


DesignVille:Merge &Design は、家のリノベーションとパズル ゲームの愛好家向けの TAPCLAP の最新タイトルで、Android と iOS の両方のプラットフォームで利用できます。このゲームは、リラックスできる家の設計シナリオと、適切に挑戦的なマージ パズル ゲームプレイを組み合わせています。

さまざまな家具や家の改良品を組み合わせて組み合わせることができ、自分の好みに最も合ったものを選択するだけでなく、選択した家具を置くための領域もたくさんあります。一方、マージ パズルの側面はやりがいがありますが、プレッシャーはまったくなく、DesignVille:Merge &Design を好きなようにリラックスしたペースでプレイできます。

DesignVille:Merge &Design には、最もシンプルなメカニズムと最も簡単なコントロール設定が付属しています。ゲームの設計面とマージ パズルのゲームプレイは、タップ アンド ホールド コントロール スキームのみに依存しています。すべてを考慮すると、誰でも DesignVille:Merge &Design の冒険を進めることができます。

ただし、パズル テーブルを効率的にクリアしたいだけでなく、家の模様替えの仕事をより速く達成したい場合は、私たちがカバーします。当社の DesignVille:Merge &Design 初心者向けガイドには、最高のインテリア デザイナーとマージ パズル ソルバーになるためのヒント、コツ、戦略が掲載されています!


基本的に、DesignVille を進めるために達成しなければならない主な目標は 2 つあります。マージとデザインです。 1 つ目は、部屋の外観を新しくするために新しい家具やアイテムを購入するには現金が必要な、家の改築や模様替えに関する次の目標をまとめた To Do リストです。 DesignVille:Merge &Design で現在作成している部屋は、全体的な進捗状況の最も基本的な指標です。

現金を稼ぐには、ゲームのマージ パズルの側面に時間を費やす必要があります。画面右下のアイコンをクリックすると、さまざまなアイテムが散らばるパズルボードに移動します。それらの近くにうまくマージするとロックを解除できるアイテムを隠しているボックスがありますが、明らかにされたアイテムは、パズルを開始したときにボード上の残りのアイテムに似ており、クモの巣で覆われています.

蜘蛛の巣のあるアイテムは基本的にグレー表示されます。これは、それらを移動したり、蜘蛛の巣にある類似のアイテムと融合したりすることができないためです。ただし、クモの巣のないアイテムを融合して、クモの巣のない次のレベルのアイテムを作成できます。ランダムなアイテムを与える 2 つの基本的なアイテム タイプがあります。これらはマージのための材料のソースであるため、重要なアイテムです。


スペシャル ボックスをタップしてアイテムを入手するたびに、エネルギーを 1 消費します。また、スペシャル ボックスには、アイコンの下部にあるバーに示されているように、用途が限られています。在庫は完全に空になるまで補充されず、完全に補充されるまでにも時間がかかります。当然のことながら、彼らがまだ物資を補充している間は、彼らからアイテムを入手することはできません.


目標を達成し、特定のマイルストーンに到達すると、宝箱を獲得できます。宝箱には、融合させることでより多くの補給箱やその他の有用な素材を作ることができるアイテムが含まれています。サプライ ボックスを融合してより高いレベルのサプライ ボックスを作成すると、それらをタップしたときにより高いグレードのアイテムが得られる可能性が高くなります。





リフォームはホームデザイナーとしてのキャリアの進歩を示すものであり、必要なイメージチェンジのために新しい家具やその他の装飾品を購入するために、すぐに現金を稼ぎたいと思うでしょう。お金を稼ぐ唯一の方法は、マージ パズルに関連するタスクを完了することであるため、タスクを 1 つずつ完了することに集中する必要があります。

タスクはさまざまなキャラクターが必要とするアイテムで構成されており、以前のセットでは必要なアイテムが 1 つだけでしたが、後者のリクエストでは 2 つの異なるアイテムを組み合わせることができます。タスクもセットで提供され、新しいセットが到着する前に現在のグループの要求を満たす必要があります。心に留めておくべきことの 1 つは、各目標を達成することで現金を獲得できるため、いつでも家の改築シナリオにアクセスして、現金を使い続けてエピソードを進めることができるということです。

Prioritization as far as individual targets can vary from one scenario to the next. Sometimes, a request with only one item needed can be more challenging to accomplish than another request having 2 items needed. There is also a matter of availability in terms of your special supply boxes as it is given that they have limited number of items to churn out at a time.

