

ラジオ コマンダー – キャンペーン ウォークスルー ガイド


完全なキャンペーン ウォークスルーへのガイド


このガイドはかなり包括的になるように設計されていますが、各ミッションにはランダムな要素 (通常は敵の位置) が含まれているわけではないため、このガイドで正確な手順を説明することはできません.

Radio Commander は、ほぼ外側の視点から戦争を見て、戦争が激化するにつれて地上の部隊が変化するのを見るという興味深い課題を提示します。つまり、ブラボーです。

ゲームのミッションや要素のいくつかは、プレイ中に私を混乱させ、多くのガイドや詳細を見つけることができませんでした.そのため、新しいプレイヤーがこぶを乗り越えるのに役立つことを期待して、これを書きました.ミッション 5 で必要以上に苦労したことはわかっています。

地図の読み方 101




何でこれが大切ですか?地図の周りの波線は隆起または低地を示し、円は丘の頂上を示します。プレイ中はこれを念頭に置いてください。丘の上にいるユニットはより遠くを見ることができ、谷にいるユニットはサイト ラインが限られているため、攻撃するのが難しくなります。

「i」を押してマウス チップを座標から海抜メートルに変更します (もう一度 i を押すと座標に戻ります)。





[…] キーを押すと、距離を示す一種のメーター スティックが表示されます。丘や谷は考慮されていないことに注意してください。




アイコンを右クリックして名前を変更し、アイコンの左上にある南京錠をクリックしてロックまたはロック解除します。 (アイコンがマップ マーカーの後ろで動かなくなった場合に便利です。マーカーをロック解除して移動するだけです)。




  • 歩兵 – 一般的な戦闘と偵察に適しています。最速ではありませんが、まともな量の弾薬です。
  • 特殊部隊 – 偵察に最適、交戦しない限り敵ユニットに発見されず、戦闘力も弾薬もない.
  • 装甲車両 – かなり速く、敵に対して強い (砲兵と同様) メデバックを実行でき、攻撃の合間にクールダウンしますが、砲兵のように調整する必要はありません。
  • 砲兵 – 不動だが歩兵を破壊するのに効果的、ショット間のクールダウン、選択したマップの場所のみをターゲットにする、調整する必要がある.
  • ヘリコプター – 超高速で、狙撃兵や他の多くの敵ユニット タイプに対して非常に効果的です。




  • ユニットが移動したときにマップ ping を削除します。定期的に位置を尋ねることで対抗できます。
  • マウスのマップ座標情報 (例:123,456) を削除します。最初に時間をかけてマップの中央にいくつかのキー番号を書き込むことで対応します。 100、120、および 140 の線に印を付けて、地図の中央で一目でこれらのマーカー間の位置を把握できるようにします。両方の軸についても同じことを行います。
  • ユニットは弾薬をより早く使い果たしますが、定期的に車両と合流して補給することで対抗できます。
  • 新しいユニット マーカーはマップ上に表示されず、ラベルも付けられません。自分で対処してください。

ミッション 1 – 心と心


村を捜索し、近くの VC キャンプを破壊します。


村を探索した後、B の助けを借りて、2 人で VC キャンプに近づき、敵を破壊します。


  • 心を込めて:ノーマル / コマンダー モードでミッションを完了してください。
  • 心と心、ベテラン:ベテランでミッションを完了します。これは思っているよりもずっと簡単です。通常どおりガイドに従って、ユニットの場所を最新の状態に保ちましょう。
  • アポカリプス ナウ:3 分以内にミッションを完了します。非常に実行可能です。ゲーム時間ではなくリアルタイムであるため、ほぼ常にタイム スキップを使用してください。


あなたは村の北東にあるアルファ分隊 (A) から始めます。

移動を選択してマップ上の村をクリックするか、移動コマンド「村」を選択して、A を村に移動させます。忍び寄ったり走ったりする必要はありません。

VC キャンプが南東にあると聞いた村を訪れた後、「VC?」などのラベルの付いた地図マーカーが表示されます。

A を道路に沿って東に移動させ、その VC マーカーの北 (約 280,935 または少し近く) で終了します。これは、途中でブラボー (B) から連絡があり、ミッションへの参加を申し出るためです。


