

Marsaction:Infinite Ambition 初心者向けガイド:エリート部隊を編成し、群れを全滅させるためのヒント、コツ、戦略

人類が火星で独自の文明を確立することは、何十年にもわたって SF のネタでした。間違いなく、火星に住んでいる人間、または火星人が地球にやってくるという多くの物語が、さまざまなメディアを通じて想像され、描写されてきました.これらの無数の物語の中で、地球がどのように死に、人間が火星に新しい家を見つけたのかを語るものを常に見つけることができます.

これが Marsaction:Infinite Ambition のストーリーです。Joystix Limited による MMO ストラテジー ゲームで、iOS と Android の両方のプラットフォームで利用できます。

比較的新しいゲームとしては驚くべきことに、Marsaction にはすでに多くの機能があり、ヒューマン ユニオンの地球での滞在に関して目に見える以上のものがあることを示唆するストーリー展開さえあります。 Marsaction には、さまざまな戦闘モード、少なくとも 2 種類の探索モード、4 つのメカ ユニット タイプ、そしてキャプテンとともにチームを勝利に導くさまざまなヒーローがいます。

さらに、Marsaction にはさまざまな敵がいて、今では人を寄せ付けない赤い惑星になった場所で生き残るために戦うときに遭遇します。 Starship Troopers や StarCraft のファンは、ゲームのビジュアルがこれらのタイトルを連想させることにきっと気付くでしょう。

他の多くのモバイル ゲームと同様に、入門チュートリアルで Marsaction に飛び込みます。これは、ゲームがどのようにプレイされるかについての一般的なアイデアを提供するだけでなく、ヒューマン ユニオン、スワーム、およびそれらの間で何が起こったのかについても少し説明します。チュートリアル ステージでは、3 人の忠実なヒーローと共に砂漠地帯を探索します。

また、キャプテンは部隊とヒーローにブーストを提供することでより受動的な役割を果たしますが(これについては後で詳しく説明します)、実際には積極的な戦闘には関与しません.地形を探索していると、道をふさいでいる砂の霧を払拭できるシグナル ステーションが見つかることがあります。

道を切り開くと、サバイバー キャンプにも遭遇し、兵士やメカ ウォリアーを救出して部隊の数を増やすことができます。

もちろん、Marsaction はほとんどアクション ゲームではありません。タイトルにもありますが、途中でバグの群れに遭遇しなければ。あなたの目的は、これらの群れを排除して、その地域を占領できるようにすることです。


このタイプの戦闘モードでは、ヒーロー フォースが考慮され、敵のライバル フォースと対戦します。


スワームとそのリーダーをうまく倒すと、自然に報酬を獲得できます。これらの戦利品を手に入れて、チュートリアル レベルが終了し、最終的に指揮所を設定できるようになります。

もちろん、これは Marsaction の実際のプレイ方法の一部にすぎません。ストーリーラインを進め、クエストやタスクを完了すると、ゲームにはさらに多くの機能が残っています。また、地球上の他の情報や敵にも出くわします。確かに、これは大変な作業のように聞こえるかもしれませんが、心配する必要はありません。これが、Marsaction:Infinite Ambition の初心者向けガイドが役立つところです。

ゲーム内の多くの要素は互いに関連しているように感じられるため、より整理するために、読みやすいようにガイドを 4 つのセクションに分けました。場合によっては、前のセクションで参照されている情報が別のセクションに表示されることがあります。これは、プレーヤーにとってより効果的なものにするためにこの種のアプローチが必要なヒントや事例があるためです。

とはいえ、このガイドに含まれる 4 つの主要なセクションは次のとおりです。

  • ベースとアップグレード: このセクションでは、注意を払う必要がある、または事前にアップグレードできる重要な建物に焦点を当てています。進行するにつれて、エリアの奪還やメインベースの拡張などの特定のアクションを進める前に、建物を特定のレベルまで上げるよう求められます。このセクションでは、同盟に参加するメリットと、ゲームのさまざまな側面で研究ツリーをアンロックすることの重要性についても説明します。
  • 戦闘と探索: このセクションでは、初心者が遭遇するさまざまな戦闘モードと探索モードについて説明します。ここでは、戦闘戦略に関するヒントや推奨事項も見つけることができます。ここに記載されている項目の一部は、分隊セクションで概説されている項目と重複する場合があります。
  • 分隊: このセクションでは、キャプテン、ヒーロー、メカ ウォリアーなど、スクワッドの基本コンポーネントについて知っておくべきことについて説明します。
  • リソースと報酬: 最後に、このセクションではリソースと報酬について説明します!ここでは、良い仕事をした後、または無料のギフトとしてそれらを入手する方法をいくつか挙げます。

それが終わったら、Marsaction:Infinite Ambition の初心者向けガイドに進みましょう。そうすれば、スワームを全滅させ、最強の軍隊を構築し、人類の利益のために惑星を手に入れることができます!




