

信頼できない – 初心者向けガイド (FAQ、イベント、ヒント)

初心者/基本的なヒント、FAQ、およびいくつかのヒントを含むイベント ログ メッセージの理解。



このガイドは、いくつかの初心者/基本的なヒントから始まり、次にイベント ログ メッセージの理解に進み、初心者と経験豊富なプレーヤーの両方に役立ついくつかのヒントを提供します.

すべてのイベント ログ メッセージを網羅しているわけではありません。一部のメッセージは非常に明白で理解しやすいものであるか、まだ/頻繁に直面したことがないため、このゲームには多くのアクションと可能性があるため、それらについて確信が持てませんでした。これはランダムにのみ発生する可能性があり、ゲームが更新されると一部のメカニズムが変更されるため、このガイドに含まれていないものもあります.



  • OL =オペレーション リーダー
  • AL =エージェント リーダー
  • FA =フィールド エージェント
  • NS、NETSPEC =ネットワーク スペシャリスト
  • SE、ソーシャルエンギ =ソーシャルエンジニア
  • SP =スピアフィッシャー
  • IM =インサイドマン
  • IH =即興ハッカー
  • BH =ブラックハット
  • RH =ライバル ハッカー
  • RC =憤慨した犯罪者
  • RS、スニッチ =ランナウェイ スニッチ
  • SK =スクリプト キディ
  • CD =堕落した探偵 / クールダウン
  • BOHU =バウンティ ハンター
  • JOURNO =ジャーナリスト
  • ENF =エンフォーサー
  • SOCIO =ソシオパス
  • MOLE =NETSEC メンバーまたはライバル ハッカーをエージェントに変更
  • DDoS =[分散型] サービス拒否
  • RB =ロールバック
  • OCC、OCC'd =占有、占有





画面の左上隅に現在のクラスが表示されます。自分のクラスや他のクラスについて詳しく知りたい場合は、そのクラスをクリックするか、キーボードの F1 を押して、クラス/役割のリストを開きます。



一部のクラスはユニークです。つまり、どのゲームにも 1 つしか存在できませんが、残りのクラスでは同じクラスの最大 2 人のプレイヤーが存在できます。

Chaos Box というアイテムがショップにあり、それを購入すると、同じ役割を持つ 3 番目のプレイヤーとしてスポーンする可能性がありますが、私は個人的にこれが実際に行われているのを見たことがありません!

したがって、3 人が同じ役割を主張している場合、そのうちの少なくとも 1 人は偽の主張であり、偽の主張を見つけるために彼らをリンチすることをお勧めします。


NETSEC は、ターゲット ノードをハッキングするか、すべてのエージェントを排除することで勝利します。


エージェントは、現在のオペレーション リーダーからルート アクセス権を取得して逮捕するか、すべての NETSEC メンバーを排除することで勝利します。


制限時間内に NETSEC がターゲット ノードをハッキングできず、オペレーション リーダーと少なくとも 1 人のエージェント メンバーがゲームに存在する場合、それは引き分けです。


はい、逮捕/死亡した場合でも、デッド/ゴースト チャットで他の逮捕/死亡したプレイヤーと話すことができますが、生きているプレイヤーはあなたのチャットを見ることができません。この場合、チャット メッセージは紫色になります。




画面左側のプレーヤー リストでプレーヤーの名前をクリックし、[はい] をクリックします。


10 秒後にプレーヤーの名前をクリックし、もう一度 [はい] をクリックして取り消すことができます。




ゲーム内の NETSEC チュートリアルをもう一度確認してください。画面の右上隅にあるボタンをクリックして個人ログを開き、昼夜を問わずアクションを追加して保存することができます。


あなたがエージェントまたは敵対的な中立のクラス/役割である場合、NETSEC がそれらに反対するクラス/役割をリンチ/投票するため、生き残るためにログを偽造する必要があります.


個人ログを開き、右下でクラス/役割を偽造したい別のものに変更し、毎日/夜にアクションを追加します. [N/A] は、アクションがそのフェーズ (DAY/NIGHT) ではないことを意味するため、ログに [N/A] アクションを追加しないでください。


個人ログを開き、左側に追加したログ全体をクリック アンド ドラッグして青くし、[選択を送信] をクリックして閉じ、チャットで送信します。

「Split at X」ブロードキャスト メッセージはどういう意味ですか?

「Split at X」などのブロードキャスト メッセージが表示された場合は、Dr.X と、画面左側のプレイヤー リストで彼/彼女の上にいるプレイヤーが一番上のノードをハッキングし、残りのプレイヤーが一番上のノードをハックすることを意味します。一番下のノード。ブロードキャストで明らかにされない限り、一番上のノードまたは一番下のノードを選択するのは Dr.X 次第です。

オペレーション リーダーとして何をどのように放送しますか?

画面の右上隅にある [個人ログ] の上に [ブロードキャスト] ボタンがあります。これを使用して、ハッキングについて NETSEC に命令したり、誰かの個人ログを要求したり、疑わしいプレイヤーをリンチしたりできます。

トグル A.S.C とは?

ゲーム内のエージェント チュートリアルを実際に確認する必要はなく、これを読むためにここに来た場合、エージェント メンバー (エージェント リーダー/フィールド エージェント/モール) である場合は、個人ログの上に [A.S.C の切り替え] ボタンが表示されます。 NETSEC はこのチャネルであなたのチャットを見ることができないため、他のエージェントと通信するために使用します。


エージェント リーダーによってエージェント メンバーに変換され、彼らのために働く NETSEC メンバーまたはライバル ハッカー。


おそらく、ソーシャル エンジニア/憤慨した犯罪者/捜査機関があなたに偽装スキルを使用し、あなたの ID を使用して他のユーザーにメールを送信したことを意味するなりすましを受けたためです。これが発生した場合は、チャットで「なりすましだと思います」と言ってください。

私は CCTV スペシャリストで、ある人にカメラを取り付けましたが、その人を訪問した人を確認できなくなりました。なぜですか?

