

Sea of​​ Thieves – よくある質問 (新規プレイヤー向けガイド)

Sea Of Thieves のプレイヤー、特に新規プレイヤーは、このゲームについて何百回も尋ねられた人もいれば、何百回も答えられた人もいれば、まったく答えなかった人もいます。

Sea Of Thieves のよくある質問




  • 船が墜落しないようにする
  • 錨を上げる
  • 大砲を撃て
  • プレイヤーを殺す
  • 船を修理する
  • 骸骨の船を破壊する

可能です。ソロでプレイする人もいますが、簡単ではありません。新しいプレイヤーの場合は、少なくともゲームの仕組みに慣れるまで、ソロを避けることをお勧めします。 、それで、あなたは今何をしますか?


  • ゲーム内でランダムなクルーに参加できます。良いグループを見つけられるか試してみてください!
  • Discord サーバーを試して、航海の準備ができている乗組員を見つけてください!
  • Steam、Microsoft Store、または Xbox でこのゲームを持っている友人がいますか?一緒に航海しましょう!ゲームにはクロスプレイがあります!
  • Rare および Steam フォーラムで新しい友達を 1 人または 2 人探しましょう!



それはあなた次第です。 4 つの武器にはすべて長所と短所があり、役に立たないものや圧倒されるものはありません。



  • 無制限の弾薬とリロードは必要ありません (duh)
  • 他のカットラス スワイプからの攻撃をブロックできます
  • チャージ攻撃は大きなダメージを与えることができます
  • チャージ ジャンプで距離を縮めるか、ターゲットに追いつくことができます
  • 速い攻撃速度


  • 射程が短い
  • これをブランダーバスと組み合わせてください。PvE では優れていますが、PvP はあなたの弱点です
  • 火薬樽を取り出す方法はありません

フリントロック ピストル


  • 敵の海賊に 55% のダメージ
  • すべての遠距離武器の中で最速のリロード
  • 近距離と中距離が得意
  • Eye Of Reach と Blunderbuss の素晴らしいセカンダリ武器


  • 遠距離で苦戦し始める
  • ほとんどの状況でアイ オブ リーチに勝てる



  • すべてのペレットが当たった場合、近距離で海賊を即座に殺すことができます
  • 人魚像を破壊する素晴らしいツール
  • 船を守る最高の武器


  • 範囲とペレットの拡散は悪く、さらにランダムな拡散も
  • これをカトラスと組み合わせてください。PvE では優れていますが、PvP は弱点です
  • 火薬樽を破壊することは不可能ではありませんが、安全に完全に破壊することは非常に困難です



  • 敵の海賊に 70% のダメージ
  • 全武器の中で最高の射程
  • スコープのおかげで遠くの敵を見ることができますが、スパイグラスほどではありません
  • フリントロック ピストルと組み合わせて PvP プレイヤーを素早く倒すのに最適な武器


  • リロードが遅い
  • 照準を合わせると、スコープが光っているのが見える

4 つの武器はすべて、それぞれの得意分野を備えています。人気のあるロードアウトをいくつかご紹介します。


私はほとんどの時間船にとどまり、ソード ジャンプのおかげで簡単に島に行って船に戻ることができるため、私の主な選択です。さらに、Blunderbuss は 1 ヒットでほとんどのスケルトンを殺すことができるため、最高の PvE ロードアウトです。スケルトンを気絶させることができ、チャージ攻撃を使用して、動き続けながら大きなダメージを与えることができます!

フリントロック ピストル/アイ オブ リーチ

訓練された手で海賊を殺すことができる PvP 海賊のための選択肢ですが、PvE では 10 ショットしかなく、すべてのショットでリロードする必要があるため、それはひどいものです。地震やリンプボールのように全力疾走する能力が損なわれると、動き回るのが難しくなります。

ブランダーバス/フリントロック ピストル

Teamfortress 2 のスカウトのような振る舞いをする PvP 海賊で、乗り降りし、スプリント ボタンに夢中になっています。Blunderbuss は再びスケルトンを 1 発撃つことができるため、PvE では優れていますが、撃つたびにリロードする必要があります。ピストルは火薬樽を安全に撃つことができますが、ダッシュする能力が無効になっている場合は、簡単なターゲットになります.










  • ロックを解除し、何をする必要があるかを確認し、海賊メニュー (キーボードのタブ、コントローラーのスタート) をナビゲートし、さまざまな使者とメニューを調べて、どの表彰を達成する必要があるかを確認するには、特定の表彰が必要です。特定のアイテムのロックを解除します。
  • ロックを解除するには、特定のレベルの使者である必要があるアイテムもあります。
  • 一部のアイテムは、Twitch Drops、Plunder Passes、またはゲーム内イベントに期間限定で提供されます。ほとんどのアイテムがなくなると、しばらく戻ってこないため、Twitter や Reddit などのソーシャル メディアのウェブサイトで最新情報を常に確認してください。または場合によっては決して!
  • ゲーム内のほとんどのコスチュームは、実際のお金を購入する必要がある Pirate Emporium の後ろにロックされています...エンシェント スケルトンの産卵で運が良かった場合を除きます。
  • Pirate Legend になり、特定の表彰または特定の Athena's Fortune Grade Level を獲得し、特別な Pirate Legend の衣類ショップに行って、特定の衣類アイテムのロックを解除する必要があります。
  • 装飾アイテムを購入したいのですが、海賊エンポリアムにいますが、見つかりません。なぜですか?