アルファに、あなたの現在の位置に近い新しいマーカー、LZ に向かって進みます。

A が疲れていると言う場合は、今のところ無視してください。LZ に到着したら、回復するまで数分待ちますが、このミッションで疲れていても大きな違いはありません。

1 つの分隊を VC マーカーのすぐ北東の丘に移動させ (約 290, 915)、もう 1 つの分隊は中央に向かってまっすぐ移動します (約 280, 910)。このようにして、敵ユニットが攻撃を隠したときに、2 番目のユニットが側面を攻撃し、上昇した位置にいる必要があります。

マーカーに到達すると、動物に関するイベントが発生します。対話オプションは問題ではありませんが、その直後に VC ユニットがキャンプから攻撃します。


おめでとうございます。ミッション 1 の完了です。犠牲者の数に応じて 4 つ星または 5 つ星を獲得できれば幸いです。

このミッションはコマンダー モードとベテラン モードの間であまり変わらないので、簡単に 2 番目の成果を得るために同じ戦略を使用して気軽にリプレイしてください。

ミッション 2 – 丘






  • ザ・ヒル:通常モードでミッションを完了する
  • ザ・ヒル – ベテラン:ベテランで完了。ミッション 1 と同様に、ミッションはベテランでもあまり変わりません。
  • 幸運な息子:負傷者も死傷者も出さずにミッションを完了します。数回の再試行が必要な場合があります。攻撃を受けている場合は A と B を動かさず、敵が現れたらすぐに大砲を使用してください。


アルファとブラボーを 2 つのマップ マーカーに移動してミッションを開始します。ミッションの残りの間、これらは移動しません。

その間、ヘリコプターを使用して最北端の味方ユニットに着陸し、救援隊を選択します。それができない場合は、負傷者の装填がトリガーされるまで、ユニットを 1 ~ 2 マス移動させます。荷物が完全に積み込まれているというメッセージが表示されたら、基地に戻してもらいます (移動 - 基地)。


ヘリコプターが戻ってきたら、狙撃兵を殺してもらいます (ヘリコプターは狙撃兵の紙のはさみです)。


彼らが最終的な実行のために戻ってくると、夜が明けます。任務を続けてください. One Helicopter will get shot down but you will win (this is a plot point later).

Veteran mode

I didn’t notice much difference here, I lost some of my soldiers from snipers but otherwise all the same.

Mission 3 – Bamboo Pentagon

Mission goal

Find the VC base and explore the tunnels.

Main strategy

Split your units up and have them cover as many of the map markers as possible, once found have both units converge on the base and Bravo will explore the tunnels.

Achievements available

  • Bamboo Pentagon:Complete the mission on normal / commander mode, Fairly simple just follow the walk through normally.
  • Bamboo Pentagon, Veteran:Complete the mission on veteran. Go slower with the walk through, keep track of your units and the enemy, use the units to support each other and med evac any wounded.
  • Charlie Don’t Surf:Don’t use artillery at all during the mission. Possible but makes it slower to complete, suggest you do this on normal mode.


You start the mission being dropped off in helicopters, while doing this Green Three is dropped down while you are under sniper fire.

Be careful here, I’ve lost the mission here trying to reach them as snipers excel at killing a moving unit, if you’re unit is hunkered down they don’t do much damage.

Bring in Bravo to engage the snipers / use the artillery if not going for the Charlie don’t surf achievement,

As the mission continues Green Berets give you a bunch of map markers to check. Note these markers appear to be fairly random, so you will have to check them yourself to find which is the correct one.

Split your squads up, or if you want to be cautious keep them close to each other and work from the most possible map markers until you find it.

Eventually you find the tunnels, have both units converge on this dialogue occurs then the squad returns and mission complete.

Mission 4 – Prisoners of War

Main Goal

To rescue the POW’s before the VC kill them all.

Main Strategy

Have your GB find all enemies then head to the camp, move A and B to the village without alerting the enemy then rush them in once fighting starts.

Achievements available

  • Prisoners of war:complete in normal.
  • Prisoners of war – Veteran:complete in veteran.
  • The deer hunter:Rescue as many POW’s as possible. I found this very hard, will update the guide once I figure it out.


In this mission you need to use stealth and then rush tactics to succeed.

Have both units move toward the Green Berets, dialogue occurs and you get control of them.

Note:they are super stealth and generally won’t alert nearby units to their presence but will spot loads, and when in combat have no ammo or strength.

Follow their suggestion and send both squads to the village, then keep going to the west a bit.

