Wartales – 決定的な初心者ガイド
新しい会社を始める [スタートアップ]
ハローワールド! [ゲームの最初のビュー]
各ポイント / HUD ボタンに印を付けて、以下に説明します:
- 名簿:ここでは、すべての男と女をチェックできます。もちろんポニーも。
- レベルアップ:十分な数の仲間を倒すと、経験を積んでレベルアップします!十分に蓄積した場合 (ポイント 8 を参照)、あなたの男は次のレベルに進み、追加の属性とスキルを獲得できます。
- あなたの男の名前、実際には「元従業員の相続人」のようなクールなニックネームを追加できます!
- あなたのクラス:あなたには非常に多くのクラスがあり、それぞれに独自のスキル ツリーと能力があります。すべてのクラスを理解するにはまだ十分に進んでいませんが、これまでにわかったこと:
- 職業:ハッキング % スラッシュのほかに、仲間に職業を学ばせることもできます!自分だけの破壊兵器を作ってちっぽけな盗賊に試してみるのがこれ以上楽しいことはありません。さらに良いです。すべての職業は、鍛冶屋としての追加の強みや、いじくり屋であることによる追加のクリティカルチャンスなどの属性ボーナスを与えるので、これらの追加ボーナスから利益を得るために、仲間に職業を与えるようにしてください.これまでに見つけた職業は次のとおりです:
- 防御:もちろん、あなたの仲間は死ぬ可能性があります。ここでは、鎧の耐久性の合計 (灰色のバー)、ヘルス (赤いバー)、ガード (パーセンテージ付きの木製の盾) を確認できます。耐久力がなくなった場合は、ヒットポイントが削られ、すべてを失うと死ぬことに注意してください :-)。シールドや特定のスキルを着用することで、実際にパーセンテージで表示された量だけダメージを軽減するガードを取得できます。背中を刺されると、ガード ボーナスが半減することに注意してください!
- 怪我とステータス:コンパニオンが戦闘中に死にそうになった場合、彼らはおそらく怪我や精神的な問題を抱えて去ります。このセクションでは、キャラクターのパフォーマンスへの影響とともに「ボーナス」が表示されます。
- 経験の進行状況バー:経験を得る方法は他にないため、経験を得るために人を殺し続けます 🙂
- 装備:かっこいいものを身につけてください。裸で歩き回らないように注意してください。そうしないと、オオカミなどに遭遇したときに非常に短い旅になります。
- 属性:クールな統計!緑色のものは、実際には機器によってバフされています。つまり、剣を身につけると実際に強くなります!
- スキル:基本的なスキルです。最初のスキルは、持っている武器に基づいているため、剣を身に着けて人を斬ることができます!ただし、2番目のスキルは、キャラクターとクラスに基づいており、ユニットごとに異なります.新入社員を探すときは、必ずこのスキルを調べて、あなたが考えている役割に合っているかどうかを確認してください。
- 特性:もう 1 つのキャラクター ベースのメカニクスです。これらはランダムに生成され、特定のボーナスや負の効果を与える可能性があります。繰り返しますが、兄弟の特徴をチェックして、それが彼らの役割に影響するかどうかを確認してください
初めての戦い! [戦闘]
いやいや!フードラムと密猟者に襲われたところです。4 人の戦闘で鍛えられたブルーザーを捕まえることができるという大きな期待を持っています…潰す時間です。
Wartales では戦闘はターン ベースであり、これまでのところ、誰がラウンドで最初に行動するかを決定するメカニズムに気づいていません。以下は、戦闘の最初のラウンドのスクリーンショットです:
Theod とちっぽけな盗賊の両方の頭の上にクロス ソードのアイコンがあることがわかります。これは、彼らが戦闘に従事しており、互いに攻撃することだけを強いられていることを意味します。とても素敵な絆です。
短い戦いの後、何人かのちっぽけな盗賊を斧で大地の低地にまでサイズ変更し、勝利を収めて、戦利品を獲得しました (そうです、体も戦利品です!
As you can see, we are rewarded with not just loot but also experience, influence and some of our boys armor got smashed which needs repair. You can have them directly repaired by using tools found in our inventory or by visiting a local blacksmith and have your gear repaired by him. Since tools cost 5 crowns each and a smith is actually cheaper, i would suggest to use your tools only if you are far away from town.
If during battle, for some reason you managed to get one of your boys actually getting wounded (a red sign under his or hers portrait) enough to have an injury, you can use medicine potions to cure all of your injuries. So a broken leg can be easily cured by simply drinking a potion (such innovations in that era!).
After looting everything, we move on and hope to find a nearby village to look for some work and refreshing up.
Moving Up North [Location Interactions]
After killing the bandits, we moved up north and we came across a stable! note that we actually acquired some wisdom points by doing so so yay exploring!
You can enter locations like this and take a peek inside and either talk to the inhabitants or see if there is any loot to ‘borrow without asking’:
If we want, we could buy extra horses here and after talking to the stablemaster, he’ll give us free horseshoes if we buy a horse right now (or just rob him blind and kill him if he get’s mad or whatever)!
