

テラリア ポーション:作り方と使い方

テラリアのボスと戦ったり、釣り中に希少種を捕まえられなかったり、洞窟探検中に最悪の戦利品を手に入れたりすると、死に続けます。それらの背後にある理由は何でしょうか?戦略に加えて、キャラクターのステータスを強化する必要があるでしょう。強化を得るには、一握りの Terraria ポーションを入手する必要があります。

このガイドを使用すると、ゲームに慣れていなくても、Terraria のすべてのポーションを自分で作成できます。


  • テラリアポーションの作り方
  • テラリア ポーションのレシピ、効果、用途 <オール>
  • ヘルス/マナ ポーション
  • バフポーション
  • 幸運のポーション
  • 釣りの薬
  • モビリティポーション
  • フラスコ
  • その他のポーション
  • テラリア ポーションの場所
  • テラリア ポーションの作り方

    いきなり本題に入ります。 Terraria ポーションを作成するには、必要なワークステーション、材料、醸造の仕組みに関するノウハウが必要です。


    Terraria ポーションを作成する際に必要なワークステーションは、Placed Bottle、Alchemy Table、または Imbuing Station です。

    Placed Bottle はボトルではなく、作業台です。テーブル、プラットフォーム、作業台、ドレッサー、本棚、ピアノ、または暖炉に空のボトルを置くことで作成できます。

    一方、錬金術テーブルは作成できません。ハードモード前のテラリアのボスであるスケルトロンがいるダンジョンで釣りをすることで入手できます。取得するのは危険に聞こえるかもしれませんが、ワークステーションには特典があるため、努力する価値があります。33% の確率で材料を消費しない可能性があります。

    Imbuing Station は、ゲーム内のポーションの一種である Flask の作成専用のワークステーションです。ウィッチドクターから購入できます。


    ワークステーションをセットアップしたら、Terraria ポーションを作成するために必要な材料を見つける必要があります。各ポーションには特定のレシピがあることに注意してください。これについてはすぐに学習します。



    さて、テラリアポーションの作り方です。選択できるポーションのバリエーションはたくさんありますが、1 つを作成する手順は少なく、簡単です。メカニズムは Minecraft の醸造と同じくらい簡単です。

    PC およびコンソール版

    1. ガラス瓶とポーション専用の材料が在庫にあることを確認してください。
    2.配置されたボトル、錬金台、またはインビュイング ステーションの近くに立ちます。
    3.画面の左下にあるクラフト メニューにアクセスします。


    1. 配置されたボトル、錬金台、または注入ステーションの前に立って、クラフト メニューにアクセスします。
    2.ポーション タブを探して、作りたい特定のポーションをクリックします。
    3.インターフェースに材料がリストされている場合は、[クラフト] ボタンをタップします。

    テラリア ポーションのレシピ、効果、用途

    テラリア ポーションの作り方についての知識があれば、ゲームでのニーズに最も適した調合を考える時が来ました。どれを醸造するかを決めるのに役立つすべての関連情報を以下にリストしました.

    ヘルス/マナ ポーション

    ヘルス ポーションは体力を回復させ、マナ ポーションは魔法の回復を助けます。どちらも、Terraria やその他の多くのクロスプラットフォーム ゲームで必須の調合です。


    レシピ: 2x ボトル、1x キノコ、2x ジェル
    Lesser Healing Potion は、ヘルス ポイント (HP) を 50 回復します。回復のためのポイントが最も少ないため、小さな傷に対する薬のようなものです。


    レシピ: 2x レッサー ヒーリング ポーション、1x 光るキノコ
    ヒーリング ポーションは HP を 100 回復します。ハードモード前のテラリアのボスに使用するのに最適です。


    レシピ: 3x ボトルウォーター、1x クリスタル シャード、3x ピクシー ダスト
    グレーター ヒーリング ポーションを使用すると、HP を 150 回復できます。ハードモードのボスと真っ向勝負するときによく使われます。

    スーパー ヒーリング ポーション

    レシピ: 4x グレーター ヒーリング ポーション、1x ソーラー フラグメント、1x スターダスト フラグメント、1x ボルテックス フラグメント、1x ネビュラ フラグメント
    スーパー ヒーリング ポーションは、すべてのテラリア ポーションの中で最高の健康回復薬です。 HP が 200 回復するので、最後のボスであるムーン ロードとの戦いに備えるのに最適です。

    レッサー マナ ポーション

    レシピ: 該当なし
    出典: 商人
    レッサー マナ ポーションは 50 マナ ポイント (MP) を与えます。作成できないテラリアポーションの1つです。代わりに、ゲーム内の商人から購入できます。


    レシピ: レッサー マナ ポーション x 2、グローイング マッシュルーム x 1
    マナ ポーションはマナを 100 ポイント補充します。たまに魔法を使う人なら、これを在庫に入れておくと便利です。

