

Rain World – Ultimate Fighting Guide

これは、Rain の世界のすべての (危険な) 生き物と戦うためのガイドです。明らかに、それらはネタバレになるので、それを心に留めておいてください.




1 つの例外を除いて、トカゲはハゲワシの仮面を見ると退却しますが、すぐに変装を見破ります。そのマスクを通して見た後、同じマスクはサイクルの残りの間同じトカゲを怖がらせません.キングハゲタカのマスクは、彼らをより長く怖がらせます。


  • 緑色のトカゲは、最も一般的なトカゲです。ゲームの初期のほとんどのエリアでスポーンします。彼らは怠け者で、生き物をゆっくりと追いかけ、時には獲物を一斉に無視することもあります。彼らはかなりの体力を持っていますが、これはポールを登ることができないことで相殺され、移動はトンネルに依存しています。
  • 戦闘では、飛び越えるのはとても簡単です。彼らはあまり頻繁に口を開けないので、口のショットはあまり一貫していません。そのため、背中を繰り返し刺し、スタンから回復したらバックアップすることをお勧めします.約5〜7本の槍で殺します。一口ごとに 1/2 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます。


  • ピンク色のトカゲはゲームのほとんどの地域に出現し、緑ほど一般的ではありませんが、確かにそこにあります.健康状態はかなり劣りますが、棒を登ることができます。
  • これらのトカゲは緑のトカゲよりも攻撃的であるため、怠惰に飛び越えても安定しません。これらのトカゲの攻撃は予測可能であるため、マウス ショットは簡単に行うことができます。彼らがあなたの後ろに登っている場合は、飛び降りて途中でそれらを打つこともできます.槍2~3本で倒せます。一口ごとに 1/3 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます。


  • 青いトカゲはそれほど一般的ではありませんが、カジュアル ゲーム プレイでは一貫して見られます。彼らは健康面で弱く、同族に比べてサイズが小さいですが、バックグラウンドを登るという独自のテクニックを使用して、荷物の機動性を高めることができます.また、短くて粘着性のある舌を利用して、ターゲットを引き込もうとすることもできます。これにより、プレイヤーの手からアイテムを奪うこともできます。
  • 私の意見では、これらのトカゲは最も戦いやすいです。槍で運が良ければ、一撃で倒すことができます。彼らは通常、プレイヤーの上に登ってから、彼らの上に落ちようとしますので、それに注意してください.必要に応じて、がれきや槍で青いトカゲを背景からノックアウトし、舌を放すように強制します。槍1~2本で倒せます。一口ごとに 1/5 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます。


  • 白いトカゲはめったに見られませんが、いくつかの地域では非常に目立ちます。ブルートカゲに似ていますが、より大きく、より健康で、より速く、より長い舌を持っています.彼らはまた、背景にカモフラージュする能力を持っています。このため、獲物が来るまでじっとしていて、それから交戦する傾向があります.このカモフラージュは、大きなダメージを受けると半永久的に壊れます。カモフラージュは一度に 1 つの色にしか変えられないため、カモフラージュが不完全になります。
  • こいつらは♥♥♥です。対処するのはそれほど難しくありませんが、舌は青の舌よりもはるかに長いため、逃げるのが難しくなります.最も厄介なことに、彼らは待ち伏せの性質のために、ぎっしりポイントにとどまり、特定のエリアへのアクセスをブロックする傾向があります.白いトカゲがあなたを待ち伏せしようとしていないことを常に確認することが賢明です.これらの人もあなたの高さを維持しようとするので、彼らと同じ高さを保つようにしてください.槍2~3本で倒せます。一口ごとに 2/7 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます。


  • 黄色のトカゲは非常にまれで、3 つの地域にしか出現せず、通常は設定されたスポーン位置から移動しません。彼らは動きが単純で、かなり速く、棒を上に移動することができますが、ギミックは狩猟スタイルです.彼らは群れで狩りをし、頭のアンテナを使って、獲物がいる部屋にいる他のすべての黄色のトカゲと通信します。通常、最も長いアンテナを持つ黄色のトカゲである「アルファ」は、これらの通信のコントローラーです。アルファが殺されると、グループはコミュニケーション能力を失います。さらに、彼らのハゲタカ マスク「恐怖タイマー」は互いに接続されています。
  • 私の意見では、黄色のトカゲはかなり戦いやすいです。それが窮屈な場所である場合、彼らは逃げるすべての方法をブロックしようとするため、彼らと戦うのは難しいかもしれません.オープンでは、彼らは簡単に打ち負かすことができます。頻繁に口を開けているため、マウスショットは特に効果的です。そのような方法がなくても、2〜3槍で倒されます。一口ごとに 1/4 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます。