Have the Green Berets work their way slowly through the different enemy units dotted around the camp, stay out of combat but try to keep track of them on your map.

When they reach the camp an event occurs and they attack the nearest enemy unit, so as they begin to approach the camp have A and B double time it toward the camp, hopefully in a gap between the patrols.

Activate the event by moving G into position on the camp, dialogue happens and they attack.


Have G retreat as they are weak and have no ammo, deal with the enemies then return for a partial win.


Have G remain and take casualties, try to push A or B up to support them. If done right this leads to a better win and more prisoners saved (one of whom is the crashed helicopter pilot).

Congrats you freed the POWs and learned how to use stealth units.

Mission 5 – The Convoy

Main Goal

Get the convoy to the end point.

Main Strategy

Move units up to the next Road point, deal with enemies before bringing up the convoy. When Napalm is deployed in an area move your units out ASAP.

Achievements available

The convoy:Complete on normal.
The convoy – Veteran:complete on veteran.
Magic Carpet ride:complete within 10 in game hours.


For this one the difficulty ramps up, not because it is in itself a hard mission but because any level where you need to protect a helpless NPC will inevitably end up frustrating you.

Note:the convoy can only move between road points, if something happens along the road you need to send then to the previous road point, they don’t have a retreat option or any weapons.

Note 2:the artillery cannot reach half way across the map, but you get helicopters once you reach this point which is great.

General strategy

  • Have A and B flank the road, move them about half way up on either side of each road, then when you move the convoy make their way toward the road stop.
  • Have D move to halfway up the road, and same as A and B move to the road stop when the convoy is within their site. These are also your quick response unit if anything happens, so be aware of their location.
  • Have F explode any enemy unit you can until they become defunct.
  • Have R1 move around your troops and destroy everything you can, bring them back to whichever roadstop your convoy is at periodically to refuel.
  • Have the convoy wait at each roadstop until your ready, then move them up to the next, very simple, how can they mess this up? They will…

Mission 6 – Hammer and Anvil

This mission is fairly random and can be frustrating because of it. Keep in mind, restarting the mission will change the enemy and your own start positions.

Main Goal

Push the 4 VC units toward the 3 armoured vehicles (the anvil), without taking casualties.

Main Strategy

Spread your units out and move in a rough line toward the anvil, use P to search ahead and shift the line to coral the enemy.

Achievements available

  • Hammer and Anvil:complete on normal.
  • Hammer and Anvil – Veteran:complete on veteran.
  • Modern tactics:don’t let the enemy use superior numbers to you. Suggest you split up the enemy where possible and bring in two units if they aren’t splitting.

Your troops

You have 3 units, Alpha (A), Bravo (B) and Echo (E) and scout air support in the form of Pigeon (P).


P only takes a few minutes to scout each location, if they don’t see anything move them 5 to 10 clicks away to search there, you can do this several times before they need time to recoup.

Enemy units will typically not engage and move away from yours. They will fight back if near another enemy unit, fight back to split them up preferably bringing a second unit over to flank them.


Move A, B and E into position, form a rough line along the western edge of the area marked out.

While doing this use P to scout the area ahead of you, once they start scouting give them a few mins then move them around to search as wide an area as possible.

Once you have identified all 4 enemy units, move your troops in whichever direction you need to be the opposite side of them to the anvil.

Strategy that worked for me was to have one squad in the middle and act as the main force to push enemies towards the anvil, then have the other two units come in from each corner moving to cut off any units scattering in different directions, but it did take a few tries.

Mission 7 – Battle of Dak To

Main Goal

Take the hill, then evac Echo.

Main Strategy

Once all units are on the map, rush the hill, evacuate E and return for A.

Achievements available

  • Battle of Dak To:Complete on normal.
  • Battle of Dak To – Veteran:Complete on Veteran.

Your troops

You have 3 infantry units Alpha (A), Bravo (B) and Echo (E), artillery Foxtrot (F) and the helicopter Green One (G1).


Your units are very strong in this mission, I found I was blasting the enemy away with relative ease. Once on the hill keep your units together and use Artillery if safe.


Have E move down the river and toward the West until the other units need to join. While doing this have G1 cover the map and mark down all units you can.

Once the LV is available begin ferrying A and B using G1.

Once all units are on the map, continue to have G1 identify enemy units and use F to blast them away. Move all 3 units towards the hill, spread them out slightly but keep them within sight and support of the others.