さらに、これらの建物の一部は、メイン ストーリーの各章で概説されているクエストやタスクを完了するために、特定のレベルである必要があります。別の建物を建てる前に、ある特定の建物を建てる必要がある場合があります。

Marsaction のメイン ストーリーをたどることで、全体的な進行にどの建物が重要になるかを知ることができます。これらのほとんどは実際には、エリアを奪還して境界を拡大した後に修復できる建物です。それ以外の場合は、建物タブで建物にアクセスできます。

多くの場合、都市ビルダーのタイトルの課題は、長い待ち時間と、建築タスクに対応できるビルダーの数が限られていることです。 Marsaction にも同じメカニズムが適用されます。デフォルトでは無料のビルダーは 1 つしかなく、建物のレベルが高いほどアップグレードに時間がかかります。長い待ち時間を最小限に抑えるために、事前に建物のアップグレードを試みることができます。

ただし、すべての建物をアップグレードする必要はなく、進行に応じてレベルが考慮される建物のみをアップグレードする必要があることに注意してください。前提条件として何度かリストアップされるため、事前にアップグレードを検討すべき 5 つの建物を以下に示します。

  • コマンド センター : これは、メインベースに設置される最初の建物です。そのため、チャプターの完了、基地の拡大、さらには他の建物のアップグレードなど、重要な目的の多くを達成できるように、特定のレベルにアップグレードするよう常に求められます。
  • スペース カプセル: これは、ベーシック ワープまたはクォンタム ワープのいずれかにアクセスして、ヒーローをランダムにリクルートできる場所です。基本的なワープは、ヒーローをスターアップするために使用できるヒーローピースを提供する可能性が最も高いです(これについては後で詳しく説明します).

    一方、クォンタムワープは個々のヒーロー自身を与える可能性が高くなりますが、これはこのガチャメカニズムの「プレミアム」バージョンです.反対に、無料のリクルート タイマーがリセットされると、少なくとも 1 日に 1 回、ベーシック ワープを試すチャンスがあります。
  • メカファクトリー: この建物は、メカ戦士を生産する場所であるため、軍隊としての成功に不可欠です。メカ ユニットは、戦闘で力の大部分を構成します。建物のレベルが上がると製造能力が上がります。メカ キャンプでメカ ファクトリーを補完することもできますが、これはオプションです。
  • Cyborg Tech Inc.: この建物は研究を担当しています。後のセクションでは、あなたが追求できる研究の道筋についてさらに詳しく説明します。ただし、Cyborg Tech Inc. の建物は基地内の重要な建造物であり、アップグレードする価値があると言っておきましょう。
  • 倉庫: その名前が示すように、この建物はリソースを保護します。また、インターステラー クラウドを通じて基地外のマップを探索するときに、より高レベルのリソース デポを検索することもできます (これについては後で詳しく説明します)。

戦闘、探索、クエストの完了中に、これらの建物をできるだけ進めることをお勧めします。そうすれば、メイン クエストを進めるためにこれらの建物を特定のレベルにする必要が実際に必要になったときに、すでに先を行っています。

もちろん、これらはたった 5 つの建物であり、地域を奪還し、指揮所の領土を拡大し続けると、間違いなく新しい建物に遭遇するでしょう。しかし、それらを自分で発見するのはあなたに任せます。


彼らが言うように、知識は力です。火星での生き残りをかけた戦いでは、すべての戦線で自分の立場を強化する方法を知ることで、戦いの半分を勝ち取ることができます。そのためには、研究に投資し、利用可能なさまざまなスキル ツリーを熱心にアップグレードする必要があります。


  • 経済学: この側面の研究は、資源の収集と生産に焦点を当てています。ご覧のとおり、さまざまなオプションがあり、いずれかの側面を優先する場合があります。 Generally speaking, perks in this area may lead to more resources like Quartz, Rare Earth, Corn, etc.