    大マナ ポーション

    レシピ: 該当なし
    出典: ウィザード
    グレーター マナ ポーションは 200 MP を供給します。このブーストは、ハードモードの Terraria ボスと戦うときにすでに役に立ちます。

    スーパー マナ ポーション

    レシピ: グレーター マナ ポーション 15 個、クリスタル シャード 3 個、ユニコーン ホーン 1 個、フォールン スター 1 個
    スーパー マナ ポーションは、熟練したテラリア メイジにとって頼りになる回復アイテムです。醸造には多くの材料が必要ですが、MP が 300 増加するため、それだけの価値があります。

    Restoration Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottle, 1x Mushrooms, 1x Glowing Mushroom, 1x Pink Gel
    The Restoration Potion is a drink that helps you recover health and mana by 90 and 80 points, respectively. It is handy if you have a build that balances melee and magic.

    Buff Potions

    Buff Potions grant you positive status effects. The said Terraria potions have a temporary effect.

    Regeneration Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Daybloom, 1x Mushroom
    The Regeneration Potion helps you recover by 2 HP per second for up to eight minutes. It is useful during long fights with bullet hell-style bosses where you have to focus on dodging.

    Mana Regeneration Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Moonglow, 1x Fallen Star, 1x Daybloom
    The Mana Regeneration Potion works the same way as the Regeneration Potion but is for restoring MP over time.

    Lifeforce Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Prismite, 1x Moonglow, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Shiverthorn
    If the Regeneration Potion adds HP over time, the Lifeforce Potion improves the actual HP capacity of your character. The limit is increased by 20 percent for eight minutes. The item is good to consume when battling hard-mode bosses.

    Heartreach Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Crimson Tigerfish, 1x Daybloom
    Collecting hearts is a way to recover health in Terraria, provided that they are within your character’s reach. With the Heartreach Potion, you can get the hearts even if they are up to 18 tiles away from you.

    Swiftness Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Cactus
    The Swiftness Potion makes you 25 percent more agile for eight minutes. It is the best item to consume for evading bosses that pursue you wherever you go.

    Magic Power Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Moonglow, 1x Fallen Star, 1x Deathweed
    For wielders of wands, staves, or magic guns, the Magic Power Potion is a must-have. The concoction increases by 20 percent the damage the said weapons can deal.

    Ammo Reservation Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Moonglow, 1x Double Cod
    The Ammo Reservation Potion reduces the chance of using up ammunition by 20 percent for eight minutes. You can use it with Terraria guns that already have the said perk to heighten its effect.

    Archery Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Lens, 1x Daybloom
    The Archery Potion makes your arrows more effective against enemies. It boosts bow damage and speed by 20 percent. The effect is active for four minutes on Terraria on PC or mobile, or eight minutes on a console.

    Battle Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Deathweed, 1x Rotten Chunk or Vertebra
    If you often farm creatures for loot, the Battle Potion is among the top Terraria potions for you. The concoction makes more enemies appear, doubling the spawn rate for seven minutes.

    Calming Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Daybloom, 1x Damselfish
    The Calming Potion has an opposite effect to that of the Battle Potion. It lowers the enemy spawn rate and screen appearance limit by 17 and 20 percent, respectively. The potion is useful when you want to focus on exploration.

    Dangersense Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 10x Cobwebs, 1x Shiverthorn
    The Dangersense Potion is great to use with the Calming Potion because you will also be alerted if there are hazards nearby. Once the potion’s effect is active, dangerous obstacles will be highlighted in red for up to 10 minutes.

    Hunter Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Shark Fin, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Daybloom
    The Hunter Potion is like an improved Dangersense Potion. It is better than the latter because it can also mark non-hostile critters and Non-playable Characters (NPCs) in green for eight minutes.

    Spelunker Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Gold or Platinum Ore, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Moonglow
    If you’re targeting high-value loot, you should have the Spelunker Potion. When you drink the item, you will see highlighted treasures nearby for five minutes.

    Endurance Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Armored Cavefish
    The Endurance Potion lessens damage received by 10 percent for four minutes. That said, it is ideal for fighting bosses with attacks that are hard to dodge. The potion is also used with Beetle Armor, Worm Scarf, and Frozen Turtle Shell for better defense.

    Ironskin Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Iron or Lead Ore, 1x Daybloom
    The Ironskin Potion boosts defense by eight points for eight minutes. The concoction is ideal for melee combat.

    Obsidian Skin Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Obsidian, 1x Fireblossom, 1x Waterleaf
    With the Obsidian Skin Potion, you will not get damaged by Lava, Meteorite, Hellstone, and the On Fire debuff in the game. It is best to drink when mining in the underworld.