  • 黒いトカゲは、基本ゲームで最も珍しいトカゲです。ゲーム全体で 2 つの地域にのみ表示されます。彼らは動き、大きさ、健康状態が単純ですが、盲目でもあります。彼らは獲物を聞くことしかできませんが、敏感な聴覚でかなりうまくできます。獲物が聞こえると、ひげが点滅し、通常は調査に行きます。この不十分な狩猟方法のために、彼らは通常、狭く窮屈な場所にいるため、彼らを裏切ることはほとんどありません.
  • 黒いトカゲは特別なものではありません。口が開いていることが多く、攻撃パターンが予測できるため、マウス ショットが効果的ですが、岩と槍のコンボも非常に簡単に実行できます。注意すべきことの 1 つは、それらがその地域に複数ある場合に、それらを特定することです。繰り返しますが、これはすべてのトカゲに当てはまります。彼らは2〜4本の槍で倒れます。一口ごとに 5/14 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます (1/3 より少し高い)。

シアン トカゲ (ハンターのみ!)

  • シアン トカゲ、または私が好きなようにロケット トカゲと呼んでいるトカゲは、とても動きやすいです。彼らは平均的なサイズと健康を備えた高い基本速度を持ち、背景を登り、粘着性のある舌を使用する能力を備えています。さらに、尾を利用して、任意の方向に非常に速い速度で推進することができます。槍で攻撃すると、ランダムな方向に槍を放出するよりも、風船のように収縮して飛び回る可能性があります。
  • シアン トカゲは、ハンター モードでのみ出現するため、ゲームで対処する最初の「タフな」トカゲです。彼らの機動性は、ヒットすることも逃げることも非常に困難にします。戦闘では、通常、最初のジャンプ攻撃を避けてから、石/槍のコンボですばやく反撃します.彼らは2-3槍で死ぬでしょう。一口ごとに 1/3 の確率でプレイヤーを即死させます。

赤いトカゲ (ハンターのみ!)

  • 赤いトカゲ、または私の個人的なニックネームである「GET-AWAY-FROM-ME」トカゲは、Rain の世界がいかに不公平であるかを定義しています。彼らは非常に攻撃的で、非常に敏感で、めちゃくちゃ速く、ばかげたほどタフで、気絶しにくく、予測不可能です.背景を登ることはできませんが、非常に高いところまで到達できます。さらに、彼らは吐くメカニズムを利用して、一瞬止まって奇妙なボールを吐き出し、ヒットしたターゲットを遅くしてノックバックすることができます.これらのトカゲは非常に勇敢で、機会があればハゲワシにも挑戦し、通常は勝利します。クリティカルヘルスの場合に完全に退却する他のトカゲとは異なり、ヘルスが低い場合でもプレイヤーにスナップします.また、ハゲタカのマスクの影響も受けません。
  • これらのトカゲと戦わないでください。限目。お尻から爆発物が出てくる神プレイヤーでない限り、彼らの 1,000 移動速度テクニックに勝つことはできません。幸いなことに、それらはまれで、自然に 2 つの地域にしか現れません。絶対に避けてください。彼らは死ぬ前に(私の小さな経験から)7-10本の槍を取ることができます.噛むたびに必ずプレイヤーが殺されます。


ムカデは、雨の世界でよく見られるもう 1 つの捕食者です。彼らの狩猟スタイルは、さまざまなバリエーションがありますが、同じままです。彼らは爆発的に動き、背景にも登り、自分の両側をあなたに接続しようとします。成功すると、プレイヤーに衝撃を与えます。ショックの有効性は、ムカデの大きさによって異なり、小さな気絶から死までさまざまです。また、がれきで気絶することもありません。

