

Subnautica – リーパー リヴァイアサン ガイド

このガイドには、ゲーム内のエリアやクリーチャーに関する軽微なネタバレが含まれています。Subnautica をまだプレイしていない場合、ゲーム内の体験を台無しにしたり、損なわれたりしたくない場合は、以下を読むことはお勧めしません。

リーパー リヴァイアサンの概要

リーパー リヴァイアサン

惑星 4546b の複数の多様な地域に生息する、肉食性で攻撃的なリヴァイアサン クラスの生命体です。

その外見は、白と赤の長い蛇のような体で構成され、顔には 4 つの大きな赤い大顎があり、頭のてっぺんには大きな赤くて平らな角があります。他の生き物と一緒に、または獲物です。

データバンク エントリ

リヴァイアサン クラスの種は、それぞれの食物連鎖の頂点に位置する巨大な生物です。この種族は、高度に発達した感覚を持つ流線型のハンターです。


このリヴァイアサンは、4 つの強力な大顎で獲物を所定の位置に固定し、顎の届く範囲に引き寄せることができます。シミュレートされた圧力が Seamoth のクラッシュ耐性を超えています。






評価:極度の脅威 – あらゆる状況で回避


習慣的な嗜好は、通常、海洋の大きなオープン エリアにあり、通常は次のような特定のバイオームにあります。

  • クラッシュ ゾーン
  • 砂丘

クラッシュ ゾーンは元々、Grassy Plateau バイオームの空っぽで死んだように見える場所だった可能性がありますが、オーロラ船が衝突したときにさらに死んでしまいました。クラッシュ ゾーンの動物相はサンド シャークとストーカーだけで構成されていますが、ほとんどはリーパーで、小さな生命体が餌を求めてエリアを徘徊しています。クラッシュゾーンを特に危険にしているのは、オーロラのクラッシュが原因である可能性が高い、汚れた霧のような水の霧です。死神はコウモリのように目が見えませんが、咆哮でエコーロケーションを使用しているため、これはまったく問題ではありません.

砂丘バイオームは、多かれ少なかれそのように聞こえます。それは、深さ300mの海底の土地のほとんどを持っている、深い深さまで続く砂丘でいっぱいの見栄えの良いバイオームです.クラッシュ ゾーンと同様に、多くのサンド シャークとストーカーがこのバイオームに住んでいますが、クラッシュ ゾーンと同様に、テリトリーをめぐって絶え間なく戦う多くのリーパー リヴァイアサンが支配しています。砂丘バイオームが非常に危険なのは、リーパーがそびえ立つ砂丘の後ろに隠れることができるという事実だけでなく、深く行けば行くほど暗くなるという事実です。最後の 1 秒まで影が見えないので、気をつけてください。

山地バイオームは、多かれ少なかれその名前のように聞こえますが、ミニチュアの山岳地帯のような形をした岩の多い風景の鋭く尖った部分で構成されるバイオームですが、山岳島が端にあるため、多かれ少なかれその名前が付けられています。バイオームの。このバイオームは、奥に進むにつれて暗くなる可能性もありますが、私の経験から言えば、そこに生息するリーパー リヴァイアサンが他の 2 つに比べてはるかに広がっているため、砂丘バイオームほどストレスはありません。彼らが生息するバイオームですが、あなたのすぐ後ろにいるのと同じくらい無防備です.


ほとんどのプレイヤーは、日中オーロラの後ろや前でリーパー リヴァイアサンと初めて遭遇することがよくあります。 、船の後ろを泳いでいるときに、それらの轟音を立てる大きな生き物が私の懐中電灯に引き寄せられるとは思いもしませんでした。

Alterra ブランドの潜水艇ではなく、装備が不十分なときに Reaper Leviathan に遭遇した場合は、リヴァイアサンが目立つ場合は、生き物を見守りながら、すぐに Reaper から十分に安全な距離を泳いで離れることを確認してください。あなたがあなたを追跡し始めたら、救命ポッドからつかんだアルテラ発行の安全フレアをこじ開けて、安全な距離からクリーチャーに向かって投げます。あなたが安全な距離にあり、それがあなたを追うのをやめるまで、リヴァイアサンと向き合うのをやめないでください.

But in all seriousness, if you would be in front of a Reaper and have no equipment like a Stasis Rifle or Repulsion Cannon, then just swim away at all costs to avoid dying or losing stuff, and believe me, not even a knife on its own will help you in such a situation, same concept applies if you were in an Alterra-brand submersible.

To Kill A Reaper Leviathan

Now onto the fun part, killing a Reaper Leviathan.

From all my experience in fighting, running away from and killing Reapers in this game, is that a Stasis Rifle and a Repulsion Cannon are key, but first allow me to go through all areas and techniques of fighting a Reaper Leviathan – if you’re up for the challenge that is.

Bare Knuckle Fighting

This is the area of where you want to be the hard-man, tougher than Marguerit Maida, the Charles Bronson of the ocean; or as I like to call it – a suicidal moron, because you are guaranteed to be killed by the reaper or run out of oxygen trying no matter if you’ve got a reinforced dive suit or an upgraded oxygen tank. I don’t even need to go into detail, just try it for yourself and you’ll see why it’s practically impossible.