    Pirate Emporium で一部のアイテムが欠落している理由はいくつかあります



    • スケルトンペット – 10月中のみ入手可能
    • 豊穣の祭典 – 11月のみ入手可能
    • たくさんのペットの衣装の祭典 – 11月中のみ入手可能
    • ボーンチラー コスチューム – 12月中のみ入手可能
    • 武器贈与の祭典 – 12月中のみ入手可能
    • ペット衣装贈呈祭 – 12月中のみ入手可能
    • 旧正月のアイテム – 1月中のみ入手可能
    • 旧正月のペット衣装 – 1月のみ入手可能
    • Golden Skull Sails – これらはショップにランダムに表示されます。一貫性はほとんどありません。そのため、ショップだけでなく、ソーシャル メディアを通じてオンラインにも注目してください。


    一部のセールは慈善団体への資金提供用であり、特定の期間のみ利用可能であり、Rare が慈善団体と再び協力することを決定しない限り、チャンスは二度と戻りません。これまでのところ、帆は戻ってきていません…

    • セイルズ オブ ユニオン
    • 希望の帆
    • セイルズ オブ シェアリング


    ペットは The Pirate Emporium でのみ購入できるため、オウム、猫、犬、または猿が必要な場合は、古代のコインを入手する必要があります!

    Sea Of Thieves には 3 種類のペットがいます

    • 通常のペット – テーマに合わせた衣装を着せることで、さらにカスタマイズできます。
    • コレクターズ ペット – 名前の変更のみ可能です。
    • 休日限定ペット – コレクター ペットと同じように機能しますが、1 年の特定の時期にのみ購入できます。たとえば、10 月のスケルトン ペットです。



    • ほら話とその表彰を完了すると、すぐに化粧品のロックが解除されます。それらを購入するために金を使う必要さえありません。それらはそれぞれの宝箱にあります!
    • Plunder Pass でレベルアップすると、報酬が手に入ります!メニューを見て何をする必要があるかを確認するか、通常どおりゲームをプレイすることで、チャレンジに集中してより多くのレベルをより速く獲得することができます!レベルアップは非常に簡単で、Tall Tale の報酬のようにすべてのロックをすぐに解除できます!
    • Pirate Emporium に行ってください。主要なアップデートのたびに新しいアイテムが収集されます。これは多くの場合、海賊が使用する新しいエモートです!新しいアップデートとアイテムを紹介する Sea Of Thieves YouTube チャンネルに注目してください!
    • ゲーム内イベントにご注目ください!ソーシャル メディアはあなたの親友です。Twitter、YouTube、Reddit に注目して、ゲーム内イベントがいつ開催されるか、新しい報酬を獲得するために何をすべきかを確認してください!
    • Twitch を見るのは好きですか?以下の手順に従ってアカウントをリンクし、Twitter、Reddit、Steam、または Discord でドロップがアクティブになるたびに注目してください!
    • すでに Twitch Prime/Prime Gaming のメンバーですか? Sea Of Thieves には通常、無料で請求できるアイテムがあります。ログインして、どのアイテムを請求できるかを確認してください。毎月更新されることを忘れないでください!
      Twitch Prime/Prime Gaming を持っておらず、試してみたい場合は、私が投稿したリンクを使用していつでもサインアップできます。無料のトレイルも取得できます。ここ英国での価格は月額£7.99で、他には何も知りません。自分でオンラインで調べて、余裕があるかどうかを確認する必要があります.Twitch Prime / Prime Gamingには他にもメリットがありますが、それはあなた自身が見ることです.私はセールスマンではありません…だと思います…


    主な理由は 2 つあります。

  • 見つからないだけです。見つかるまで音楽選択メニューを調べてください。
  • ロック解除可能な曲はいくつかありますが、現時点では 2 つしかありません。
  • 「海賊の人生」は、海賊の人生編のほら話の 5 つのチャプターすべてとそのすべての表彰を完了することでロックが解除されます。完了すると自動的にロックが解除されます。ほら話は次のとおりです。

    • 海賊の生活
    • 沈んだ真珠
    • ダムドの船長
    • 闇の一党
    • 海の王様

    漂流者のキャンプの前哨基地で、5 つのほら話すべてを見つけることができます。







    ブリガンティン VS スループ、2 人のプレイヤーに最適なのは?

    プレイヤーが 2 人いる場合は常にスループです。

    多くのプレイヤーは、デュオ プレイヤーにはスループよりもブリガンティンの方が適していると考えていますが、それにはいくつかの理由があります。一度に 1 つずつ見ていき、その理由がしばしば間違っている理由を答えてみましょう。

  • ブリガンティンはスループ (バケツから水を汲み出す) よりも簡単に水を汲み出すことができ、スループよりも沈むのが難しいと人々は言います!
  • どちらの船でも、階段に立って水を捨てることができるので、実際にはどちらも簡単に救済できます。

    1. ブリガンティンはスループよりも速いと言われています!

    両方の船が風に乗って進んでいる場合、ブリガンティンの方が速いですが、Sea Of Thieves でどのくらいの頻度で風に乗って航海しますか?答えは、風に逆らって航海するか、ほとんどの場合、風が吹いていないことです。したがって、平均して、ブリガンティンよりも A から B に移動する方がスループの方が優れています。

    1. ブリガンティンの方が火力が高いので、スループや他の船を簡単に沈めることができると言われています!

    はい、ブリガンティンはスループの 2 倍の火力を持っていますが、スループの機動性に欠けています。


    さらに、1 つの平らな船であるブリガンティンとは異なり、戦闘がはるかに簡単になります。スループは、ホイール、キャプスタン、はしごの領域が広く、下にいる人を攻撃しやすいため、銃のユーザーとブランダーボムのユーザーに高さの利点を提供できます。木製のレールで保護されている間、少し後退するだけなので、攻撃を受けるのはさらに難しくなります!

