


マルチバーサス は、WB Games のエキサイティングな基本プレイ無料のプラットフォーム ファイターです。それは、多くのWBプロパティから引き出された、増え続ける、風変わりなキャラクターの名簿を備えています. WB Games が自社のプロパティを使用して大乱闘スマッシュブラザーズに競合他社をリリースしようとしていると聞いて嘲笑する人もいましたが、率直に言って、最終結果は非常に優れています.

MultiVersus の世界はキャラクターで溢れており、それぞれが非常に個性的なプレイをしています。 ある間 飛び込むだけの超楽しいゲームで、圧倒されるのは簡単です。ありがたいことに、キャラクターのキャストをプレイする方法の詳細から、バトル パスなどの補助的な要素の説明まで、さまざまなガイドを作成しました.


イベント 期間
シーズン 2 バトル パス (近日公開) 2 月 14 日まで
現在アクティブなイベントはありません 該当なし
現在の自由回転 11 月 29 日まで
最新スキン 無期限



ええと、私たちはこのパッチ リストにうまく対応できていませんでした。そして、1 週間後、別のパッチ セットがドロップされました。つまり、パッチの更新を 2 対 1 の契約で入手できます。 トン ありましたが、 利用可能なコンテンツに加えられた調整のうち、システム全体の変更はありません .そうは言っても、いくつかの小さなバグ修正と微妙な調整がキャスト全体に加えられました。これは、アニメーションとヒットボックスがより適切に配置される場合に特に当てはまります。

アリアの特徴的な裏切り特典が調整されました。 5 スタックの代わりに対戦相手に 3 スタックの弱体化を適用するようになりました。

バットマンのバットキック (空中ダウン+攻撃)はそれ自体にコンボされなくなりました。同様に、彼の バット スライド (ダウン+アタック)は硬直が多いので、単体ではコンボできない。 Arya と同様に、彼の Bouncerang の perk が対処する弱点のスタックが 2 つ少なくなりました。その上、やられ判定が調整されたため、グライドがよりヒットしやすくなりました。ただし、すべてが神経質になるわけではありません。バットマンのバットストライク (空中前方+攻撃)を少し早く壁滑りにキャンセルできるようにしました。トラバーサルをほんの少し改善しています。

ブラックアダムは混合バッグの治療を受けましたが、すべてが言われ終わったとき、彼はおそらく以前よりも良くなっています.弱体化から始めましょう。彼の カーンダックの力 (前方 + 攻撃) がよりずんぐりになりました。アニメーションは実際の当たり判定に少し一致するようになりますが、この変更により動作が悪化します。さらに痛々しいことに、ブラック アダムがグラウンド ブラストを行うと、 (ダウン+アタック)、彼の腕にはもはやヒットボックスがありません。だから、電気バースト部分だけがヒットする側面です。

プラス面として、ヘルの飛行 (上+必殺)が速くなりました。そのため、ブラック アダムはより早く空を飛ぶことができます。彼のゼフティの予見力 発射物攻撃 (前方 + 特殊) が高速になりました。最後に、そして最も重要なのは、Adam の Call The Heavens の動きです。 (アップ+アタック)がアーマーになりました!それはすでに優れた攻撃だったので、彼の最高の動きの 1 つがさらに良くなりました.

なんてこった、バグは実際にバフを得た。彼の空飛ぶうさぎの足 (空中前方+攻撃)の回復フレームが少なくなり、他のオプションでより迅速にフォローアップできるようになりました.

フィンはいくつかの小さなナーフを受けました。彼は少し軽くなり、ノックアウトしやすくなりました。彼のスラム・バン・イン・ア・カン! (空中ニュートラル + 攻撃) の立ち上がりが遅くなりました。攻撃の詰め込みを容易にします (わずかに簡単ですが)。

今回のアップデートでは、主にギズモが強化されました。 彼の矢がポップコーンの雲に当たると、より多くのダメージとノックバックを与えるようになりました。 ただし、ポップコーンには弾薬が関連付けられているため、大量にスパムすることはできません。

ハーレーには 2 つの小さなバフが与えられました。彼女は少し重くなり、 スタッフィー バット (ニュートラル + スペシャル) は、より安定してヒットするように変更されました。しかし、ハーレーはピエロ コンボで無限のコンボを持っていることが判明しました。 (フォワード+アタック)。そのため、開発者はフレーム データを削除しようとして、フレーム データをいじっています。ただし、どの変更も、その無限を削除する以外に大きな影響を与えるべきではないようです.