注:この部分は wiki から直接抜粋したものです。私も知りませんでした) ムカデは動きに基づいた視覚を持っているため、静止している生物を見ることはほとんどありません。ムカデは両方の頭から見ることができ、移動中の視力もはるかに悪くなります。すべての種類のムカデも聞くことができますが、静止している場合のみです。


注:公式 wiki には 4 つのサイズがありますが、主要なものを 3 つに分類します。


  • 子供のムカデは、プレイヤーにとって何の脅威にもなりません。彼らが彼らに気付くと、彼らは実際にプレイヤーから退却します(ほとんどの場合)。拾った場合は、2 フード ピップで直接食べることができます。長時間保持して食べないままにしておくと、プレーヤーに短時間ショックを与えます。これを防ぐには、少量を食べて、問題なく持ち運ぶことができます。
  • 戦闘は不要です。


  • 小さなムカデは小さいですが、幼児ほど小さくはありません。彼らは幼児のムカデと同じように行動し、通常はプレイヤーを無視します。なんらかの理由で標的にされた場合、そのショックは死にませんが、短時間気絶します。
  • 赤ちゃんのように簡単に直接食べることはできませんが、食べるよりも槍 1 本で取り除くことができます。


  • 大きなムカデには、ナメクジより少し長いものから巨大なものまで、さまざまなサイズがあります。彼らのサイズは彼らの健康と食物のピップを調節します.クールなボーナスとして、水に衝撃を与えると、その電流が水を横切って移動し、水中の大小の敵をそれぞれ気絶させて殺します。
  • これらは、注意する必要があるものです。戦うときは、「狙撃」しないことが重要です。ムカデの中に槍を入れたままにしておくと、ムカデの反対側から故意に攻撃してしまい、槍を取り出せなくなります。 2本の槍を使用すると、スタンロックして倒すのに非常に効果的です。胞子パフも機能します。 1つが付着してトンネルを通過すると、出てすぐにショックを受けることに注意してください. depending on their size, they will go down in 4-15 spears.


  • Centiwings are only found in one region. They are similar to a small ‘large centipede’, with the added capability of flight. They are not that aggressive towards the player, ignoring them entirely more often than not.
  • If combat is necessary, They are easy to kill with 2-3 spears. their attack pattern is predictable, making killing one very easy.

Red centipedes (Hunter Only!)

  • Going from easy to impossible, Red centipedes are the centipede equivalent of the red lizard. They are extremely aggressive, not stopping when pursuing prey like other centipedes. They are also very quick and strong, closing the gap quickly when prey is spotted. Its body is larger than a max size large centipede and is covered in red armor plates. each armor plate will block a single spear and a stun from corresponding spear.
  • These guys are very, very scary. luckily, they are rare, only two appearing in hunter mode outside of lineage. For combat, it is best to snipe off the plates first while keeping your distance, then going for its fleshy body. This is assuming that, of course, you don’t have a spore puff. if one is used, it will weaken and kill it, but unlike most, it will take a long time before killing, so keep your distance. Avoid confrontation if possible. I’ma be honest. I’ve never killed one without a spore puff, so I don’t know how many spears it can take.
  • As a last minute note, red centipedes are the cause of one of the only soft locks in the game. if you hibernate with one for some reason, it will kill you every time upon awakening. the only way out of this soft lock is editing your save to a previous hibernation chamber or restarting.


Vultures are a surprisingly common threat throughout the game. normally, they are apex predators, striking fear into most other creatures.

Vultures have a mask that will block spear damage. they have a chance to be demasked with a hit right above the mask, always happening when the vulture in question is dead. once demasked, the vulture will become hyper aggressive against the player, chasing them across multiple cycles with little care for its own life until dead or until you chance regions. They will also be attacked by other vultures once demasked.


  • The normal vulture is seen throughout most ‘open roofed’ regions throughout the game. Their entrance is signaled by a large shadow and a specific theme. They will try to bite their prey and carry them off-screen to be ‘eaten’. due to their large bodies, they cannot enter pipes or tunnels. their bite will never insta-kill, always revealing a chance for escape with a panic spear. however, even if struck, they may not drop the player. If their mask if off, their bite will always insta-kill the player. It damaged enough, it will be unable to fly properly
  • Combat against a vulture is surprisingly easy, just annoying. If masked, they will retreat into the sky after 2 spear hits from the player, making it hard to burst them down. Hitting their wings will do heavily reduced damage, so aim for a body, or better yet, the neck/head. Try not to demask them unless dead or unless your not trying to kill them, as an insta-kill bite isn’t easy to fight. depending on where you hit them, 8-12 spears will take one out normally.

