

Dislyte Squad フォーメーション ガイド:推奨されるチーム フォーメーション

Dislyte は、チームの構成がユニットの統計を構築するのと同じくらい重要な種類のゲームです。戦闘の勝敗を分ける重要な要素の 1 つです。個々のエスパーを構築し、推奨されるフォーメーションをクリックして、どのエスパーが何をするのか、なぜ機能するのか、機能しないのかを知らずに、どのエスパーを使用するかを決定するだけでは十分ではありません.推奨されるフォーメーションは常に正確であるとは限らず、AI が考慮しない特定の要因があります。

この Dislyte Squad フォーメーション ガイドを通じて、優れたチームワークとは何か、チームを強くするものと、チームを生き残る方法を理解するのに役立つことを願っています。このガイドは、特定の用語とその基本的なメカニズムを理解するのに十分長くゲームをプレイしていることを前提としています。ただし、初心者の方は、Dislyte ビギナーズ ガイドをチェックしてみてください。

チームを編成する際には、エスパーの役割、要素、装備、レベル バランス、チームの目的の 5 つを考慮する必要があります。


まとまりのあるチームを効果的に形成するには、各エスパーが何をできるか、どのような役割を果たせるかを知る必要があります。ある敵に有効なエスパーが、別の敵にも常に有効であるとは限りません。ガイドのこのセクションでは、各エスパーの役割についてのみ説明します。しかし、各エスパーについてさらに詳しく知りたい場合は、レア、エピック、レジェンダリー エスパー ガイドとエスパー ティア リストをチェックしてみてください。


ゲーム内のエスパーの主な役割は、ファイター、サポート、ディフェンダー、コントローラーの 4 つです。ただし、ある役割に属している可能性があるが、別の役割を引き受ける可能性があるエスパーもいくつかあり、各役割の特別な言及のリストにそれらを含めました.


戦闘機は、敵チームに対して大量のダメージを与えることを担当しています。 ATK は通常、最高のステータスですが、ダメージ出力が他のステータスに依存する場合があります。ただし、HP、DEF、SPDが低いことが多く、優れた装備を装備したり、他のエスパーの役割と組み合わせたりしない限り、生存率が低く、戦闘ごとのターン数が少なくなります。戦いを着実に勝利に導くには、チームに少なくとも 1 ~ 2 人のファイターが必要です。


サポートはバフで味方を強化し、ヒールで生き続けさせ、デバフで敵を弱体化させます。彼らは通常攻撃が弱いですが、生存率が高く、SPD、DEF、または HP が最も高いステータスです。チームに少なくとも 1 人のサポートがいることが理想的です。


コントローラーは戦闘の流れを制御し、味方と敵の SPD と AP を操作します。また、敵を動けなくしてスキルを使わないようにすることもできます。サポートよりも多くのダメージを与えることができますが、通常はファイターよりもダメージが少なくなりますが、生存率はさまざまです。彼らは SPD と ACC の統計に大きく依存しています。チームに必ず必要というわけではありませんが、戦闘で大きなアドバンテージを得ることができます。攻撃のターンを増やし、攻撃を受けて死亡する可能性を減らします。


ディフェンダーは、敵の攻撃の鈍器を取ることを担当し、多くの場合、挑発を使用して敵をリダイレクトします。 HP または DEF は通常、ビルドの主な焦点です。生存力が高く、HPやDEFをダメージに変換する能力を持つこともある。コントローラーのように、コントローラーは常にチームに不可欠なわけではありませんが、コントローラーを持たないチームに生存上の利点をもたらします。


私たちのガイドでは、各エスパーを能力に基づいてサブロールに分類しました.これらの 9 つのサブ ロールは、AoE、チェーン ストライカー、ヌーカー、ディスエイブラー、デビリテーター、バッファー、ヒーラー、リバイバー、ディスペラーです。


AoE (エリア オブ エフェクトとも呼ばれます) とは、戦闘中のすべての敵を 1 つのスキルで攻撃できるエスパーのことです。彼らは最も有用なエスパーの 1 つであり、チームに少なくとも 1 人はいることを強くお勧めします。ダメージとともにデバフを与えることができる場合、それらはさらに致命的になります。 AoE はチーム全体のバフとヒールを指すこともありますが、このガイドでは、この用語を攻撃スキルのみに使用します。


チェーンストライカーとは、1 ターンに複数回攻撃またはヒットできるエスパーのことです。それらは、一定回数の攻撃に対して彼を無敵にするシールドを作成するスキルを持つファフニールに対して効果的です.それらはまた、ジャン・マンのネザーブルームのように、数回ヒットした後に爆発する可能性のある特定のデバフを爆発させるのにも役立ちます.


Nukers は、単一のターゲットへの単一の攻撃で大量のダメージを与えることができるエスパーを指します。彼らの攻撃は、ターゲットの HP を大幅に減少させ、場合によっては致命的になる可能性があります。 HP や DEF の高い敵に対処するのに役立ち、HP や DEF の低い敵を素早く一掃することができます。


ディスエイブラーとは、ターゲットの移動、速度、スキル、またはバフに影響を与えるエスパーを指します。それらは、敵に対してアドバンテージを得るのに役立ち、より頻繁に移動できるようにしたり、敵が能力を使用するのを防いだりします。彼らは、味方よりも強力な、またはレベルが高い敵を効果的に排除できます。障害者には 4 つのタイプがあります:

  • イモビライザー – 敵の動きを無効化 (例:気絶、凍結、むさぼり食う、石化、睡眠、パンドラの箱)
  • SPD &AP リデューサー – AP または SPD を減少または盗む
  • スキル無効化 – 敵のスキルを無効にするか、スキルを使用する能力に影響を与えます (例:挑発、病気、サイレンス、ミス率アップ、スコーチ、クールダウンの増加、蘇生防止)
  • バフ リムーバー – バフを削除、盗む、またはブロックします (バフ ブロッカー)
<表>エスパー イモビライザー SPD &AP リデューサー スキル障害者 バフ リムーバー レアなエスパー バードン (バルドル) 気絶 挑発 Chang Pu (Yao Ji) AP 削減 ブリン (ヴァルキリー) フリーズ SPDダウン Li Ao (タオ タイ) むさぼり食う 挑発 バフ解除 メラニー (メデューサ) 石化 AP 削減 Tang Yun (六耳マカク) 気絶 デビッド (ジェイソン) 気絶 挑発 ローレン (ヘケット) SPDダウン チャーマーズ (イドゥン) 病気 バフ ブロッカー ベレニス (バステト) AP 削減 レイラ (メジェド) 気絶 病気 レオン (ヴァリ) 病気 ヘレナ (ヘレン) AP 削減 バフ解除 ジャンヌ (ゲルト) 気絶 AP スティール バフ解除 白六里 (白蛇) 沈黙 バフスティール エピックエスパー アセナス (ネフェルテム) バフ解除 ジェセル (アトゥム) 挑発 モナ (アルテミス) AP スティール ジャン・マン (メン・ポー) 沈黙 セリーヌ (サイレン) 睡眠 AP 削減 カラ (セルケット) 病気 エイラ (フレイヤ) AP減少、SPDダウン ファルケン (ホルス) 挑発 アルカナ (ヘルメス) 気絶 AP スティール (チーム全体でシェア) ミス率アップ バフスティール サンダー (セット) 気絶 AP減少、SPDダウン アレクサ (アフロディーテ) ミス率アップ Heng Yue (嫦娥) バフ解除 ルオ ヤン (ヤンルオ ワン) 病気 クロエ (メデア) バフブロッカー、バフスティール キャサリン (ヘラ) ミス率アップ プリツカー (ミミール) 気絶 AP スティール クールダウンを増やす ヤコブ (ヨルムンガンド) 石化 Ren Si (黒亀) 挑発 リン シャオ (ホワイト タイガー) AP減少、SPDダウン 病気 ロン ミアン (アオ ビン) フリーズ AP減少、SPDダウン リン (ハトホル) バフ解除 アネシドラ (パンドラ) スタン (パンドラの箱から) バフ解除 ボニー (エリス) 気絶 バフ解除 ダリア (カリプソ) スタン、フリーズ SPDダウン テイラー (ヘラクレス) 復活防止 バフ解除 Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei) SPDダウン Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai) 気絶 AP 削減 ローラ (ネイト) 沈黙 ケイリー (アヌケット) フリーズ AP減少、SPDダウン スチュワート (ディオニュソス) 睡眠 伝説のエスパー ジン・ユヤオ (王妃) 気絶 Tiye (ナッツ) 気絶 AP スティール (チーム全体でシェア)、SPD ダウン 唐玄 (孫悟空) 病気 (スコーチによる) レイヴン (オーディン) バフブロッカー、バフ除去、バフスティール ナーマー (Ra) バフスティール Li Ling (Nezha) AP スティール トリキ (ロキ) 気絶、石化 ミス率アップ バフ解除 ハイド (ハデス) バフスティール ビオンディナ (ポセイドン) バフブロッカー、バフ除去 オリー (オシリス) 沈黙、挑発 ルーカス (アポロ) 気絶 AP 削減 バフ解除 シエナ (ガイア) 気絶 AP 削減


デビリテーターとは、敵を弱体化またはダメージを与える可能性のあるデバフを与えることができるエスパーを指します。 HP や DEF の高い敵と戦う場合に役立ち、長期戦では特に役立ちます。衰弱者には 2 種類あります:

  • Weakening Debuffer – 敵のステータスを下げることができます (例:DEF ダウン、ATK ダウン、シアー、シャックル、HP 上限減少、デバフ延長)
  • ダメージ デバッファー – 敵にダメージを与えることができます (例:流血、毒、リンク、ネザーブルーム、ホルスの目、パンドラの箱、猫の呪い、死)
<表>エスパー 弱化デバッファ ダメージデバッファ レアなエスパー ブリン (ヴァルキリー) 防御ダウン ドリュー (アヌビス) 防御ダウン Q (エロス) 防御ダウン、攻撃ダウン リンク ゼルマー (セクメト) 防御ダウン ブリード ホール (ホドゥール) 防御ダウン、攻撃ダウン 毒 デビッド (ジェイソン) 攻撃力ダウン ベレニス (バステト) 防御ダウン レイラ (メジェド) 毒 レオン (ヴァリ) シアー Ye Suhua (Shao Siming) 攻撃力ダウン バイ リウリ (白蛇) シアー エピックエスパー ジェセル (アトゥム) 防御ダウン ジャン・マン (メン・ポー) ネザーブルーム、ポイズン カラ (セルケット) 毒 ファルケン (ホルス) 攻撃力ダウン ホルスの目 Lu Yi (Dayi) シアー ブリード ルオ ヤン (ヤンルオ ワン) HP上限削減 ヤコブ (ヨルムンガンド) 毒 Ren Si (黒亀) 防御ダウン リン・シャオ (ホワイトタイガー) 防御ダウン リン (ハトホル) 攻撃力ダウン アネシドラ (パンドラ) 攻撃力ダウン パンドラの箱 Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei) 防御ダウン、シアー ニコール (ネフティス) シアー メレディス (スキュラ) HP上限削減 毒 伝説のエスパー ドナー (トール) 攻撃力ダウン 唐玄 (孫悟空) DEF ダウン (シャックル経由) 死 レイヴン (オーディン) HP上限減少、防御ダウン トリキ (ロキ) デバフ延長 ハイド (ハデス) HP上限削減 ガブリエル (ニヨルド) 防御ダウン、攻撃ダウン オリー (オシリス) 防御ダウン ウナス (シュウ) 防御ダウン Tevor (スフィンクス) シアー 猫の呪い


バッファーとは、バフ、AP の増加、および戦闘でチームを支援できるその他のボーナスを付与できるエスパーを指します。デバフで敵を弱体化させてもうまくいかない時、特にボスと戦っている時は、バッファーが勝利に大きく貢献します。彼らは自分自身、1 人の味方、または複数の味方をターゲットにすることができます。

<表>エスパー 自分 単独味方 複数/すべての味方 レアなエスパー バードン (バルドル) 防御アップ Chang Pu (Yao Ji) 免疫 ブリン (ヴァルキリー) 攻撃アップ ドリュー (アヌビス) クールダウン短縮 フレディ (フェンリル) 攻撃アップ、スタンドオフ ローレン (ヘケット) ボーナスターン AP増加 ベレニス (バステト) シールド、回復 Ye Suhua (Shao Siming) 無敵、回復 攻撃力アップ、防御力アップ Unky Chai (Yue Lao) AP増加 クールダウン短縮 (2 または 1 ~ 5 人の味方)、C.RATE アップ (2 人の味方)、ATK アップ (2 またはすべての味方) エピックエスパー アセナス (ネフェルテム) AP 増加、ロータス マーク、回復 ジェセル (アトゥム) ブルレイジ、ボーナスターン モナ (アルテミス) ボーナスターン セリーヌ (サイレン) SPDアップ、DEFアップ エイラ (フレイヤ) ボーナスターン ブリシンガメンズ ウォッチ ファブリック (フレイ) 回復、AP増加、無敵、ATKアップ 免疫 アルカナ (ヘルメス) AP スティール (チーム全体でシェア) サンダー (セット) SPD アップ アレクサ (アフロディーテ) ナイチンゲールのキス HP比率のバランス、クールダウン短縮 Heng Yue (嫦娥) 回復 ルオ ヤン (ヤンルオ ワン) 死の書、回復、攻撃アップ クロエ (メデア) バフ延長 キャサリン (ヘラ) クールダウンのリセット スタンドオフ、AP増加 ヤコブ (ヨルムンガンド) 牙 Ren Si (黒亀) スタンドオフ、クールダウン リセット リン・シャオ (ホワイトタイガー) 虎の咆哮 リン (ハトホル) 免疫、シールド アネシドラ (パンドラ) ボーナスターン SPDアップ ボニー (エリス) AP増加 ダリア (カリプソ) AP増加、ATKアップ、C.レートアップ テイラー (ヘラクレス) ATKアップ、C.レートアップ、ボーナスターン、クールダウン短縮 Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei) C.レートアップ Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai) SPD アップ ニコール (ネフティス) ソウルガード、スタンドオフ、リカバリー ソウルガード、DEFアップ、無敵 ローラ (ネイト) シールド シールド、クリティカル耐性 メレディス (スキュラ) クリティカル耐性、防御アップ SPDアップ (HPが80%以上の味方) ケイリー (アヌケット) C.レートアップ 伝説のエスパー ドナー (トール) 防御アップ、免疫、指揮者、雷の祝福、クールダウン短縮 ジン ユヤオ (王妃) AP増加 Tiye (ナッツ) AP スティール (チーム全体でシェア) ルイス (アレス) C.レートアップ、AP増加、クールダウン短縮 唐玄 (孫悟空) Scorch, Death, Shackle, Shield Narmer (Ra) ATK Up, Burning Sun, Cooldown Reduction Hyde (Hades) Breath of the Deep Gabrielle (Njord) DEF Up, Immunity Sally (Sif) Sweet Harvest, Immunity Balance HP Ratios Ollie (Osiris) Invincibility, Recovery Unas (Shu) Immunity, Haste, AP Increase Lucas (Apollo) AP Increase Clara (Hera) AP Increase, Shield
(2 or All Allies), Immunity
(2 or All Allies) Cecilia (Isis) Shield, Immunity Sienna (Gaia) AP Increase, Bonus Turn AP Increase ATK Up, SPD Up Tevor (Sphinx) Neko-Sense Ahmed (Geb) Supporting Song, Restore HP Ceiling Supporting Song