    必要に応じて Duo Brigantine を試すこともできますが、Duo Brigantine ができることは何でも、Duo Sloop の方が優れています。


    理由 1:チェーンショットが当たった



    理由 2:ケグされた

    樽は強力で、どのサイズでもマストが近くにあれば即座に破壊できます。樽を持っている場合は注意してください。1 回の爆発で動きが鈍くなる可能性があります。魚の餌もよく調理されます。

    理由 3:十分な損傷があり、注意を払っていなかった




  • 船には穴が開いていたため、水が入り込み、船がゆっくりと沈んでいきます。船を離れる前に、船が直っているかどうかを必ず確認してください
  • アンカーは上げられましたが、帆は上げられていません。何かをするために出発する前に、帆が 100% 上げられていることを確認してください。小さな動きによって、船が元の降下点から何マイルも離れてしまう可能性があります
  • リ>
  • Chest Of Sorrows を船上に持っている場合は、まだ販売していない場合は常に船外に移動してください。バケツで水を汲んでくれる人がいないと、船が水没してしまいます
  • >
  • あなたの船が非常に浅い水域のような奇妙な場所に停泊していて、木のきしむ音が絶え間なく聞こえている間に動かない場合は、できるだけ早く船を動かしてください。修正する
  • 考えられる最後の理由は、誰かがあなたの船に乗り込み、自分で動かしたことです。これが起こったと思われる場合は、人魚を使って船に戻り、戦う準備をしてください!
  • 売るときに手漕ぎボートを浜辺に置く人がいるのはなぜですか?


    手漕ぎボートは戦利品を運ぶことができ、メイン ボートとは異なりデスポーンせずに浜に打ち上げることができます。銛を使用して手漕ぎボートを前哨基地にドラッグし、通常よりも速く安全にアイテムを販売することができます。他の場所よりも内陸にあり、桟橋のマーチャントのような高い場所にあります。これを行うのに最適な場所は、ショアーズ オブ プレンティ アウトポスト、エンシェント アイルズ アウトポスト、モローズ ピークです。昔ながらの方法で売るだけの価値があります!




    スケルトン フォートは、スケルトンが世界で 1 つの休眠中のフォートを乗っ取るために目覚めたときです。雲をたどって、どのフォートが乗っ取られたかを確認します。

    • 砦に到着すると、島の監視塔と島の大砲に襲われます。安全な場所を見つけて駐車し、スケルトンの大群と戦う準備をしてください。
    • フォートの最後の波では、スケルトンのボスが見つかります。通常のスケルトンよりもはるかにタフで、近すぎるとあなたとあなたの船に大きなダメージを与えることができる特別な攻撃があります.彼らはあなたの船から距離を置いています
    • ボスを倒すと鍵がドロップし、本島の建物の下にある保管庫を開くことができ、報酬を獲得できます!



    • スケルトン スループまたはガレオン船には 3 つのウェーブがあり、ウェーブごとに 2 つずつ任意の順序でランダムにスポーンできます。したがって、ウェーブ 1 には 2 つのスループ、ウェーブ 2 には 1 つのスループとガレオン船、そして最後のウェーブには 2 つのガレオン船があります。波
    • 最後の波では、スケルトン船にスケルトン船長が乗ります。船が沈むと、イベントは終了し、船長は赤い名前を持ち、常にガレオン船に乗っています
    • すべての船には戦利品が搭載されていることを忘れないでください。船を沈めるときは戦利品に注意してください!これは、バーナクル チェストやその他のレアな戦利品を手に入れるのに最適な方法です!


    大きな竜巻が、アシェン ロードが私たちの世界に召喚されていることを警告しています。これらは火の力を持つ巨大なスケルトン ボスです。3 つのフェーズがあります。

    • Ashen Lord は 4 人いますが、ボイスラインと外見以外はすべて同じように振る舞います。
    • 一定量の健康状態になると、Ashen Lord は倒れて回復し、次のフェーズが開始されてから攻撃を続けます
    • スケルトンのボスとは異なり、アシェン ロードはブランダーバスがないため、あなたを直接即死させることはできません
    • 最終段階の 1 つで、Ashen Lords は空から隕石を召喚することができます。呼吸しながら崩壊し、いたるところに火が漏れていることから、これを行っていることがわかります。これらの隕石はあなたの船にダメージを与え、あなたに大きなダメージを与える可能性があります
    • 死ぬと、彼らは火を噴く武器化された宝物である Ashen Winds Skull を落とします。使用が少なければ少ないほど、Order Of Souls にとって価値があります。 /li>


    キャプテン フレイムハートは、ランダムに 4 つの波を持つ幽霊のような艦隊で島に出没し始めることができます。

    • 最初の波は通常の幽霊船で、大砲 3 発で破壊されます。波は 7 隻の船が破壊された後に終了します。通常の幽霊船は、物資を含むダムドの保管箱をドロップできます。
    • 第 2 波はキャプテン ウェーブです。2 隻の船は大砲 10 発で破壊されますが、通常のゴースト シップで保護されています。キャプテン シップを破壊すると戦利品がドロップします。キャプテン ゴースト シップが破壊されると、このウェーブは終了します。
    • Third wave is another Ghost Ship wave, works the exact same way as wave 1, destroy 7 ships and move on.
    • The final wave will spawn not only Captain Ships, but Captain Flameheart’s flagship, the Burning Blade, all the ships are protected by Ghost Ships, again Captain Ships drop loot again, while Flameheart’s Ship not only drops loot, but the exclusive Cannonballs Of The Damned, this wave is finished when the Burning Blade is destroyed, which takes 24 Cannonball hits, any Captain Ships that are still alive when the Burning Blade falls will disappear.

    Fort Of Fortune

    Fort Of Fortunes are the same as normal Forts, but A LOT more harder, with a lot more better loot, there are more waves then normal Forts and skeletons are much tougher, and when it spawns, you wlll hear a loud horn sound play, the louder it is, the closer the Fort is to you.

    • On the last 3 waves you will fight 4 bosses
    • Third to last you will fight the Fort Boss Mutinous helmsman
    • Second to last you will fight the 2 Fort Bosses The Duchess and The Two Faced Scoundrel
    • On the final wave you fight a random Ashen Lord, keep them away from your ship as they can easily sink them with projectiles!
    • When you beat the Ashen Lord, they will drop a key like normal, and get ready to loot!