その人物の隠れ家が以下のスキルのいずれかによって変更された場合、カメラはそこから削除されます。また、一部のスキルは訪問しないことに注意してください。たとえば、フィールド エージェントがその人物にスティング スキルを使用して逮捕した場合、誰が逮捕したかはわかりません。

隠れ家を変更するスキル:隠れ家の移動 (自衛)、緊急脱出 (オペレーション リーダーによる)、エスコート (エンフォーサーによる)、計画された襲撃 (フィールド エージェントによる)


誰がノードを DDoS したかを確認できますか?

以前は可能でしたが、そのゲームの仕組みが変更されたため、ネットワーク スペシャリストが同じ日に Wireshark を使用して DDoS 攻撃の背後にいるすべての人を捕まえない限り、誰がノードを DDoS したかを知ることができなくなりました。


スキル/アビリティの横に「CD」のサインがある場合、それはクールダウン中であり、再び利用可能になるまで特定の日数待つ必要があることを意味します.その前に「0」がある場合、それは充電されていないことを意味し、スキルによっては充電できる場合とできない場合があります. (たとえば、隠れ家を作成すると、隠れ家を移動する別の料金が発生します)



また、Field-Op Mole はそれらのノードで Add Route スキルを使用して、可能であればそれらをランダムな近くのノードに接続できるため、NETSEC は実際には間違った方法でハッキングする可能性があります.


テキスト ボックスに入力できても、メッセージを送信した後にテキスト ボックスが消えてしまう場合は、イベント ログを一度開いて閉じるか、他の UI を試してみてください。




下のリンクの「PLAYER」をゲーム内の名前に変更し、ブラウザでリンクを開くと、最近プレイした 10 のゲームやその他の情報を含むプロフィールを確認できます。


  • 投票を処理して最終的にプレーヤーを倒す
  • バスの下へのスローを解決
  • 職業スキルの解決
  • サービス拒否の処理
  • プロセスのロールバック
  • ISP 分離の処理
  • 他のすべてのスキルを処理
    • 同じグループ内のアクションはランダムな順序で処理されます。
    • ミスディレクションは、他の職業スキルよりも先に処理されます。
    • フィールド エージェントの ISP ブロック スキル (その他のスキルも?) は、彼がリンチされているときにも機能します! (修正が必要なバグだと思います)

    デイ/ナイト イベント ログ、その意味とヒント



    • イベント ログ メッセージ



    右上の検索バーを使用して (または CTRL/CMD + F を押して)、特定のメッセージ/スキル/クラスを検索することもできます。

    同じフェーズで同じメッセージを複数回受け取ることはないことに注意してください。たとえば、CCTV スペシャリストが Install CCTV Surveillance スキルを使用し、Social Engineer が Doxx と Stalk スキルを使用し、Inside Man が Follow スキルを同じ夜に使用した場合、「昨夜、誰かがあなたを監視していたと思います」というメッセージは表示されません。メッセージは 3 回ですが、1 回だけです。


    • 203.0.113.X へのアクセスに失敗しました。
    • 203.0.113.X で root 権限を取得しました。

    あなたはオペレーション リーダー/アナリスト/ネットワーク スペシャリスト/ソーシャル エンジニア/ブラックハット/スピアフィッシャー/即興ハッカー/スクリプト キディ/ソシオパス/ライバル ハッカー/エージェント リーダー (特定のスキルがハックの場合のみ) であり、203.0.113 をハッキングしようとしました。 X ノード。

    • ハッキングできるのは上記のクラスだけです。
    • 一度に 1 つのハッカー クラスのみがノードをハッキングしてキャプチャ/押収でき、残りは失敗します。
    • RNG ベースであるため、ノードをハッキングしようとするすべての人がハッキングに失敗し、誰もノードをキャプチャ/押収しない可能性があります。
    • オペレーション リーダー、ブラックハット、ネットワーク スペシャリスト、ライバル ハッカー、エージェント リーダー [ハック スキルを持つ] は、ノードのハッキングに成功する可能性が最も高くなります。
    • したがって、成功メッセージが表示された場合は、ノードのハッキングとキャプチャ/押収に成功したのはあなたであり、個人ログに追加することをお勧めします。
    • Unskilled Attack スキルはノードをハッキングせず、ノードの接続ログに名前を残すだけです。これは主に、ハッカー クラスを偽装する場合に役立ちます。また、使用すると別のメッセージが表示されます。

    エージェントは 203.0.113.X でバックアップを復元して強化しました – おそらく偽のログもあるでしょう.

    Needless to say, your action was not completed due to the rollback.

    • Agent Leader/Offensive Mole used Rollback skill on 203.0.113.X node and NETSEC needs to hack that node again.
    • Journalist used Impartial Sabotage skill on 203.0.113.X node to roll it back and gain an extra scoop for writing an article.

    After hacking/capturing 203.0.113.X again, if you open its log by clicking on the node you can see the name of the player who did the rollback alongside one or more fake logs for the day of the rollback and it means one of them is the person who did the rollback in that day and you can ask for their logs and lynch the suspicious player(s). If you see one name like Dr.X twice in the node log, it most likely means that Dr.X is behind the rollback because one of them can be the real person and the other one as a fake log, but remember it is also possible to have two fake logs of the same name.

    Usually, Journalist asks for a rollback on a useless node that leads to nowhere to gain her extra scoop but if she sees that NETSEC is close to winning by hacking the target node, she might use it on an important node to stop the hack until she writes her 3 articles that are needed for her win.

