

オメガ ストライカーズ – ティア リストと基本ガイド

層のリストといくつかの説明を探している場合は、5 ~ 6 分で読めます。




私はゲーム内で Sorawth “Sorawath” です (Sorawth は KEK のガイドラインに適合しないように思われるため)、おそらく既に一緒にプレイしたことがあります。

私はハイ プラット / ダイアモンドのメイン ゴールキーパーです。


ティア リスト ゴールキーパー

第一に、Tier List は完璧ではありません。さらに「熟練した」ゲームでは、最悪のキャラクターをプレイする最高のプレーヤーになる可能性があります。プレイしやすいだけでなく、カウンターしやすいという要素も含めて、客観的にティアリストを作ってみます。チームにとってキットと有用性。

私のゴールキーパー ティア リスト:

S ティア:

  • カイ


  • アトラス
  • ルナ
  • 時代


  • ジュノ
  • ジュリエット
  • エステル
  • アッシャー

C ティア:

  • X
  • ドゥブ
  • ドレクアーク

説明とプレイ スタイル

S ティア:

  • 私の個人的な意見では、カイは群を抜いて最高のゴールキーパーであり、はるかに先を行っているため、S ティアで唯一のゴールキーパーになることができます。
  • ボールを打ったときに速攻を与える特典 (死なないとすべてを失うことになります) と、速攻を与える彼の能力のおかげで、彼は機動性に優れています。私はまた、速攻を強化する特典で彼を演じます。彼の大きな火の玉は、壁の近くにいる敵をノックするのに役立ちます.しかし、カイの本当の強さは彼の 4-5 のミニ ファイアボールです。ミッドフィールドを完全にコントロールでき、フォワードのカウンターに対抗するのは非常に強力です!
  • 中盤までゴールから離れることを躊躇しないでください。速攻とファイアボールにより、安全に戻ったりボールをコントロールしたりできます。

A ティア:

  • 彼らは独自の方法で非常に優れており、おそらくどのチーム構成にも適応できます。 Luna と Era は敵チームをコントロールするために使用できます。Luna が主にゴールキーパーをコントロールするとき、Era は主に中盤のフォワードをコントロールします。ルナは非常にアグレッシブなゴールキーパーですが、彼女をプレイする場合は、モビリティ スキルをリキャストできる特典を使用する必要があります。この特典をプレイしない場合は、ルナをプレイしないでください!アトラスは…まあ、良いゴールキーパーは他のゴールキーパーよりも少し安全に反撃でき、ノックされた味方を復活させることができます!
  • 正直なところ、アッシャーを A ティアに入れることもできました。彼女はカウンターする方が安全です。

B ティア:

  • 最高ではありませんが、遊び方を知っていれば、明らかにそれらを使って物事を行うことができます.ジュノは低Eloで非常に優れており、カウンターに対して優れたキットを持っています. Know that you can hit the ball during your jump with her, hence, jump, hit the ball to counter, if it’s countered, your jump will leave a slime behind to counter the counter. Asher and Juliette have some counters and are great fighters, if you know how to play them, you can be an agressive goalie against the forwards. Estelle is here because I didn’t want to put her as low the the other ones. But I think she can only be played goalie by OTP.

The C Tier:

  • Well, not much to say, they are bad as Goalie. X and Drek’ar have nothing to do here. As for Dubu…. This character lacks something. He is way too slow, got almost no counter and will BLOODY int you wiht his wall. I don’t get why people keep playing him as a goalie, just because the game says he is a goalie.

Tier List Forward

S Tier:

  • Estelle
  • Juliette

A Tier:

  • Era
  • Asher
  • Kai

B Tier:

  • X
  • Drek’Ar
  • Luna

C Tier:

  • Juno
  • Dubu
  • Atlas

Explanation and Play style

The S Tier:

  • Juliette and Estelle are the best forward, they will fit in any team comp and are by the way, probably the best forward comp together right now. The both have great mobility, great counters and knockout skills. Estelle, facing a goalie has almost no chances of missing to score. Juliette, thanks to her hability got a great counter, she can knock the goalie just a bit to far of the ball right after the goalie left click. Hence, he used his counter but was just a bit to far to counter.

