they do and a gaumaker pod should spawn there. Additionally, you must keep tree connection above 50%, otherwise one of the dryads (even in the pod) will return to the tree. A pod won’t appear if below 50%, this is noted in game.

Gaumakers and their pod in a fungal gravel cave.

Great, how many seeds will they make?

At maximum efficiency, they make a seed every 24 days. This requires having 4 dryad slots so that another one can start spawning while the pod matures (technically it starts spawning anyways, but that is unreliable imo). The pod will mature and make more space for dryads well before the first dryad spawns. The first seed will take 34 days from planting the tree, since the dryads will have to all spawn and mature (3 dryads=24 days, plus 6 for the last one to get it’s caste, plus another 4 for the pod to mature).

Are they worth it?

This is 100% up to you. If a new tree every year (1/2 year with tree connectors) is enough for you then there isn’t really a need. If you are like me and want these trees everywhere regardless (they are pretty and there is a use for that), then you probably need extra seeds.

Gauranlen Trees in Specific and Dryads in Abstract

How much space do they take?

A single tree takes a 7*7 circle of no buildings (buildings impede their connection), which is effectively 193 tiles. Note that they aren’t affected by smoothed stone or natural walls, and there are several other ways to reduce the space they take. They can be place no closer than 5 tiles from another tree, and no closer than 1 tile to a grow zone.

Placing them exclusively in a field of gauranlen trees, the trees take 25 tiles(in the middle), the buildings still count so the trees closest to your base will take more space.

Placing them in a grow field, they only take 9 tiles.

Example of a large, efficient field with 25 gauranlen trees, walls placed as close to the trees as possible without affecting connection.


Gauranlen trees have a beauty of 6 and the moss has a beauty of 9. Using them in outdoor rooms can be a good way to increase beauty, and make your colonists happier.

Gauranlen moss, whats that?

Gaurenlen moss spawns around the tree after a connection is made. It enters normal cycles of death and regrowth so don’t expect it to be there 100% of the time. It grows on any tile the tree can, which excludes any tile with under 5 fertility (aka it can’t stack with a pretty floor). It spreads fire but won’t be destroyed by fire.

Can I put my gauranlen trees in grow zones?

Yes, gauranlen trees can be put in grow zones. Note that pawns will cut trees down that interfere with planting, s the grow zone must be vacant 1 tile away from the tree in every direction, just plant cut and shrink the zone in a 3*3 square where you want the tree, then place it in the center.

Unconnected trees

As stated before, they can be used for meat farming. Otherwise they have a base beauty of 6 and can be placed next to walls as long as there is no ceiling.

0% connection strength

Setting the connection strength to be maintained at 0% will cause your pawn to never prune it, but will enable the moss to grow, as well as satisfy a gauranlen connection need, since pawns may want one (and get a small mood debuff) but can’t care for one/you don’t want them to. I will personally be using this to make pretty outdoor rooms, where the connection strength debuff caused by buildings doesn’t matter.

Fire blockades

Only tame dryads will firefight for their trees, they do this in a range of 9 tiles from the tree.

Example of an area protected by dryads

As shown in the photo, they put out fires on any plants, so you can use them to prevent fires in your grow zones.

Note that dryads are flammable and can take damage, which isn’t much of a problem as long as they can pod up.

They don’t extinguish fires on pawns.

Meat farming

While incredibly innefficient, an unconnected tree will spawn up to 2 immature dryads every 16 days, which is 8 meat. Using a grove of these somewhere that you don’t intend to connect pawns to can be a reliable way to get meat through hunting the dryads. Don’t do this with a connected tree, since a connected tree needs pawn maintenance to spawn dryads.

Tips and Interesting Facts

  • The gauranlen trees have very few requirements, here are some examples.
  • They can be planted on sand (not soft sand though).
  • They can also, interestingly enough, be placed in hydroponics basins despite being a tree.

This is pretty much useless though, since the basin will automatically incur the building penalty.

For optimizing gaumakers

Have cycles in mind for them. For the first 2 dryads of the cycle, they can be a production dryad (can’t recommend combat since they might die which would be problematic) and give you a good amount of stuff. When the third dryad emerges, switch the dryad type back to gaumaker. Then, once again, after the pod is harvested, set the caste as not gaumaker and repeat every cycle. This is pretty easy to do unless you really don’t care. Only two instances of changing the caste at two easily timeable points. You have 2 day and 4 day cushions on the respective end of the cycle. This will give you 10 days of production, or 5 production sets. That’s 125 wood, 15 medicine, or 160 berries. Not much, but could supply your needs for each.