    If Agents use Rollback skill on a node, it will definitely add one or more fake logs as well, but if Journalist uses Impartial Sabotage skill on a node, it may or may not add any fake logs. So after recapturing the rolled back node if you see only one name there, it means it’s the Journalist who did the rollback.

    Remember in order to find the correct people behind the rollback you should check the node logs for that specific day that rollback happened. For example if the node got rolled back in DAY 3 and you captured the node again in DAY 4, check DAY 3 logs to see who might have done the rollback.

    If after hacking and capturing the node again you only see the names for the day of the hack and not anything before that, it means that Rival Hacker/Offensive Mole used Wipe skill to wipe and clear all the node logs and hide and protect the person behind the rollback.

    • All connections to 203.0.113.X failed due to a successful denial of service attack.
    • Needless to say, your action was not completed due to the DDoS.

    Blackhat/Agent Leader/Script Kiddie used Denial of Service skill on 203.0.113.X node so no one could access the node in that day.

    Blackhat can only use it on captured/seized (Green) nodes mostly to stop the possible rollback on the node.

    Script Kiddie can use it on any node (either captured or not) but mostly would only use it in favor of NETSEC on captured nodes to help them and prove that he’s actually a SK. He can also mess with NETSEC and help Agents by DDoS’ing the nodes that NETSEC is trying to hack or download from.

    Agent Leader will get a random skill between Hack, Denial of Service, and Unskilled Attack at the beginning of a game and if his skill is DDoS he would most likely use it to stop NETSEC from accessing useful nodes like those that need to be hacked or downloaded form or he might DDoS captured nodes for NETSEC if he’s faking a Blackhat or Script Kiddie class to build some trust for himself.

    A good practice for catching incoming DDoS attacks is if there’s only one node that everyone is trying to access in a day, it’s a good opportunity for AL or SK to hold NETSEC a day behind by DDoS’ing the only node that is going to be hacked, so if you are a Network Specialist use your Wireshark skill to see who DDoS’d in that day.

    • You think someone was watching you last night.

    CCTV Specialist used Install CCTV Surveillance skill on you to install a camera on you and check whoever visits/watches/escorts you.

    Social Engineer/Bounty Hunter used Doxx and Stalk skill on you to know your faction.

    Analyst used Ask The Right Question skill on you to know if you are capable of hacking or not.

    Inside Man/Sociopath/Corrupt Detective/Investigative Mole used Follow skill on you to check if you go to someone’s place or not.

    Rival Hacker/Field-Op Mole used Wiretap skill on you to read all the Emails you send or receive for the next 24 hours.

    Resentful Criminal used Looking for an old friend skill on you to know if you are the original Operation Leader.

    Journalist used Expose Operation Leader skill on you so if you are the OL your identity will be exposed and she will get an instant article.

    • It will also occupy you if you used any skills.

    Sociopath/Bounty Hunter used Frame skill on you so that your class appears as a random NETSEC class upon your arrest or death.

    • If used on an Agent, it will fail so this way you can find Agents and cooperate with them.

    Field Agent/Bounty Hunter/Runaways Snitch used Arrest/Citizen’s Arrest/Snitch To Cops skill on you and you’ll be arrested in the same night.

    Enforcer/Resentful Criminal/Runaway Snitch used Disorganized Murder skill on you to murder you.

    Sociopath used Murder skill on you to murder you.

    In the case of Arrest/Citizen’s Arrest/Murder/Disorganized Murder if Enforcer uses Escort skill or Operation Leader uses Emergency Extraction skill on you in the same night, you’ll be escorted to a new hideout (meaning that you’ll be protected) but you still receive the watched message. Otherwise there is no point in receiving this message if you are arrested or murdered after that.

    In the case of Arrest/Citizen’s Arrest if Agent Leader uses Strike Deal skill on you and converts you to a Mole in the same night, you won’t get arrested but you’ll still receive this watched message alongside “You were raided by law enforcement forces last night.” message.


    • You were occupied last night. You failed to complete your task.

    This only happens if you try to use a skill at night but one or more of the following happens to you.

    Blackhat/Analyst/Agent Leader used Midnight Meeting skill on you to visit you and therefore you couldn’t complete your task because you were occupied by them.

    • In this case you also receive another message saying “Dr.X visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.”.

    Journalist used Get Scoop skill on you to get some info about the hack so she can write an article about it.

    • In this case you also receive another message saying “Dr.X visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.”.

    Journalist used Expose Operation Leader skill on you so if you are the OL your identity will be exposed and she will get an instant article.

    • In this case you’ll also receive another message saying “You think someone was watching you last night.” and if you are the OL a public message will expose your identity to everyone as well.

    Enforcer/Resentful Criminal used Interrogate skill on you to get a copy of your personal log.

    • In this case you also receive another message saying “Someone threatened you last night, and left with a copy of your personal log.”.

    Enforcer used Escort skill to protect you form arrest or murder.

    • In this case you also receive another saying “Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.”.

    Field Agent used Planned Raid skill on you and therefore you were escorted to an Agent hideout and you’ll be arrested in the next night (in 24 hours) if you don’t get protected.

    • In this case you also receive another saying “Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.”.

    Sociopath used Murder skill on you, therefore you got occupied and also murdered.

    • So for example if you try to use Move Hideout skill to save yourself, in this case you’ll be occupied and can’t protect yourself from death.

    Investigative Mole used Setup skill on you or someone else to make you visit and occupy each other.

    • In this case you both receive the same “Dr.X visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.” message.

    Dr.X is a Social Engineer/Corrupt Detective and used Throw under the bus skill on you and someone tried to occupy Dr.X, so instead they occupied you.

