

フィールド オブ グローリー:エンパイア – 中央集権型貿易ガイド

集中貿易の考え方に基づく貿易のガイドです。これを読んだ後、貿易範囲、輸出入、ボーナス商品、不足商品、洞察力、貿易建物、建物チェーンについて詳しく知ることができます.また、センター オブ トレードと、そこから大量の現金を生み出す方法についても学びます。貿易に関する基本的な知識が推奨されますが、必須ではありません。



これを行うには、主に貿易商品の生産と流通を担当する貿易センターを 1 つ以上国に設立します。さらに、交易センターのチェーンを確立し、各交易センターを健全な距離で別の交易センターにつなげて、すべての地域を商品でカバーすることができます。 CoT のチェーンを確立した場合は、レアな商品をマップ上で簡単に移動することもできます。





内外貿易による利益を最大化するという意味で、この地域は港にアクセスでき、山ではなくすべての地形にある必要があります。また、簡単な貿易品(かなり簡単に生産できる商品)の需要があるプロヴィンスもあるはずです。しかし、基本的な需要はすべてのプロヴィンスで簡単に確立できるため、周りに空のリージョンしかない場合でも問題ありません。燻製場を例にとると、牛が必要です。多くのプロヴィンスにスモークハウスを設立する計画がある場合は、牛との取引を数多く獲得する機会があります。 LVL 1 のヘルス ビルディングであり、頻繁にポップアップするスモークハウスを建設するのと同じくらい簡単に取得できる、非常に基本的で簡単なリソースです。


高級品を生産するセレウコス朝の地域を見てください。セレウコス朝のすべてのサトラピエ宮殿は贅沢品を必要としています!今のところ、範囲内にあるのは 4 つの宮殿だけですが、それでも妥当な収入です。 Satrapy Palaces を使用して他の地域の商業的割合と貿易範囲を拡大することで、この収入をどのように拡大できるか想像してみてください。コマーシャル パーセンテージについては後で説明します。


– では、なぜポートなのですか?貿易港は、地域の商業的割合と貿易範囲を拡大する建物の 1 つです。地域の交易による収入は、その地域の商業パーセンテージによって修正されます!したがって、貿易センターの兵器庫に港を持つことは純金です。たとえば、商業港は商業パーセンテージを 16% 増加させ、貿易範囲を 1 増加させますが、アップグレードされた建物の貿易港は商業パーセンテージを 30% 増加させます!貿易港はまた、ボーナス交易品の需要を満たす場合、その地域に非常に良い直接収入を提供します。つまり、貿易港はツール、武器、陶器、ガラスを (その地域または隣接する地域に) 配置することで最大 48 ゴールドを生成できます。 .それだけでなく、貿易港のボーナス グッズを提供する建物によって与えられる直接ボーナスを忘れないでください。そして、これらのサポート ビルディングはボーナス グッズの需要があるかもしれません。

– わかりましたが、取引範囲についてはどうですか?より多くの貿易範囲は、はるか先からの資源を必要とする建物で地域とその隣接地域を改善する可能性を高めるために、はるか先から商品を輸入するのに適しています.次のセンターに到達することもできます。

CoTの連鎖がどのように見えるかをイメージしました。インポート/エクスポートの仕組みと「トレード レンジ」について説明します。注:概要をわかりやすくするために、貿易センター 2 のインポート範囲には円はありませんが、貿易センター 1 の範囲と同じサイズである必要があります。白い矢印は、2 つの貿易センター間で取引できる可能性を示しています。


  • また、潜在的な交易の中心地がその商品を地域にどの程度流通させることができるかを確認する必要があります。これは、CoT の交易範囲に依存するのではなく、交易の中心地周辺の各地域の交易範囲に依存します。
  • ボタン メニューの [取引の詳細] をクリックすると、各地域の取引範囲を確認できます。交易範囲は、地図上で光を点滅させることで視覚化されます。

– では、なぜモンテインがないのですか? 20% の通商率と +2 交易範囲のボーナスを提供する山岳地帯に舗装された道路 (Commercial LVL3 Building) を建設できないため、単純です。商取引パーセンテージは、地域の貿易収入のパーセンテージです。この価値はあなたの総収入に加算されます。

– 貿易センターに適した天然資源は?また、将来頻繁に使用される、または使用されるであろう天然資源がその州にあることも良いことです。 Goods that can be exported to building chains (more on that later) are a very good choice as there will be simply much more routes created than for goods used by only 1 building.

Another factor is what you can build in the region with the given trade good. Some very powerful trade buildings are only allowed to be build in regions with one of their bonus goods must be present in the region.

Those economy buildings are:Trading Tents (needs either Dates, Frankinense, Ivory or Silk), Trade Post (Amber, Coral, Drugs &Herbs, Furs), Trade House (Amber, Furs, Ivory, WildBeasts), Market (Leather, Dye, Cloth, Salt), Fair (Wine, OliveOil, Leather, Salt).