For now we don’t need any extra pack-horses so we just leave and wish them a pleasant non-bandit visiting day.
Visiting Stromkapp [Village Interactions]
We found our first village and by doing so, we should check out each building for discovering new stuff which we can make use of:
<オール>Visiting Stromkapp [The Blacksmith]
Visiting the blacksmith:
At the blacksmith you can have your broken gear repaired or forge new gear yourself! You can also trade with the blacksmith, he usually have some crafting materials for sale which you can use if you’re gonna make stuff by yourself. (again, you can rob him blind but for now, lets stick to the good side since we are no match for the armed town guards i guess.
As you can see, the tools are highlighted green, this means they have a temporarily price reduction! best time to buy some since they are actually discounted by a whopping 20% (it still just 1 Krown per tool but being a Dutch guy, every discount make me go wauw).
There is also a forge we can use so lets do so and after selecting it, we discovered a new profession:Blacksmith! (who knew?):
Since being a blacksmith gives a +1 strength bonus, lets make our trusty old boy Theod a blacksmith. Actually since all of our boys and girls are melee strength based oriented, we can make them all a blacksmith for now since you can always swap out professions. Note that when choosing a new profession since you already have one, you will lose all progress with your initial profession.
At the crafting menu, you can see all types of gear you can craft if you have all materials needed. You can learn new recipes by spending wisdom points and perhaps by certain events. For now its a joke what we can craft but practice makes perfect and eventually you can make legendary gear to demolish any joker who made fun of the simple rags you made during your first days as a smith.
Visiting Stromkapp [The Townhall]
Let’s check out the biggest building in the village, the Townhall.
Not much going on here, you can talk to the governess to gain a bit of info on what’s going on in the region and how you can do anything about it… or not. We will probably have to get back here sometime, time will tell!
Visiting Stromkapp [The Market]
The market is exactly as you expect it to be, quite some different merchants hanging around, selling food, crafting materials and trade goods but also some beggars hanging around, hoping some good chap would toss a coin it’s way.
It’s the perfect place to stock up some food since our company marches on it’s stomach and without it, we’ll be eating dust without ever getting up again.
Also, we found this poor beggar Renard and for a little fee he will polish our armor! I felt generous so decided to toss a few coins to him, poor sod could use some to get some cloths he can polish for his own.
Bastard robbed us! Should we ever find him, he’s gonna be in a world of hurt.
Visiting Stromkapp [The Inn]
Best place to be in town, the Inn!
Here you can buy special food like pies and stuff which gives nice bonuses such as reduced fatique build up until the next time you rest! And speaking of resting, you can also rent some beds here for a proper night’s sleep but this will cost you of course but it also replenishes more valour points so it might be worth it sometimes. An inn wouldn’t be a Inn without selling beer so you should buy some since you can use it during camp to improve the happiness of your boys!
Besides the inkeeper, there a lot of other interesting individuals and the one sitting close to the inkeeper on the table is the informant.
This guy can sell you pieces of information which lead to unique quest in the region which are actually the ones which will progress the region story. You’ll have to spend influence to do so but it’s not mandatory to buy them since you can also just find them on your own.
On the other side of the room, next to the bounty board, there is an Emissary hanging around looking for mercenaries to do some good old fashioned bounty hunting.
Here you can check out some bounties for you to take on and earn some money by doing ‘honest’ work. Note that each bounty states a difficulty and also shows a small compass showing where you would have to go so try to get multiple who are in the same direction and are not too difficult, unless you are over-confident you can take on the more difficult ones.
The bounties are randomly generated so you can keep on doing them for a while since every day, new ones are added. For now we pick the easiest one. Apperently some guy named Borric formed up a squad and messed with the wrong guy so they will meet their demise in chapter 7.
All other individuals are actually swords for hire, meaning they are potential new recruits for your company! Not sure yet what the maximum amount of companions is but should you loose some, you can go over here and recruit some new fodder recruits.
Note that you will also have to spent influence in order to recruit new soldiers and the higher level they are, the more they will cost and their wages will be. Be sure to check out their class and see if they have nice traits which could actually boost their potential. We don’t want to spend our money and influence on people who actually should be giving us money for their puniness!
Visiting Stromkapp [The Apothecary Clinic]
Next and final stop in Stromkapp is the Apothecary Clinic!
Here is your place to be for all your potions and alchemy stuff. Similar like the Blacksmith, you can also heal any injuries of your companions if you don’t have any medicine potions left or just buy some new ones. Besides the potions you can also buy new recipes to use in Alchemy!
Speaking of alchemy, there is also an alchemy table here on which one of your bro’s can learn the alchemy profession and craft potions themselves! Note that Alchemy gives Dexterity bonuses so it’s best to make a Dexterity based bro your alchemist.
Crafting potions require vials and herbs and the later can be found everywhere in the world, waiting for you to be harvested!
Going After Borric’s Squad [Chasing Our First Contract]
Now that we’ve geared up and supplied our troop, it’s time to continue our journey and earn some money by hopefully completing the bounty we took on earlier about some guy name Borric.