Once you’ve taken the hill enemy units start appearing. Using artillery is danger close, you can nab a few achievements here but may injure your own guys.

Move B and E to the LZ, keep B slightly off or you may accidentally evacuate them (as I did first try).

Once E is gone move B back and see the carnage left.

Mission 8 – Free-Fire

Main Goal

Search each of the three villages and leave a standing force at each.

Note:I had a glitch where the mission wouldn’t end, I assume it’s due to not leaving any troops at each village. Resolve by replaying and leaving troops in each.

Main Strategy

Explore them each in turn, the one with the weapons stash is random. Have A visit the north village while B visits the west one, then converge on the Northwest village.

Achievements available

  • Free-Fire:complete on normal.
  • Free-Fire- Veteran:complete on Veteran.

Mission 9 – Why We Fight

Main Goal

Find Echo

Main Strategy

Use the Gb unit to search for E, either keep E still or have them move in one direct and move GB in the same direction while zig zagging around a bit.

Achievements Available

  • Why we fight:Complete the mission on normal.
  • Why we fight-Veteran:Complete on veteran.
  • Radio Commander:Complete the game on normal.
  • Papa Bear:Complete the game on Veteran.
  • Lost:have a unit lose it’s position. Happens in mission.
  • Back from the Dead:Found echo before Sunrise. Really depends how well you do, may require a few tries.


Will give more detail upon replay.

Miscellaneous Achievements

Many of the games achievements can occur on any level, as such I’ve listed them here with a brief guide if applicable.

Time is on my side

  • Complete a mission without using time compression.

I’d suggest mission 1 or 2 as they are fairly short, do this on commander mode so you know where your units are and just be patient.

Note:I had a glitch were infantry units wouldn’t move without time compression, restart your game if this happens to you.

Blue on Blue

  • Ordered a friendly fire airstrike.

I did this on the battle of Dak-To, select the airstrike option once you take the hill and then use it on your own position, it’s possible to get this and broken arrow at the same time if it also hits an enemy.

Broken Arrow

  • Hit both friendly and enemy units with the same artillery.

Same as Blue on blue, the enemy are right on top of you so should get just using the artillery a little of the hill top.

Danger close

  • Called down artillery fire dangerously close to friendly positions.

Self explanatory, potentially do mission 2 and once a unit is in position on the hill use artillery next to them (a few squares away)

The smell of Napalm

  • Eliminate 150 enemies with air support.

This may require doing a mission with air support a few times, just keep using air support every time it’s available and you will eventually get this one.

Type writer

  • Renamed 50 tokens.

If you haven’t gotten this by campaign end, then open mission 1, right click you main unit and rename it, repeat until achievement pops.

No man left behind

  • Med evac 100 wounded.

Wait until campaign end, if still haven’t got it then go back to mission 2 and repeat a few times as you do a lot of med evacs there.

Ride of the Valkyries

  • Eliminate 200 enemies with helicopters.

Should achieve through normal game play, if not go back to the convoy and in the second half you get the attack helicopter, have this trawl the map for enemies and destroy them all.

Gimme Shelter

  • Admire the base for 5 mins.

Open up a mission and leave your character staring out the window for some 5 mins.

Radio Silence

  • Don’t communicate anything for 3 in-game hours.

Start up a mission, hit time skip and wait 3 hours. Don’t think the radio needs to be turned on.

Full Metal Jacket

  • Allow a squad to run out of ammo.

Mission 4, when the Green Berets attack they don’t have much ammo, should achieve this easily on that mission, just let them fight until out of ammo.

Paint it, black

  • Fail a mission.

Start mission 2, set your unit to fire when commanded (don’t tell them to engage) and move them around in front of the snipers until they break, quick way to fail a mission.

White rabbit

  • Open mission 1 and keep asking their position until it pops.

Body count

  • Kill 300 enemies.

Should get playing the game through once or twice. Otherwise just replay combat heavy missions like the battle until it pops.


  • Flank at least 3 units during a mission.

Can do on any, but mission 5 Convoy, have two units walk close to each other and deal with each enemy in turn, move on around to the enemies side and should pop easy enough.

Run forest run

  • Order a retreat 3 times in one mission.

Open mission 5, have all your units move up the road, when attacked order them all to retreat.

Booba Gump Shrimp Co.

  • Not sure, more testing required.