    We recommend maxing out the Efficiency aspect first upon reaching the 3rd tree. This perk speeds up the refresh time of resource sites on your base, giving you a more well-rounded selection of resources instead of focusing production on just one or two resource types.
  • Combat: As you might have guessed, research on combat is geared toward strengthening your troops, specifically your Mecha warriors. It’s a little bit tricky to figure out which aspect to prioritize, though you might want to consider maxing out Automation I before turning your attention to Detector I.

    Automation I lets you speed up manufacturing times for Mecha warriors, which is necessary when you want to increase the number of your Hero Force to be at par with or exceed the enemy’s Rival Force. When it comes down to it, the size of your Hero Force is a vital factor that can tip the scale towards victory or defeat.

When you’ve managed to unlock the 2nd tree, you will have to choose among 4 aspects directly related to your Mecha types (more on this later). You may choose to upgrade them all in equal measure to make sure you have a well-rounded team.

On the other hand, you may also consider upgrading aspects focusing on the Mecha type that makes up the majority of your squad, or the one you’re planning to prioritize in terms of manufacturing.

  • Captain: As mentioned, the Captain can provide boosts for your troops even if they don’t actively participate in battle. Conducting research on your Captain’s perks can come in handy when your troops engage enemies.

    After completing Biochemical Set I and accessing the 2nd tree, consider focusing on Increment Loop first to access the 3rd tree so you can choose and weigh more options.

Continuously conduct research as this will also let you increase the number of your forces, which is crucial in building your army.

Two Heads Are Better Than One

On a bug-infested planet like this, it’s hard to fight alone. Even you, the player, begin the game with four distinct characters. For our run, we had Weiser, Kayla, Alloy Al, and Captain Ryan. Each one of them has their own backstories and their own reasons for fighting.

As you battle against Swarms and defend your command post, you’ll soon discover that it’s better to have more allies by your side. Along with your Heroes, consider joining an Alliance so you can work together with a community.

There are several benefits to joining an Alliance aside from having other players with whom you can interact. If you join an Alliance, you can:

  • Get tons of free Alliance gifts.
  • Ask for assistance in speeding up building upgrades or construction, manufacturing, and research. A maximum of five allies can help you decrease waiting times for the aforementioned processes.
  • Get more speed bonuses for construction, research, and manufacturing when you teleport your base within your Alliance’s territory.
  • Participate in Alliance-related events or battles for more rewards.

Make an effort to be active by extending help to your Alliance in the way of resources, by speeding up the manufacturing, research, and construction processes of other members, and many more. Work hand in hand with the community to gain more rewards and elevate your playing experience.

Battle and Exploration

Explore and Conquer

As you will notice, the vicinity around your established command post will be surrounded by a sandy fog. A Defensive Barrier will appear within your base’s perimeter, which you can click to enter Exploration Mode. As we’ve mentioned in the beginning of this guide, you will encounter battles when you go through the hostile desert areas. Battles may be instant, wherein your troops will come across crawling Swarms.

On the other hand, more active battle scenarios will occur when you encounter enemy Swarms that are typically situated in damaged buildings or elevated terrain.

Instant battles are quicker and easier compared to more active battles since the latter will require you as the player to participate by commandeering your Heroes. Unless it’s an instant battle, here are a handful of tips you can keep in mind:

Rescue Survivors Before Engaging in Battle

When exploring, you will occasionally encounter places where survivors are holed up in. Before engaging in a fight, rescue these survivors first! As they say, there’s strength in numbers, so rescued survivors will help even out the odds.

Fortunately, the game will warn you if the combat difficulty is too much for your troops to handle. In this case, heed the warning and scout for more survivors in the area. When you’ve managed to increase the number of your troops, only then would it be wise to engage in battle.

Weigh Your Odds of Succeeding

As mentioned, the game will warn you about the combat difficulty of a skirmish. Even if you do face overwhelming odds, the game won’t stop you from entering into battle so fight at your own risk. Still, we do recommend battling when the situation is in your favor. Here’s a quick rundown of the 3 difficulty levels you will come across before going into battle:

  • Green: Extremely good odds. Your force greatly outnumbers the enemy’s. Success rate is likely 80% above.
  • Yellow: Close fight. Your force and the enemy’s forces are about the same size. Success rate is about 50%.
  • Red: There’s a big gap between your force and the enemy’s numbers. If rescuing survivors isn’t enough, consider getting reinforcements by leaving Exploration Mode first and returning to your base.

