

Hades – 基本ガイド (部屋の報酬、神々、武器)

Hades で成功するためのヒント、コツ、戦略のコレクション!



Hades はローグライトのジャンルでは珍しく、プレイヤーの知識に大きく報います。技術だけでなく、経験だけでなく、メカニックそのものの知識。したがって、私はあなたが自分自身を蹴り飛ばすのを手伝いたいと思います!

各プレイスルーはランダムに生成されるため、これはウォークスルーではありません。この素晴らしいゲームで Git Gud ™ を可能にする知識の集まりです。直面する選択をするのに役立ついくつかのランク付けされたリストと、ボスと敵に関する一般的なヒントがあります。


提供された報酬に基づいて次の遭遇を選択するときは、常にダイデルス ハンマーで部屋を取ります。これらは非常に強力で、通常は主な武器の実行を定義する変更です.

次に、通常、ゴッドブーンのある部屋を取りたいと思うでしょう.これらは、ほぼすべてのケースで 2 番目に強力な報酬です。あなたが死にかけている場合やその他の異常な状況でない限り、ほとんどの場合、同時に2つのブーンがある部屋を選ぶのが最善です.エリートの敵があなたを攻撃している間、あなたが怒らせた神があなたに物を投げつけて、あなたは非常に厳しい戦いを戦わなければなりませんが、あなたは2部屋分のパワーアップを得るでしょう.各バイオームには常に決まった数の部屋があるので、これは大変なことです!


ケンタウロス ハート (最大ライフ)、ポン オブ パワー (ブーン レベル)、およびオボル (お金) は、状況に応じて相対的な有用性が変化します。心に留めておくべきことの 1 つは、ほとんどの場合、報酬としてお金のある部屋では、他の種類の報酬を購入するよりも少ない金額しか得られないということです.


すべての神々は、同様のテーマ要素を持つブーンを提供します。ゼウスは稲妻を行い、ポセイドンは水の力を提供し、アテナは防御を付与します。通常、これらはゲームプレイ要素に関して特定のテーマを持っています。どの神が何を提供しているか、どの神が現在のロードアウトに役立つか、どの神が常に役立つか、どの神がまったく役に立たないかを知るのに役立ちます。注意すべきことの 1 つは、アタック、スペシャル、キャスト、ダッシュのそれぞれに 1 つのブーンしかブーストできないことです。だから、人に稲妻をぶつけて凍らせて弱らせ、押し戻し、毒にするような攻撃はできません。残念ですが、バランスの取れたアイデアです。

このリストについて注意すべきことの 1 つは、ほぼすべての神々が一連の非常に強力なブーストを提供することです。リストの一番下に到達するまでは、すべて提供できるものがたくさんあります。たとえば、ポセイドンは 5 位であるにもかかわらず、状況に応じて強力なダメージ ブーストを提供し、おそらくゲームで最高のゴッド コールを提供します。とにかく、良いものから悪いものまで、さあ始めましょう!

1.エルメス – スピード

ヘルメスはゲームの神々の中でもユニークなボスです。他のすべてとは異なり、彼には攻撃、ダッシュ、回避、または特殊に固有のブーンはありません。そのため、彼のブーンはほぼすべてのものにスタックし、すべてに共通点があります。それはスピードです。彼はあなたをより速く動かし、よりダッシュし、敵の攻撃を自動でかわすチャンスを与えます.特筆すべきは、生存率を大幅に向上させる自動回避を可能にする彼のブーンと、部屋に入るたびにお金を与えてくれる彼のブーンです。 /P>

2.アテナ – 防衛

アテナは、いとこ、彼女のブーンがどのビルドでも役立つという点で注目に値します。彼女は非常に強力なアンチトラップ ブーンを持っており、トラップからのダメージを最大 90% 軽減し、もはや脅威ではありません。彼女のコールは最も強力な 2 つのうちの 1 つで、数秒間真っ直ぐ無敵になり、ボスに対して非常に優れています。彼女のダッシュブーンはゲームで群を抜いて最高で、ダッシュ中の無敵時間を増やし、攻撃を反射させます。これにより、爆発する魔法のボールを反射させることで、インスタキル スプリッター (魔女の幽霊のようなもの) などのクールなことができるようになります!