Healers refer to Espers that can heal. These are essential to any team, especially for those Espers that have low HP or DEF and may need the occasional healing, especially during long battles. They can either target themselves, a single ally or multiple allies. Most Self-Healers derive their heals from the damage they inflict on enemies.


Revivers refer to Espers that can revive their allies. Most revivers will heal the allies they revive or leave them with a certain percentage of their HP remaining. As long as you have a dependable Healer, a Reviver is not necessary but could be a game changer against enemies that are difficult to beat.


Dispellers refer to Espers that can cleanse or transfer their allies’ debuffs to their enemies. They hold an important role in fighting against waves of enemies that inflict a lot of debuffs.

Fight against the elements

Each Esper is assigned one of the four elements in the game:Flow, Wind, Inferno and Shimmer. Flow is strong against Inferno, Inferno is strong against Wind and Wind is strong against Flow. Shimmer has no advantage or disadvantage against any element and is the most sought after type of Esper in the game.

It is important to observe the elements assigned to each Esper in order to know how best to build your team. In general, it is highly advised to have at least 3 of those 4 elements in your team or at least 1 Shimmer Esper in order to have a good balance and not fall into a trap of getting wiped out by an enemy with an advantage. Even in certain stages where the possible enemies displayed seemed to be focused on one element, there would still sometimes have enemies of different elements that may catch you off guard.

However, just because an Esper is weak against a certain element of an enemy doesn’t mean you should not even attempt to use them anymore. Since the heroes you get are all given to you by chance, aside from the free ones and the ones you fuse, there will be times that you won’t have a specific Esper that you need. In those cases, just build up their DEF and HP with relics and pair them with Healers or Defenders to help them survive the battle.

Customize your equipment

Equipment plays a big part in the success of each battle you face. While it is possible to clear early stages without any, it will be essential in further stages with higher levels. It is generally a good idea to play with your Espers’ strengths like increasing the HP of an Esper that can convert their HP to damage or use them for heals and so on. However, there will be certain situations where you are going to have to break their usual build and customize them to fit the team’s needs for a certain battle.

For example, if you need Espers that can immobilize enemies but you don’t have any Disablers on your roster, you can switch out one of your Fighter’s War Machine set for a Tyranny of Zeus set. There’s also an option to save the relics you’ve equipped into presets so it would be easy for you to switch them around without forgetting which relic should be paired with which.

Always equip your Esper’s relics by sets. If you equip them with different relics from different sets, you will not gain the set’s bonus. We have listed down all of the relic sets below along with our notes on when it is best used:

4-Relic Set

Relic Set Effect When to use
War Machine +30% ATK For more ATK
Abiding Panacea +30% Healing Efficacy For more effective heals
Ocean Waves Grants a 30% chance of reducing all ability cooldowns by 1 turn after an ability is used When Esper has high cooldowns for essential skills
Tyranny of Zeus Damage dealt has a 20% chance of Stunning the target for 1 turn Alternative to using Controllers or Disablers; best used on high ACC Espers
Astral Witchcraft Increases SPD of allied Espers afflicted with disables by 50 (cannot stack) When against enemies with disables
Hades 35% of damage dealt is used to regenerate HP Alternative to using Healers
Wind Walker +25% SPD For early start or faster turns
Hammer of Thor +40% C. DMG For more C. DMG
Snow Dowager Grants a 20% chance of Freezing the target for 1 turn when taking damage Alternative to using Controllers or Disablers; best used on high DEF or HP Espers

2-Relic Set

Relic Set Effect When to use
Master Grove +25% HP For more HP; best used against enemies that deal high damage
The Enchanter 30% chance of extending the Poison and Bleed debuffs inflicted by 1 turn For Espers that can inflict Poison or Bleed
Sword Avatara 25% chance of using the basic ability to counterattack upon taking damage For Espers that you want to deal more damage in between turns; best used on high damage dealers or Espers with special basic skills
Adamantine All allied Espers start the battle with a Shield equal to 20% of their max HP; Duration:2 turns (can stack) For extra Shields; best used against enemies that deal high damage
Immensus Peak RESIST +25% When against enemies that inflict debuffs and there are no immunity buffs or Dispellers on your team
The Light Above Begins the battle with Immunity, which lasts for 1 turn When against enemies that inflict debuffs and there are no immunity buffs or Dispellers on your team; best used to avoid early battle disables
Fiery Incandescence +20% C. RATE For more C. RATE; best used for Espers that need to land critical hits to trigger special abilities
Apollo’s Bow +25% ACC For Espers that inflicts debuffs but needs more ACC
Stoneveins +20% DEF For more DEF; best used against enemies that deal high damage

Watch out for level gaps

Level gaps could make or break your team. Ideally, you’d want to have your team members’ levels close to the enemy’s levels or higher as much as possible in order to have a fighting chance. Lower level Espers are sure to get wiped out as soon as the enemy attacks them. If you placed them on your team for farming or leveling purposes, this won’t be much of a problem since they will receive experience points even after death. However, you would still need to have higher levels for your other team members if you want to pass the stage.

If you are fighting bosses or tough battles, it is ideal to have their gaps be not more than 15 levels. This matters a lot more when it comes to Rare Espers since they have lower starting stats than Epics and Legendaries. Don’t forget to also upgrade them in Advancement, Resonance and Ascension to make them stronger.