The A Tier:

  • Just like the A Tier for the goalies, the A Tier here can fit in any team comp, Era and Asher are perfect to zone the Goalie. Era’ slow is super strong in the midflied to slow the forward and overpower the goalie if you 2v1 him since their forward will take a bit more time to come. She can also slow the goalie and play the ball to the opposite side. Ashe can knockout or just use her shield to have a perfect counter. If she it her shield skill, she will have a temporary shield dealing medium damage. If you stay in front of the goalie, there is no way he can counter it.
  • And Kai is maybe a bit harder than the other two but when playign kai, you are looking to outrun the goalie and counter him with your 4-5 flames.

The B Tier:

  • I put Drek’Ar and X there because, if indeed people were complaining at first, they are noob busters but weaker than Juliette. Just run around, controle them and they will be of no danger. X isn’t great to score, he only knocks enemy, which, once you know how to play against, it’s pretty easy to avoid him. When playing against Drek’Ar, do be careful of his counter. Just keep an eye on him to know if he is invisible. As for Luna, she is OK but she lacks something to be a great forward, she will be of more use as an agressive goalie.

The C Tier:

  • Juno. People complained about her, you will find her bloody useless once you know how her slimes work. She’s got almost no counter which is super bad for a forward and can’t knock enemy. Dubu is… Well it’s Dubu unfortunately. You will have to be great to do something with him and Atlas is clearly not a forward.

Goalie Tips

Just some tips to give you a hint how you should play as a goalie:

  • The main rule is that you should never go further than the mid field if you don’t have a way to instant go back at your goalie position. Luna is perfect for that, you can rush the enemy goalie to help your team overwhelm the goalie, or just go there, put your nuke and go back.
  • In late game, Kai can almost do that as well thanks to his haste but still be super careful!
  • That doesn’t mean you should stay in your goal all day long. I do like, depending on my character to go as far as the mid field because what you want when you play Omega Striker is having your forwards punching the ball as often as possible at the enemy goalie. If you can help them stay in front of the goalie, it will make your game way easier.
  • The meta right now is about having a counter on the goalie.
  • Except for that, just try to CC the enemy, slow them, knock them and try to have the counter as far as your goal as possible.
  • Know that sometimes, there will be nothing you can do. If Estelle decides to counter you, she will score. If Asher decide to run towards you with her infinite medium shield, it will be literally impossible for you to counter.

Forward Tips

Some Forward Tips

I’m not a main forward but as a goalie here is what i can say:

It’s not because you are a forward that you should never go in defense. Your goalie will almost never be able to prevent forward to score if they are at least 2. Even on 1v1 sometimes the goalie will never be able to defend. As said previously, asher and estelle have bloody strong counter your goalie can’t doanything about. That’s a forward’s job to try to knock them before they counter. Not necessarily knock them out, just make it hard for them to counter your goalie.

But please, do not stay in defense all the time, just push bloodyhell!

Rush for the orbs! It will give a big advantage to have the lvl advantage. If you play with a Juliette or Estelle, maybe let them get the orbs (or walk on the orbs with them, it iwll give it to you as well)

Sometimes you won’t be able to score because your character isn’t the best in 1v1 situation (wink wink juno) and your forward team mate will be enjoying himslef in the middle not doing anything.

Sometimes your goalie will be bad.


To Conclude:

Enjoy yourself ^^ if you play solo know that sometimes you will lose and there is nothing you can do about it. Sometimes goalies will be bad, sometimes forwards will be bad. Sometimes both. Sometimes you will be bad!

Keep in mind that it’s a 3v3 game, everyone have a role to play but both roles are connected.