King vulture (Hunter Only)

  • The king vulture is the only other variation of vultures. they are harder, better, faster, and stronger than normal vultures, being larger and having more health. In addition, it had iconic harpoons next to its face with small lasers coming off them. because of these lasers, their entrance is easier to spot than a normal vultures. They will normally fly high above prey and try to snipe them with their harpoons. If it missed, It will dive down and attack like a normal vulture. after a moment, it will retrieve them and try to fire them again.
  • King vultures are common compared to other top tier predators. For combat, avoid the harpoons at all costs, as they will instantly kill the player. Once avoided, the fight becomes one with a normal vulture. when I fight one, I try to stay stop of it at all times, at it wont fire the harpoons if you are too close. It has significantly more health than a normal vulture, taking 12-15 spears to take out if hit normally.


Spiders generally appear in dark regions/areas. while they can ‘hunt’ individually, they can also hunt together instead of fighting over prey. Typically, they will avoid areas with light


  • Coalescipedes, or if your not a try hard like me, spiders, are the most basic form of spider, appearing in only one region. Alone, they scatter about along the walls with little sense of direction or purpose, only moving with purpose if its to avoid light. however, these spiders will connect with one other if contact is made, forming a cute little chain. the larger the chain, the larger prey they will try to envelope and ‘kill’, eventually being large enough to kill slugcat. The larger the chain, the less afraid they will be of light, eventually being immune to it if constant contact is made. The chain will break if hit with rubble. spears also break the chain with less effectiveness. a flashbang will kill all Coalescipedes in the area.
  • Coalescipedes are really not a big problem. while they are spooky to watch and horrifying if they are closing in on you, as long as you hit it with rubble if its too close or bit, you will be fine. a last resort flashbang will work as well.

Wolf spiders

  • Wolf spiders, or creatively nicknamed ‘big spiders’, are strange creatures. they will climb on walls, commonly avoiding places with light and staying out of sight of potential prey. then, they will try to ambush them and lunge at them. If multiple wolf spiders are together, they will attempt to latch onto the prey to slow it down, giving another wolf spider an easier hit. They also will not retreat if low health, as they Will regenerate health over time as long as they are not dead.
  • Wolf spiders also have a revive mechanic. If one dies, another in the area may resurrect its fallen ally by biting into it. the dead wolf spider will then be alive for another 20 seconds until dying once again. while repeated resurrection is possible, a resurrected spider cannot revive another dead spider. This revival mechanic cannot take place if it is killed by a spore puff, flash bang, drowning, or is eaten by the player in hunter mode.
  • Interestingly enough, their aggressiveness is also correlated towards difficulty. while playing as the monk, they will almost never attack the player. as survivor and hunter, They will act naturally aggressive
  • While this all sounds over complicated on paper, its very easy to put into words. Hit the spider before it hits you. their health is very low, allowing for easy kills. They can be nimble, so aim well. in addition, they will die if a flash bang is used in the area or if a spore puff is used on them. They will also keep away from light, eventually growing resistant to it under constant exposure.

Spitter spiders (Hunter Only!)

  • Spitter spiders are the final form of spider in the game, only appearing in hunter mode. They are slower than wolf spiders, but make up for this with more health and the unique spit mechanic. If it spots prey, it will spit out small sacks, usually 3-5 at a time. it it lands on a target, it knock out the target after a few seconds. the more sacks that hit the target, the quicker the knock out takes place and the longer they are immobilized. upon knocking out a target, they will simply walk up and kill the target. They will latch onto prey, similarly to a wolf spider, but are unable to revive fallen allies. They also share the same regeneration mechanic as wolf spiders.
  • Spitter spiders aren’t to hard to deal with. as long as their isn’t more than one, you can single them out and kill them with a single spear. if you are hit with a sack, you have two options. Kill the spider before it kills you, or run far enough away so it cant reach you while your knocked out. if you must, a spore puff will kill it. Note that a Flash bang will NOT kill a spitter spider and it is not deterred by light.


