

Graveyard Keeper – 役立つヒントとコツ




  • 技術ツリーは、このゲームの進行の主な源です。直接作成したもの、または実行したものに基づいて、技術ポイントを獲得できます。私は実際にそれがとても好きだった <3.
  • 使用する 2 色の技術ポイントから始めて、最終的に 3 つ使用します。最初から技術ツリーで確認できるので、スポイラーではありません。 3 番目のタイプの技術ポイントは、ロックを解除したテーブルで特定のものを作成したり、アイテムを研究したりすることで獲得できます。
  • エネルギーが尽きても倒れることはありません。睡眠や食事でエネルギーを回復してください。十分な食べ物があれば、永遠に起きていられます!しかし、ある時点を過ぎると、長時間起きていると時間の経過とともにエネルギーが失われます。それを防ぐために、ほんの数分間であっても、1 日 1 回程度の睡眠を心がけてください。
  • ホーム エリア内のどのチェストからでも、文字通り、ホーム エリア外のチェストにアクセスできます。十分なチェストがあり、ゲームのシステムを理解したら、在庫管理は最小限であり、これは素晴らしいことです.屋外で作成する場合は、材料をチェストに保管してください。
  • チェストの置き方と中に入れるものを整理しましょう。自宅のワークショップでクラフトのほとんどを行うことになりますが、時々材料を入手する必要があります。何をどこに保管しているかを覚えておくことができれば、これをすばやく簡単に行うことができます。いくつかのものを過剰にストックしすぎていましたが、エンド ゲームまでに 12 個のチェストを持っていたと思います:P.
  • チェストの最後の素材は絶対に使用しないでください。これは組織のためです。材料をすべて使い切ると、物をどこに置いたか忘れ始めます。後で自動化すると、入れたくないチェストに物が入れられることになります。
  • 教会のそばにチェストを 2 つ置きます。左右に 1 つずつです。後でお礼を言います。
  • この時点以降、ゲームの最初の 10 時間は何も知らずにプレイし、ほとんどのことを自然に発見することを楽しんでください。その後、エンドゲームのフラストレーションを防ぐために戻ってきます.ただし、それはあなたの選択です。必要に応じて次のセクションまでお読みください。

死体、罪 (赤/白の頭蓋骨)、防腐処理 (墓地の評価とあなた)

  • sin / エンバーミングと墓地の仕組みをまだ完全に理解していない場合は、非常に重要であるため、学ぶ必要があります。
  • 基本的に、死体の場合、白い頭蓋骨は良い評価であり、赤い頭蓋骨はそれらを相殺します。体の部分を削除すると、評価が変わります。エンバーミングは、評価を変更する 2 つ目の方法です。
  • 評価が高ければ高いほど、ゲームの後半で提供される毎週のサービスに対して、より多くのお金と特別なリソースを獲得できます。そうです、非常に重要です。早い段階で強力な墓地を取得すると、大量のコインを必要とするいくつかのクエストのために後でコインを挽く必要がなくなります。また、もっとお金が欲しくないのは誰ですか?
  • 墓石とフェンスは、死体があなたの墓地にもたらす最大の価値を決定します。したがって、白い頭蓋骨でいっぱいの完全な死体があり、赤い頭蓋骨がない場合でも、石とフェンスの合計値が 4 の場合、それらの白い頭蓋骨のうち 4 つの利益しか得られません。
  • 墓石とフェンスは後でいつでも交換できます。徐々にアップグレードすることを恐れないでください。 Rule of thumb though is to get 2 quality levels better at least on each item before replacing unless you’re a min maxer. It’s a nice compromise between constant replacement and missing out on the increased revenue. (if the corpse is good enough to provide it)
  • Look for corpses with a decent ratio of white skulls to red skulls.
  • Fat and blood are always safe to remove as they remove 1 red skull while adding 1 white skull.
  • You’ll always want to use a glue injection on your embalming table.
  • Lye injections add both a red and a white skull so for this to help you’ll need to remove the red skull it adds.
  • Silver and Gold Injections remove red skulls while adding white skills. -1/+1 and -2/+2 respectively. They use rare resources so make sure you only use them when you have a red skull to remove. This will help determine what white to red skull ratio of corpses you can successfully use so they are powerful tools in that regard.
  • Removing brains and guts and etc can be useful if you get lucky with the skulls randomly assigned to them, but mainly is done for quests and turning them into ingredients via alchemy or studying them.

