

Hiveswap – ゲームプレイ ウォークスルー (Act 2)



ゲームは、ジョーイとゼフロスがシカの群れに乗っている最初のゲームが終了したところから始まります。しばらくすると、ジョーイとゼフロスは、ゼフロスの近所(トリザ皇后に襲われた)から遠く離れた駅に立ち寄ります。ゼフロスはジョーイ・ダメクにセーターを渡し、惑星オルタニアで人間としてのアイデンティティを隠す。二人の主な計画は、ダメックとゼフロスが皇后に反抗するのを助けているグラブルズのファンであるクリデアに会うことです.どうやらCrideaはみんなが参加するJeevik Weekと呼ばれる巨大なパーティーを主催しているようです(彼女は彼らの惑星に非常に影響力のあるバイオレットブラッドであるため).クリデアと会う

  • 券売機 (ライト付きのバー) を使用する場合、残念ながらチケットを購入することはできません。
  • 左側に向かうと、カフェの外に 2 匹のトロルが立っていて、彼らと話します
  • 彼らと話した後、カフェに向かい、券売機を操作する方法を見つけてください。
  • 残念ながら、トリザがドローンをカフェに送り、エリア内でミサイルを発射したため、チケットを入手できませんでした。ジョーイとゼフロスは気を失い、ゲームの導入は終了しました。



  • ゴミの山の上に大きな虫がいるところを右に進みます
  • 達成:水をクリックして水泳を選択します。Xefros が準備ができているかどうか尋ねたら、はいと答えます。これにより、Xefros が泳ぐために水に入るイベントがアクティブになりますが、ジョーイを水に引きずり込む魚にぶつかり、ダムに激突して滝に落ち、 Gone Swimming Achievement のロックを解除し、ゲーム オーバーを引き起こします。
  • 右側に洞窟の入り口があるはずです。そこに向かいます。
  • 中に入ると、ジョーイはゼフロスに話しかけようとしますが、ジョーイには角がないため、ジョーイのそばで快適に過ごすことができません。手近な次の任務は、ホーンを手に入れるまでそれ以上移動できないため、ジョーイがその場しのぎのホーンを着用するのを見つけることです。 2 人の子供が無料のプレゼントを盗むのを嫌がるので、ここで曲がったスプーンをなくしてしまいます。
  • 角を手に入れるには、外に戻って右側のゴミの山をクリックします。これにより、Xefros がゴミを掘って角の形をしたトラフィック コーンを取り出すイベントがアクティブになります
  • 角を手に入れたら、右側の洞窟に戻り、クリックして洞窟の奥へ進みます。



  • ずっと右に進み、出口をクリックします。ただし、Xefros はあなたを止めて、自然の匂いがしない限り、森は危険だと言います (Dammek は彼に言いました)。
  • 農家に向かい、Xefros テレキネシスを使用して、農家に入るドアのロックを解除します。
  • 中に入ると、左側に巨大なミツバチが見えます。これが自然の匂いを嗅ぐ鍵となります。とはいえ、踊らないとどうにもなりません。棚の上には、ダンスを学ぶための鍵となる本があります。 Xefros テレキネシスを使用して本を下に置き、ジョーイに切り替えて、彼女がダンスを学べるようにします。ミツバチにダンスを使用できますが、ジョーイがトロールに見えないため、失敗するだけです。ここで、その場しのぎのホーンが登場します.
  • 実績:特定の角笛を選択すると、獲得できる実績が決まります。トラフィック コーンを選択すると、トラフィック コーン コスチュームのロックが解除されます。ただし、農家にある櫛を角として使用することを選択すると、 宝庫の変装のロックが解除されます。 (実績を解除するために両方のゲームで別のホーンを選択しましたが、前にセーブして別のホーンを選択した人もいると思います)。
  • ジョーイが角を装備したので、ミツバチのダンスを踊ってミニゲームを起動できます
  • ミニゲームはリズムゲームのようにプレイします。ミツバチはスポットに着地し、中央に近いほどゲージがいっぱいになります。ゲームは 2 つの方法でプレイできます。1 つは蜂が近くに来たらカーソルをその場所に合わせる方法、もう 1 つはキーボードの OK M キーと Q A Z キーを使用して蜂が中央に着地したらクリックする方法です。
  • ミニゲームを完了すると、ミツバチがジョーイとゼフロスに自然の匂いのするフェロモンを「親切に」スプレーし、クエストを完了して森の外の右側を通過できるようにします。


