

ファンタシースターオンライン2 ニュージェネシス – ディフィニティブレンジクラスガイド

PSO2 NGS でレンジャー クラスをプレイするための早期ガイド!



この 1 週間、Ranger と多くの時間を過ごしてきましたが、あまり説明されていない仕組みについて、この小さなガイドを書きたいと思いました。また、PA の基本的な概要、その使用法、役立つと思われるプレイのヒントもいくつかあります!

アサルト ライフル:ライフルはオリジナルの PSO2 と同じではありません。依然としてラン アンド ガン プレイに重点を置いていますが、全体的なパワーは前作よりも低くなっています。通常攻撃は、移動中に発射できる弾丸の安定した流れです。武器アクションは、ダメージを与えながら多くの機動性を可能にし、スライド ショット アドバンスによるスキル ポイントで無敵ウィンドウを与えることができます。

ライフル PA

ホーミング ダーツは、それ自体が提供しなければならない最高の AoE レンジャーです。ターゲットにすばやくロックオンし、非常にスパム可能性が高く、ゴミのモブを片付けます!これは間違いなく、Ranger が所有するアカウントの中で唯一の真の「AoE」PA であるため、モビング状況にも最適です!

Razing Shot (非チャージ) は一連のナメクジのようなショットであり、チャージされている場合はらせん状に貫通する発射体です。まともなダメージで、充電中に移動したり浮いたりできます。これは最もダメージの大きいライフル PA ですが、PP をすばやく消費し、追跡機能がまったくありません。

ブレイズ ショットは素早い動きの PA で、前方に突進し、保持している間、ターゲットにショットを発射するのに沿って滑空します。中程度のダメージを与えながら、空中または地上で位置を変えるのに最適です。

ランチャー:ランチャーは PSO2 から大幅にオーバーホールされており、実際に NGS で非常に堅実な武器の選択肢となっています。かなりのダメージを与える強力な砲弾を備えており、通常攻撃をチャージして前方に砲弾のファンを放つこともできます。スキル ポイントを投資して、チャージ ショットを発射しながら前に押すことで、このパターンをよりタイトで正確にする機能をアンロックすることもできます。ランチャーの武器アクションは、おそらくレンジャーにとって最も重要なクラスです。スティッキー ボムは爆発して中程度のダメージを与え、爆発すると大量の PP を回復します!これにより、より長いボス戦で準備ができたらすぐに使用すると、PA で DPS を非常に長期間維持できます。

ランチャー PA

フォールン インパクトは (難しい) ターゲットの AoE であり、発砲し、1 秒ほどで小さなエリアに数回のバースト ダメージを降らせます。これは、発砲中にあなたを所定の位置に固定し、圧倒的なダメージを与えるため、すべてを考慮すると、かなり平均的な PA です。

Fear Eraser は、ランチャー PA の中で最もダメージが高く視覚的に満足できるものの 1 つであり、強力なダメージを与える突き刺すようなエネルギーのビームを発射するためにあなたをロックし、十分に長く維持されていれば、終了時に追加のバースト ダメージを与えます。追跡が非常に遅いため、ボスが倒されているか、動かない場合に最適です。ただし、この PA は PP フレンドリーではなく、起動するためだけに 35 ものコストがかかり、数秒間爆発を維持するための追加の PP なしでは精彩を欠いたダメージを与えます。これを最低でも 50/60PP で使用してください。

Multi-launch is arguably the best thing to happen to Launcher, and is the bread and butter of someone who wants to use Launcher as their primary weapon. As soon as the PA fires up, you can move, and will also maintain altitude as you do so if in the air. This can be very important for allowing you to DPS while avoid attacks and smaller mobs on the ground, while simultaneously giving you some considerable mobility! The attack also homes in on the part of a monster you have targeted, and will strike that part with almost 100% consistency. Amazing for dealing with hard to reach weak points. The drawback is that at the end of this PA, you will be locked in place for about a second. This can leave you open to some attacks like Datl Swords tracking beam attacks, a Peats Swords arm stretch attack, enemy shots, etc, so be mindful of the flow of combat and you shouldn’t have any problems!

