

Destiny Child Tier List:ゲームで最高のヒーローの完全ガイド

Destiny Childは、LINEとSHIFTUPが共同開発した最高のモバイルCCG / RPGゲームで、ゲームの目標は、ストーリーミッションをクリアし、PVPモードで他の人々を打ち負かすために、最強のチームを構築することです. Destiny Child では、あなたのユニットはチャイルドと呼ばれ、何百ものユニットがあるため、どのユニットを連れてくるかを選択するのは難しい場合があります.そのため、決定を下すのに最適なキャラクターを選択するプロセス全体をガイドするためにここにいます.

ゲームの初心者向けガイドを探している場合は、記事を確認してください。最後の注意:この Destiny Child ガイドはゲームのグローバル バージョンに基づいているため、JP または KR イベントの最新イベント Child が見つからない場合は、それが理由です。最後に 1 つ:この Destiny Child ティア リストは、最高の PVE ユニットに焦点を当てています。

ゲームには、アタッカー、バッファー (またはサポーター)、ディフェンダー、ヒーラー、デバッファーの 5 つの異なるクラスがあります。それぞれのセクションで、もう少し詳しく説明します。
それでは早速、デスティニー チャイルドのティア リストに飛び込んで、ゲームで最高のヒーローを紹介しましょう!




Eve はゲームで最高のアタッカーであり、すべてのゲーム モード (ラグナとワールド ボスを含む) で素晴らしい働きをします。彼女は水属性のアタッカーであり、彼女の優れている点は、彼女のダメージがいかにクレイジーかということです。彼女のタップ スキルは火属性ユニットに追加ダメージを与え、彼女のスライドはフィールドで最も弱い 2 人の敵を攻撃して毒状態にし、彼女のドライブはすべての敵に大ダメージを与えます。あなたがイブを手に入れたら、彼女を育ててください。そうすれば、彼女はあなたに 10 倍の返済をしてくれます。

エリシオンは他のユニットほど優秀ではありませんが、他のすべての 5 ユニットよりもファームしやすいものを含めたかったのです。彼女は水属性のアタッカーであり、HPが最も低い敵にダメージを与えて中毒にすることに重点を置いていることが、彼女を実行する主な理由です.彼女から最大限のマイレージを得るには、彼女のキャップをたくさん外す必要がありますが、彼女は 4 つ星のユニットなので、そうするのはそれほど難しいことではありません.

ユウナは火属性のアタッカーであり、その名声は彼女のスライド スキルであり、木属性の敵を優先し、それらに追加のダメージを与えます。彼女のキットの残りの部分は、イブやエリシオンのものほど良くはありませんが、水ユニットの豊富さが彼女を不利に変えるPVPラインナップで彼女を実行しない限り、非常に役に立ちます. /P>

このリストの最後はタナトスです。タナトスは間違いなくエリシオンやユウナより優れているとまでは言えませんが、すべての点でイブより劣ります。上記のスターユニット。彼はまだ非常に優れているので、彼を見つけることができてイブを手に入れることができない場合は、彼をアップグレードすることを検討してください.彼の主な強みは、毒を適用し、強力なタップ能力を使用して敵を繰り返し攻撃できることです。これにより、1 人の敵を非常に迅速に倒すことができます。


バッファーは、チームメイトに実質的なバフを提供することでチームメイトを強化します。クリティカル ヒット ダメージ、クリティカル ヒット率、攻撃力の増加、クールダウンの短縮など、味方の多くのステータスを向上させることができます。


嫦娥は、タップとスライドの能力を通じて、味方のスキルゲージを補充することがすべてです。どちらもランダムな味方のスキルゲージと、攻撃力が最も高い2人の味方のスキルゲージをそれぞれ満たすチャンスがあります。これらすべてが彼女をあなたのチームで実行するのに十分な説得力を持たなかった場合、彼女のドライブ能力は 80% の確率で、ヒットした 3 人の敵を最大 12 秒間スタンさせ、かなりのダメージを与えます。まだ納得できませんか?彼女のリーダーアビリティは、味方の水属性ユニットのスキルゲージのチャージを早めます。これにより、すでに偉大なイブがさらに危険なユニットになります。

Melpomene is a very offensive supporter, as she is all about increasing the damage of her allies, mostly through raising their critical rate, starting from her leader skill which boosts said rate of all allies by 10%. Her tap ability boosts the critical rate of a random ally by 30% for 10 seconds, and her slide ability increases the critical rate and the critical damage of 2 allies. Even her drive ability boosts allies (unlike Chang’e’s), by increasing the skill damage of 2 random allies while inflicting confusion to a random enemy. So who does Melpomene pair best with? Units like Thanatos who can strike multiple times via their tap ability, as the increased critical rate is very beneficial to them, since more hits =more chances to strike a critical hit.