Choose the right Espers for the job

There is no one size fits all when it comes to team formations in Dislyte. Espers will do better against specific modes or enemies and some will do even worse. Many Espers will also do exceedingly well when paired with certain Espers that synergize with their own abilities. An example of this is Kaylee, who needs to land critical hits in order to inflict SPD Down and Freeze, synergizing well with Dhalia, who can cast C. RATE Up. It’s all about knowing what makes each Esper tick as well as knowing how enemies function and behave in battle.

For this part of the guide, we will be talking about the different situations and modes that you may encounter in the game and give you examples of team formations that you can use. Take note that most abilities mentioned will be based off of Espers that have upgraded their abilities in Phase 3 of Ascension.

The Multi-Purpose Team

You will want to have at least one base team that you can use in most modes like Story Mode, Point War, Arena, Infinite Miracle, Cube Miracle, Ripple Dimension along with other occasional events.

While it is advantageous for a team to have Espers that can fill as many roles as they can, it is not required for it to be considered well-balanced. They just need to be able to synergize and play off each other’s abilities, have counters for their weaknesses and buffs for their strengths. A general rule is to have at least 1-2 Fighters and at least 1 Support on your team. Below are a few effective formations:

  • 2 Fighters / 1 Support / 1 Controller / 1 Defender
  • 2 Fighters / 2 Supports / 1 Controller
  • 3 Fighters / 1 Support / 1 Controller
  • 3 Fighters / 1 Support / 1 Defender
  • 4 Fighters / 1 Support

Below are three examples of team formations you can make:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Fighters Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque) (Captain)
Hall (Hodur)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Mona (Artemis)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Layla (Medjed)
Supports Berenice (Bastet) Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Helena (Helen
Controllers Melanie (Medusa) Long Mian (Ao Bing) (Captain) Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Bai)
Defenders Bardon (Baldr) Ren Si (Black Tortoise) (Captain)

The first team has Tang Yun and Hall as the main damage dealers. Assigning Tang Yun as Captain will grant the team an 18% ATK increase, letting every ally deal more damage. The Tang Yun-Hall pair up is especially deadly because after Tang Yun follows up his attack with his basic skill, Hall’s passive lets him follow it up with his attack.

There is even a small chance for Tang Yun to attack again with Hall also following it up with another basic attack, making them a very spammy pair. And with Bardon on the same team, he would attack any enemy that attacks allies with less than 50% HP. Melanie can deal AoE attacks while lowering her enemies’ AP and a chance to inflict Petrification. Berenice would be able to provide the team with Shield and Recovery.

The second team has Jiang Man and Mona as the main damage dealers. Assigning Long Mian as Captain will grant the team a 20% SPD increase, giving his team members a chance to move first. Depending on your relics and how much SPD your Espers have, Jiang Man would ideally be the first to move, using her first skill to inflict all enemies with Netherbloom.

This would be followed by Long Mian’s third skill that immobilizes all enemies with freeze then Mona’s third skill, which is an AoE and chain attack, letting the Netherblooms trigger. This will inflict enemies with Silence and Poison, effectively bringing down a large portion of their health before they can even move. Against strong enemies that have more health, Unky Chai and Ye Suhua’s pairing will let them reduce their cooldowns so they can repeat the process all over again quickly while also providing buffs and heals.

The third team has Xie Chuyi and Bai Liuli as the main damage dealers. Assigning Ren Si as Captain will grant the team a 24% DEF increase, toughening his allies. Xie Chuyi and Xie Yuzhi empower each other, dealing more damage than if only one of them was present in the team. Xie Chuyi can inflict Sear, SPD Down and DEF Down while giving himself C. RATE Up. Xie Yuzhi can Stun, reduce AP while giving himself SPD Up.

Meanwhile Ren Si, who can also inflict DEF Down, would benefit from this set up as his damage and Taunt chance grows the lower his enemy’s DEF is. He also has the ability to get all the enemy’s attention, letting them attack him instead of his allies while Layla, who has lower HP and DEF than Ren Si, can freely attack, inflicting her Stun, Diseased and Poison buffs with less danger of dying. Helena would also be able to heal the party when needed while also boosting C. RATE.


Holobattle works the same way as regular battles except you can only have 3 Espers on the team at a time. You get to choose two sets of teams which you battle with in two separate rounds against another player. It is highly recommended to avoid putting Espers with the same elements in a group (unless it is a Shimmer) to avoid other players from taking advantage of that.

Below are three examples of 3-Esper team formations you can make for Holobattle:

Team 1 Team 2 Team 3
Fighters Hall (Hodur) (Captain) Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Drew (Anubis)
Supports Chang Pu (Yao Ji) Dhalia (Calypso)
Controllers Long Mian (Ao Bing) (Captain) Kaylee (Anuket)
Defenders Li Ao (Tao Tie)

The first team has Hall as the main damage dealer. Assigning Hall as Captain will grant the team an 20% C. RATE increase, giving everyone on the team a higher chance to land critical hits. Since all Hall’s teammates only deal single-target attacks, he’ll be able to land more extra hits. Hall would also be able to inflict Poison. Chang Pu will be able to give everyone Immunity and Healing. Li Ao on the other hand would be able to effectively direct an enemy to him with his Taunt while also disabling an enemy with his Devour.

The second team has Jiang Man and Li Ling as the main damage dealers. Assigning Long Mian as Captain will grant the team an 20% SPD increase, potentially allowing your team to move before your enemies’. For this set up to become effective, you’d want Jiang Man to move first, so she can deploy her Netherblooms, followed by Long Mian’s third skill, which is an AoE Freeze and damage, and end with Li Ling’s third skill, which will hit all enemies 3 times.

While it’s not enough to trigger the Netherblooms yet, it’s given the other team enough damage at the start to give you an advantage and the next turn is guaranteed to trigger at least one Netherbloom. You would potentially be able to move a lot more than the team with Long Mian’s Freeze and SPD Down along with him and Li Ling’s AP reductions.

The third team has Drewl as the main damage dealer. Assigning Kaylee as Captain will grant the team an 20% C. RATE increase, giving your allies more chances to crit. Kaylee and Drew both gets an advantage from Dhalia’s ATK Up and C. RATE Up buffs, with Kaylee gaining a chance to inflict Freeze and SPD Down while Drew would be able to lower his third skill’s cooldown.

Aside from this, Dhalia has strong disabling skills that can Freeze, SPD Down and Stun and Drew can inflict DEF Down. All in all this team has strong control and can deal high damage. However since there are no healers, it is advised to equip one or all of them with a Hades set.