3.ディオニュソス – 治癒、毒

なんてナイスガイ、そして本当の仲間!通常、アルコールは時間の経過とともに改善するわけではありませんが、このゲームでは改善されます。ディオニュソスには、ネクターから追加の最大ヘルスを得るブーンがあります。彼はまた、ゲームで最高のバフの 1 つであるストロング ドリンクを持っています。これにより、噴水がすべてのダメージを回復し、スタッキングされた永続的なダメージ ブーストが得られます。彼はまた、「ハングオーバー」と呼ばれる強力な毒効果を敵に与え、時間の経過とともに非常に大きなダメージを与えます.これは、ヒットアンドラン戦術、または複数回または遠距離からの弱い攻撃に特に役立ちます.おまけとして、これにより、追加の屈辱ポイントの二日酔いで、途方もない力を持つ強力な神話上の人物を殺すことができます。最後のボスにふさわしいものを与えるのに素晴らしい.

しかし、注意してください!彼のキャスト ブーンは派手で少し楽しいですが、初心者をだますためのトラップ オプションです。キャストが通常適用する巨大なデバフを取り除きます。

4.デメテル – ダメージ、チル

彼女は本当のジャークで、ゲームの最初の部分で彼女の小さな芽に恩恵をまったく提供しません.ただし、最終的に彼女のロックを解除すると、彼女はかなり良いものをいくつか提供します.彼女があなたに提供する主なものは、攻撃と特別な攻撃に対する素晴らしいブーストです。大きなパーセンテージのダメージブーストと、敵を大幅に遅くする本当に厄介な状態異常です.大したことではないように思えますが、10 スタックをボスに叩きつけて、どれだけの違いがあるか見てみましょう。


5.アフロディーテ – ダメージのクラプトン


6.ポセイドン – 混合

リストを下げている間、ポセイドンは甥の「リトルハデス」にいくつかの強力なブーストを提供しています.何よりも、彼は私たち全員が望んでいたクールな叔父です。彼自身の意見では、彼はゼウスよりもハンサムで、楽しく、パワフルでもあります。彼はまた、他の神々を無意味に構えたり挑発したりしない唯一の神であり、一般的には超クールな男です.とにかく、彼はさまざまな恩恵を提供しています。彼はあなたの闇と宝石の収入を増やす唯一の神であり、ある恩恵はあなたが稼ぐ金額を増やし、別の恩恵はすぐにあなたにグッズを与えます.彼のノックバック効果は強力ですが、それらを最大限に活用するには何をしているのかを知る必要があります。彼を本当に際立たせているのは、おそらくゲームで最高の2つのうちの1つである彼のゴッドコールです。低レベルでも、ゴッドゲージのわずか20%がいっぱいで、敵1つか2つに1000のダメージを与えることができます。それはより高いレベルでボスを完全に破壊します。高レベル、高レアリティのポセイドンのゴッドコールは、10,000 以上のダメージを与えることができます!

6.アレス – 平凡

アレスは戦争の神です。ものを殺すゲームでは、彼はいとこの大きな助けになると思うかもしれませんが、残念ながらそうではありません. He’s the first god that really falls into “middling” territory for boon strength. His cast is awkward and slow. His boons that help attack and special somehow do not increase base damage, but rather inflict a status ailment called “Doom”, which sets a timer after which the enemy takes a big hit. But this ironically works very poorly for an agressive playstyle (some god of war he is, pfft), since you get no bonus for repeated hits until the attack triggers. His god call is basically Poseidon only much worse. Fortunately, he does have a boon that straight up boosts the damage of all your attacks, specials, and casts, so he does have something nice to offer.

7. Zeus – Overspecialization

Pretty disappointing for the King of the Gods, Zeus has little to offer a young man. His deal is causing lightning bolts and chain lightning, which are a very small boost to your regular hits, far lower than Aphrodite, Demeter, or Poseidon. However, his boons do go very well with a select few weapons which hit frequently for low damage. He only has one really useful synergy – ironically with his own shield. Combining his lightning boons with the Zeus aspect of the shield does an absolutely massive amount of damage with his frequent hits. Other than that, though, steer clear.

8. Artemis – Shame

Despite being one of the coolest gods that her cousin gets to interact with, her boosts are remarkably feeble. They center around critical hits, which increase damage, but unreliably and without a status debuff like the hugely useful Weak or Chill. It is very useful to know that it takes exactly six stabs to kill a Lout, and sometimes killing them in three is not much of a help.

Basic Weapon Rankings

Being a game about hitting enemies with weapons, the weapons are a huge part of the game. Obviously. But which ones are good? Later, you will unlock “aspects”, which are variants of the weapons with extra boosts and sometimes extra drawbacks. First up, let’s talk about the weapons in general without their special aspects. From worst to best…

6. Sword

Choose the two-handed sword as your weapon and Zagreus will be rightly punished for picking such a stereotypical weapon that is also out of place in the spear-loving ancient Greek world. You know the phrase “Jack of all trades, master of none”? The sword is that, only an extreme emphasis on “master of none”. It has the third worst damage in the game, the second worst range in the game, and the absolute worst defensive play in the game. The fists and spear, beat it in every single category.