    Fort Of The Damned

    Unlike the other Forts, Fort Of The Damned can only be activated by players and thus can activate during other world events, here’s how to start it.

    Obtain each Flame of Fate from the Ferry Of The Damned and store them on your boat’s lanterns.

    • The Flame of Burning Hearts (Red Flame) from dying to Fire.
    • The Flame of Cursed Bones (Green Flame) from dying to a Skeleton, Phantom or Ocean Crawler.
    • The Flame of Lost Seafarers (Blue Flame) from dying to a Shark, Megladon or Siren.
    • The Flame of the Viper (Purple Flame) from dying to a Snake’s Venom, Kraken Ink, Venomball or Hermit Ocean Crawler’s Poison Cloud.
    • The Flame of Treacherous Weather (White Flame) from dying to lightning or hitting a lightning ball of an Eel-ectric Ocean Crawler before it shoots it.
    • The Flame of Embattled Souls (Pink Flame) from dying to another player from another crew.
    • You will also need a Ritual Skull.
    • After obtaining all of the above, head to Fort Of The Damned.
    • Go to the main building at the very top of the island.
    • Light all the beacons of their corresponding colours.
    • Place the Ritual Skull inside the cage, it should open when all the beacons are lit.
    • The Fort will activate.
    • To kill the skeletons, you need to pay attention what Beacon is lit underneath them, as that means what colours you need to make them vulnerable to attacks.
    • There are 12 waves, waves 1-4 will only spawn 1 colour, waves 5-9 will spawn 2 colours, while the rest spawn up to 3.
    • Remember that during all these waves, they can spawn Keg Skeletons.
    • On wave 11, Stronghold Keg Skeletons will spawn so be very very careful!
    • On the final wave, you will fight the boss Ghost of Graymarrow.
    • When you beat the fort, like other fort bosses, he will drop a key which you will use to loot the vault!

    What’s That Glowing in the Water?

    These are structures part of The Sunken Kingdom, they’re deep underwater requiring one to leave their ship in the open for the poteintial to grab some rare treasures!

    There are 2 types of Structures in The Sunken Kingdom, look on your ship’s map to see what type you encountered!


    These are essentially an easier version of a Skeleton Fort, where you have to fight numerous waves to enemies, and at the end, a boss to defeat, unlike a Skeleton Fort however who has a unique boss, the bosses in Treasuries are essentially just a normal enemy but with more health.

    When all enemies and waves are beaten, the vault will open up, letting you grab the treasure! Just remember there’s a Mermaid Statue in the vault, allowing you to transport loot back up to your ship safely!


    These are dungeons requiring the player to complete puzzles to reach to the end, killing enemies and grabbing loot on the way, Shrines have multiple Mermaid Statues allowing you to drop of loot while you’re going to the end.

    When going into either, remember at least ONE PERSON should stay on the ship and keep watch, Ships above these structures are easy pickings for Pirates.

    Coral Bottles

    While on our journey across the sea, you might come across these Coral Bottles, these contain a quest for you to go to a random Shrine or Treasury to claim a Breath Of The Sea, which can be sold to any trading company, including the Hunters Call, they come in the same quality as gems, Sapphire being the most common, Emerald being uncommon, and Ruby being the rarest of the 3.

    These don’t have a time limit, only the crew who has the quest to claim a bottle can see their bottle until it’s picked up, and lastly they’re either found near the end of a Shrine or inside the vault of a Treasury, on a display like this.

    Who or What is This on the Map?

    On your map table, you will notice some ship outlines under certain situations, here’s who they are.

    Reaper Emissary

    This is a Reaper Emissary, anyone can see them on the map and they’re often hostile and will fire on sight, each Red Bar you see on the little flag on the ship shows their level up to 5, when at level 5 they gain the ability to see any other non-Reaper Emissary ship on the map.

    Emissary Ship

    This is a random Emissary Ship, you can only see this on your map table if you’re a Level 5 Reaper Emissary, they can be any of the Emissaries other than the Reapers as they lack the flag tracking their levels.

    Flag Of The Reaper’s Mark Ship

    This ship is using The Flag Of The Reaper’s Mark, allowing them to be seen on the map to either challenge someone to a fight, or trying to find friends (rare but it happens) always treat these ships with extreme caution.


    Whenever you join an alliance, you will be able to see your new friends on your map table, what ship they’re sailing and where they’re sailing too.

    Reaper’s Chest

    This is a Reaper’s Chest, it can only be sold at The Reaper’s Hideout, it rewards Doubloons and progress towards Commendations.

    Reaper’s Bounty

    This is a Reaper’s Bounty, it can only be sold at The Reaper’s Hideout, it rewards gold and progress towards Commendations.

    Fort Of The Damned Key

    This can only be obtained when finishing The Fort Of The Damned, this key is used to open the vault, once used it will disappear, this key cannot be sold to anyone.

    Fort Of Fortune Key

    This can only be obtained when finishing The Fort Of Fortune World Event, this key is used to open the vault, once used it will disappear, this key cannot be sold to anyone.

    Where Did This Reaper 5 Come From?

    Sailing around happily, and peacefully, watching the map for no trouble and all of a sudden a Reaper 5 spawns out of no where? They have just done a trick called Portal Hopping.

    Portal Hopping is when a crew uses a checkpoint from a Tall Tale from A Pirates Life, Chapters 1 or 3 and votes for them, allowing them to go into the Tall Tale, grab supplies, vote to cancel it, then rejoin a brand new server.
    This trick IS RARE to come by, however it can happen at any moment, always keep an eye out!

    Is this cheating?

    No, Rare forsaw this happening when making the portals and decieded as of now to keep it in the game, as again not many people do this trick.