The earlier sets of objectives are much simpler as the items in the board will also be fairly limited. Just the same, you should start to get to know how to prioritize completing quests and take them on strategically to earn cash at a faster pace.

3. Learn To Manage Empty Spaces

There should not be much difference as to how you go about completing requests to earn cash if there is an unlimited space for items on the board. However, a big chunk of what actually makes DesignVille:Merge &Design challenging is the space management aspect of the puzzle. To start off, there are already numerous items on the board, most of which are in boxes or have cobwebs. These items add an extra layer of challenge to managing space as you tap on your supply boxes for items.

As easy as this is when you only have a few types of items on the board, you will quickly have a mixed variety of item types that can make the merging process more complex than expected. Pair that up with higher level request items and you will quickly find yourself struggling to maintain sufficient empty spaces.

One of the tricks we utilize here relates to how we go about completing quests. Once a set of requests have been outlined at the left side of your screen, you should already start planning on which ones to accomplish first and which ones to save for last. In almost each set, you will find an item you may not be familiar with at all, making them suitable candidates for targets saved for last.

In the case of the target items you are already familiar with, determining which ones are easier to obtain becomes the next step. The quests that are easiest for you to clear naturally should be top priority, even in cases when 2 different items are requested.

There are no time limits or any pressure imposed on the merge puzzle itself. This means that you can take as much time as you need to double check on those cobwebbed items that can be merged with the ones you pull out from the supply boxes. In the event that you can merge 2 identical items together, it should always be a priority that one of them has a cobweb.

Note that successfully merging a cobwebbed item will reveal adjacent boxes around it, leaving more cobwebbed items that you can target to eliminate moving forward.

4. Familiarize Yourself With Item Types And Sources

There is an overabundance of items to merge in DesignVille:Merge &Design. While it is not necessary to memorize each one by their levels to determine which item will pop out next, it is important to at least be able to identify the item type and which supply box you can get the item from.

Having good knowledge of item types and sources will lead you to strategizing on quest completions more efficiently as you can work on completing targets by type in addition to going about them from the easiest down to the most difficult.

When you tap on an item, you can check the set they belong to by clicking on their picture at the upper left side of your screen. The brush, as an example, belongs to the cleaning tools while the liquid soap belongs to the cleaning agents set.

Both sets can be acquired from the cleaning cart. Note that each supply box is a source of at least 2 item sets but sets are very much related. Certain levels of merging award you with EXP. Each item can be sold for coins and higher level types of each item can be sold for more coins.

When you uncover new item types through merging, you can claim rewards for each one via their set window. If you tap on an item’s photo at the upper left side of the screen, a window will pop up showing the number of items in the set the item belongs to. For each item unlocked in the set, you can claim coins or gems based on the type or classification of the item Supply boxes typically reward you with gems while normal items give you coins.

5. Keep The Board Organized

Another great way to help you manage empty spaces on your board relates very much to how you organize the board itself. Surely enough, there will be items in cobwebs that you cannot move and you need to work around on but as you clear more of those items and have more tiles allocated for movable items, then you can organize items to make it easier to find what you need.

Not making an effort to clean up the board will lead to a cluttered layout consisting of a lot of items you do not need as well as some you might easily miss. Most especially once more and more item types become available for you, it can become an added layer of challenge to find what you need despite them already being on the board. What you want to avoid are instances when a webbed item could have been utilized in a merge, saving you energy and pace to try and generate that item.

What we recommend for starters is too set up the supply boxes at the top of the board, lining down items that come from that box below them. If not entirely possible, at least make an effort to bring related items close to one another. While utilizing this tactic will take a little more time than just simply pulling items off the boxes and merging them as much as possible.