  • 2 つの大きな LED サインの下にあるターミナルに向かい、チケットを購入します。おやおや、ジョーイの血が惑星で確認されていないため、マシンがあなたを締め出しました。
  • インシデントの後、チケットを取得する別の方法を見つける必要があります。メイン エリアでは誰からもチケットを受け取ることができないため、ホームの右側に向かいます。
  • プラットホームには、チクシー、ゼブル、エルワード、素敵なマーバスの 4 人のトロールがいて、電車のチケットを購入するのを手伝ってくれます。
  • Elwurd に話しかけると、本物のチケットを手に入れた場合にのみ交換できる偽のチケットがあると言われます (本物のチケット 1 枚は偽のチケット 2 枚の価値があるようです)
  • Chixie と Zebruh から本物のチケットを入手できるトロールは 2 人だけです (Maruvs は Jeevik ウィークのパフォーマーであるため、彼をあきらめません)
  • Zebruh の場合、彼は Marvus からサインをもらい、Marvus に彼のミックステープのサンプルを渡すように依頼して、彼をスターの座に導くという使命をあなたに与えます。その後、マーバスはゼブルに電話をかけ、才能があることを伝え、ゼブルが自信がないと言うオーディションに参加するためのチケットを放棄する.その自信を高めるには、Xefros と Zebruh のオートチューン マイクを使用して自信を高め、チケットをあきらめてください。
  • この時点で、エルワードに行って偽のチケットと交換するか、チクシーと話して別の本物のチケットを試すことができます.
  • あなたがエルワードに向かうと、彼らはあなたの本物のチケットを偽物とは見なさないことを明らかにします。これらは後で不可欠になるため、ポグを交換しないことをお勧めします
  • 本物のチケットを購入する場合は、Chixie のところに行き、彼女と話してください。彼女は実際には地下の抗議者であり、ジーヴィックの週に皇后に反対する抗議を行うことを明らかにします.彼女を止めずにエルワードに戻ることを選択するか、彼女が行ってチケットを取得するのを止めることができます. Elwurdに向かい、Chixieがどのように抗議を行うかを伝え、Elwurdが彼女に行かないよう説得するのを手伝ってくれる.チケットを手放すように彼女を説得するエルワードの後を追って、チクシーに戻りましょう。
  • 本物の切符が 2 枚あるので、あとは改札をクリックして電車が来るのを待つだけです。


タブレットでメッセージを受け取ったとき、あなたはついにCrideaに会うためにJeevikの週に向かう電車に乗りました. Dammeks の仲間である Fiamet は、Joey が人間であり、Alternia と Earth が終焉を迎えるまであと 11 日しかないことを知っていることを明らかにしました。 Cridea also messages revealing that they know Joey is human as well and that at the rate the train is going it will take 3 weeks to get there, which they don’t have time for. Mission activated, get to the engine room and speed up the train to get to the party faster.

  • You will start in the rust blood area, where your goal is to head up the train, head over to the right side to move forward.
  • However, the mop troll Marati will be blocking your only way of passing through unless you give them a good reason why you need to go through.
  • Head all the way to the left where you will meet Skylla, the lusus wrangler, who informs you that her lusus is sick and she needs medicine to help it recover. Joey offers to ask around for the medicine in which Skylla is greatful. Talk with her again to tell her how Marati is blocking the way unless you have a good reason, in which Skylla will vouch for you to get medicine for the lusus.
  • Head back to the right and tell Marati the reason, which she responds that she was only joking and that she was going to let you through anyway.
  • With that, you have completed the Rust Blood Car.

The Gold and Olive Car

You have moved up to the next car where the gold and olive bloods sit.

  • Before heading all the way to the right, I recommend that you talk with all interactive trolls Folykl and Kuprum, Cirava, Polypa, and Boldir (not mandatory to talk to but if you want)
  • They will all tell you how two trolls Konyyl and Ardaja have been arguing since the train left. This is bad for you as they are blocking the right side to proceed to the next cart.
  • Head all the way to the right in attempt to talk with them in order to pass through, which they don’t even hear as they are focused on their argument. Time to break it up.
  • Talk with Polypa who you will ask to help break up the two in order to pass through. Polypa accepts your request, however she can only handle Konyyl as Ardaja can use his psionics powers to stun her. You will need to find a troll who can drain energy, lucky for you they are in the same car.
  • Head all the way to the left to Folykl and Kuprum and talk with them to help break up the argument. Folykyl will be the troll for the job as they live off of draining energy.
  • Once gaining the dream team, head all the way right and initiate the distraction. You did it, they are distracted and you can pass through NOT
  • The plan fails as the two trolls overpower the Polypa and Folykl and confront you as you are about to exit the train. Ardaja will demand that you strife against him in order to pass. Once ready, just click on his and STRIFE.
  • All you need to do is switch to Joey and dance at him. You are not suppose to win that I am aware of so if Joey gets knocked down don’t worry.
  • The strife ends and they solved their argument letting you pass through completing the Gold and Olive car.