Leda focuses on keeping her team alive, which is very important since attackers are your main source of damage and tend to be rather squishy. She provides her allies nice buffs that grant regeneration with her slide ability, while her tap ability shields a random ally for 250 damage. Her drive ability is what sets her apart:she gives Lifesteal to her 2 allies with the lowest HP, making them able to recover their health quickly if they manage to land a powerful drive or multi-tap ability. Leda is exceptional at keeping her team alive, and she is only a 4-stars unit, so she’s easy to upgrade and uncap. You may be wondering why she’s here and not among the dedicated healers, and the reason is simply that all of her spells are more like buffs than heals, they won’t necessarily instantly heal someone, but have the potential of healing them by a substantial amount if used well.

The Best Defenders

As the name suggests, defenders are there to defend their allies from the enemy rampage, by shielding their allies or by forcing their enemies to attack them. The tradeoff is their low damage, since they are specifically designed to absorb hits. Do not run more than one defender per team:their low damage makes clearing stages very inefficient, plus their barriers do not stack with each other, making you waste a lot of potential. There are not many good defenders, which can get annoying at times if you don’t manage to roll them.

Dana &Mars

Dana is by far the best defender in the game:she can become immune to debuffs, she casts a massive barrier and improved the defense of all of her allies by using her slide skill, and her drive ability further increases her allies’ defense. Dana can make even the squishiest attackers quite hard to take down, even if they get focus fired.

Mars is a fine replacement for Dana. But this sentence already speaks volumes about the state of defenders in Destiny Child. There are simply not many good ones. Mars is still fine though for PVP scenarios, so don’t worry if you seem to be unable to summon Dana. Her slide is a slightly weaker version of Dana’s, that casts a weaker barrier and gives her allies Health regeneration rather than defense, and her drive is also a weaker version of Dana’s; it has the same exact effect (raise allies’ defense), just with worse numbers. The only difference is that Mars’ drive hits one more enemy than Dana’s while dealing almost the same amount of damage. What mars does better than Dana though is surviving:her tap ability heals her, something that Dana can’t do. Another advantage of running Mars is that she has better synergy with other Water units if you wish to run her as a leader.

The Best Healers

Healers are a necessity on every team, as they make their teammates survive longer in fights, and the longer a fight goes, the more damage your units are able to do. They don’t just heal their allies, but they provide a number of defensive buffs as well, and they can even revive their allies. Critical rates affect their healing, so don’t disregard it if you need a lot of healing.

Maat &Syrinx

Maat’s biggest asset is her drive ability, which revives a dead ally and then grants a lot of health regeneration to the 3 allies with the lowest health. That’s really it, sure, her slide ability is nice as it gives plenty of regeneration to all allies for 20 seconds, but it’s nothing spectacular compared to what other healers have to offer. Despite me not sounding enthusiastic about Maat, she is by far the best healer in the game, only Syrinx comes close to her usefulness, so make sure to spend resources on her when you finally manage to summon her. Also she works exceptionally well in a Light-based team, as her leader ability further improves her healing for all allied Light units.

Syrinx is all about giving fortitude to her allies, a status that completely blocks incoming physical damage for a number of times. Tap gives fortitude to her ally with the highest attack, slide grants fortitude and health regen to the 2 allies with the lowest health, and lastly drive gives fortitude and a lot of regeneration to the 3 weakest allies.

Maat’s revive shines particularly in the World Boss fights, while Syrinx is more adept at scenarios like Ragna, and even in PVP, as PVP teams often run ways of reducing the opposing team’s healing, and Syrinx’s fortitude ignores that.

The Best Debuffers

Debuffers really shine in PVP battles thanks to their Crowd Control abilities:stuns, slows, silences, confusion, etc. They can also lower enemy stats. Debuffers offer a nice roundup to many lineups, and they excel at disrupting their enemies.

Bathory &Persephone

Bathory is the queen of debuffs. She makes her enemies weaker, and she can even turn their active buffs against them with her drive ability. Plus she inflicts Dancing Blade with her slide ability, a debuff that reduces the defense of the hit enemies as well as dealing them damage every 2 seconds for 14 seconds. Bathory works great with strong attackers that can capitalize on her ability to reduce the enemies’ defense, and she is also great at punishing lineups focused on buffing their members.

Persephone’s debuffs are focused on making her enemies weaker. Her leader skill drops their attack by 10%, her tap reduces the critical rate of the enemy hit by 25%, and her slide drops the enemies’ attack further. Her drive ability lowers attack and weakness defense even more. Overall a solid choice for any team, unless you are making a party to play the Ragna event (due to the fact she drops attack by a percentage, making her abilities progressively worse), in that case avoid running Persephone.

This concludes our guide about the best units you can find in Destiny Child. There are a lot of units, and this list might change soon with the next releases, so if you are reading this in the future you might not find characters that were recently released. Let us know in the comment if you think there is any unit we should have mentioned.