    You may increase your troop numbers either by manufacturing more Mecha warriors or upgrading the experience levels of your Heroes and Captain so they can have a bigger marching force (more on this later). If the battle’s difficulty level is in the red, you likely have less than a 50% chance of winning.

Release Hero Skills

In an active combat scenario, you will get to see your chosen Heroes in action. You can choose a maximum of 3 heroes. As the player, your participation here may be limited to releasing the heroes’ skills when the yellow bar under their HP (green) bar becomes full.

That said, don’t forget to immediately release a hero’s skill whenever you can. Fights can be extremely quick and there doesn’t seem to be a need to time skills, unless you’re releasing a healing skill (this is often from your Support Hero).

You can check out Hero skills in the Hero tab. What’s stated in the Scenario Combat Type is the skill they will use during active battles.

After completing all the battles in this Exploration Mode, a prompt will appear to signal that you’ve managed to explore 100% of the area.

After that, you will have to recapture the area you’ve just explored. Often, the requirements for recapturing an area may include upgrading your Command Center and another building to a certain level. Once you’ve accomplished all the requirements, you may proceed to recapture the area.

Recaptured areas will be included as part of your main base. Here, you will find more buildings that can be repaired, as well as resource sites you can mine. Another Defensive Barrier will be erected, indicating that you have more areas to explore once your troops are ready.

Using the Interstellar Cloud

Once you’ve accessed the Interstellar Cloud building after doing some exploration, you will have the chance to go on missions outside of your main base. The Interstellar Cloud building will let you access the world map wherein you can find more tasks near your main base’s location.

Perhaps the most significant feature of the Interstellar Cloud are the clue missions. By accessing this mode, you don’t just get to explore what’s outside of your base, but you also get the chance to go on missions that will let you gain clues, which will reveal stories related to the game’s lore. Completing clue missions will also earn you Powerstones, which are a premium currency in the game.

Clue missions, seen on the Interstellar Cloud’s radar, are indicated by tasks marked as a person’s symbol inside a box. Investigate these tasks to gain clues that will help you decipher the story of the past. Clues will refresh after a couple of hours, which you can find on the timer labeled “Clue Refreshing Time.”

Aside from investigating clues, you can also fight Swarms, discover resource depots, recycle buildings, and many more when you check out other missions from the Interstellar Cloud. Fighting against Swarms often take on the form of instant battles, wherein your troops march into the field to clash with Swarms of varying levels.

Taking on these missions will let you gain more rewards that can help you level up your Heroes and Captain, gain additional resources, collect speedups, gather Hero pieces, etc.

If you want to get better rewards, you may upgrade your Interstellar Cloud’s strength level. You can find this option by clicking the small green arrow button on the radar.

Complete the requirements indicated so you can gain better rewards and come across more missions or tasks.

As you can see, one of the requirements for upgrading the Interstellar Cloud’s strength level is to defeat Swarms of a certain level. Thus, keep fighting Swarms in the map, starting from Level 1. Fight enough of them and you may even be strong enough to skip lower level Swarms and move on to higher ones.

Braving Zone 31

Zone 31 is another battle and exploration mode you can access. Think of Zone 31 as sort of a mini survival mode wherein each stage has different Incidents you can choose from. However, not all Incidents will lead to a battle. Some will give your troops the opportunity to heal, get supplies, or even avoid a clash depending on the path you choose.

Battles in Zone 31 are similar to active battle scenarios in the normal Exploration Mode. Each stage in Zone 31 will have about 4 Incidents offering 3 different Incident paths. Clicking on the path symbol will reveal what you may potentially encounter.

In the image below, you will see that the last path will lead you to discover advanced supplies. The two other paths are labeled “Information” (left) and “Basic Supply” (middle). Unless the path explicitly states that you will be facing a Swarm or will do battle, consider everything else non-confrontational.

On the 4th stage, you will only have 1 Incident path available, which is facing a Great Threat. As you may have guessed, this will lead to a boss fight.

When you’ve chosen Incident paths labeled as “Information” or “Unknown,” you will encounter a sleeping boss. You’ll be given 2 choices on how to deal with the creature. Pick one that sounds like the most sensible.