Healing dryads

The trick of switching the castes of dryads to remove hediffs works on all dryad types, it just would cut into production rates due to the time they spend cocooned,

Preparing for liftoff

Since liftoff usually takes a lot of time out of your colonist’s day, you can designated the pawns to not prune to tree. They will take ~4 days to deteriorate from 100% to 75% (and you’d lose 1 dryad). Alternatively if you can keep at least a couple of hours for pruning in their day, they should fall slow enough to maintain 4 dryads for the 14 day countdown. If a dryad dies, just set the maintain goal as something lower.

Liftoff tip 2

Except for carrier dryads(for previous reasons), set all the dryads to combat castes. This should give you a nice backup of troops.

Super Dryads

Dryads can get the same drug benefits as all other animals. Go juice will increse a clawer to 9.67 dps and 6 c/s, faster than most things. Luciferium (for those particularly crazy people) will increase them to 8.52 dps and 4.4 c/s. Both of them together give 10.03 DPS and 6.4 c/s. Additionally they increase the hit chance. Both dissappear as hediffs after changing castes, including luciferium need (they don’t get debuffs while cocooned). Must be administered through the health tab, if needed on field, any pawn capable of medical can do it, just set a sleep zone, assign it to the dryad, and administer the drug(s).

Circadian half cycler/wakeup

SInce both of these replace the need for sleep, a pawn with one can continue pruning all day long and thus maintain more trees. They will also get a lot of xp, and should be able to maintain 2-3 (4 is dangerous) steadily at 100%, while also fitting in eating and recreation. The half cycler reduces consciousness, but due to how pruning works, this will only make them slow going to recreation or eat. They will always prune the same speed.

General Changes Since 1.3 Release

Improvements to dryads:

  • They prioritize following drafted pawns over resting (important for combat).
  • If connection strength drops a level, incorrectly casted dryads will return before fully cast ones. (you won’t lose a mature one if there is an immature one in a cocoon)
  • “Suspend dryads currently in cocoons” idk what this one does.
  • Berrymakers updated to make 40 berries instead of 32
  • Medicinemakers make 4 medicine instead of 3.
  • Dryads no longer get diseases.
  • Gaumakers can form gaumaker pods on sand.
  • Dryads can manually be made to enter a healing cocoon for 3 days and emerge with no hediffs (lost limbs etc).
  • Dryads now only rest near their trees and ignore sleeping spots/animal beds.

Improvements to Gauranlen pods:

  • Non tree connector ideoligions now get pod sprouts ~once a year.
  • Tree connector ideoligions get pod sprouts ~twice a year.
  • Tree connectors get their first pod sooner (within days of starting, no waiting 2 quadrums for first seed.).

Improvements to Gauranlen trees:

  • They heal slowly over time.
  • Connection ritual quality gives 25-45% starting connection strength.
  • Pruning speed is now affected by Tree Connection ideoligion:25% faster (updated speeds in pruning).
  • The trees cannot be designated to plant under a roof (I will update this in related sections.)

Ideoligion Interaction/Uses

Tree connection nature primacy and tree connection memes

This will give you more gauranlen pod sprouts, as well as as a ritual reward. The woodmakers help with not cutting down trees. The trees are beautiful to look at and give +10 mood, +12 if there’s a couple. Garaunlen connection precept gives +3 to pawns with a connection (and a -0 to -6 without depending on expectations), if you can afford it, give all pawns a connection, even if its to a 0% connection tree for moss. Pawns in this ideoligion get a 25% increase to Pruning speed (not linear with pruning time), see “gauranlen trees as a whole” for exact numbers.


Trees can no longer be planted under roofs, including overhead mountain, sadge.

Rough Living

Rough living is a precept that accompanies tree connection(therefore you must have it when having the meme tree connection).

Rough livers are fine sleeping outside and on the ground. Could be useful for outdoor rooms beauty. Including bedrooms, cafeterias, rec rooms, etc. Keep in mind room size if you want to prune the tree for dryads. Additionally this means they are fine with a wider range of temperatures, meaning having a large outdoor barracks on sleeping spots located on top of gauranlen moss would be fairly helpful, since it forces pawns to see the trees and get the +12 saw amazing trees mood. Great for the majority of the year when they aren’t getting scorched or frozen alive. Also means you don’t need to use as much wood for campfires or passive coolers.