In this game, even the damn flora kills. Only 3 hostile flora exist, but each are surprisingly different from the last. one thing holds true about all of them however…there all pieces of ♥♥♥♥.

Pole plants

  • Pole plants are most likely the first instance of the player finding out just how unfair Rainworld is. Pole plants are long plants that are able to disguise themselves as normal poles by remaining still for an extended period of time. It in an ‘activated’ state, it will latch onto whatever it can, then drag them underground, no matter what it is. It will enter this active state whenever it is hit with rubble, something grabs it, something stands next to it for too long, its tip is consistently passed, or its passed when its ‘flexing’ its frills.
  • To an experienced player, pole plants are no big deal. they tend to spawn in set locations and are easy to kill with one spear, causing it to become harmless and retreat underground. the map will also reveal an empty location where a pole plant is. They will also only appear coming out of NPC tunnels. in my experience, if a pole is ‘too continent’ it probably is.

Monster kelp

  • Monster kelp is a much scarier version of pole plants. They usually spawn in places with a lot of water or in places where a pole plant has been repeatedly killed. They hunt through movement, remaining still if it does not sense prey. if it does, it will reach out and try to latch onto it, pulling it underground like a pole plant. If hit with a spear, it will writhe around and be unable to latch onto anything for a small amount of time
  • These guys are not too big of a problem, but shouldn’t be messed around with. if you don’t have a spear, you can move very slowly to pass by one. if you do, You can stun lock a monster kelp easily by grabbing the spear while it is still writhing around. Its easier than it sounds. if hit too many times, it will retreat underground dead. Its also worth noting that it can only grab things with its tip, so don’t be scared to pass by its body.

Worm grass

♥♥♥ these things

  • Worm grass is a road block. They are not only unkillable, but unintractable. normally, they will remain stationary, in large patches. when it senses prey through the power of ♥♥♥, it will extend outwards towards it, latching onto it if its too close, and attempt to pull it in. Its pull strength will increase the longer its attached to the prey, but will typically be attached with multiple other worm grass(es). if the prey is unable to escape, it will pull it underground, killing it.
  • Worm grass is just ♥♥♥. Its mainly a problem in only one region and, because you cant harm it, you have to avoid it, making you rely on a very inconsistent method to pass it. How you you deal with it, you might be asking? mods.

Long Legs

The long legs family is one of the most dangerous family tree in the game. They are luckily very uncommon, only spawning in select regions that are usually later in the game.

Brother long legs

  • Brother long legs is the first ‘what the ♥♥♥’ creature in Rainworld. It will mindlessly wander in plane of existence until one of its tentacles senses prey. if that does happen, It will attempt to pull it towards itself, consuming it inside its core. a tentacle will drop whatever it is holding if hit with rubble and will become completely unusable if hit with a spear.
  • Brother long legs are dangerous creatures. avoiding one is simple enough, as they can only feel throughout their environment, so that is your best bet. if confrontational is mandatory, prioritize escape by aiming for the tentacles attached to yourself. if you have an explosive spear, one to the core will insta-kill one. Without an explosive spear, killing one is very hard, as its health pool is extremely large.
  • (Ripping this off the WIKI again) In hunter mode, their is a specific Brother long legs in its home region that, while looking like one, exhibits the traits of a Daddy long legs.

Daddy long legs

  • Daddy long legs, or DLL’s are some of the last predators you will meet in the base game. the are typically larger than their brother counterpart, even attacking Brother long legs if the two were ever to meet in game. Daddy long legs are also able to hear things, using that as its main method of prey detection. when it hears something, an ‘X’ on its core will pop, signalling that it heard something, then investigate with a tentacle where it heard it.
  • Dealing with daddy long legs is similar to Brother long legs, only you have to be more careful. You have to be careful not to make sound, as it can easily hear you from across the room. however, like its brother, it will die instantly to an explosive spear to the core.