Since Incident path selections are chosen by the game at random (except for the last one), we recommend choosing paths that are non-confrontational so you can maximize obtaining supplies and other rewards. If you choose paths that lead to battle, keep in mind that your troops will not be able to recover their health upon entering succeeding Incident paths, unless you come across a path that allows you to heal or get medical supplies.

Entering Zone 31 is a great way to gain useful rewards, particularly experience points for your Heroes. These are crucial when you want to increase your Heroes’ marching force (more on this later).



Your Captain won’t seem like a very prominent character but they remain a vital member of your squad. Captains provide boosts and help increase the number of your overall offensive force.

Their contribution to your squad, as well as your base, is determined by which Captain Skills you allocate points to. Captain Skills can range from strengthening your Mecha warriors to enhancing research and construction speeds in your base, increasing resource production, and many more.

Your priorities will play a key role in choosing which Captain Skills you will allocate points to. Do you want to secure your economic position, or do you want to improve your battle prowess? For beginners, we recommend allocating points to Skills that will strengthen your offensive capabilities. Thus, we suggest you focus allocating points on the following early Skills:

  • Mecha Power: Increases Mecha attack
  • Boundless Knowledge I: Increases research speed
  • Pipeline I: Increases Mecha manufacturing speed

These Skills in particular will provide great help in letting you advance through and complete the main tasks, particularly in Exploration Mode. Of course, you may choose to allocate a few points for resource production if you feel that this route is more to your liking.

Overall, though, how well your troops fight and how many you’ll be able to bring to battle is a huge determining factor in your ability to advance in the game. If you aren’t happy with the Skill trees you’ve allocated points to, you can use the Skill Reset item, but this is a premium purchase. Therefore, think long and hard about which Captain Skills you want to spend points on.

Further to Skill points, you can earn them when you’ve managed to level up your Captain.

You can increase your Captain’s level by:

  • Completing main tasks (e.g. Exploration Mode).
  • Completing side tasks (e.g. Zone 31, clue missions, etc).
  • Using Captain Exp items.


Unlike your Captain, your Heroes are more prominent characters whom you will see actively interacting with each other or explaining how the game works. You will begin the game with 3 Heroes, with each one filling in the slot for DPS, Tank, and Support. In our game, our default starter Heroes were Weiser (DPS), Alloy Al (Tank), and Kayla (Support).

Building your Heroes can significantly impact not only your offensive strength but also your base development. Similar to your Captain, it’s important to upgrade your Heroes’ Skills, which have 2 types:

  • Scenario Combat Type: These are the skills that Heroes use when they’re engaged in active battles.
  • Strategy Type: These skills are more passive in nature and can help with base development, instant battles with Swarms, etc.

You may gain experience points for your Heroes by using Hero Exp Chips. You’ll know that your Heroes can be upgraded if you see green arrows on their pictures.

Adding experience points will happen when you use Hero Exp Chips. Level up your Heroes enough and you’ll be able to break through the limit. An example is when you want to get them up to Level 10. Doing this will increase points for their attack, defense, life, skill coefficient, and Mecha capacity.

Additionally, leveling up your Heroes will also increase their Hero Force and Mecha March Size. Each individual Hero will have varying Hero Force and Mecha March Size numbers.

This is an extremely important aspect since their quantity will indicate how many troops they will be able to bring to battle. Thus, when you find yourself outnumbered by enemy forces, it’s a good idea to level up your Heroes so you can increase troop limit for battles.

When you’ve increased your Heroes’ experience points, you will have the chance to Star Up those specific Heroes.

You can Star Up Heroes by collecting Hero pieces as rewards for completing tasks, events, or by availing of the Basic or Quantum Warp in your Space Capsule building. By using the Quantum Warp, you have the chance to obtain not just Hero pieces, but also individual Heroes themselves. Heroes that have been Starred Up will unlock more Skills.

Furthermore, Hero Skills may give your Mecha warriors boosts as some Heroes specialize in handling specific Mecha types, which we will discuss in the next section.