The Jade and Teal Car

You’re almost there, just a few cars more. Here’s where you can get some more achievements depending on what path you choose.

  • The trolls you will encounter here will be the jades Bronya, Daraya, Lanque, Wanshi, Lynara and the Teals Tagora, Tirona, Tegiri, Tyzias, and Stelsa.
  • Everything seems smooth, so just head straight all the way to the right and proceed.
  • Suddenly, a whole conflict happens around the jades and the teals where Daraya has been accused of ruining Lynara’s book which Tirona has found in the restroom. Marvus, the troll from the train platform, was on a stroll on the train when he stops at your car and is amused of the situation. Tyzias, the teal troll will suggest to do a mock trial to figure out who ruined the book, amusing Marvus as he chooses to be the judge, Tyzia’s Matespirit Stelsa will be the attory, and Tyzia will be on defense. You can try to leave the car, however Marvus will stop you from leaving until the case has been solved dragging you into a case mystery where you can’t leave the car until it has been completed.
  • Check the lockers on the far left and try to open them only to fail. So, head to Bronya and ask her for the locker key which she will hand over. Head back to the lockers and begin rummaging them for evidence. You should find the following items:Missing pages, Nail File, Nail Polish, the H2D magazine, a purrbeast book, and a slashed figurine.
  • Talk to all the trolls to gain information on the situation.
  • Once you talk with Tagora, he will discuss his proof of innocence by asking you to bring the security tape from the restroom. At the restroom, click on the camera looking thing at the top activating a description on security cameras on their planet. The tape will be stuck so click on the nail file and then click on the camera and there you will have your security tape.
  • Click on the security tape and then click on Tagora who will show you the proof that it wasn’t him.
  • Talk with him again and he will provide you information that will be essential for the trial, but for a cost. You will need the following items in order to trade for information:The magic spice mix, the pogs, and batteries which you can either use the battery from your flashlight, or the extra batteries from act one when you port a save from that act.
  • Once you have gathered all the evidence talk with Tyzias and the trial begins.

The trial portion is honestly pretty boring no offense the second time so I will create a very simple guide on choices. You could also just press hint for everything throughout the trial. Also, there have been glitches where people can’t find items in inventory before the trial and don’t worry I thought the same thing too. Once you start the trial the items will appear no worry.

  • Present Tirona
  • Press all her statements
  • Present the H2D magazine on her 3rd statement.
  • Press on the first statement
  • Click on reminded on someone, and that someone will be Lanque
  • Bronya will be next on the stand
  • Press on all the statements
  • Present Bronya’s Itinerary on the 3rd statement
  • Press on the 1st and 2nd statements
  • Present the locker key on the 2nd statement
  • At this point present anything until a long statement is presented in which Tegiri is called to the stand
  • Press on the 1st and 2nd statement
  • Present the model on the 2nd statement
  • Present the nail polish and confirm it
  • Present the internet history
  • Press on the third statement
  • Present the purrbeast book on the 3rd statement

Here is where you can go two ways with the trial offering different achievements. However the one achievement you will always get is the Legislacerated award for completing the trial experiment

Achievement 1:Cell you later?

  • Start the trial again
  • Press on the 3rd statement
  • Present the H2d Magazine on the 3rd statement
  • Press on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th statements
  • Present the diary and the tape
  • Congratulations, you completed the trial and culled Lynara!

Achievement 2:Best Possible Scenario

  • You will need to have Tyzias notes that you have gotten from Tegora in order to initiate this
  • Choose the third option when talking to Tyzias
  • When asked to choose evidence, choose the diary and the nail polish
  • Went presenting a troll, choose Washi.
  • Congratulations, you finished the trial and no one died, how boring!

With that you managed to ease the car and proceed to the next car.

The Cerulean and Indigo Car (aka Blue Car)

You have now arrived in the blue car where it has been split into two floors, the Cerulean floor with trolls Remele, Elwurd, Mallek, Ardata and the Indigo floor with Nihkee, Galekah and Amisia.