    Plus it helps players who want to PvP or earn special commendations find a fresh server to have fights in, like a group Reapers hunting Emissary Flags and not being able to in their original server due to scaring everyone off.

    For those who want to try out Portal Hopping, there are various guides on YouTube on the matter, have a look online and see if you want to try it out! While an excellent tool for PvP, it’s also a god tier tool at escaping certain doom! Especially if you’re a fishermen!

    Why Did I Get Attacked Even Though I Have no Treasure?

    Just because you don’t have treasure, doesn’t mean you’re safe from enemy ships, there are many reasons why somebody wants to sink you.

  • They want your supplies
  • Supplies are overpowered and win fights, you could be against the sweatiest tryhard sloop in your entire life, landing chainshot after chainshot, cannonball after cannonball, but as long as you can endure their punishment, you can still win against them, which is why some ships will charge head first into you to grab your supplies.

    Some ships even bail your ship with buckets so they can keep moving supplies into their own supply crates! If you suspect they’re doing that, get ready as they will kill on sight!

    1. They think you’re attacking them

    A ship that’s charging full speed either along with or following another ship can send a wrong message, as it’s seen as an aggressive move to get the broadside or boarding advantage, always be super cautious when passing by another ship.

    1. They are defending something

    Everyone likes to do their own thing in Sea Of Thieves, so they might have a quest wanting them to do a certain objective, like going to a vault, killing skeletons, a world event or whatever, and they don’t want anyone profiting of their work, so either they show signs of being hostile, either try talking to them, fight them, or just move on and go somewhere else if you don’t think you can take them.

    1. They just want to fight

    It’s simple, they’re out for blood, don’t bother talking to them, just go crazy!

    When Should I Use a Trident?

    The best time to use a Trident is against bosses, like Treasury Vault Masters, Skeleton Lords and Ashen Lords.

    What about normal enemies?

    Try to avoid using Tridents against these guys, it’s not worth it:

    • Normal and Ghost Skeletons can often be one shot with the Blunderbuss and be stun locked with the Sword
    • Golden Skeletons can be made rusty by throwing water on them, making them die to 1 shot from the Blunderbuss
    • Ocean Crawlers while tanky compared to Skeletons, still die very easily
    • Sirens and Sharks while annoying, it’s just better to shoot them with your gun

    What about enemy pirates?

    It can work, however it’s best for the following due to the charge up times and slow firing speed:

    • Under water if you don’t have a long range weapon
    • Spawn Camping, yes it’s a d**k move but a friend can steal supplies while they’re dead

    Where Should I Store Gunpowder Kegs?

    On other ships!

    This isn’t a joke by the way, storing kegs is often too dangerous as they’re very easy to set off, a simple missed sword swipe can set them off.

    However if you REALLY want to store kegs, here’s a list of the normal kegs you will come across in your adventure and where you should store them, I always highly recommend only storing them if you’re selling straight away or using them straight away, the longer they’re on the boat, the more risk you have.

    Gunpowder Barrel

    This is the most common type of Keg in the game, they are found randomly on islands, dig spots, forts, fort vaults, randomly in the water with barrels, can be carried by skeletons, shipwrecks, in Skeleton Ships, and be claimed from the Merchants to be delivered.

    These are not usually worth carrying overall, the money they sell for, even as a Merchant Grade 5 isn’t much at all, plus only one commendation is about selling them, which is delivering 100 Gunpowder Kegs on time.

    All the other commendations can be easily obtained by blowing them up at Active Forts.

    These Kegs do a large amount of damage to ships, however skilled players can easily recover the ship as the explosion radius isn’t super huge, however it’s an excellent engagement tool, if you want to fight another ship, keep an eye out for these Kegs, while they’re weaker compared to others, they still do a pretty decent job causing panic.

    Stronghold Gunpowder Barrel

    This is a rarer Keg, only found at Fort Vaults, Fort Of The Damned’s Final Wave with some Skeletons, Shipwrecks, Dig Spots and a chance to spawn with a skeleton in Athena Voyages these kegs are like Nukes, being able to do a monstrous amount of damage to ships and has a large explosion radius, getting hit by one of these can mean game over for most crews.

    Stronghold Gunpowder Barrels also count as regular Gunpowder Barrels for Commendations, so if you have to deliver one, it will count towards the 100 Gunpowder Keg sales Commendation, in addition it has it’s own special Commendation Selling 100 Stronghold Gunpowder Barrels as a Pirate Legend.

    Keg Of Ancient Black Powder

    This is the rarest and just as dangerous as the Stronghold Gunpowder Barrel, hitting one of these means certain doom for anyone or anything nearby it, unlike normal and Stronghold Kegs, the explosion is a ghastly ghostly green, letting everyone know that this behemoth has been let off.

    These Kegs can spawn at Fort Of Fortune Vaults as a Pair, in a random dig during Athena Voyages and Athena Emissary Quests, a guaranteed dig at the end on the final chapter of Athena Emissary quests and a guaranteed Skeleton spawn on a Thieves Haven quest always handle these Kegs with extreme care! They take a lot of work to get!

    Since this is an Athena Treasure, it will count towards all Commendations that need you to sell Athena Loot while being a Pirate Legend, in addition it has it’s own Commendation, where you need to sell 50 of these as a Pirate Legend!

    Storing Them

    Without a doubt, in the Crow’s Nest.

    Anywhere else, it’s too easy to not just anyone, ally or enemy to see or hit them, but Skeleton Ships, Ghost Ships, Fires, Megladons and Krakens can set them off, while in the Crow’s Nest, it has a much lower chance for it to be hit by ships, however Megladons and Krarkens can’t damage them unless they destroy the mast or somehow make direct contact with the Keg.

    Speaking of which, if the mast goes, the Kegs will be instantly destroyed, and in addition, they can still be sniped by Eye Of Reach Users.