PP Management

I think Ranger has some wonderful PP management tools and can maintain an amazing amount of DPS uptime while spamming PAs. Sticky Bombs, as I mentioned before, are the best PP management Ranger has available to them. When mobbing, I recommend throwing it on a tougher mob as you won’t regain PP if it doesn’t explode. During boss fights, hit this as often as possible, ideally around 50% PP or higher, as it takes around 7 seconds or so to actually explode, allowing you to do several PAs. There’s an ability in the Skill Tree for Ranger that will reduce the Cooldown of the Sticky Bombs Weapon Action, and I highly recommend it.

Another useful tool is the Rifle Weapon Actions Grenades/Trap. If you hold the Weapon Action button, you will throw a grenade at your target if you hold a direction, or place an exploding trap at your feet if you don’t press any direction button. This skill is also found in the Ranger Skill tree, and also comes highly recommended as it does pretty decent damage and restores a decent chunk of PP, though not near as much as the Sticky Bomb.

Ideally, using these two together will make PP management much easier. This means less time hitting the normal attack button and more time spamming those flashy PAs, and more DPS!


As of now, it’s fairly easy to max out all the majorly relevant skills in the Ranger Skill tree. As a rule of thumb, stay away from Bad Condition Ward and Bad Condition Reduction until you have all other skills maxed out. They’re just not very useful, and won’t contribute much at all to your overall survival or damage output. Otherwise, it’s mostly what you prioritize until you can get all the relevant ones!

Weak Bullet is the “must have” Ranger skill that increases damage dealt by 20% to the hit part. This, and Blight Rounds Reinforce are extremely important skills. Take at least 1 point in Blight Rounds early on, and Max it out when you have enough skill points.

All other skills in Ranger are 1 point and all of them are useful to you in some way, and thankfully there’s plenty enough skill points for them since you’re not wasting your skill points in Bad Condition Ward and Bad Condition Reduction, right???

As a note, Spread Shot is an Active Skill, and is found under the same tab as Weak Bullet. When you set this Active skill to your subpalette or Skill bar, you will notice it has a gauge over it. Rifle PAs and Weapon Actions charge this bar, and allow you to use it. It’s fairly neat and fun, dealing decently high damage, and gives invulnerability frames if you have the Spread Shot Quick Getaway skill. Useful for making some space from an aggressive boss or dumping damage into a weak point before getting your distance.

Subclass Options

As far as subclasses go, I haven’t quite tested enough to be sure, but I’ll give you my general impressions.

Force is what I’ve used mostly, and it’s very comfortable. Eradication PP Gain, PP Recovery Boost, and PP Conversion all played a part in my Ranger experience early on. PP Conversion, in my opinion, does begin to fall off in usefulness as you gain more PP and become more comfortable using Sticky Bomb and Grenades/Traps for PP management. However, Force makes Ranger’s very resource thirsty PAs a lot more manageable overall.

Gunner is one I’ve been experimenting with, thinking that Attack PP Recovery would work well, but has surprisingly left me a little more tightly strapped for PP than Force. Otherwise, it offers very little to Ranger.

I believe Hunter would make a good sub for Ranger if you want to be a little more on the defensive side of things, but I haven’t tried it yet, myself. There’s nothing besides Hunters Physique and Flash Guard that benefit Rangers kit specifically, but in theory you’ll generally be able to take more of a beating and super-armor through staggering attacks with Hunter Physique.

Fighter/Techter I probably wouldn’t consider these unless you just want to for your play style. All things said and done, Ranger is incredibly solid on its own so there’s plenty of room to mix it up. Fighter offers the ability to deal considerable amounts of damage and gain PP from downed enemies, which is useful, but only in certain situations where bosses or certain tough enemies are involved. Techter just doesn’t offer much as a subclass, and while the skills to increase Photon Blast Gauge are neat, they’re just allowing you to use a single skill in your kit somewhat more often.