Practice Mode

Practice Mode Stages in Story Mode are the best places to farm your low level Espers or Starimons as these are not just fast and easy to clear, they also drop Experimons that you can use on Starimons or Espers to further increase their experience points. Below are the most effective formations for Practice Mode:

  • 1 Fighter or Defender (with AoE and heal or Hades Set) / 4 Starimons or Espers to level up
  • 1 Fighter or Defender (with AoE) / 1 Support (that can heal allies) / 3 Starimons or Espers to level up

To fill out those formations, we have listed down our recommended picks:

Li Ling (Nezha)
Mona (Artemis
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Layla (Medjed)
Donar (Thor)
Falken (Horus)
Ren Si (Black Tortoise)
Ahmed (Geb)
Clara (Hera)
Heng Yue (Chang'e)
Meredith (Scylla)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Helena (Helen)

The first option is the ideal formation as it allows you to level up as many Espers or Starimons. But for this to work, your Fighter / Defender must be very high leveled, or at least stronger or on a higher level than the ones they are fighting against in the Practice Mode. It is also important for this fighter to have at least 1 AoE ability to make it easier for them to clear out waves of enemies as the other 4 Espers or Starimons with them won’t be as effective and may even die before the battle is over. Having a Fighter / Defender that can heal themself or giving them a Hades set will give them higher survivability.

The second option is for Fighters / Defenders who do not have heal, have no access to a Hades set or may have all these things but still have difficulty surviving. In this situation, a healing Support can greatly help.

For both of these options, the level, skill or element of the Espers or Starimons you’re leveling up do not matter. Even if these units die within the battle, they will still receive experience points.

Sonic Miracle

There are four different bosses in Sonic Miracle based on the four elements:Infernis, Windstriker, Flowrunner and Shimmerer. For all of these bosses, it is crucial to have at least 2 Fighters and at least 1 Support or Controller in your team. Defenders are not too crucial for this mode.

Nukers, Chain Strikers and Debilitators are your best friends as they will give you the greatest advantage when it comes to dealing damage against bosses. AoE is not essential but could help you in the first wave before you reach the final boss. You may also want to add some SPD &AP Reducers, Buffers, Healers and Dispellers to aid your damage dealers. Below are the most effective formations for Sonic Miracle:

  • 2 Fighters / 2 Supports / 1 Controller
  • 2 Fighters / 1 Support / 2 Controllers
  • 3 Fighters / 1 Support / 1 Controller
  • 3 Fighters / 2 Supports
  • 4 Fighters / 1 Support
  • 4 Fighters / 1 Controller

To fill out those formations, we have listed down the most popular picks for Sonic Miracle as well as their alternatives:

Popular Picks Li Ling (Nezha)
Chloe (Medea)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Chalmers (Idun)
Drew (Anubis)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Dhalia (Calypso)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Sander (Set)
Alternatives Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Leon (Vali)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Helena (Helen)
Melanie (Medusa)
Long Mian (Ao Bing)


Infernis’ passive makes it deal more damage the lower their HP is. You need to finish off the boss as quickly as possible before it gets a chance to wipe out the whole party. Having Espers with DEF Down, Sear, Poison and Bleed will help lower its HP faster while adding Espers with AP-reducing abilities will keep it from attacking as often.

It is highly recommended that you avoid placing Wind element Espers on the team as Infernis is strong against them. Flow element Espers on the other hand will give you an advantage. Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Li Ling (Nezha) (Captain)
Drew (Anubis)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Drew (Anubis)
Mona (Artemis) (Captain)
Leon (Vali)
Layla (Medjed)
Kara (Serket) (Captain)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Supports Ye Suhua (Shao Simming) Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Helena (Helen)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Controllers Sander (Set) Jeanne (Gerd)

The Popular Pick has Li Ling, Drew and Lin Xiao as the main damage dealers. Assigning Li Ling as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase. Li Ling’s multiple-target skills and Drew’s ability to kill up to 3 targets at a time would let them quickly finish off the first wave of enemies. Lin Xiao would potentially deal the most damage to the boss, inflicting Bleed debuffs which damages the enemy with 50% of Lin Xiao’s ATK as true damage at the start of each turn.

Sander works well as a single-target controller and can keep the boss at bay with his SPD &AP reducing skills. Ye Suhua would provide the team with Recovery, Invincibility, DEF Up and ATK Up buffs while also healing with her single-target heals.

The Beginner’s Pick has Mona and Drew as the main damage dealers. Assigning Mona as Captain will grant the team a 24% ATK increase. Mona has two multiple target skills, making it easy for her to wipe out the first wave along with Drew’s ability to kill up to 3 targets at once. Chang Pu and Helena would be able to support the team with their heals and buffs.

Chang Pu could also deal a decent amount of damage and still heal well if her ATK is high enough. Both Chang Pu, Jeanne and Helena have AP Reduction skills and may be able to keep Infernis from attacking while the two fighters deal their attacks.

The Alternative Pick has Leon, Layla, Kara and Bai Liuli as the main damage dealers with Chang Pu as a support that can also potentially hit hard. Assigning Kara as Captain will grant the team a 40% ACC increase. This team’s debuffs are composed of Sear, Diseased, Stun, Poison, SPD Down, Silence and AP Reduction which makes them a monstrous, heavy-debuff team.

Add to that, Leon will land critical hits on every debuffed enemy and Layla’s second skill will deal more damage to Poisoned targets. When damaged, Chang Pu and Bai Liuli would be able to support the team with their heals.


Windstriker’s third skill lets it deal damage and inflict Poison to all enemies for 2 turns. This complements its passive which lets it deal more damage to Poisoned units. You will need the aid of Dispellers and Healers in order to survive its attacks long enough to kill it. It is highly recommended that you avoid placing Flow element Espers on the team since Windstriker is strong against them. Inferno element Espers on the other hand will give you an advantage. Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Li Ling (Nezha)
Drew (Anubis)
Drew (Anubis)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Hall (Hodur)
Supports Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Berenice (Bastet) (Captain)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Heng Yue (Chang'e)
Controllers Sander (Set) (Captain) Jacob (Jormungand)
Sander (Set) (Captain)

The Popular Pick has Li Ling, Drew and Lin Xiao as the main damage dealers. Assigning Sander as Captain will grant the team a 25% SPD increase, letting your allies move faster and passing their Poisoned turns (if inflicted) quick enough so Windstriker won’t be able to take advantage of his passive. Li Ling and Drew can use their third skills to efficiently finish off the first wave of enemies.

Ye Suhua can inflict ATK Down to her enemies while also granting Recovery, Invincibility, ATK Up and DEF Up buffs and heal her allies. Gabrielle can inflict ATK Down and DEF Down to her enemies while also granting Immunity and DEF Up buffs to her allies. Sander can use his single-target skills to immobilize and reduce his enemies’ AP while dealing a decent amount of damage.

The Beginner’s Pick has Freddy and Drew as the main damage dealers. Assigning Berenice as Captain will grant the team a 20% RESIST increase, making your team more resistant to Windstriker’s poison. Drew will be able to take care of the first wave of enemies easily while Freddy would excel greatly against the main boss, especially when his HP is low and his attacks deal greater damage.

Just make sure not to let Freddy die before killing the boss. But if he does, Drew can still continue the fight along with Chang Pu who has potential to be a high damage dealer if built with a lot of ATK. She may have a disadvantage to Windstriker since she is a Flow Element Esper, but she also has 2 healing skills and an immunity buff which makes it worth the trade off. Just make sure to equip her with HP or DEF relics to make her sturdier.