    There is no safe place for Kegs, but right now the safest is on the Crow’s Nest.

    I Just Spotted a Mermaid With No Smoke, What Does That Mean?


    This means an enemy pirate has left their ship and is far away enough to return to it via a Mermaid, keep a watchful eye on your friends, treasure and yourself, at any moment he can come out, kill you and steal your stuff!

    • If you’re at a Fort, keep an eye out for the Watchtowers, they’re a popular spot to hide in due to lack of skeletons and height advantage
    • While on your ship, keep an ear out for boarding sounds, it sounds like if they’re exiting the water and it only appears on the ladders of your ship
    • While on your ship, keep a lookout in popular tucking spots, including the Crow’s Nest, Dark Corners, on the Sloop’s “roof” above the map in it’s corners, Captain Quarters in larger ships and other tight places you think someone can hide in
    • Check for fake barrels, you can tell them apart from regular barrels including if they appear to be floating above the ground slightly, different lighting/colour from other barrels, an extra barrel in an area where you know there’s a set amount, the fact you can’t interact with it, the loud sound of a thud someone using the Barrel emote and more!
    • Arm yourself with weapons and supplies, a fight could start at any moment.

    I Got Killed By a Cheater! Where Do I Report Them?

    Sea Of Thieves, like any game has cheaters, however unlike most games, cheaters are very rare due to the excellent Anti-Cheat system and all ranged weapons being projectiles, now before we report anyone you need to ask yourself some questions.

  • Do you have evidence?
  • Videos? Screenshots of the player? Anything? Keep it somewhere safe on your computer to put onto a Support ticket later.

    1. Looking back, was it lag?

    The game is an always online PvPvE survival game, so lag is common to see, plus some players don’t play with Ethernet, so what appears to be speed hacking, can be McDonalds WiFi levels of lag.

    1. Did the hitboxes screw you over?

    It’s no secret, like other games, Sea Of Thieves has bad hitboxes, and at times you can get killed by attacks that shouldn’t hit, while your attacks just magically do nothing.

    1. Were you just outplayed and called them a cheater in the heat of the moment?

    Listen friend, there’s no shame, everyone has done this at least once in their lives, and if someone says they haven’t, they’re lying, I’ve done it, my friends have done it, tryhard pros have done it, don’t worry about it, just move on and hopefully next time you’re ready!

    1. Singled everything out? Time to report!

    Click here and follow the instructions to report a player you played against.

    How Do I Become a Pirate Legend?

    To become a Pirate Legend you need to be at level 50 with at least 3 trading companies, and bought all the corresponding level 50 promotions.

    For an example with the Gold Hoarders, you need to reach level 50, but you need the following titles, which cost gold.

    • Gold Picaroon Level 5, costs 100 Gold
    • Gold Bucko Level 10, costs 200 Gold
    • Gold Swabbie Level 15, costs 300 Gold
    • Gold Hauler Level 20, costs 400 Gold
    • Gold Buccaneer Level 25, costs 500 Gold
    • Gold Seadog Level 30, costs 600 Gold
    • Gold Magnate Level 35, costs 700 Gold
    • Gold Captain Level 40, costs 800 Gold
    • Gold Sovereign Level 45, costs 900 Gold
    • Master Gold Hoarder Level 50, costs 1000 Gold

    So all together you need 5500 Gold to buy the titles, this goes the same with nearly all the other trading companies too, no prices are different, only the names of the titles and what you get to buy when you unlock the title.

    The only ones that are different are the following two

    Reapers due to how easy it is to make gold of them since they buy nearly everything, so they’re a lot more expensive.
    Sea Dogs as they don’t buy anything, but instead you earn reputation and unlocks in the Arena.

    So get to work! Find treasure for your Hoarder buddies, collect skulls for the Order, trade for the Merchants, fish for the Hunters, reap your fellow pirates for the Reapers, and entertain the Sea Dogs, do what you want, as long as you reach level 50 and get those titles with at least 3 of them, you will be ready to become a Pirate Legend!

    I’m level 50 with 3 companies and I got all the titles, what’s next!

    Speak to the Mysterious Stranger, he’s found at every tavern in the game, I would tell you more on what to do, but I think it’s more fun, magical and special if you find out what happens on your own…

    What’s The Fastest Way to Become a Pirate Legend? (Part #1)

    Firstly before I say anything

    Don’t worry about becoming a Pirate Legend as fast as possible, it’s not worth rushing through!

    I know the game talks about being a Pirate Legend a lot, and so do some players too, but you’re really not missing out on much, here’s what you get for being a Pirate Legend:

    • A free title.
    • A free clothing set.
    • The ability to do certain commendations as they’re locked for non Pirate Legends.
    • Access to a new clothing, equipment, weapon and ship cosmetics.
    • The ability to buy certain pet clothing at the pirate emporium when you’re level 20 with the Athena’s Fortune Emissary.
    • Access to new area hidden at every Tavern.
    • The ability to earn Pirate Legend rewards in every new Plunder Pass at level 46 and 100.
    • A new song to play <- Best reward don’t argue.
    • The ability to buy and raise an Athena Emissary Flag and do Athena quests <- Worst reward.

    That’s it, that’s all you get for those who looked, not too amazing, some stuff is alright, but is it worth rushing? It’s up to you, but I say no.

    But for those who say YES GIMME GIMME! Here’s you to become Pirate Legend fast!

    Picking Your Zone

    In Sea Of Thieves there are zones, all with unique fish, hazards, and attractions, however you want to focus on 2 areas.

    The Shores Of Plenty

    In the North West of the map is the Shores Of Plenty, a rather peaceful area with lots of islands and with clean sunny beaches!