Tips and Tricks

I highly recommend making some combination of an Assault Rifle/ Launcher Multi-Weapon if you’re going to main Ranger. The Rifle and Launcher Weapon actions together provide you with a /lot/ of utility on their own, and being able to use the best PAs of the two weapons makes for some very deadly efficiency. Not having to switch between weapons every time you need to access the ability set of one or the other allows your to be incredibly responsive and versatile on the battlefield in a way that swapping weapons just can’t compare to.

Try to stay in the air and DPS. While counters are all well and good, for Ranger your sustained DPS options and distance will more safely win you the day. There’s tons of tools for this in their kit. Multi-Launch will keep you at the same height it’s activated, buzzing enemies with exploding shells from the skies like a Gundam, and you won’t lose any height as long as you spam it. Launcher normal attack, uncharged, also allows you to maintain height so long as the attacks are chained together and you move in a direction. It seems like you will lose some height slowly if you stay in one place.

Rifle Weapon Action>Launcher Normal or Rifle Weapon Action>Multi-Launch will also help you maintain altitude, reposition in the air, and lose minimal height at the end of the Rifle WA.

My general rotation for a boss ends up looking something like Launcher WA>Weak Bullet>Multi-Launch until approx.40%PP after Sticky Bomb procs>Rifle Grenade WA>Multi-Launch until low PP, repeat. This gets me a pretty decent flow from the class, and I rarely ever feel like I’m running dry on PP unless I mess up.

For those moments when a Boss gets “Downed”, depending on your PP, Weak Bullet>Photon-Blast>Fear Eraser is about as optimum as you can get. If your Photon Blast isn’t available, holding Fear Eraser as long as you can will get the job done.

If your PP is low, hopefully your Rifle Grenadier WA is available to flow into Multi-Launch after Weak Bullet. Fear Eraser is actually a bit of a bad idea in these situations, as the boss will likely start attacking again before you can get enough PP to make it worth using and leaving you open to a damage.

Additional Info

You can cancel multi-launch by dobletaping movement key

  • Spread shot – meh 200dmg each 1min and 2sp.
  • Fear eraser – gives extra final shot(x4-5 DMG) right after you chanel it 2sec~(u see purple animation) right after that no reason continue cast since lazer weaker then uncharged autoatack, only benefit you can hit weak spot from any direction.
  • Razing shot – just crap, don’t have tracking(unreal hit moving target) charged piercing shot same ♥♥♥, just waste of pp, if you want it you can do it for free just hold normal attack and spam X.
  • Fallen impact – that crap worse then rifle autoatack just waste pp.

Rifle critical distance indicate by changing lock on center colour “white” to far/close, “red” right distance(also bullet impact have flashes).

Sticky Bomb> Laser

With enough PP or delaying your laser slightly, your sticky bomb will detonate just before you run out of PP, allowing you to continue your laser for twice as long. This can be difficult to pull off on mobile enemies, but the sheer DPS it does far exceeds anything else in your kit. By the time your full laser ends, your next sticky bomb should be off cooldown in a few seconds, giving you just enough time to normal attack to full PP before repeating the combo.

Homing Darts is the best AoE Ranger by itself has to offer. It locks on to targets quickly, very spam-able to clear up the trash mobs! This is arguably the only real “AoE” PA of any account Ranger has, so it’s also the best for any mobbing situation!

This is completely inaccurate unfortunately. IMO, the Rangers best AoE comes from ‘Razing Shot’ while in manual aim. Line targets up, and pierce them all for major damage. When you run out of PP, start sprinting, while still in manual aim, and just do a normal attack. If you line all the enemies up again, you can get full PP in one shot, then repeat. The damage is insane.