Berenice can lower DEF and AP but her most useful skill is her third which grants Shield and Recovery. Unky Chai on the other hand will be able to buff his allies with C. RATE Up and ATK Up and possibly lowering ability cooldowns, letting Drew and Freddy use their third skills more often.

The Alternative Pick has Stewart and Hall as the main damage dealers. Assigning Sander as Captain here is still the best pick among the other Espers in this team because the 25% SPD increase will be more useful in this battle. What makes this team work well is the fact that most of them deal damage to single enemies with the exception of Jacob and Hall’s 2nd skills. Hall’s passive will attack any enemy that an ally attacks with a single-target skill.

This means Hall will be able to land more hits outside his turns. Once upgraded in ascension, this skill can even inflict poison. Jacob can grant Fangs to all allies, making them immune to Poison and letting them Poison back their attackers. Stewart would have the strongest attack in the team, dealing up to 350% damage but at the cost of 10% of his HP and inflicting Sleep on himself.

However, if his sleep is interrupted, he will strike back. Heng Yue will be able to heal her allies and dispel Poison if needed while Sander will be instrumental in disabling and controlling enemies’ AP.


Flowrunner’s passive lets it restore its HP equal to a certain portion of damage it deals. You need to prevent it from using its passive to its full capacity and there are several ways to do this. One way is to add Espers that can inflict Diseased to prevent it from healing but you will need to increase your ACC with relics or with a Captain that has the ability to.

Another way is to add Espers that have lots of AP reducing abilities so it would have lesser chances of attacking and lesser chances of healing. You may also raise up your Espers DEF so it will deal less damage to you and your allies, letting it heal less amounts. It is highly recommended that you avoid placing Fire element Espers on the team as Flowrunner is strong against them. Wind element Espers on the other hand will give you an advantage. Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Lu Yi (Dayi) (Captain)
Chalmers (Idun)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Hall (Hodur) (Captain)
Leon (Vali)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Layla (MedJed)
Leon (Vali)
Chalmers (Idun)
Supports Ye Suhua (Shao Simming) Chang Pu (Yao Ji) Meredith (Scylla)
Controllers Celine (Siren) (Captain)

The Popular Pick has Lu Yi, Chalmers, Lin Xiao and Tang Yun as the main damage dealers. Assigning Lu Yi as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase, letting your damage-heavy team deal even more damage. Lu Yi would easily deal with the first wave with his third skill but can do significant damage with his Bleed and Sear debuffs too. Chalmers can inflict the enemy with Diseased and deal significant damage that scales with his enemies’ HP.

Lin Xiao can also inflict Bleed and Diseased while dealing critical damage that can inflict more bleed. Tang Yun on the other hand can deal blow after blow with his Pursuit ability, letting him attack more times within his turn, especially when equipped with Sword Avatara. Since Ye Suhua would be the only Support, giving you heals and Recovery, Invincibility, DEF Up and ATK Up Buffs, you may need to equip her with either Adamantine for Shield, Master Grove for more HP or Stoneveins for more DEF to keep her alive.

The Beginner’s Pick has Tang Yun, Hall, Leon and Zelmer as the main damage dealers. Assigning Hall as Captain will grant the team a 20% C. RATE increase, letting your team land more critical hits. Since every single Esper’s attacks on this team are single target attacks, Hall will definitely shine. His passive lets him attack any enemy attacked by his ally with a single-target ability.

Add Tang Yun’s Pursuit to the mix, these two has a chance to continuously spam attack after attack. Since Hall can also inflict Poison, he also meshes well with Leon and Zelmer who deal more damage on debuffed enemies. Leon can inflict Diseased and Sear while Zelmer can inflict DEF Down, making the party deal even more damage towards Flowrunner. Lastly, Chang Pu can both heal, grant Immunity, lower AP and still pack a punch with her basic skill.

The Alternative Pick has Layla, Leon and Chalmers as the main damage dealers. Assigning Celine as Captain Captain will grant the team a 30% ACC increase, helping your team land their debuffs. Layla would help you take care of the first wave while Leon and Chalmers would be instrumental in dealing the highest damage to Flowrunner. Layla, Leon, Meredith and Chalmers’ debuffs consists of Diseased, Sear and Poison which would all serve to negate the effects of Flowrunner’s passive.

With Leon’s ability to land critical hits on debuffed enemies and Layla’s damage increase on Poisoned enemies, increasing your allies’ ACC and upgrading their abilites is essential for them to reach their full potential. Celine’s SPD Up and DEF Up along with Meredith’s heals, SPD Up, DEF Up and CRIT RESIST will make sure that your team takes the least amount of damage while attacking more than the enemy.


Shimmerer’s third skill can not only damage all its enemies but can also grant itself a Shield equal to a certain portion of its max HP. Its passive makes its Shield even more powerful, granting Shimmerer a damage dealt boost and a damage taken reduction. You need to bring Espers that can remove or block buffs in order keep it from taking advantage of its Shield.

Once it’s gone, it would be smooth sailing from there as long as you keep your team alive. Since the Shimmer element has no advantage or disadvantage against other elements, you are free to use whichever Espers you like to form your team. Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Chloe (Medea)
Chalmers (Idun)
Li Ling (Nezha) (Captain)
Lu Yi (Dayi)
Chalmers (Idun) (Captain)
David (Jason)
Bai Liuli (White Snake)
Chloe (Medea)
Taylor (Hercules)
Lynn (Hathor) (Captain)
Supports Helena (Helen) Bonnie (Eris)
Helena (Helen)
Controllers Sander (Set) Jeanne (Gerd)

The Popular Pick has Chloe, Chalmers, Li Ling and Lu Yi as the main damage dealers. Assigning Li Ling as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase, allowing your team to deal even more damage. Chloe and Chalmers are the most important players in this team as they will be able to strip Shimmerer of its Shield and even prevent it from granting it to itself with their Buff Blockers. Lu Yi’s Sear and Bleed will increase the amount of damage they can deal while Li Ling and Sander’s ability to lower the boss’ AP will push it back down the AP bar, letting them deal more strikes than the Shimmerer will.

The Beginner’s Pick has Chalmers, David and Bai Liuli as the main damage dealers. Assigning Chalmers as Captain will grant the team a 18% ATK increase. All Espers in this team have the ability to dispel their enemies’ buffs so even if one ally dies, the rest can still carry on and be just as effective against the Shimmerer.

Chalmers would still be the most important with his Buff Blocker and strong nukes, however Bai Liuli and David’s chain strikes can also deal a significant amount of damage. David, Helena and Jeanne both have the capacity to push back the boss along the AP Bar, letting their team land their hits more often than Shimmerer. And if needed, Helena can heal while also increasing her team’s C. RATE with her third skill.

The Alternative Pick has Chloe, Taylor and Lynn as the main damage dealers. Assigning Lynn as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase. All Espers in this team can remove their enemies’ buffs so it will be easy to keep going even if any of your allies die.