Selling items and You (Very Important)

  • The in town economy system is obtuse and I hate it. It’s the single worst thing about the game. It’s not an issue until mid to end game so you go most of the game before this impacts your enjoyment.
  • You learn that only specific merchants will buy specific things and not all of those type of things either. Things like “this quality doesn’t sell but this quality sells to this guy and that quality sells to another guy” happen. MOST stuff sells to people that make sense, but even then they won’t buy everything that make sense and often have quality limitations. Some qualities of some goods cannot be sold at all. None of this is explained, none of this is intuitive, none of this is ok.
  • You have to run all over town to sell things to like 5+ different merchants since each only buy certain things.
  • On top of this, the town has limited coin. Some shops will slowly regain coin over time at a crawl (compared to how much you need to earn to finish the game) and some will not replenish coin at all it seems. This is why getting a good graveyard going as early as possible is so important.
  • You have to buy a certain amount from different vendors to even access certain tiers of purchase…which is a waste of money you’ll need for later. I never found it to be useful.
  • When you start ramping up production, always test selling to merchants first before you really commit. Nothing sucks worse than ending up with tons of crap you can’t sell. There is no crap box to sell misc stuff in like Stardew Valley and there needs to be. A late game money making solution shows up but it’s also very limited.

Craftng, Alchemy, and Automation

  • Making things that have multiple qualities can only be done 1 at a time and the UI for it is cumbersome. This can be almost completely avoided, but it’s annoying. I ended up cooking alot of lower quality food because cooking higher quality food was not worth the trouble at all when I could just get easy to gather ingredients and carry around twice as much. Thankfully late game automation handles this on non-cooking stuff. I wish the game let you automate the cooking of quality based foods :(. This one bone headed decision made all star quality food basically worthless.
  • This also means any food with a quality rating basically sucks when it comes to restoring your energy because it takes more time to craft it 1 by 1 than it’s worth to eat it.
  • Simple easily obtained foods like sliced beets you can eat for energy are your best option. Once you have a good farm going you can easily power through with masses of cheap food that requires almost no prep.
  • Best cost to energy food that can be mass produced I fond was muffins. Needs 1 dough and 1 honey for multiple muffins. Don’t get married to it, use whatever crops you have on hand to mass produce other foods too, but this is a good one to remember.
  • Be aware some recipes have multiple ingredient options you can scroll through, like dinners (which are a quest item). I wasted alot of time once hunting down a specific ingredient for no reason.
  • When it comes time to use them, do not use more flyers than you need. I wasted a good amount of materials trying to boost something that has an invisible cap. There is 1 quest that needs 10 flyers and then after that you need flyers for something else up to a point. The number will keep going up but past that point you get no benefit. Just do yourself a favor and look up the cap at that time :P. Being vague so as not to spoil but you’ll know what I mean :P.
  • I never found candles or incense worth it. As 1 time consumables from what is a limited or time intensive resource to collect to help you collect a resource you can already easily collect…they are not great. that being said, no sense in saving any candles/incense you make…use em. Candles and insense are good only for that one purpose.
  • With alchemy for awhile do yourself a favor and look up the recipes and then craft the ones that you think will be useful 1 time. After being crafted once it’s forever remembered. I enjoyed some “try and find the recipe” alchmey systems like Skyrim, but in Graveyard Keeper it did not feel satisfying so I recommend just looking up the recipes and how to find the ingredients to save yourself the trouble.
  • There are 2 specific potions that are core, I used them constantly the moment I had a steady supply of materials. The Digestion Potion and Speed Potion will make your life so much easier when you are able to run perma buffed with them. Use the wiki after you start playing with alchmey to learn their ingredients and where to find them.
  • Before using any potion that buffs you, especially speed and digestion potions, eat Sauerkraut. It’s easy to make and it extends buff duration significantly. This makes it a god tier food you should keep around 100% of the time.
  • Rage and Protection potions can be useful for the dungeon, but TBH unless you have a ton of alchemy ingredients for them you can easily get by with proper food/drink.
  • The automation in this game requires heavy investment but is surprisingly fun and good and continues to scale until the game is nearly over. Quite satisfied with it overall.
  • The Alchemy automation is good for everything but distillations. Do yourself a favor and do the distillations yourself with the distillation cube. I think I had either 2 or 3. It takes ridiculous amounts of time to do distillations via automation. Powders and solutions however process in reasonable time frames so automation works very well for those.
  • You can automate more than you think, experiment placing your automation at available tables in your outside production area of your homestead. You can also pick up and move the automation from one place to another. If it makes things and it’s in your main workshop yard, it can prolly be automated. You can also take over directly at any time if you need something faster.
  • Produced items from automation will automatically go to chests that already have those items in it. Make more chests than you think you need, get organized, never take the last item of anything so automation doesn’t place it in a random chest next production cycle. Respect how it works and you’ll have no inventory management issues, it’ll pretty much manage itself.