    • It is possible that you block yourself if you used an occupation skill on Dr.X and Dr.X used Throw under the bus on you.

    You used a skill on Dr.X who is a Social Engineer/Spearphisher and used Misdirection skill.

    • Dr.X visited you last night. You discussed the hack in detail for a long time.

    Dr.X is a/an Blackhat/Analyst/Agent Leader and used Midnight Meeting skill on you last night.

    Dr.X is a Journalist and used Get Scoop skill on you.

    Dr.Y is an Investigative Mole and used Setup skill on Dr.X to make him/her visit you tonight.

    In the case of Setup skill, Dr.X will also receive the same message saying that you visited him/her.

    All these skills will also occupy you if you used any skills except Throw under the bus or Misdirection. If you also used an occupation skill on Dr.X, then it’ll probably become a pub meet (check the last event log message in this guide).

    • Last night you were escorted to a new hideout.

    Operation Leader used Emergency Extraction skill on you to protect you from arrest/murder/conversion.

    Enforcer used Escort skill on you to protect you from arrest/murder/conversion.

    Field Agent used Planned Raid skill on you and you’ll be arrested in the next night (in 24 hours).

    If you used a skill in the same night and you did it successfully without getting occupied (you didn’t receive any occupation message) it means that it was OL who escorted you by Emergency Extraction because Enforcer’s Escort and Field Agent’s Planned Raid skills will occupy you as well.

    • Someone threatened you last night, and left with a copy of your personal log.

    Enforcer/Resentful Criminal used Interrogate skill on you to check your personal log.

    A good tip here is that when you are faking your log, it’s better not to add skills like Throw under the bus or Misdirection to your log before the night ends because that way if someone steals your personal log and they see one of these logs there, they’ll know it is a fake log since after using one of these skills, the person who is interrogating you should not be able to do so. Therefore if he was not directed to someone else or didn’t get occupied after targeting you and could get your log, it means it’s a fake log for that night in your personal log.

    You’ll also get occupied if you used any skills except Throw under the bus or Misdirection.

    • You were fooled last night:instead of Dr.X, you targeted Dr.Y tonight.

    Dr.X is a Social Engineer/Corrupt Detective and used Throw under the bus skill on Dr.Y to make Dr.Y his scapegoat for that night and stay safe.

    Everyone heading to Dr.X will be directed to Dr.Y.

    • You made Dr.X your scapegoat tonight. You’re safe, for now.

    You are a Social Engineer/Corrupt Detective and used Throw under the bus skill on Dr.X, so everyone who aims for you will instead be directed to Dr.X.

    For example if Field Agent wants to arrest you, instead they will arrest Dr.X if he/she is not an arrest-immune class (Journalist/Bounty Hunter/Agent member).

    If Field Agent used Planned Raid skill on you last night, this is not going to save you from being arrested tonight.

    • Your ISP internet connection suddenly stopped, effectively making your task fail.

    Field Agent/Rival Hacker/Field-Op Mole used ISP Block/Jam Network skill on you and therefore you couldn’t Hack Target, Download Intel, etc.

    You can ask Network Specialist to use Review Connection logs skill on you to prove that your network was blocked today.

    • You have confirmed that Dr.X’s connection was forcefully severed.

    You are a Network Specialist and used Review Connection Logs skill on Dr.X to check if his/her connection was blocked due to ISP Isolation (Field Agent’s skill) or Jam Network (Rival Hacker/Field-Op Mole’s skill) and you found out that Dr.X’s connection was actually blocked.

    So if Dr.X said my connection was blocked, now you know that he/she is not lying, but if someone says so and after you review their connection logs you see that their connection was not blocked, you know that they are lying and you can say that in chat and ask for lynching them for example.

    Ask The Right Question/Doxx and Stalk

    • After a good talk, you realized that Dr.X is indeed capable of hacking.

    You are an Analyst and used Ask The Right Question skill on Dr.X to see if he/she is capable of hacking and realized that Dr.X is a hacker class.

    Classes that can hack:Operation Leader/Analyst/Network Specialist/Social Engineer/Blackhat/Spearphisher/Improvised Hacker/Script Kiddie/Sociopath/Rival Hacker/Agent Leader (only if the given skill is Hack)

    If you realize someone is capable of hacking but he/she claims a non-hacker class, that’s definitely a fake claim by that person and it’s up to you if you want to reveal it in the chat or Email him/her about it.

    • After talking for a while, you realized that Dr.X is not capable of hacking.

    You are an Analyst and used Ask The Right Question skill on Dr.X to see if he/she is capable of hacking and realized that Dr.X is not a hacker class.

    Classes that cannot hack:CCTV Specialist/Enforcer/Inside Man/Bounty Hunter/Journalist/Resentful Criminal/Corrupt Detective/Field Agent/Mole (Field-Op/Investigative/Offensive/Runaway Snitch)/Agent Leader (only if the given skill is Unskilled Attack or Denial of Service)

    If you realize someone is not capable of hacking but he/she claims a hacker class, that’s definitely a fake claim by that person and it’s up to you if you want to reveal it in the chat or Email him/her about it.

    • You were unable to tie Dr.X to either AGENT or NETSEC.

    You are a Social Engineer/Bounty Hunter and used Doxx and Stalk skill on Dr.X and now you know that Dr.X is either a Neutral class or a Rival Hacker who just got converted to a Mole after your doxx.

    Rival Hacker is the only Neutral class that can be converted to a Mole and if you doxx him in the same night as conversion, it may or may not return an Agent result, but the symbol next to the player’s name in the next day will show you the actual faction he is currently in.

    • Your doxxing effort was successful – you know that Dr.X is clearly a NETSEC member.