Keeping the board organized is guaranteed to leave you more empty tiles, to the point of even being able to afford keeping a set of tiles for special items awaiting duplicates to merge with. Examples of these are coins, EXP, energy, and gems.

Again, as these valuable resources can also be merged, it is best to make an effort to consume them once they reach a high enough level. Doing so will reap you much better rewards. Beyond these resources, there are also special items you can merge for better results like treasure chests and supply boxes themselves.

6. Invest In Inventory Space

While coins are a basic currency in DesignVille:Merge &Design, they are still very much valuable and should not be spent without much thought. Even if you can earn them from selling items on the board, the rate at which you earn coins is still too little in contrast with what you can spend them on.

You can spend coins to purchase energy and some items for merging at the shop. However, what we recommend is for you to save your coins and invest them in inventory space instead.

In line with keeping the board organized and managing empty spaces, DesignVille:Merge &Design’s feature of having an inventory outside the board is tremendously helpful, more so if you utilize it to the fullest. Although the starting number of 5 slots is already a huge help, you can purchase additional ones starting with 50 coins, with the succeeding ones costing 10 coins more.

It cannot be helped that you will often come across items you cannot use in line with the current set of quests but at the same time you cannot dispose of as well. The resources, for one will take up space on the board and as we recommend that you merge them as much as possible before consumption, they may begin to take up more space on the board than what you can afford. In such cases, you can always keep them in your inventory temporarily.

Treasure chests can only be unlocked one at a time, so if you have more of them just sitting idly on the board, you may want to tuck them away temporarily as well. Sometimes, pursuing a quest item inevitably leads to merging items from the same box that will not be needed for any of the available quests. While there is always an option to sell them for coins, you can also opt to keep some of them for future needs.

Reward items from reaching new levels and finishing episodes and such can be found at the upper right side of the board puzzle screen. These items stock up on top of each other and you cannot choose from among them which one to take out first. For the most part, though, you would want to claim those items and pull them down to the board and while you would also normally want to utilize them immediately, there will be instances as well when you would want to save them for later.

Learning to utilize and expand your inventory will definitely improve how you manage and clean up your board. One important note to keep in mind, though, is that it comes with extended things to keep tabs on. As the number of items in your side inventory grows, you have to keep watch on it as you merge items on the board itself.

Although it is again not necessary to memorize what the exact items are in your inventory, at least be certain to check for duplicates on the board as you do not want to forget considering these items for merging.

7. You Can Regularly Change Your Renovation Designs

While putting up new windows, couches, and other things in and outside the house is simple enough, part of the fun in DesignVille:Merge &Design comes with testing different design combinations out. You might initially be convinced that each completed episode leaves the stage in a permanent state, but you can always make changes to your decisions instantly at the cost of a few coins.

Of course, you may want to do this once you have amassed more coins than you can spend but at the very least, it is comforting to know at this point that you can edit your designs to create a different masterpiece.

You can revisit renovations you have made by tapping on the map icon in the design page and choose conquered episodes along with the current one. You can tap on any object you renovated and swipe across the choices. Note that while choosing new designs will cost coins, no additional purchases will be required once you have already bought the specific designs.

As added tips, be sure to visit the shop to claim your free gift each day. Energy can also be replenished at the very cheap cost of simply playing a short video ad. When the supply boxes run out of items and you would have to wait for 105 minutes for them to completely replenish, be sure to take advantage of the ad boosts as well to shave off 30 minutes from the cool down period. The same applies for when you open up treasure chests.

Lastly, attempt to empty out other supply boxes when one of them empties out especially if you are about to exit the game for a while. As you will be waiting for them to stock up items you might as well generate as many as you can before leaving the game. You will have a lot of items you may not need soon but these items are basically coins if you sell them.

That wraps up our DesignVille:Merge &Design beginner’s guide and we hope you picked up a lot from the simple tips and strategies that we shared. If you have stumbled upon some useful tips or tricks you feel are worth sharing, do not hesitate to do so and tell us about them in the comments!