Down To Business

This is the area of being well-equipped and wanting to take care of another nuisance in the ocean. My advice for this would be to equip yourself with the Stasis Rifle and / or Repulsion Cannon and a knife and I’ll tell you why:

The Stasis Rifle freezes objects in a bubble that forms from the projectile launched from the rifle itself, this bubble varies in size the more you hold in the fire button, meaning when you hold it in for the maximum duration of 5 seconds, it will release a large bubble that will freeze the leviathan once it touches it and will last for the duration of about 30 seconds before it quickly shrinks and disappears, prompting you to charge and launch the rifle once more.

The Repulsion Cannon is an upgraded variant of the Propulsion Cannon where instead of being able to pick up and launch objects with the device (quite literally the Gravity Gun from Half-Life 2), you can instead launch a blunt energetic force towards anything in a 10 meter point in front of you, this is usually very handy in an event of should the reaper escaping the stasis bubble, you can fire the Repulsion Cannon at it and it will stun the creature for about 5 seconds, giving you enough time to fire the stasis rifle at it again and freeze it once more where you can keep on slicing at the reaper with your knife until it’s dead.

Note:it is best advised to bring a couple of spare batteries with you, should you take on more than one Reaper.

Swinging Seamoth

This is the area of bringing a Seamoth to a submersible fight. Usually when you encounter a Reaper in your Seamoth, your first indication is to flee immediately and pray it doesn’t chase after you and grab your Seamoth, but we’re not staying in our base and never going back there again, not today, oh no no; once you’re back at your base I want you to build a Moonpool and Vehicle Upgrade Console if you haven’t already (blueprints can be found in deep biomes) and slap the Hull Upgrade, Perimeter Defence System and either the Vortex and / or Gas Torpedo upgrades on your Seamoth, allow me to explain these if you don’t know:

The Hull Upgrade for your Seamoth increases it’s resistance to damage all around, this is essential if you want your Seamoth to last longer should it be grabbed multiple times by a Reaper.

The Perimeter Defence System upgrade releases a shock wave of electricity from your Seamoth after you activate the system by selecting it and pressing, or you can release a much larger shock wave by holding in the fire button, this is most effective to shock the reaper and make it retaliate for a short time span, before the reaper eventually comes back for more.

The Torpedo upgrades allow your Seamoth to fire torpedoes out of the storage system, these torpedoes come in two different variants, the Vortex torpedoes and the Gas torpedoes. The Vortex torpedoes release a magic whirl pool where they explode which drags anything in it’s range and spins it around before releasing it at a high speed, this won’t as much kill the Reaper but it’s a really fun way to troll it. Now I want you to completely ditch the idea of the Gas torpedoes because there has been an unresolved bug in the game for a while that makes the Gas torpedoes do little to no damage to anything, prompting it useless to use against Reapers. Stick to the Vortex torpedoes or use the actual Gas Pods from the Gasopods (yes, you can pick those up) to kill the reaper by dropping them in front of it and letting them explode.


This is the area of using your megalomaniac feelings and using your Prawn Suit to kill a Reaper. The same concept applies to the Prawn Suit with the Hull Upgrades and Torpedoes, but with the Prawn Suit you also have the exclusive upgrades like the Drill Arm and the Grappling Arm.

However I want you to go and throw the idea of using the Drill Arm out of the window because as much as I thought this did damage, it does quite less than punching with the normal Prawn Suit arms would. That being said, I want you to slap the Hull Upgrade and the Grappling Arm onto your Prawn Suit, the default Prawn Suit arm will be your fist of iron when it comes to punching the Reaper.

The Grappling arm will be your main point of killing the Reaper, as this upgrade is pretty self-explanatory, it shoots a grapple which pulls the Prawn Suit onto the grappling point, use this to grapple onto the Reaper while it moves, with this, you can punch it to death, or die trying and go out as a hardcore Reaper grappler.

Unfortunately the Prawn Suit doesn’t have the Alterra-Brand Perimeter Defence System compatibility like the Seamoth does, so you’ll really just have to wait until the Reaper lets go of your Prawn Suit and quickly repair it, or just be a die-hard and keep fighting it until your suit breaks.

As for the Cyclops, there isn’t much you can do with this in order to fully fight a Reaper with it. Ramming into it on full speed is fun enough and will do a bit of damage to the Reaper, however it also damages the Cyclops in the process, so only do this if you have the Cyclops Shield Generator upgrade and want to fully disrespect the Reaper.

Extra Info and Facts

There’s lots of extra info surrounding the Reaper, some of it that was either cut or changed in the game’s long development:

  • The Reaper’s red coloured areas of it’s body and it’s eyes used to be bioluminescent and glowed in the dark, however this was changed in the update for the Reaper’s model in late 2017, likely because the developers wanted to make it more horrifying than it already was.
  • The Reaper was originally meant to take the role of the Biters, a small pesky creature, however the developers realised it’s true potential to be a large-scale leviathan.
  • Reaper Leviathan skeletons can be found in the Lava Zones, this was due to the fact that Sea Dragons would supposedly come up to the surface occasionally and drag the Reapers down to snack on, however this intertwines with the fact that the large corridor for the Inactive Lava Zone that went directly up to the surface at the front of the Aurora ship was sealed off before the game’s 1.0 release, making this fact not make as much sense as it should.
  • There was once a bug that existed early development where there would be a reaper spawn in the safe shallows, this was supposedly a random bug that was fixed in late 2015, yet still scared the ♥♥♥ out of others who wouldn’t have thought a Reaper would be in the safe shallows.
  • The Reaper was originally planned to be in the game’s sequel Subnautica:Below Zero, but the concept was quickly changed and it was replaced with the Chelicerate Leviathan, despite the fact that you were able to spawn the Reaper in earlier game versions of Below Zero with console commands.