    You are a Social Engineer/Bounty Hunter and used Doxx and Stalk skill on Dr.X and now you know that Dr.X is either a NETSEC member or the Agent Leader or a Mole who just got converted after your doxx.

    Agent Leader has a NETSEC cover for the first 3 nights so it’ll return NETSEC if you doxx AL in NIGHT 1-2-3 and would return Agent from NIGHT 4 on.

    In the case of getting converted to a Mole in the same night, doxx may return an Agent result or may say NETSEC, but the symbol next to the player’s name in the next day will show you the actual faction he/she is currently in.

    • After your doxxing, you have no doubts, Dr.X is definitely an AGENT undercover.

    You are a Social Engineer/Bounty Hunter and used Doxx and Stalk skill on Dr.X and now you know that Dr.X is either an Agent member or the Corrupt Detective.

    If you doxxed Dr.X after NIGHT 4 (including NIGHT 4) it means Dr.X can be Agent Leader/Field Agent/Corrupt Detective/Mole (Field-Op/Investigative/Offensive/Runaway Snitch) but if it happened before NIGHT 4, Dr.X cannot be the Agent Leader because AL has a NETSEC cover for the first 3 nights.

    Insider Knowledge/Upload Intel/Download Intel

    • You have discovered that 203.0.113.X holds important information very valuable to NETSEC.

    You are an Inside Man and used Insider Knowledge skill to find important nodes with valuable data for NETSEC.

    You can outright tell everyone in the chat that 203.0.113.X has info so Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker can use Download Intel skill on that node to find out the info it holds and expect Agents to arrest/convert you or you can be careful and wait until 203.0.113.X node that holds info is captured (Green) and you can tell them to download.

    It’s better to wait till the node is captured and then if you know any Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker classes in the current game, you can Email them the IP of the node that holds info.

    If you don’t know any Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker classes or you are not sure about their claims, you can add the IP of this important node in your Personal Log so if you are arrested/murdered they can still check your logs and find it out.

    If Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker used Download Intel skill on the node and found no info, it means that Rival Hacker/Offensive Mole used Wipe skill on this node and wiped all its contents so no intel could be found. In this case all the connection logs to this node will also be removed from it.

    • Your contract with whoever employed you is complete. You uploaded sensitive information to 203.0.113.X.

    You are a Corrupt Detective and used Upload Intel skill to upload the stolen intel on the target node.

    If you are in danger and NETSEC doesn’t trust you, you can tell them about this intel so they can download it and hopefully confirm you.

    • You were unable to find any useful data on 203.0.113.X.

    You are a/an Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker and used Download Intel skill on a node that Inside Man claimed it has important info valuable for NETSEC or a random node and you couldn’t find any useful info from that node.

    If you randomly downloaded from a node, well not every node has info.

    If Inside Man claimed that 203.0.113.X has important info but after downloading you didn’t find any useful data on it, it means either the Inside Man lied and it’s a fake Inside Man claim so you can lynch him or Rival Hacker/Offensive Mole used Wipe skill on this node and wiped all its contents including the intel so you didn’t find anything useful on it. In the case of the Wipe skill, all the connection logs to this node will also be removed from it if the wipe happened after capturing the node but if it happened before capturing the node for the first time, you cannot prove it.

    • You have successfully discovered sensitive information about Dr.X, learning that he is a #CLASSTYPE# class.

    You are a/an Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker and used Download Intel skill on a node that Inside Man claimed it has important info valuable for NETSEC or a random node and now you know that Dr.X is a #CLASSTYPE# class and also you can confirm the Inside Man who gave the info about that node.

    #CLASSTYPE# can be one of the following:

    • Special:Operation Leader/Resentful Criminal/Sociopath/Agent Leader/Runaway Snitch
    • Field Operations:CCTV Specialist/Enforcer/Inside Man/Bounty Hunter/Corrupt Detective/Field Agent/Field-Op Mole
    • Investigative:Analyst/Network Specialist/Social Engineer/Journalist/Investigative Mole
    • Offensive:Blackhat/Improvised Hacker/Spearphisher/Script Kiddie/Rival Hacker/Offensive Mole

    As a proof you can open the node’s log that you downloaded intel on and send your name in the node’s connection logs for that day by clicking on the triangle sign to the left of your name in the node log.

    Note that someone with an Unskilled Attack skill can also add his/her name in the node’s connection logs and fake claims the download and shares unreal info with others.

    • You have successfully discovered the IP address of the target:203.0.113.X – you shared this information immediately with everyone.

    You are a/an Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker and used Download Intel skill on a node that Inside Man claimed it has important info valuable for NETSEC or a random node and now you know that 203.0.113.X is the target node and everyone else can see the target node marked by a red circle as well whenever NETSEC is one node away from the target node.

    If an Inside Man told you about this valuable node, now you can probably confirm him as a real IM claim.

    As a proof you can open the node’s log that you downloaded intel on and send your name in the node log for that day by clicking on the triangle sign to the left of your name in the node log.

    Note that someone with an Unskilled Attack skill can also add his/her name in the node log and fake claims the download and shares unreal info with others.

    • You have successfully uncovered hard proof that nobody has agreed to a deal with AGENTs…yet.

    You are a/an Spearphisher/Analyst/Improvised Hacker and used Download Intel skill on a node that Inside Man claimed it has important info valuable for NETSEC or a random node and you found out that Agents have not converted anyone yet and they do not have any Moles.

    As a proof you can open the node’s log that you downloaded intel on and send your name in the node log for that day by clicking on the triangle sign to the left of your name in the node log.

    Note that someone with an Unskilled Attack skill can also add his/her name in the node log and fake claims the download and shares unreal info with others.


    • Someone tried to strike a plea deal with you, oblivious of your real identity. You refused.
    • Someone tried to strike a plea deal with you. You obviously refused.