All the damage dealers for this team can deal really high damage but Chloe’s Buff Blocker makes her the most important one. Bonnie and Helena would be in charge of pushing back the Shimmerer’s AP. Helena’s healing skill would help the team survive while also increasing their C. RATE.

Ritual Miracle

There are three different bosses in Ritual Miracle:Kronos, Apep and Fafnir. Just like in Sonic Miracle, it is important to have at least 2 Fighters and 1 Support or Controller in your team. You may use Defenders but they are not always crucial for this mode.

You’ll need at least one AoE to help you with the first two waves of enemies and for situations that may require you to kill the Suppression and Blessing Tablets that accompany the boss. Depending on the situation, you will need either a Nuker or a Chain Striker. Dispellers and Healers are a must and Revivers could also give you an advantage. Buffers and Debilitators will always be a welcome addition to the team. However, when it comes to Disablers such as Immobilizers and Skill Disablers may not be as effective as SPD &AP Reducers and Buff Removers.

Unlike Sonic Miracle bosses, the ones in Ritual Miracle are a lot more complicated and depend very heavily on strategies and good team formation in order to clear. However, they also follow the formula of formations for Sonic Miracle:

  • 2 Fighters / 2 Supports / 1 Controller
  • 2 Fighters / 1 Support / 2 Controllers
  • 3 Fighters / 1 Support / 1 Controller
  • 3 Fighters / 2 Supports
  • 4 Fighters / 1 Support
  • 4 Fighters / 1 Controller

To fill out those formations, we have listed down the most popular picks for Ritual Miracle separately for each boss.


Kronos’ first and 3rd skills are AoE attacks while its second skill is a passive that lets it deal more damage the lower the target’s current HP is. This passive will also give Kronos a bonus turn (which can only trigger once per turn) if its attack kills a target. Its last skill is dangerous to the ally with the least amount of HP percentage as it will deal even more damage to them. This skill is lethal and would usually kill the target, but if it does not, it will inflict them with Stun for 1 turn.

If you are fighting Kronos at a certain level for the first time or if you decide to fight him without auto-battling, we recommend that you kill the Blessing Tablet as soon as possible since it has the ability to dispel all debuffs on Kronos and increase its AP.

For this boss, you will need to constantly heal in order to prevent your allies from dying from Kronos’ attacks, especially from the third skill. Multiple Ally Healers and Healers with more than one healing skill are ideal. Self-Healing Fighters or other damage dealers would also be beneficial to have. If there are none, you can equip them with a Hades Set and maybe even a Sword Avatara so they can hit and heal more often. Alternatively, having Espers that can grant Invincibility and Standoff may help your allies escape certain death for a time.

You will also need the help of Dispellers or Espers that can grant you Immunity since the first two wave of enemies and the Suppression Tablet on the last wave will attack you with debilitating and disabling debuffs. Increasing your Espers’ RESIST is also a viable option.

AoE, Chain Strikers and Nukers would all excel in this battle. Get at least one AoE and two Chain Strikers or Nukers or both.

Since Kronos is an Inferno element boss, you may want to avoid putting Wind element Espers in your team. Flow element Espers will give you a great advantage. We have listed down the most popular picks against Kronos along with some alternatives:

Popular Picks Li Ling (Nezha)
Chloe (Medea)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Chalmers (Idun)
Drew (Anubis)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Dhalia (Calypso)
Sander (Set)
Alternatives Freddy (Fenrir)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Leon (Vali)
Mona (Artemis)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Unky Chai (Yue Lao)
Helena (Helen)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Melanie (Medusa)

Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Li Ling (Nezha) (Captain)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Chalmers (Idun)
Drew (Anubis)
Chalmers (Idun) (Captain)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Mona (Artemis)
Leon (Vali)
Jiang Man (Meng Po)
Supports Ye Suhua (Shao Simming) Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Controllers Melanie (Medusa) Sander (Set) (Captain)

The Popular Pick has Li Ling, Lin Xiao, Chalmers and Drew as the main damage dealers. Assigning Li Ling as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase, allowing your team to deal even more damage. Li Ling and Drew would effectively clean up the first two waves while Chalmers and Lin Xiao would shine during the main boss battle.

Li Ling and Lin Xiao will be able to push back Kronos down the AP bar while Chalmers can remove and block buffs. Ye Suhua would be in charge of heals and buffs such as Recovery, Invincibility, DEF Up and ATK Up. Make sure to equip her with Adamantine, Master Grove or Stoneveins for better survivability. This team does not have a Dispeller but may be strong enough to survive the debuffs.

The Beginner’s Pick has Chalmers, and Freddy as the main damage dealers. Assigning Chalmers as Captain will grant the team a 18% ATK increase. Chalmers, Chang Pu and Melanie will be in charge of reducing the enemy’s AP. Melanie can act as your AoE while Chalmers and Freddy will be the Nukers and Chain Strikers. Chalmers would also be the buff remover and blocker of the crew. This team also does not have a Dispeller, aside from Melanie who can dispel her own debuffs, but may be stable enough to survive since they have two healers.

The Alternative Pick has Mona, Leon and Jiang Man as the main damage dealers. Assigning Sander as Captain will grant the team a 25% SPD increase. What makes this team work well is Jiang Man’s Netherbloom debuff, which acts like a bomb that sets off and damages 3 enemies after 5 hits which is accelerated by Mona’s third skill that does 4 hits on all enemies.

Add to that, Leon’s third skill will always land a critical hit on debuffed enemies. Mona and Sander will act as the AP reducers while Heng Yue will heal and dispel debuffs on her allies.


Apep’s attacks all have the ability to inflict Poison. Its second skill can detonate all Poison debuffs, dealing a significant amount of damage based on the number of debuffs on the target. Its passive skill will inflict Poison to all its attackers and can trigger its second skill immediately after receiving a certain number of attacks.

If you are fighting Apep at a certain level for the first time or if you decide to fight him manually, we recommend that you kill off both the Suppression and Blessing Tablets as soon as possible but prioritizing the latter. Blessing Tablet can convert all of your allies’ buffs into Poison while the Suppression Tablet has the chance to Stun targets affected by Poison.

For this boss, you need to have Espers that can dispel debuffs and heal. It would be even more ideal if they also have Immunity or Recovery buffs.

Avoid placing Chain Strikers as much as possible as they would be able to trigger Apep’s second skill through his passive much more quickly. AoE may be useful for the first two waves but Nukers are the ideal damage dealers to have on your team.