    Featherfall Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Feather, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Daybloom
    The Featherfall Potion can take you to greater heights by increasing your jump height. The concoction reduces gravity by a third for 10 minutes, great for evading worm-like bosses that charge at you from below the screen.

    Inferno Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Fireblossom, 1x Flarefin Koi, 2x Obsidifishes
    The Inferno Potion puts a ring of fire around you that inflicts 10 damage per second for up to four minutes. While it is typically consumed when fighting enemies, it can be used for illuminating dark places.

    Warmth Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Frost Minnow, 1x Shiverthorn
    The Warmth Potion decreases damage from ice- and snow-type enemies by 30 percent for 15 minutes. On special events such as the Frost Moon and Legion, its effect will be active as long as the Frost Moon is up.

    Invisibility Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Moonglow
    With the Invisibility Potion, your character and its mount will be out of sight for three minutes until you make an attack. That said, the concoction is more suitable for exploring dungeons rather than fighting enemies.

    Night Owl Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Daybloom
    While you would not be an owl with the Night Owl Potion, you will see with a wider radius. Consuming the item can make any light source brighter for 10 minutes.

    Shine Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Glowing Mushroom, 1x Daybloom
    Your character can shine and double as a light source with the Shine Potion. Among all Terraria potions, it is the best to use for scouring the depths of caverns and seas.

    Rage Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Hemopiranha, 1x Deathweed
    Ever heard of game bosses getting stronger when in Rage Mode? In Terraria, your character can be the same with a Rage Potion. The item boosts the chances of dealing critical damage by 10 percent within four minutes.

    Wrath Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Ebonkoi, 1x Deathweed
    The Wrath Potion is quite similar to the Rage Potion, but the effect is on weapons. When consumed, your melee or long-ranged weapon will deal 10 percent more damage to the target within four minutes.

    Summoning Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Moonglow, 1x Variegated Lardfish
    The Summoning Potion adds one more minion to fight by your side for eight minutes. The item is recommended if your chosen minion is the Stardust Dragon. That is because the Dragon gets stronger each time there is an additional minion, which becomes its segments.

    Thorns Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Cactus, 1x Worm Tooth, 1x Stinger, 1x Deathweed
    The Thorns Potion is among the Terraria potions with a strong knockback effect great for taking on the Brain of Cthulhu. When used up, enemies attacking you will receive 100 percent damage for eight minutes on PC or 33 percent damage for eight minutes on mobile and two minutes on a console.

    Titan Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Bone, 1x Shiverthorn, 1x Deathweed
    The Titan Potion gives your attacks a knockback effect. Enemies will receive 50 percent knockback damage when you strike them. The potion’s effect lasts eight minutes on PC and mobile, and four minutes on a console.

    Luck Potions

    Luck Potions are Terraria potions that improve the hidden stat called Luck, which affects the random drops or spawns you get in the game.

    Lesser Luck Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x White Pearl, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Ladybug
    The Luck Potion increases your chances of finding rare loot, critters, and enemies. It works for up to three minutes.

    Luck Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Black Pearl, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Ladybug
    The Luck Potion can do better than the Lesser Luck Potion in terms of the effect duration. Luck is increased for five minutes via the item.

    Greater Luck Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Pink Pearl, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Ladybug
    The Greater Luck Potion is among the must-brew Terraria potions. It helps you get more treasures and encounter more rare enemies and critters by improving your Luck for 10 minutes.

    Fishing Potions

    In Terraria, Fishing Potions make catching underwater critters or obtaining sunken treasures easy.

    Fishing Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Crispy Honey Block
    The Fishing Potion boosts your fishing power by 15 points for eight minutes. It is ideal to use when attempting to reel in rare fishes in the game.

    Crate Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Amber, 1x Moonglow, 1x Silverthorn
    If you are after crates containing valuable items when you are fishing, drink the Crate Potion. It raises your chances of getting the containers to 20 percent up to three minutes.

    Sonar Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Coral, 1x Waterleaf
    The Sonar Potion is arguably the best among Terraria potions for fishing. It lets you know in advance what critter took your bait via a fish name shown above the lure.

    Mobility Potions

    Mobility potions can move you or objects to a certain location in the world of Terraria. Some are used on land while some are for water. 

    Recall Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Specular Fish, 1x Daybloom
    The Recall Potion is one of the Terraria potions for teleportation. When consumed, it will bring you back to your spawn point on the map. It is handy when exploring a place far from your base.

    Potion of Return

    Recipe: 1x Recall Potion, 1x Obsidifish
    The Potion of Return is a better alternative to the Recall Potion. If the latter allows a one-way trip, the former is two-way. To elaborate, the potion makes portals to the spawn point and back to the place the item was consumed.

    Teleportation Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Chaos Fish, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Fireblossom
    The Teleportation Potion is a concoction that transports you to a random place. It is suitable for free exploration.