The sword’s attack is a boring short range three-hit combo. It does little damage per second, very short range, and has an abnormally long recovery time in the later hits of the base combo. For bonus annoyance, the third hit of your combo pulls you forward, so good luck fighting something hovering over lava with this.

The special attack is an area of effect hit centered on Zagreus. It has one of the worst attack timings in the game, with a long period of reduced control and a huge lag between starting and ending the attack. It is also unable to get a backstab bonus with this special, making it almost useless against bosses.

5. Gun

Speaking of weapons that are out of place, the gun (wut) does the lowest damage of any weapon in the game. Fighting the third boss or even the minibosses of the third area will cause you to die of boredom even before you die of attrition, as you slowwwwwwwly chip away at enemy health. It is also the most technically complex weapon in the game – it needs to reload both it’s attack and special, and the special’s impossibly long lag between launching and hitting makes auto-aim nearly useless. You could say that it is highly specialized in killing the least dangerous foes in the game.

The primary attack fires bullets, much like you’d expect. What you may not have expected is that it may as well be firing tiny water balloons for all the damage it does. It is good for enemies with the toughness of wet tissue paper, like floating skulls and exploding chariots, and absolutely nothing else.

The special attack does good damage, but is the most difficult attack to pull off in the entire game. It launches a grenade at a very high arc (Zagreus’ weapon training didn’t include grenade launchers obviously). However, with both practice and great luck with hammers, the special elevates the gun to a very high level of power. It’s just harder to use and entirely dependent on luck, but no longer weak.


Now we’re getting into the good stuff. There is much less difference among the top four weapons as there is between the top four and bottom two. While the sword is objectively bad and the gun is fiddly and requires lots of luck and skill, there is a lot to like about the top four and you can do quite well with any of them.

4. Bow

The bow does generally poor damage but does so very safely, and has an option or two for higher damage.

The bow’s regular attack shoots an arrow. Astonishing! The catch is that you can charge it up and release it at a specific time to do bonus damage, allowing you to do decent damage at long range, with the downside of requiring attention and timing to do it.

The bow’s special attack is basically a shotgun spread of arrows. Mostly useless from afar except to apply Doom from Ares. However, you can run right up to a bad guy’s face (or better yet, back) and release this attack to do very good damage. Hmm… if only there was a way to combine the shotgun attack’s sheer damage with the safety of the regular attack. (Foreshadowing!)

3. Spear

This is probably what the sword was meant to be. It is a true jack of all trades – good range, decent damage, quick attacks, plus it is safe and very easy to use.

The regular attack is the star of the show. It’s good at basically everything except damage, which is still miles ahead of the gun. Exceptionally well suited toward a defensive style, this lets you apply status effects with relative impunity, or just stab things to death with boons that boost damage (or both, like Demeter’s chill attack boon). It also has a charged spin attack which… is not very useful on it’s own, but can be boosted to be pretty cool with Daedelus hammers. If only there was a way to get the range and speed of the spear with real damage output (Foreshadowing!).

Sadly, the special is the worst in the entire game. You throw your spear, and with the next button press you suck it back toward you. It has great range and terrible damage, which is basically pointless since the spear has such good range already. For further annoyance, you can’t do attack while your spear is not in your hands (duh), so your only option after throwing it is to pull it back.

2. Shield

The shield has very poor range, but has pretty good damage if you don’t know what you’re doing, really good damage against mooks if you do know what you’re doing. Unsurprisingly, the shield also boasts the strongest defensive play in the game.

The main attack is like the sword – a short combo of close-range attacks. It does surprisingly high damage for whacking the enemy with what is nominally a defensive tool! As a bonus, though, it knocks enemies back. Doesn’t seem great until you realize that you do bonus damage for knocking enemies into things. Master that and you can make short work of anything you can back into a wall.

The special attack is fairly useful. It throws a shield for low damage at great range, similar to the spear’s special. Unlike the spear, however, this is a great addition to the shield’s moveset as it has really poor range in most cases, so a long range attack is good against something like an exploding chariot or some floating jerk hiding over lava. If only there was a way to make the shield’s throw do more damage. (Foreshadowing!!)