ジェイクは、ラバーストマック、おいに基づいた、かなり壊滅的な高度なテクニックをいくつか持っていました (ニュートラル + スペシャル) 攻撃。ただし、ジェイクが対戦相手を吐き出す角度は、垂直の壁の周りで調整されており、タッチが壊れている可能性のある安価な早期キルを獲得する能力が削除されています。

レブロンは小さな修正を受けました。彼の拒否された彼のボールのないバージョン! (ダウン + スペシャル) スペシャルは、別のレブロン選手のボールベースの攻撃を適切にブロックし、ボールを盗むようになりました。これにより、ミラー マッチのぎこちなさが少し軽減されるはずです。

モーティの未解決の怒りの問題 (前方 + 攻撃) コンボ攻撃は、3 番目のヒットのヒットボックスがアニメーションにより一致するように調整されました (これにより、範囲がわずかに減少します)。それに加えて、彼の一時的なバックアップ (ダウン + スペシャル) は、クールダウン短縮特典の影響を受けなくなります。ちょっとがっかりです。

Rick はたくさんの修正を受け取りました。そのため、彼の中立発射体の優先度が修正され、クールダウン中にダウン攻撃を使用できるようになりました。基本的に、正しく機能していなかったものは、今やるべきことをするようになります.

Reindog は別の弱体化を受けました。今、彼の ラブリーシュ (ニュートラル + スペシャル) のクールダウンが長くなります。また、クールダウンを短縮する特典の影響を受けません。ワン。

Shaggy のチャージされた膝攻撃は、勢いを少し良くするようになりました。これは、動きの「感触」を改善するために調整されました。

スティーブン・ユニバースはほとんど変わっていません。ただし、スイカのスティーブンのように、彼は非常にわずかなバフを得ました。 の当たり判定は、モデルのヒットボックスに合わせて変更されました (つまり、少し小さくなっています)。

Stripe の体重が減少しました。 彼は今より軽くなり、ノックアウトしやすくなります。ますます、彼らは彼をグラスキャノンタイプのキャラクターに変えています.

スーパーマンのファンは気を引き締めます。このパッチはアイスブレスを弱体化しました .これからは、アイス ブレス スパムを最小限に抑えるために、このスペシャルに関連するクールダウンが行われます。

トムとジェリーは、ロケット攻撃に若干の変更を加えました。さて、ジェリーがロケットマウスにくっついていないとき 攻撃 (アップ + スペシャル) は引き続き発射物として分類されます。爆発もアニメーションとより一致するようになりました。

伝統になりつつあるように、ベルマはより多くの弱体化を受けました。ベルマの頭の回転が速い 攻撃 (フォワード + スペシャル) にクールダウンが関連付けられるようになりました。つまり、ベルマのプレイヤーはラン スペシャルを使用する際に、もう少し戦術的になる必要があります。彼女の Bright Air-Dea (上+攻撃)の発動時間も少し短め。これは、ベルマの空中上昇攻撃を使用する際に、もう少し正確にする必要があることを意味します。最後に、ベルマの Hit The Books (空中前方 + 特殊) 攻撃の着地回復が増加しました。つまり、着地後に別の攻撃を使用できるようになるまで少し時間がかかります。

もう 1 つの興味深い変化は、彼女のやる気を起こさせるスピーカーです。 スペシャル (ニュートラル + スペシャル) は発射体として分類されるようになりました。つまり、発射体の特典で強化できますが、他の発射体の攻撃と同じ方法で中和することもできます。



1.05 パッチは、かなりのコンテンツ ドロップであることは間違いありません。アイテム中心の新しいマルチプレイヤー モードと、シングルプレイヤー アーケード モードがあります。さらに、バトルパスにはさらにいくつかのレベルがありました。しかし、私たちは追加コンテンツについて話すためにここにいるのではなく、ゲームプレイ自体がどのように調整されたかを見るためにここにいます.