Of course you can provide those goods later on but it’s not that bad to get early on your hands on a Trade Post with a potential of 32 gold in total or having a market there to build up a very lucrative chain of buildings early on. Also have a look at the value of the trade goods you plan to distribute!

Here’s a list. Note:The number means how much money is generated by each bonus trade good a building has access to:

– What should be nearby a trade center? At best alot of provinces which are in demand of something or will be in demand soon. At the beginninig of the game check your regions resources, buildings, the actual building potential, their imports, missing trade goods and what they are in need for bonus resources. The latter isn’t at first to get fast trade deals but to plan ahead which buildings and goods you need to fulfill the demand for bonus trade goods and in return what resources are needed by those bonus-trade-good-producing-buildings”. This way you can plan ahead for great building chains and lots of potential for new trades.

One problem often occurs:You find that one of your regions already produce the good you want for centralized distribution by only one region. You could just remove that building producing that good but before check if the bonus of the building isn’t crucial for that region/province. IE if you want to centralize cattle and you want to disable a cattle farm in your country, check if the region/province is fine with loosing the extra food given by the farm and also check if cattle is exported from there, especially to other own regions. If you demolish the building those regions may import cattle for heavy costs if you destroy the building and cut the supply for cattle.

You got a plan where you will establish a center of trade? Let’s go to the next step then!

2. Start Developing Your Commercial Centre

Having in mind to trade alot through this centre it’s essential to boost this kind of income. You do this by increasing the commercial percentage of a region, the acumen and trade range of the region. As this region might also be heavy populated at the end, aquiring tax bonus should be a priority as well. So here’s a list of buildings that boost all those values:

Remember there are important economic buildings that do need a resource present to be built.

Next to building up buildings that produce bonus trade goods for other buildings you could start producing “easy” goods in your hub that nearby regions demand to set up the first trade routes. In example you build a Salt Mine to provide existing or planned Salthouses

I made a small list of “common goods” which im sure could be improved and extended. This list is mainly based on the more developed land at the beginning of the game but it’s not far away to make use of the table and set up a lot of trade in undeveloped areas. Indeed there are some high developed goods in there as well. I put them into the list as well as an example to show what is possible in later game stages. The buildings aligned to the left in the table are more basic than on the right.

Now that you have set up one ore more trade routes, let’s go to the next step!

3. Developing the Regions Around a Commercial Centre

The regions adjacent a CoT may be developed to serve the CoT by saving up building slots and to establish heavy commercial building chains around the centre.

Saving up slots for the CoT-Region by producing food and heavy infrastructure outside (while not producing new trade goods) and heavy commercial building chains following up with more infos in the next step.

For the other regions in range there’s just the idea to continue developing new demand for already existing trade goods in the CoT or for trade goods planned ahead. Always having in mind to create a chain of buildings based on that trade good to maximize the profit.

4. Developing Uber-Building-Chains to Amass Trade Deals and Generate Direct Income

Now we start rolling around masses of trade goods!

Well, lets start from the beginning. By now you got here and there some trade goods going out from your Hub into single buildings.Boring… But what if you provide one or more trade goods for bigger chains of buildings or even Uber-chains?

This is what i’m showing now and therefore I just set up an example of a bigger chain in the game and how the buildings interact with each other within the chain. By interaction i mean how they fulfill the demand for bonus goods of other buildings to even generate more income.

Ideally the chain i’m showing now can be built around a CoT but is anywhere else possible and creates alot of trading opportunities. The idea of this chain is to build main economy buildings like markets, fairs, banks and goods-PRODUCING buildings in the centre while most of the other goods-DEMANDING buildings that also provide bonus trade goods and direct income are in an adjacent region to create trade deals. Later on you get even more out of this if you build in every region markets etc to export goods like gold to banks or pottery to markets and fairs.

So here it is that simplistic image. This chain is all based around a Fair and a Market. The first level buildings contribute to the market/fair, the second level buildings contribute to activate bonus income of all the other buildings.

I also list some trade goods which could be exported by the trade hub. You do this by constructing one of the buildings importing this good. Remember to not build them inside the trade center!

I listed those buildings next to the trade good.

There are many more of those chains. This is so amazing to find out that i leave that to you.

5. Getting Competetive and Catch Trade Deals

These informations are collected out of the manual. Check it out btw, a good read!

So you wonder you are producing so much stuff but your export rate into foreign territory is very low. Now you can counter that by these measurements:

Increasing the chance to get your good get traded:


The higher the acumen, the more competetive are your traders in foreign nations. Acumen is a region stat which can be influenced by nation stats, events and one building. The manual states on higher Acumen:“…and will continuously snatch deals from others nations, even sometime replacing an internal trade with one of their own”.

What increases acumen:

  • The building Trade Center increases it by 5.
  • There are also Trade Decisions to increase Acumen.

The amount of Goods Offered

The manual states:“…the more goods you have, the higher chances to have your good picked for a trade deal…”

Co-operation Treaty and Alliance

The chance to Trade is increased.

Get Rid of Other Suppliers

  • By either blockading their Trade routes (blockading Ports).
  • Or just by killing them off.