    Agent Leader used Strike Deal skill on you to convert you to a Mole but you refused because your class does not accept plea deals from Agent Leader.

    Now Agent Leader knows that you are a nonconvertible class but he doesn’t know your exact class.

    • In order to avoid prison, you have accepted a plea deal from AGENTs. You are now working for them.

    Agent Leader used Strike Deal skill on you to convert you to a Mole and you accepted that deal because your class is a convertible class and you didn’t get protection for that night so you couldn’t avoid conversion.

    • Dr.X has refused the plea deal. Good thing you kept your identity a secret, or this could have ended badly for you.

    Dr.X cannot be converted but also doesn’t know you are an Agent Leader.

    Dr.X knows that Agent Leader tried to convert him/her but doesn’t know who the Agent Leader is and you know that Dr.X is a nonconvertible class and this can be useful information to you.

    • Dr.X was the target of an AGENT operation, but could not be arrested last night.

    Field Agent/Bounty Hunter/Runaway Snitch used Arrest/Citizen’s Arrest/Snitch To Cops skill on Dr.X but Dr.X used a protection skill or got protected by someone else so he/she couldn’t be arrested.

    Field Agent used Planned Raid skill the night before the arrest but Dr.X used a protection skill or got protected by someone else so he/she couldn’t be arrested.

    • Dr.X is a Network Specialist and used Cover Your Tracks skill to protect himself.
    • Dr.X is a/an CCTV Specialist/Script Kiddie/Operation Leader and used Move Hideout skill to protect himself.
    • Enforcer used Escort skill on Dr.X to protect him/her.
    • Operation Leader used Emergency Extraction skill on Dr.X to protect him/her.

    • You discovered that Dr.X was behind your attempted arrest. There was no evidence against you.

    You are a Journalist and cannot be arrested, but now you know that Dr.X is a Field Agent/Bounty Hunter/Runaway Snitch who tried to arrest you.

    You can share this info with NETSEC to help them and prove that you are a Journalist or hide it secret and blackmail Dr.X by telling him that you know who he is and ask him to help you win otherwise you would expose them to NETSEC, etc.

    • Last night operation was a failure. No evidence was found to warrant the arrest of Dr.X.

    You are a Bounty Hunter and used Citizen’s Arrest skill on Dr.X to arrest him/her but you failed because he/she is a/an Journalist/Agent member and arrest-immune.

    If you know that Dr.X is an Agent member you can tell them about your identity (Bounty Hunter) and ask to know other Agent members and coordinate with them.

    You are a Field Agent and used Arrest/Planned Raid skill on Dr.X to arrest him/her but you failed because he/she is a/an Journalist/Bounty Hunter/Agent member and arrest-immune.

    If Dr.X is a Journalist, she will now know your identity so you can try to contact her and say that you would help her win before she exposes your identity to NETSEC.

    If Dr.X is a Mole you cannot arrest them so you probably used Planned Raid skill on them the night before they get converted and or the same night as conversion and you received this message.

    You are a Runaway Snitch and used Snitch To Cops skill on Dr.X to arrest him/her but you failed because he/she is a Journalist/Bounty Hunter.

    You can try to contact Dr.X using Email because if she is a Journalist she will know your identity and can expose you so you can ask for cooperation or if he is a Bounty Hunter you can still cooperate on arrests or gain some info, etc. unless he already fulfilled his win condition and now wants to side with NETSEC.

    • You were raided by law enforcement forces last night.

    Bounty Hunter used Citizen’s Arrest skill on you in order to arrest you, but since you are an Agent member he couldn’t do it.

    Now that he knows you are an Agent member he might Email you for cooperation and you can probably trust him.

    Field Agent/Runaway Snitch used Arrest/Panned Raid/Snitch To Cops skill on you in order to arrest you, but since you are a/an Bounty Hunter/Agent member he couldn’t do it.

    If he thinks you are a Bounty Hunter, he might Email you about this and want to cooperate with you but since Journalist is also arrest-immune he might not risk it if he is not sure about your identity, but even in Journalist’s case he might still Email you and ask for not exposing him because Journalist will know the identity of whom tried to arrest her, so then you can tell him that you are a Bounty Hunter and cooperate with them.

    Field Agent cannot arrest other Agent members but if he uses Planned Raid skill on you which arrests you 24 hours later if you don’t get protected and Agent Leader converts you to a Mole in the same night or the next night, you’ll see this message as well.

    • You arrested Dr.X, however, the Agent Leader had something else in mind…

    You are a Field Agent/Bounty Hunter and used Arrest/Citizen’s Arrest skill on Dr.X but Agent Leader used Strike Deal skill on Dr.X in the same night and converted Dr.X to a Mole so you couldn’t arrest him/her.

    So if you are a Bounty Hunter now you know that Dr.X is a Mole and you can tell them about your identity (Bounty Hunter) and ask to know other Agent members and coordinate with them.

    The message says “You arrested Dr.X…” which is confusing but you actually couldn’t arrest him/her due to the conversion to a Mole.

    • You have gained precious intel by interrogating Dr.X, giving you an extra STING charge.

    You are a Field Agent and used Arrest/Sting/Planned Raid skill on Dr.X who was a Sociopath and after the arrest of him, you got an extra Sting charge.

    • Forensics analysis on seized equipment returned evidence that Dr.X’s role is, in fact, #ROLE#.

    You are a Field Agent/Runaway Snitch and used Arrest/Snitch to Cops skill on Dr.Y who was a Script Kiddie and therefore you earned info about Dr.X’s role.

    • Someone has denounced Dr.X as a NETSEC member.