Special mention goes to what happens when you hold attack – you use the shield as… a shield. Anything that attacks you from the front (which is almost everything in the entire game) just bounces right off, no need to dodge. If you’ve got the patience, this makes the shield tremendously better since it is now so easy to dodge. Releasing the attack button results in a shield rush, which is fine, but the real point here is just to block anything you’d rather not try to dodge. Synergizes exceptionally well with something like hangover – just apply some stacks with your regular attack or special, then cower in fear bravely hold the line behind your shield as the enemy dies on their own.

1. Fists

Here we are, these are the real deal. Imagine the sword only if it didn’t suck, with much faster attacks and thus more damage per second plus much less vulnerability while attacking. This has very low range but does tremendous damage up close due to how fast it hits.

The regular attack is great. It’s like the sword or shield in that it is low range, but it is much faster and thus more damaging than either. This also lets you get a few hits in and dodge quickly if you don’t have time for a full combo.

Interestingly, the special is similar to and equally as useful as the regular attack. It’s an uppercut, which does a lot of damage per hit with some recovery time, but unlike the sword’s special, this hits basically as soon as you push the button.

Notably, the attack and special of this weapon work very well together, and in fact the special attack can be inserted into the regular attack as part of it’s combo. This is excellent for applying two status effects in one combo – inflicting Chill and Weak on an enemy in one combo makes it much far less of a threat.

Why Use Different Weapons?

In Hades, you get bounties each time you hit new milestones for each weapon. So finishing a run once with each weapon will get you six sets of the bounties (One diamond, One ambrosia, and two titan blood per full run). In order to get another set of bounties with the same weapon, however, you need to complete a run at a higher heat level than before.

Heat is increased when you add certain penalties to the run, as will be described in a later section. It is far, far, easier to finish six runs with each weapon than it is to finish thirty six runs with one weapon, because with thirty six heat you’re going to be going up against unbelievably powerful enemies while your offense, defense, mobility, versatility, and basically everything else are nerfed to hell.

Therefore, in order to get diamonds, ambrosia, and titan blood with the least difficulty, you’re going to want to finish roughly the same number of runs with each weapon. This is pretty cool, as it gives you an incentive to learn and play with each weapon. This is why it pays to get to know the aspects of each weapon – even though the sword is generally terrible, you’re going to need to use it eventually, and with the right aspects it can actually be pretty good.

So now, I’m going to tell you about the individual weapon aspects. With some knowledge and skill, you can mostly not suck even while using the sword or gun!

Aspect Weapon Rankings

After you unlock all the weapons with Cthonic Keys, you can start using different subtypes of each weapon, called “aspects”. Each weapon has three aspects available initially, then one hidden aspect unlocked much further in the game. It is important to note that the hidden aspects are not universally better than regular aspects… and in fact they are often absolutely terrible. The first aspect of each weapons, the Zagreus aspects, are always like the regular version except with a minor buff, and such tend to be very weak. Here is my ranking of all the weapons including their aspects.

24 – Guan Yu Spear (Hidden Aspect)

This weapon of a famous Chinese hero is such garbage that is an insult to Guan Yu, to China, and to the entire human race. The main thing this does is cut your health dramatically, with a maximum of 50%, and even worse before fully upgraded. It gives you a negligible amount of health regen, which doesn’t matter because you’re going to die way faster than it can heal you. The final boss will be able to kill you in less than a second if you get unlucky. It is also very slow, making it hard to play defensively.

23 – Hestia Gun

The gimmick here is that if you manually reload it, it does a lot of extra damage on the first shot. Which is pointless, because that gives it such a slow attack speed that you’d be better off using the bow or spear.

22 – Zagreus Gun

The regular version of the gun but with more ammo before needing to reload. Still does abysmal damage without a lot of luck with hammers.

21 – Lucifer Gun

This is cool looking because it fires a laser, and that laser does more damage over time. The downside is that you need to stand still or attack-dash to keep the damage ramping up, and dash-attacking makes you much more vulnerable than a regular attack. It is also unable to benefit from the very strong mortar special ability of the other guns, making this one of the least damaging guns.

20 – Rama Bow (Hidden Aspect)

This is probably the most dangerous weapon to use in the entire game. The fancy thing about this bow is that the special attack debuffs enemies such that they take damage when any enemy takes damage from something other than the special. But this ability does tiny damage. The main attack takes an ungodly long time to charge, while Zagreus is a sitting duck.

19 – Poseidon Sword

It’s a sword whose special knocks your spell crystal out of foes. This means that it basically ruins the debuff you put on enemies when you hit them with a spell. Herp derp.