Proto Daddy/brother long legs

  • Proto Daddy longs legs is another stationary predator, acting somewhat similar to worm grass, only being able to attach to walls. If prey comes within close proximity, it will reach out, attach, and pull in whatever it grabbed, killing it quickly. because it is un-interactable, escape it near impossible if grabbed. Longer strands will also extend to and from Proto Daddy long legs. These are harmless and are able to be interacted with.
  • Brother long legs is the exact same as its counterpart, only a different color and appearing in hard mode in a different area.
  • The best thing to do it to not get near one. if too close, you will die. period.

Water Creatures

While these next creatures aren’t exactly similar, they are all linked by one thing:water.


  • Salamanders are commonly mistaken for another type of lizard, but are technically not, even if having traits like one. they have stats similar to a pink lizard while being able to utilize the blue lizards’ sticky tongue. In addition, it is able to dive underwater and hold its breath indefinitely. For this reason, it will typically be hiding in corners of the bottom of the water, waiting for prey.
  • Salamanders are quite tricky to deal with. Fighting in water is super hard, as your spears are very hard to use correctly in water. to fight one, get on land and pull it out of the water. the, the fight becomes an easy one against a slightly tougher blue lizard. it will die in 2-3 spears. each bite has a 1/3 chance to kill the player instantly.


  • Their are two types of leaches, red and blue leaches. the latter being heavier in terms of weight and appearing in larger bodies of water. Both forms of leaches act the same. They will latch onto (drownable) prey and attempt to drag them underwater with their weight. if the player has a bubble fruit, the leaches will actively avoid them. If one stays out of water for too long, the leach will fall off its victim and attempt to flop back to the nearest water source.
  • Leaches are quite annoying, as one mistake and its game over. avoid them by crossing the water when they are the farthest away as possible, moving swiftly. if too many do latch onto you, throwing your weapons as a last resort isn’t a bad idea, as their is a possibility you could kill a few with your items.


  • Leviathans are, by far, the largest creature in the game. They will search the large body of water they are in for prey, hitting it with their harmless, tentacle like tail when its close. It close enough, it will lunge forward and attempt to bite down on the prey. It it does, it will quite literally delete the prey.
  • Leviathans are scary, but not too big of a deal. a skilled player will be able to out swim a perusing a leviathan, but jet fish can also be used to outmaneuver one. however, be careful of its lunge. its always longer than it seems. don’t even bother trying to use your weapons on it.


This category is for other natural predators that didn’t fall into any other category.

Mircos birds

  • Micros birds only appear in two specific spots in two different regions and for good reason. Micros birds hunt in packs, but still ‘fight’ each other. typically, however, they will all put aside confrontation to go after prey. Their entrance is usually foreshadowed by loud, mechanical footsteps. They will run at then with high speed. and use their lethal beaks to kill them. if the prey is inside a tunnel, its neck can be used to stretch inside the tunnel a good distance. because of its large size, it cant go into pipes. it cannot hear, but has incredible eyesight. because of this, its highly sensitive to flash bangs. if one is used in its proximity, it will be blinded for several seconds.
  • Typically, you don’t want to fight micros birds. not only is it very easy to die to one because of its one-shot beaks, but you will also almost never find one alone. If you must, however, aim for the neck and head, as the base and legs wont take damage, as its not flesh.


  • Dropwings are the only true ambush predator in the game. They will climb atop roofs, usually ignoring all creatures, even potential prey, during this time after it sets up atop a roof ,it will camouflage slightly and remain still. if prey is nearby or steps atop its platform, it will twitch slightly. it prey walks under it, it will drop down and attempt to kill it. it its initial drop fails, it will lunge repeatedly towards they creature, similar to a wolf spider.
  • Occasionally, A Dropwing will collect items, such as pearls or spears, and plant them under themselves when setting up to lure in prey. if the item is picked up by the player, it will drop down. The dropping will also drop if a creature is level with it for too long and occasionally if a spear is coming towards it
  • Dropwings are very rare in the base game, literally only one appearing on survivor. while they sound super hard to deal with, after the first five, you tend to know what to look for. you can easily sidestep out of the way of its drop, then hit it with a single spear to kill it.
  • I couldn’t find evidence of this, but from my experience, typically, if its initial drop hits you, It will instantly kill you most of the time. meanwhile, if its lunge hits you, it will (most of the time) give you an opportunity to stab it before you die. while playing as the hunter, you may even have enough time to pull a spear off your back and stab it before it kills you.