    • Easy to get to
    • All the islands are close together, meaning you don’t often need to sail miles to a quest’s location
    • Storms don’t come here often
    • Very easy to spot enemy ships in the distance due to lack of massive islands, giant rocks and mountains


    • Easy to get to for enemies
    • Not too far away from Reaper’s Hideout, meaning Reapers will be in the area a lot of the time
    • A portal is right next to Golden Sands Outpost, meaning hoppers can appear out of no where!
    • Often seen as a beginner’s area, so you will see ships here more often then the other areas

    The Devil’s Roar

    Located at the East, the Devil’s Roar is a dangerous area to be in, but will reward those willing to tackle the area.


    • Easier to spot ships compared to the other zones since you can only really come from 3 directions, from the West, South West and North West, as the North is blocked off via The Shores Of Gold unless someone has the Tall Tale active, there’s nothing in the South part of the map other than open ocean so there’s no reason for anyone to visit down there, and the East is blocked of by the Shroud
    • All quests bought at Morrow’s Peak outpost are Ashen Quests, giving you much better rewards then normal quests, nearly all rewards will be Ashen themed, which gives you more money then normal items
    • The closest portal is at Ancient Spire, meaning hoppers still need to travel a while to reach the Devil’s Roar and A LOT more to catch up to you!
    • Only 2 world events spawn here, one fort which has a low chance to activate, and a skeleton fleet, and even then both of these are often too far out of the way for a majority of players so rarely anyone does these! In addition the Fort NEVER spawns as a Fort Of Fortune.
    • Storms NEVER appear in this area
    • It’s rare for players to go here due to the danger of the area


    • The entire area is dominated by Volcanoes which spit out huge rocks which can strike ships, they come in a range of sizes with some doing damage similar to a cannonball, while others can deal massive damage to ships, keep an eye out for Volcanic Ash falling from the sky, seeing it means you’re in range to be hit by a rock. Volcanoes will make a large explosion sound when they’re ready to erupt, followed by earthquakes, black smoke rising from the Volcano’s Chimney and black clouds appearing above it, then the eruption begins, lasting between 5-10 minutes, with 5-20 minute breaks in between each eruption, always be ready to get in and get out ASAP on an island, as you can be unlucky and it starts erupting while you’re busy
    • When a Volcano is erupting, all the water nearby the Volcano will boil, dealing damage to any player who’s in it and it will flood the your ship if it has a hole in it
    • Earthquakes can happen, they disable sprinting and can move unanchored ships away from the island or towards it for damage, remember an Earthquake DOES NOT MEAN a Volcano is erupting, however if a Volcano is erupting, an Earthquake will appear too
    • There are ton of randomly spawning geysers, getting hit by one sends you flying into the air, Gunpowder Kegs when hit by these will explode instantly
    • Animal Cargo Voyages, Lost Shipment Voyages along with Ghost Ship Voyages cannot be bought or done in this area, any of these Voyages that are voted while in the Devil’s Roar will spawn at an island in The Ancient Isles or The Wilds instead

    So both areas have their pros and cons, so pick one.

    What’s The Fastest Way to Become a Pirate Legend? (Part #2)

    You want to focus on the main 3 trading companies, the Gold Hoarders, Order Of Souls, and The Merchants, pick which one you want to focus on first, and rasie your emissary.

    Before we start with the individual tips, remember the following…

    • To gain more rep at a faster pace, you want to reach level 25 ASAP as any of the companies as you unlock new quests for the trading companies, compared to the new quests you unlock VS the old ones, you earn more money and rep as you will earn more treasure than normal, so while yes you’re stuck with the old quests and finding random loot until level 25, but the difference in reputation and gold you earn with them is easily worth the grind, so get to work!
    • Kill all Megladons and Krakens you come across if you can, killing them gives emissary rank
    • Kill Ocean Crawlers as they might drop gems, gems regardless of emissary will give rank
    • Any loot you pick up will give emissary rank, regardless you want it or not
    • Kill Captain Skeletons, they drop a Skull for Order Of Soul emissary rank and drop a quest for the island you’re on, allowing you to get a reward, depending on what it is, you will earn rank
    • Sinking Skeleton Ships will give emissary rank
    • Doing Coral Bottle Quests can reward Breaths Of The Sea and you can earn extra coral loot too, visit The Sunken Kingdom whenever you can!
    • World events and rewards will give you emissary rank, from killing bosses, to sinking skeleton ships and grabbing their loot.
    • REMEMBER! Always lower and raise your emissary after selling for more reputation and always stock up on quests too!
    • ALSO REMEMBER! Always buy the newest promotion you bought, they’re essential to becoming Pirate Legend AND unlocking the new quests! I cannot stress this enough as it’s very easy to miss for new players!

    Gold Hoarders:Shores Of Plenty

    • If you or a crewmate is Level 25 with the Gold Hoarders, have you and your crew pick up a Gold Hoarder Vault Quest each, get as many as possible
    • Complete the voyage as normal, remember any skeletons that spawn while you’re digging has a chance to drop treasure.
    • Now you have 2 choices, either go to the vault to empty it, or do another vault voyage, it’s up to you, either way remember for at least one of you to do the vault puzzle to get the special chest as getting it will give emissary rank

    Gold Hoarders:Devil’s Roar

    • Same process as Shores Of Plenty, however remember that volcanoes can erupt and earthquakes can appear, if a volcano is about to set off, either have someone ready to move the ship to a safe area, or to tank the damage (do not recommend it’s not easy and can last for several minutes). Also remember to lower the anchor in case an earthquake happens as it can move the ship.