    • CCTV Specialist used Bait Law Enforcement skill on Dr.X to denounce them as NETSEC.
    • Bounty Hunter used Spill The Beans skill on Dr.X to denounce them as NETSEC.

    CCTV Specialist would most likely use it on a player that he has installed or will install a camera on him/her and catch whoever arrests or murders that player. As a CCTV Specialist you can also use this skill on a person that you think is a Neutral class and want to bait Agents to arrest the wrong person. Especially on a Journalist because that way the Journalist would know the identity of the player who tried to arrest her (Field Agent/Bounty Hunter/Runaway Snitch) and can expose him to NETSEC.

    Bounty Hunter would denounce a player whom he thinks is a NETSEC member so if that person gets arrested by Agents within 48 hours, he will get his bounty.

    • Agents raided Dr.X’s hideout just as you arrived. You managed to create a diversion so that Dr.X could escape, sacrificing yourself.

    Field Agent/Bounty Hunter/Runaway Snitch used Arrest/Citizen’s Arrest/Snitch To Cops skill on Dr.X and you are an Enforcer who used Escort skill on Dr.X to protect him/her by sacrificing yourself, so instead of Dr.X you got arrested.

    • You were doxxed last night, but your cover checked out. Your identity is safe, for now.

    Social Engineer/Bounty Hunter used Doxx and Stalk skill on you (Agent Leader) but since you have a NETSEC cover for the first 3 nights, their doxx skill told them you are a NETSEC member so they don’t know yet that you are the Agent Leader.

    Remember not to say in the chat that you were doxxed last night, because that way they’ll know you are the Agent Leader since no one else would receive this message after they get doxxed, they only get a “You think someone was watching you last night.” message.

    • Your attempt to cover your tracks didn’t go well.

    You are a Network Specialist and used Cover Your Tracks skill to protect yourself from arrest or murder but you couldn’t do it successfully as this skill is RNG-based.

    • You were unable to get any information from Dr.X. You feel like you should change target.

    You are a Journalist and used Get Scoop skill on Dr.X, but you couldn’t get your scoop from him/her because Dr.X is a Neutral class.

    You can only scoop NETSEC or Agent members, so you can hold this information about Dr.X being a Neutral class and share it with others later when needed to kinda prove that you are a Journalist.

    Since Get Scoop skill occupies the target, most of the times Journalists ask for scoops in the chat, not to bother anyone.

    • You successfully got a scoop last night.

    You are a Journalist and used Get Scoop skill on Dr.X and could successfully get a scoop from him/her which gives you one charge of Write Article and it also means that Dr.X is either an Agent or a NETSEC member.

    If you try to scoop Neutral classes you’ll fail.

    Since Get Scoop skill occupies the target, most of the times Journalists ask for scoops in the chat, not to bother anyone.

    • You successfully followed Dr.X, which visited the hideout of Dr.Y.

    You are a/an Inside Man/Sociopath/Corrupt Detective/Investigative Mole and used Follow skill on Dr.X to check who he/she visits and now you know that Dr.X visited Dr.Y.

    If Dr.Y gets arrested or murdered in the same night, there’s a high chance that Dr.X is behind the arrest or murder of Dr.Y.

    • It was impossible for Dr.X to leave the safehouse last night.

    You are a/an Inside Man/Sociopath/Corrupt Detective/Investigative Mole and used Follow skill on Dr.X to check who he/she visits and now you know that Dr.X couldn’t visit anyone because he/she was occupied that night.

    So if Dr.X is claiming that someone occupied/visited/escorted him/her last night, then you can probably confirm that claim after seeing this message.

    • You were unable to frame Dr.X.

    You are a Sociopath/Bounty Hunter and used Frame skill on Dr.X to make him/her appear as a random NETSEC class upon his/her arrest or death but you failed because either Dr.X got arrested or murdered or he/she is an Agent member.

    If Dr.X is not arrested or murdered in the same night, then he/she is an Agent member and you can contact him/her through Email and tell them that you are the Bounty Hunter and cooperate with them.

    • You successfully framed Dr.X.

    You are a Sociopath/Bounty Hunter and used Frame skill on Dr.X to make him/her appear as a random NETSEC class upon his/her arrest or death.

    If you frame arrest-immune Neutral classes (Journalist/Bounty Hunter) their immunity will be removed and they can also be arrested.

    • You were unable to retrieve your keyloggers. It looks like someone else found them before you got there.

    You are an Inside Man and used Retrieve Keylogger skill to retrieve the keyloggers you already planted in the organization network but you failed because there’s a Field-Op Mole in the game who used Search for Keyloggers skill to destroy all of the them.

    • You found #COUNT# keyloggers, which you destroyed. You also reset all credentials on that machine.
    • You were unable to find any keyloggers on any machines.

    You are a Field-Op Mole and used Search for Keyloggers skill to find out if there are any keyloggers already planted at the target’s building by Inside Men and destroy them.

    If you can successfully destroy the keyloggers before Inside Men retrieve them, they will get a message saying “You were unable to retrieve your keyloggers. It looks like someone else found them before you got there.” otherwise if Inside Men successfully retrieve the keyloggers before you destroy them or if there are no keyloggers planted at the building, you’ll receive the “you were unable to find any keyloggers on any machines” message.

    • Unfortunately, you were unable to find anything useful when dumpster diving.

    You are an Inside Man/Improvised Hacker and used Dumpster Dive skill to find some useful info that can decrease the difficulty of hacking a random node, but you couldn’t find any useful info.

    • Your dumpster diving was successful and you recovered interesting, sensitive login information for 203.0.113.X.

    You are an Inside Man/Improvised Hacker and used Dumpster Dive skill to find some useful info that can decrease the difficulty of hacking a random node and now you made 203.0.113.X easier to hack.

    • You recovered a lot of information, but quickly realized they are all fake. Tonight was wasted.