18 – Zagreus Sword

It’s just like the base sword only slightly faster. Still bad range, damage, and Zagreus still looks dumb using it.

17 – Zagreus Spear

This gives you a bonus to your special attack, which is worse than the normal attack and so is basically no better than the base spear.

16 – Zagreus Bow

It’s like the normal bow, only with a chance to crit. At maximum level, this gives you a solid +30% DPS. Not bad, but not great either

15 – Beowulf Shield (Hidden Aspect)

Awkward and unwiedly, this shield actually makes you take slightly more damage. All of this weapons attacks are slower than normal, doing significantly less DPS and making you more vulnerable. It does have a cool trick though – load bloodstones into the weapon, and when you bull rush it causes an explosion which does a whole lot of damage.

14 – Achilles Spear

This gives you bonus damage after you throw it… but when you throw it, instead of pulling it back to you it instead teleports you to it. This disrupts any stunlock you have going on, and prevents you from continuously attacking.

13 – Hera Bow

Has a neat trick – load Blood Crystals into it for a giant explosion on hit!

12 – Nemesis Sword

Use the special attack and get a 30% chance to crit for three seconds. This translates to +60% DPS, finally making the sword dangerous.

11 – Zagreus Fists

This gives you a small chance to avoid damage. Still, they’re fists and so attack fast and do good damage.

10 – Chaos Shield

This makes the normally useless special attack into a real beast. After you bull rush, the special attack throws up to six shields instead of one in a spread pattern. The key here is to bull rush behind something and then blast them with six shield backstabs – a little unwieldly but it does a ton of damage.

9 – Zagreus Shield

Finally, an aspect of Zagreus that really shines. The base damage of the main attack is increased by 15, which may not sound like a lot, but this is one of the very few bonuses that is multiplicative with boons.

8 – Eris Gun (Best Gun)

Now we’re finally getting somewhere. If you shoot yourself with the special ability, you do up to a whopping 75% more damage for any kind of attack. This overcomes the sad damage of the gun and makes it into a legitimate threat, while keeping the bonus of long range and rapid fire.

7 – Hades Spear (Best Spear)

This weapon powers up the otherwise useless charged spin attack to mark enemies for ten seconds, increasing your damage against them by a massive 150%. This neatly and dramatically overcomes the lowish damage of the spear.

6 – Demeter Fists

Do you like really big numbers? This is a good choice, then. You charge up the weapon by hitting with basic attacks, then you use your special attack on something bothering you to get up to six full-damage hits. Ouch!

5 – Zeus Shield (Best Shield)

This also replaces the normal derpy shield throw with an incredible giant spinning disc of doom. It throws out a spinning shield that must be as wide as Zagreus is tall, doing massive damage and, most importantly, letting you continue to use your normal attack while it flies. One of the rare weapons which has useful main and special attacks, so you can combo something like Aphrodite and Demeter to completely cripple any enemy while dealing huge damage.

4 – Talos Fists

Wish the fists had more range? This pair of fists does that, sort of. The special pulls enemies to you, and then you uppercut them right in their big stupid faces. Even better, it gives you +50% damage for six seconds, giving the fists even more DPS and overcoming their biggest weakness, the lack of range.

3 – Gilgamesh Fists (Best Fists, Hidden Aspect)

This is what the Guan Yu sword and Beowulf shield wish they were. The Gilgamesh aspect attacks significantly slower than the base aspect, but it does a whole lot more damage. It feels really nice to use too, give it a try. As a bonus, it gives you two extra dashes. The special is really bizarre and mostly pointless, buffing the enemy with a medium penalty to defense and a big bonus to damage, then does a whole bunch of damage a few seconds later. Ignore that part.

2 – Arthur Sword (Best Sword, Hidden Aspect)

You know how the sword is basically terrible in every way? Excalibur might as well be an entirely different weapon. It is incredibly slow but has probably the highest in the entire game. It also gives you 50 extra health (screw you, Guan Yu) AND has great range AND the special attack creates a special field which slows enemies, increases your defense, and slows projectiles. If you get lucky you do more than 2,500 damage in a single hit – this weapon is a little slow but annihilates anything.

1 – Chiron Bow (Best Bow)

Here it is – the real deal. Hit an enemy with a regular shot and you can fire off up to three volleys of arrows with your special attack that home in on the enemies. It’s basically an ultra-long range homing shotgun. Huge damage, incredible range, and still pretty simple to use. Nothing compares to how easily you can obliterate enemies at range. One of the most defensive weapons in the entire game, since the special is so fast to fire off and it can actually travel further than the range of the entire screen.