  • Talk with all the trolls on the cerulean floor EXCEPT for Ardata, unless you do in which you get a achievement for.
  • Achievement:Head all the way to the right and talk with Ardata, and if they offer you to come into the room, say yes Congratulations you cause Joey and Xefros to be trapped in a room and killed by Ardata winning the Catfish Achievement and causing a game over.
  • Head up the elevator to the Indigo floor and try to pass through the door to the next car. You will be stopped by the Indigo trolls who won’t let you go until you show them proof that you are cultured (as you have used proof that you know Marvus who is a purple blood which they don’t believe)
  • The first thing to find is some good literature for Galekah. Head down to the lower floor and talk with Mallek, who can help find some literature in trade for you to help charge his devices. Head back to the gold car and talk with Folykl who can help charge the device. Once charged, head back to the blue car and present the fully charged device to Mallek who will give you the literature in return. Head back up the elevator and present the literature to Galekah.
  • The next thing is to find some good art for Amisia. This can be done 2 ways, but here is what I did for mine.
  • Head down to the lower floor and talk with Remele who can create you some good art in trade for some raw material. Head all the way to the rust blood car (yes all the way to the beginning) and talk with Marsti who will give you some garbage which is super RAW. Bring it all the way back to the blue car and present the garbage to Remele who will create the art with it. Once you have gain the art, head back up and present it to Amisia completing her task.
  • The last thing is for Nihkee, who challenges you to muscular theatre. Since it is a performance you will have to find a costume to perform in. Head down and speak with Elwurd who will deny all your options no matter what you choose. You will have to resort to Ardata and agree to come into the room. Elwurd comes over and stops you from going in and asking you to go talk with her again. Once you talk with her, she will give in and give you the costume. With the costume in hand, head back up and talk with Nihkee and initiate the theatre. You will lose no matter what that I am aware of but that’s okay as you gave a good performance.
  • With the three task complete, you can now pass through the blue car to the second to last car…the purple car

The Purple Car

This will be the second to last car before heading to the engine room. This room is also the most dangerous as purple bloods are mostly clowns, AKA murderers. The car comprised of trolls Chahut, Barzum and Baizli, Karako, and your friend Marvus.

  • Click on the spiral elevator and head down to the lower floor. Head all the way to the right where you see your friend Marvus asking him if you can pass.
  • You can pass, only if you can play their game. The game to Murder trolls in order to pass
  • You can’t back out as the clowns are holding Xefros hostage, from here it’s all on Joey
  • The first color chosen is gold. Head down to the gold car to see Cirava asleep. Click on them activating the action to take a photo of them pretending that they are dead. With this proof, head back to the purple car and talk with Marvus presenting the photo to them passing the yellow. But it’s not over yet.
  • The next round will be teal, but this time the clowns asked for a trophy of proof. Head down to the teal car and talk with Tegiri who will offer you his Tanto as a trophy. Bring it back to the purple car and talk with Marvus. Chahut doesn’t believe you killed a troll with a clean trophy so they demand you come back with it covered in the teal blood. Head over to the blue car and talk with Elwurd, who will help you out and ask Remele to paint the Tanto in teal paint to make it seem like blood. Head back to the Purple car and talk with Marvus showing him the “bloody” tanto. They will accept this as the paint was realistic.
  • The last color that you will have to do is PURPLE, you will have to kill a purple troll in order to pass through. The clowns give an explosive reaction and want to party to celebrate the moment, demanding Joey to head back to the rust blood car and grab some Faygo drinks. Head all the way to the rust blood car and all the way to the left near Skylla. Some dialogue will happen where Joey discovers that there is no Faygo in the car and that she was had by the clowns. Head back to the purple car where Baizli comes out from the purple car telling you that there is no more time as they will murder you first. Before Baizli can get to Joey, Xefros comes out of the car and pushes Baizli off the bridge towards his death as he is stabbed by the spikes under the bridge. Xefros reveals that once time was up, Marvus let him go to meet with Joey. Head back inside to see Baizli twin Barzum shaking on the ground due to his twins death. The other trolls laugh at this and accept the kill letting you through their car.

Congratulations you made it through the purple car, but for a price. Now to the final car, the engine car.

The Engine Car

After all the tasks and trials, you finally made it to the Engine car. However there is a active drone driving the car and if you open the door, the alarm will ring. In order to switch the car to the faster lane, you will have to flip the switch that the drone currently has its hand on.

  • Use Xefros and his telekinesis on the lever that the drone isn’t holding. This will unlock a trapdoor inside that is behind the drone. Use the telekinesis again on the trapdoor to unlock it.
  • Switch to Joey and use the tap dance action on the blue hula girl to distract the drone. Use the flashlight and shine it on the hula girl catching the drone’s attention. Click on Byers the bird and the trap door causing him to fly under into the trapdoor and he is now in the engine car. Use Byers on the drone causing the drone to move around until it dies out.
  • Go back to Xefros and use the bat to break the glass on the door. With the shards on the ground, use telekinesis on the glass and click on the pipes that connect the drone to the ceiling.
  • Switch back to Joey and use the treats on the drone causing Byers to peck the drone cutting of it’s communication system.
  • The last step is to go back to Xefros and use telekinesis on the lever the drone was holding causing the train to go on the express lane.

Congratulations, with that you have completed the game! Now to wait 3 more years for the next act!