Mecha warriors make up the bulk of your troops. These units can be used for both skirmishes and resource-gathering. There are 4 types of Mecha warriors that you can manufacture in your Mecha Factory, with each type having 4 different variants:



  • Gunner M21
  • Ares DS1
  • Bomber Blaster
  • Bullet Ghost

For: Combat

Strong Against: Aircraft and Vehicles

Weak Against: Infantry

Examples of Aligned Heroes: Weiser and Kayla



  • Heavy Assaulter
  • Crazy Crusher
  • Master Roboto
  • Titan Ultra

For: Combat

Strong Against: Mobiles and Vehicles

Weak Against: Aircraft

Example of Aligned Hero: Alloy Al



  • ASR-2 Snaker
  • BT-99 Scorpion
  • Blue Thunder
  • Fate Angel 001

For: Combat

Strong Against: Infantry and Vehicles

Weak Against: Mobiles

Example of Aligned Hero: Martina



  • Lightning Brown
  • Rover Berserker
  • Panzer Prime
  • Laser Tank

For: Resource transportation

Weak Against: Infantry, Aircraft, and Mobiles

For every battle or exploration, you may configure which Heroes you want to take the lead alongside your Captain so they can provide boosts to your selected Mecha.

You may also configure which Mecha warriors you want to make up the majority of your party. Consider what kind of sortie your squad will be deployed in. For instance, if you’re going resource-gathering, it may be a good idea to have more Vehicles on your squad and a number of combat-type Mecha warriors for defense.

Our general recommendation is to keep making Mecha warriors in your Mecha Factory to continuously increase your troop number. This will help you during battles so you can outnumber enemy forces.

Resources and Rewards

Now that we’ve discussed base development, combat, and exploration, it’s time to talk about how to get tons and tons of rewards and resources in the game! Marsaction can be pretty generous when it comes to stuff you can earn. In fact, with the numerous rewards you can get, you might spend a good chunk of playing just claiming them.

Aside from rewards obtained from joining an Alliance or entering Zone 31, here are a few other ways you can get more rewards and resources:

Gather Resources in Your Base

One of the first resource sites that you will find is inside your own base. If you click deposits of Quartz, Rare Earth, Corn, etc., you can collect them after waiting for a few seconds. Normally, these deposits will yield 2 resource items but you may increase the number by conducting research or upgrading Captain or Hero Skills that are aligned towards improving resource production.

Complete Tasks

Completing tasks like Growth Tasks and Daily Tasks (among many other tasks, like Main Tasks) are a sure way to get rewards and resources. Most tasks are related to the main story anyway, as well as side quests, so make an effort to complete as many tasks as you can to maximize earning rewards.

Get Supplies from the Human Union

At the beginning of the game, you will encounter mentions of the Human Union, which is basically the organization spearheading the human colonization of Mars. In the game, the Human Union will occasionally give you supplies, which you can claim after a particular time period. Always check in with your base to see if the refresh time for supplies from the Human Union has reset.

More often than not, you will get speedups from the Human Union supply.

Since you’ll be collecting a lot of speedups, use them as much as you can when you’re manufacturing Mech warriors, upgrading buildings, conducting research, etc. Joining an Alliance can make speedups more effective since members can help you lessen the waiting time for ongoing processes.

For buildings, in particular, you may get a free 5-minute speedup every time you upgrade. Click on this too and don’t waste the opportunity!

Rewards from VIP Points

Like other games of its kind, Marsaction will also let you obtain VIP rewards when you earn points by completing tasks and logging in consecutively. VIP rewards can refresh each day. You may find your VIP rewards next to your Captain’s profile picture.

Swarms Clearance Rewards

Remember how we mentioned that fighting Swarms on the map can help you increase your Interstellar Cloud’s strength level? Besides getting to do that, you will also receive rewards for clearing out as many Swarms as you can.

As you can see, you may get resources like Quartz and Rare Earth, which are essential items if you want to upgrade buildings, manufacture Mecha warriors, accomplish research, etc. Clear Swarms like there’s no tomorrow! This way, you can augment resources, especially if you find yourself running low.

System Rewards

Performing certain tasks in the game, such as upgrading your Command Center, will let you earn system rewards aside from the rewards you can get from other avenues mentioned previously. Regularly check your inbox for system rewards so you can claim them on time.

Now that you can enjoy your spoils of war, this wraps up our beginner’s guide for Marsaction:Infinite Ambition! Mars is a huge place to explore so if you have more tips and tricks, let us know in the comment section below! Hopefully, our guide has helped you build a strong army, fortify your base, explore the desert, and annihilate the hostile Swarms without breaking a sweat!