    Order Of Souls:Shores Of Plenty

    • Focus on Ghost Ship voyages if you or a crewmate is level 25, make sure you got plenty of supplies and keep an eye out as some ships can drop supply crates of the dammed, focus on the Flagships BEFORE you defeat the Captain Ship, because if you destroy the Captain Ship, all other ships despawn and Flagships also contain loot!
    • Flagships can be identified as the ship in the middle of 2 others going around the island. The Captain Ship can be identified as the ship with the unlockable Ghost Captain Sails on the final wave.
    • Also fun fact! If you sell 50 Captain Skulls Of The Dammed, an item guaranteed to drop every time you destroy the Captain Ship, you will be able to guy the Ghost Captain Sails for yourself and your crew!
    • Don’t forget to keep an eye out for Skeleton Captains on Islands as they guarantee a Villainous Bounty Skull when killed!
    • If you feel confident with yourself and crew, tryout some world events, as the Order Of Souls benefit the most out of the 3 companies when it comes to world events!
    • Forts give plenty of Skulls and the rare Stronghold Skulls
    • Forts Of Fortune give loads of Villainous Bounty Skulls, Stronghold Skulls and Ashen Wind Skulls. Ashen Lords drop the Ashen Wind Skull upon death.
    • Captain Flameheart’s event works in the same way as a Ghost Voyage, only harder and with even more rewards!

    Order Of Souls:Devil’s Roar

    • You can only hunt skeletons with voyages here, thankfully most drop Ashen Bounty Skulls which give more money and reputation, and they can be instantly destroyed via geysers, be careful as they can set off Gun Powerkegs too.
    • Skeleton ships also spawn in the region as normal, so it’s worth hunting any you see nearby, plus Volcanoes can damage their ships too!

    Merchants:Shores Of Plenty

    • Focus on Lost Shipment Voyages when you or a crewmate is level 25, follow the route and work out where you need to go, the only thing I have to say are the following 2 things. Number 1, grab everything you see as you will find cargo to sell and gain reputation. Number 2 and I cannot stress this enough, look for the Captain’s Key! it’s small and easy to miss, but it hides a ton of rewards!
    • When you find the Lost Ship, find the Manifest inside the ship and grab any other bits of loot you see. If you have the Captain’s Key, go to the Captain’s Quarters and collect a ton of Merchant Cargo giving you a lot of emissary rank and gold!
    • If you get super unlucky and see a huge swarm of birds where you think the ship is supposed to be, you will only find the Manifest and nothing else, if you have a key, either keep it for the next voyage if you can’t find another key or sell it to the Merchants

    Merchants:Devil’s Roar

    • Unless you want to do Cargo runs from place to place, island to island, I don’t recommend doing this as not only it’s boring, it’s no where as rewarding as doing Lost Shipments, and the danger of running into and then waiting for active volcanic areas to finish while on the time limit can be annoying at times.

    Will There Ever Be PvE Servers?


    But there’s so many people asking for it!

    There isn’t

    I can link to numerous people saying that PvE servers should be added, I can prove you wrong!

    1) Check the person who is making these claims, they’re often one of the following

    • A new player who has had an unfortunate experience with more experienced players
    • An experienced player who isn’t good at PvP and just wants it gone
    • A private account, chances are an alternative account, with 0 evidence that they actually play the game with said account

    It’s always these 3, if you suspect it’s a new player, all I can suggest is either offering to help them with advice or even help them play ingame, however if it’s one of the others, don’t bother arguing, because they’re at the point where they won’t listen to a reasonable argument, I’m not being mean when I say that, it’s true, it’s like talking to a wall.

    2) If it’s a thread with hundreds of comments, it’s not as good as it seems, PvE threads bait in lots of people, including the following.

    • OP (original poster) who defends their views and holds a majority of the comments in the thread most of the time
    • The previously mentioned new players who had a bad experience
    • The previously mentioned experienced players who isn’t good at PvP
    • The previously mentioned private accounts flooding with “their stories”
    • Players who just say “no” and move on
    • PvPers who will reply to everything OP has said, giving them the second highest amount of comments in the thread most of the time
    • Trolls who annoy the OP and say get good over and over with them having the third highest amount of comments in the thread most of the time

    Just because a thread has a 100+ comments, doesn’t mean it’s a popular opinion, it’s just a huge bait that attracted a large amount of fish.

    3) If it’s an online poll, especially from a content creator, it’s often extremely unreliable

    Anyone can vote in a majority of online polls, including alternative accounts, regardless being on Steam, YouTube, Survey Monkey or whatever, no poll is safe.

    Also if a content creator has an opinion, and shares that opinion on their videos, chances are most viewers will share that opinion, so when they make a poll when it’s based on their opinion, they’re just handing it out to a bunch of Yesmen, regardless of what the poll’s subject is.

    So… why doesn’t Rare add PvE servers?

    Because Rare designed Sea Of Thieves as a PvPvE open world pirate simulator, not only that but this is how updates are designed, this is how the game is advertised, this IS the game, remember your loot isn’t yours until you sell it.

    But Sea Of Thieves is losing players due to PvE servers not being in the game!

    That’s not true.

    Sea Of Thieves has a lot of players, not only on Steam, but on Microsoft Store and Xbox, as of for now, we can only use Steam’s numbers to show off how many players are ingame, and the numbers easily reflect when something is happening.

    • When a new Season starts, the player numbers grow.
    • When it’s around middle of a Season or there hasn’t been a new update in a while, the numbers fall.
    • When something major happens like a certain crossover appearing, the numbers explode to never seen before heights
    • When it’s Summer Holidays, the numbers grow
    • When a Sale begins, regardless of the time of year or store, the numbers grow and fall due to new players joining for the first time, and old players leaving after buying a new game to play.

    And even then, Sea Of Thieves has a very healthy amount of players, for the game to truly die, Rare must majorly mess up something, and they haven’t yet, in fact all they done is improve since the game’s release, they even reworked the original roadmap for Sea Of Thieves due to player feedback.

    So no the game isn’t dying, and by the looks of things, is going to be around for a long long time.

    There are more reasons why PvE servers shouldn’t be added, which is why I’m currently making another guide about Why PvE servers aren’t being added, keep an eye out for it (if it ever comes out, it’s a super sensitive issue and isn’t easy to make without offending people on either side)