    Gravitation Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Feather, 1x Fireblossom, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Deathweed
    The Gravitation Potion does not manipulate gravity but inverts the game screen for three minutes. That way, you can step on the ceiling.

    Wormhole Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Specular Fish, 1x Blinkroot
    The Wormhole Potion is like the Recall Potion but the destination is your teammate’s location. It is for multiplayer mode.

    Flipper Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Shiverthorn, 1x Waterleaf
    The Flipper Potion lets you navigate the seas with ease. When you drink it, you will be able to move in water, lava, and honey faster. It is good to use when battling the Wall of Flesh, Duke Fishron, and Queen Bee.

    Gills Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Coral, 1x Waterleaf
    With the Gills Potion, you can breathe in water for four minutes without drowning. You can consume it with the Flipper Potion for hassle-free underwater navigation.

    Water Walking Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Shark Fin, 1x Waterleaf
    The Water Walking Potion will prevent you from sinking in water, lava, and honey. You can also use this for your fight versus Duke Fishron, a boss that is hard to beat underwater.


    Flasks are special Terraria potions that add debuffs to melee weapons but only work one at a time.

    Flask of Cursed Flames

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 2x Cursed Flames
    The Flask of Cursed Flames stops your enemies from regenerating health, inflicting six, 12, and 24 damage per second on console, mobile, and PC, respectively. It also improves knockback by 10 percent.

    Flask of Fire

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 3x Hell Stones
    The Flask of Fire sets enemies on fire, damaging them by 4 HP per second. It is very effective for Oiled-type enemies because the health loss is 29 points per second.

    Flask of Gold

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 5x Gold Dust
    The Flask of Gold works like Midas’ touch. When consumed, your melee weapon will make enemies drop more gold when hit.

    Flask of Ichor

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 2x Ichor
    The Flask of Ichor lowers enemy defense by 20 points on console and mobile and 15 points on PC. Your melee weapon becomes more effective because of it.

    Flask of Nanites

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 5x Nanites
    The Flask of Nanites confuses enemies, making them not attack you or run away. It is a great potion to have if you are evading battles in Terraria.

    Flask of Party

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 5x Confetti
    The Flask of Party makes confetti fall for up to 20 minutes when your melee weapon hits enemies. It is a potion perfect for anyone who wants to celebrate victories.

    Flask of Poison

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 5x Stingers
    The Flask of Poison is a toxic concoction that makes enemies lose 2 HP per second. It is a good way to deal damage while evading.

    Flask of Venom

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 5x Vials of Venom
    The Flask of Venom is a more potent version of the Flask of Poison. It inflicts a 30-, 15-, or six-point health loss to enemies per second for up to 20 minutes.

    Miscellaneous Potions

    We are calling the potions from here on Miscellaneous Potions because they do not fall under the previous Terraria potion categories discussed.

    Builder Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Moonglow, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Shiverthorn
    The Builder Potion makes your character an efficient construction worker. It speeds up the placement of walls and tiles by 25 percent. The effect lasts for 15 minutes on a console, and 45 minutes on PC and mobile.

    Mining Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Antlion Mandible, 1x Blinkroot
    The Mining Potion is handy for spelunkers. It speeds up digging by 25 percent for 10 minutes on PC and mobile or eight minutes on a console.

    Gender Change Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Waterleaf, 1x Deathweed, 1x Daybloom, 1x Moonglow, 1x Blinkroot, 1x Shiverthorn, 1x Fireblossom
    If you want to play a female character instead of a male or vice versa, brew the Gender Change Potion. It allows you to switch to the opposite gender without the need to start a new playthrough.

    Red Potion

    Recipe: N/A
    Source: Drunk/For The Worthy Worlds, chests
    The Red Potion is unique among Terraria Potions because it has a random effect that lasts one to three hours. Among the possible debuffs it inflicts to the player are Poisoned, On Fire, Slow, Broken Armor, Darkness, Bleeding, Weak, Suffocation, Cursed, Confused, and Silenced.

    Love Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Princess Fish, 1x Shiverthorn
    The Love Potion has a cosmetic effect. It makes enemies and other characters look like they have fallen in love as hearts emerge around their sprites.

    Stink Potion

    Recipe: 1x Bottled Water, 1x Stinkfish, 1x Deathweed
    The Stink Potion makes enemies and characters look stinky for 30 seconds by having them emit a green fume. The effect is for cosmetic purposes only but is fun to use.

    Where to Find Terraria Potions

    If you do not want to craft Terraria potions, you can get them from chests, pots, and defeated enemies or buy them from NPCs. Note that it is hard to stock up on the potions via these methods, unlike when brewing. That is why many players still prefer to make the items from scratch.

    Choose Your Terraria Potions Now

    There are a plethora of Terraria potions available, and each is unique. It is up to you now to pick what best matches your strategy. Choose a potion to brew from our list to survive all the challenges the game has to offer!