    You are an Inside Man/Improvised Hacker and used Dumpster Dive skill to find some useful info that can decrease the difficulty of hacking a random node, but all the info you found was fake which means there’s at least a Bounty Hunter/Field-Op Mole who used Plant Fake Information skill and made your dumpster diving a waste.

    • You failed in your attempted murder of Dr.X.

    You are a/an Enforcer/Resentful Criminal/Runaway Snitch and used Disorganized Murder skill on Dr.X to kill them but you failed because this skill is RNG-based meaning it is random to kill or not.

    • You were unable to kill Dr.X.

    You are a/an Sociopath/Enforcer/Resentful Criminal/Runaway Snitch and used Murder/Disorganized Murder skill on Dr.X but couldn’t murder him/her.

    In the case of Disorganized Murder skill, if Dr.X uses any of Move Hideout or Cover Your Tracks skills, it will protect him against murder but in Murder skill’s case, it will occupy Dr.X so he will die.

    If Operation Leader uses Emergency Extraction or Enforcer uses Escort skill on Dr.X, he/she will get protected and in the case of Escort skill you’ll also die in retaliation.

    If Dr.X is just lynched/voted out or arrested or murdered by someone else and their action is processed before yours, you also get this message as well as seeing them die or get arrested.

    If you get arrested/murdered before your action is processed, same message shows up.

    • Dr.X was found dead under suspicious circumstances. Rumor is the victim was a #CLASS#.

    Sociopath used Murder skill on Dr.X and murdered him/her.

    Enforcer/Resentful Criminal/Runaway Snitch used Disorganized Murder skill on Dr.X and murdered him/her.

    If this happens before NIGHT 4 it means it was Sociopath who used Murder skill on Dr.X because Disorganized Murder skill is only available from Night 4 on.


    • You were unable to determine if Dr.X is the Operation Leader.

    You are a Resentful Criminal and you couldn’t determine if Dr.X is the Operation Leader or not because he/she was moved to a new hideout.

    • Dr.X is a Network Specialist and used Cover Your Tracks skill so you couldn’t find him.
    • Dr.X is a/an Operation Leader/CCTV Specialist/Spearphisher/Improvised Hacker/Rival Hacker/Script Kiddie/Panicked Blabbermouth and used Move Hideout skill to protect themselves by going to a new hideout.
    • Enforcer used Escort skill on Dr.X to save him/her from arrest/murder by escorting Dr.X to a new hideout.
    • Field Agent used Planned Raid skill on Dr.X so he/she got escorted to a new hideout.
    • If Dr.X is just lynched/voted out or arrested or murdered by someone else and their action is processed before yours, you also get this message as well as seeing them die or get arrested.
    • If you get arrested/murdered before your action is processed, same message shows up.

    • You were visited last night by the operation leader:you have been granted root access.

    Operation Leader used Grant Root Access skill on you to give the root access to you so when he is arrested/murdered you become the next Operation Leader.

    If you are a Neutral class you only receive the ability to broadcast and do not become an actual OL after his arrest/death.

    It says “last night” but it’s literally a day skill so…

    • CCTV:Dr.X was visited by Dr.Y.

    If you are a CCTV Specialist and you see this message but you have not installed a camera on Dr.X, it means that Dr.Y is the other CCTV Specialist in the game who just installed a camera on Dr.X because both CCTV Specialists can see all their cameras.

    Note that only the first person who visits Dr.X that in this case is Dr.Y is the other CCTV Specialist but the rest of the people who visit Dr.X afterwards are other classes/roles.

    Now you can send an Email to Dr.Y and tell them about this so you can coordinate with each other for installing the next cameras.

    • CCTV:Dr.X was visited by Dr.Y:

    Day only.

    If you are a CCTV Specialist and you see this message in a Day, it means Dr.Y is the current Operation Leader and used Grant Root Access skill on Dr.X to give the root to him/her.

    The only visit action that happens in a day is Grant Root Access by Operation Leader.

    If the original Operation Leader is arrested/murdered then Dr.Y is either the next Operation Leader who received root access from the previous OL before his arrest/death or he is a Sociopath who got root access by murdering the OL or cracking credentials.

    • You were visited last night by the operation leader:you have been granted root access.

    Operation Leader used Grant Root Access skill on you to give the root access to you so when he is arrested/murdered you become the next Operation Leader.

    If you are a Neutral class you only receive the ability to broadcast and do not become an actual OL after his arrest/death.

    It says “last night” but it’s literally a Day skill so…

    • You spent a nice evening at the pub with #LOOPERS#.

    I don’t know if you see this message if two or more players loop by using any other occupation skills on each other, but I know for sure that it works this way with Midnight Meeting skill (and also Get Scoop skill I guess?) but not with Misdirection or Setup skills. So if it’s more than Midnight Meeting, then the following context is incomplete and can be wrong.

    You are a/an Blackhat/Analyst/Agent Leader and used Midnight Meeting skill on Dr.X and he/she used the same skill on you in the same night, so Dr.X is also one of the aforementioned classes.

    • If you are an Agent Leader, then Dr.X is definitely a/an Blackhat/Analyst.
    • If Agent Leader is dead, then you can use this skill to prove that you and Dr.X are both NETSEC members (Blackhat/Analyst), though only you and Dr.X can trust each other after this but others can’t, since they can’t confirm your meeting.
    • It is also possible that you use Midnight Meeting skill on a Social Engineer/Corrupt Detective and he uses Throw under the bus skill on Dr.X, so you’ll be redirected to Dr.X and if Dr.X uses Midnight Meeting skill on you as well, you’ll see the same message.
    • Sometimes you may see more than one name in the message which means there was a loop between you and the aforementioned name