Since Apep is a Wind element boss, you may want to avoid putting Flow element Espers in your team. Inferno element Espers will give you a great advantage. We have listed down the most popular picks against Apep along with some alternatives:

Popular Picks Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Drew (Anubis)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Chalmers (Idun)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Ye Suhua (Shao Siming)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Sander (Set)
Alternatives Lynn (Hathor)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Alexa (Aphrodite)
Jacob (Jormungand)

Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Li Ling (Nezha) (Captain)
Lin Xiao (White Tiger)
Drew (Anubis)
Chalmers (Idun) (Captain)
Freddy (Fenrir)
Drew (Anubis)
Stewart (Dionysus)
Lynn (Hathor)
Supports Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Heng Yue (Chang’e)
Jin Yuyao (Queen Mother)
Controllers Jacob (Jormungand)

The Popular Pick has Li Ling, Lin Xiao, and Drew as the main damage dealers. Assigning Li Ling as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase, giving you more damage output. Drew and Li Ling would easily be able to clear out the first two waves. Li Ling may be a little tricky to use because two of his skills are chain attacks and could set off Apep quickly.

But if you’re fighting it manually, it’s easy to use its basic skill more often and just use its second and third skill just before Apep’s countdown triggers its passive. This could still work with auto-battles since you have Ye Suhua and Gabrielle to provide Immunity and healing along with DEF Up, ATK Up, Invincibility and Recovery, keeping your team alive. Drew and Lin Xiao would also be able to deal high amounts of damage with their third skills while debuffing enemies with DEF Down, Diseased, SPD Down and Bleed.

The Beginner’s Pick has Chalmers, Freddy and Drew as the main damage dealers. Assigning Chalmers as Captain will grant the team an 18% ATK increase. Drew would be helpful in clearing out the first two waves while Chalmers and Drew would be able to deal strong single-target attacks to Apep. Chang Pu and Ye Suhua would be able to support your team with heals and Immunity along with minor AP reduction and Recovery, Invincibility, ATK Up and DEF Up.

The Alternative Pick has Stewart and Lynn as the main damage dealers. Assigning Lynn as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase. Stewart has an incredibly high damage output with his last skill but at the cost of a quarter of his current HP. He also has Sleep debuffs which may help with the first two waves.

Lynn is a self-sustaining Nuker, having the ability to give herself Immunity and Shield while also lowering her enemies’ ATK. Jacob’s unique ability to grant Fangs, which lets his allies reflect Poison back to the inflicter along with Jin Yuyao and Heng Yue’s dispel abilities, will keep Apep’s Poison debuffs at bay. Heng Yue and Jin Yuyao will also be able to heal your allies, keeping them alive throughout the battle.


Fafnir’s first skill has the AoE ability to damage and inflict SPD Down with a 50% chance to Stun if buffed. This skill would even deal extra damage when fewer enemies remain on the field. Its passive grants it 5 levels of HP and makes each attack towards it to not exceed 35% of its max HP. Its passive also disables your allies’ AP-related abilities, making AP reducers and boosters useless against it.

For each HP stack it loses, Fafnir will gain an Andvari’s Treasure buff, making it retaliate against the last attacker by inflicting an Icefield Abyss debuff. It will also reduce the target’s max HP by 25% if it is buffed when inflicting Icefield Abyss.

Icefield Abyss will Freeze your ally despite any immunities against debuffs until Fafnir’s next turn. You will need to hit Fafnir a certain number of times in order to dispel Icefield Abyss. If your ally is still frozen by Fafnir’s next turn, it will cast his 2nd skill which dispels all buffs from the frozen ally while dealing massive damage. If Fafnir kills the target, it will get a DMG Up buff.

The Suppression Tablet accompanying Fafnir can inflict Diseased and will give Fafnir an ATK Up buff if it dies. The Blessing Tablet on the other hand can dispel debuffs, grant Immunity and will give Fafnir a SPD Up if it dies.

The key to defeating Fafnir is to put as many Chain Strikers in your team as possible since they are instrumental to breaking Andvari’s Treasure. You are also going to need healers, dispellers (though they cannot dispel Andvari’s Treasure or Icefield Abyss) and Espers that have Immunity and Shield buffs. Shields are not affected by Diseased buffs so they could be very useful in protecting your Espers if heals are currently not available.

Unlike the first two bosses, killing the tablets is not prioritized and may even give you a disadvantage since they will buff Fafnir once they die.

Since Fafnir is a Flow element boss, you may want to avoid putting Inferno element Espers in your team. Wind element Espers will give you a great advantage. We have listed down the most popular picks against Fafnir along with some alternatives:

Popular Picks Lu Yi (Dayi)
Lynn (Hathor)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Gabrielle (Njord)
Berenice (Bastet)
Alternatives Hyde (Hades)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Hall (Hodur)
Li Ling (Nezha)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Unas (Shu)
Clara (Hera)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Baii)

Below are some of our recommended teams:

Popular Pick Beginner’s Pick Alternative Pick
Fighters Lu Yi (Dayi) (Captain)
Lynn (Hathor)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Zelmer (Sekhmet)
Hall (Hodur) (Captain)
Tang Yun (Six-Eared Macaque)
Xie Chuyi (Death Guard Hei)
Li Ling (Nezha) (Captain)
Supports Gabrielle (Njord)
Berenice (Bastet)
Ye Suhua (Shao Simming)
Chang Pu (Yao Ji)
Fabrice (Freyr)
Berenice (Bastet)
Controllers Xie Yuzhi (Death Guard Baii)

The Popular Pick has Lu Yi, Lynn, and Tang Yun as the main damage dealers. Assigning Lu Yi as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase, dealing more damage. All Espers on this team can deal chain attacks, with Lu Yi dealing up to 9. When Tang Yun’s Pursuit triggers, he can hit a varying number of times.

Lynn can attack twice and thrice with her first two skills but can deliver a powerful nuke with her last. Along with their own chain attacks, Berenice can support the team with her Shield and Recovery while Gabrielle can grant Immunity and DEF Up. Lynn can also cast her own Shield and Immunity, making her self-sustaining.

The Beginner’s Pick has Zelmer, Hall and Tang Yun as the main damage dealers. Assigning Hall as Captain will grant the team an 20% C. RATE increase, giving them more chances to land critical hits. Hall will be able to take advantage of his passive thoroughly in this team since all of them concentrate on single-target attacks.

Zelmer would be able to take advantage of Hall’s Poison when she attacks enemies since she will deal more damage on debuffed enemies. Tang Yun will benefit from Hall’s passive when it converges with his Pursuit ability. Ye Suhua and Chang Pu may not have chain attacks themselves, but they make up for it with their heals, Immunity, DEF Up, ATK Up and Recovery.

The Alternative Pick has Xie Chuyi and Li Ling as the main damage dealers. Assigning Li Ling as Captain will grant the team a 30% ATK increase. With the exception of Fabrice, all Espers on this team have chain attacks and will easily be able to take care of dispelling Andari’s Treasure. Li Ling’s element may have a disadvantage against this boss, but give him a Hades set and a Sword Avatara set and he’d be able to heal himself while attacking and counterattacking.

Xie Chuyi and Xie Yuzhi’s combination makes them strong together, letting them deal more damage while doubling their attacks. Berenice would be able to protect her allies with Shield and Recovery while Fabrice can support with Recovery, ATK Up, Invincibility and Immunity.

And that about wraps it up for our Dislyte Squad Formation Guide! If you have any discoveries or suggestions of Espers that synergizes well together, write them down in the comments!