このパッチでのシステム全体の大きな変更点は、Attack Decay の仕組みです。今後、同じ攻撃を頻繁に使用すると、さらに大きな スタンの減少。 攻撃を繰り返し使用するほど、移動による気絶が少なくなります。皆さん、必ず混ぜてください!

アリアのナイフ投げ (フォワード+スペシャル)スペシャルは今回の弱体化の対象でした。彼女のダガー スラッシュ (アップ + 必殺技) と ダガー スラッシュ (空中アップ + 必殺技) は、アリアのナイフ スローアーの必殺技へのコンボ効果が低くなるように作成されました。さらに悪いことに、Arya はナイフを突き刺すことによるクールダウンがかなり少なくなります。また、短剣を投げた後、彼女がスナップするまでに少し時間がかかります.

バットマンは 1 つの弱体化を受けました。彼のバットストライク (空中ダウン+攻撃)の回復が少し多くなり、罰せられやすくなります。以上です。

みんなのお気に入りの Loony Tune は、このパッチでいくつかの非常に軽い弱体化を受けました。彼のコンボ攻撃、Why I Ougta! (前方 + 攻撃)、最初の 2 ヒットで敵をもう少し押し戻すようになりました:コンボの可能性を減らす可能性があります。

彼の下を見ろ! (空中ダウン + 攻撃) は、敵を垂直方向にスパイクしなくなりました。そのため、画面下部でのノックアウトの効果は少し低くなります。これはすべてかなりマイナーです。

フィンはこのパッチでさらにいくつかの弱体化を受けました。彼のハイファイブ、おい! (ニュートラル + スペシャル) は回復が長く、攻撃を罰する機会が増えます。彼のスラム・バン・イン・ア・カン! (空中ニュートラル + 攻撃) フィンが攻撃を空振りした場合、追加の回復フレームも発生します。 Nothing too dire, but he should be a little easier to punish now.

Garnet received a number of buffs. Her Crystal Combo (Forward + Attack) combos easier into her up attack. It also does a little more damage when you end it with her down attack. Beyond that, her singing special will now apply stacks of the music buff quicker, and the buff lasts longer.

After receiving a ton of nerfs last patch, Gizmo was left largely untouched this time around. However, his Stompy Feet (Aerial Down + Attack) attack now has a better hit box, meaning it should be easier to land this attack. So the little guy is ever so slighty better.

This patch made it so that the Iron Giant's Butt Slam (Aerial Down + Special) attack won't combo quite as easily into his Grab (Forward + Special). His grab attack is also two frames slower on startup. So, if you were abusing his infinite grab combo, those days are over.

Jake's Where's my Halfpipe? (Aerial Down + Attack) is slightly slower, and he has a little more recover on it. Not a big change, but should help shift this powerful attack ever closer to being less annoying.

Lebron's Work The Floor (Down + Attack) is now armor breaking is he has the basketball. Which should make him more intuitive to play, as the version without the ball already did this.

Morty received a pretty convention change we are seeing with characters and their combo attacks. His Unresolved Anger Issues (Forward + Attack) will now more consistently combo. Which is nice.

However, he also did receive a nerf to his Armothy Assault (Aerial Down + Attack) move, as it is very slightly slower to recover and its knockback is less vertical (making it worse for bottom of the screen kills).

Rick didn't really receive any nerfs or buffs. However, his ability to summon infinite Mr. Meeseeks has been removed. Which makes sense, as that was a glitch.

No other character received more meaningful nerfs in this patch than Reindog. His Fireball (Down + Special) attack is considerably worse. It doesn't stay out as long, and the cooldown version no longer creates a fire wall.

On top of that Fireworks Master (Aerial Forward + Special) now has worse recovery and more landing lag. At least here is there is a slight positive:the hitbox is larger. Still, both Fireball and Fireworks Master are staple Reindog moves, and they are both considerably worse now. That hurts.

Shaggy has received a few more nerfs in this patch. The enraged version of Like, Feed The Hunger (Down + Special) will now remove the enraged buff. Additionally, he now needs to recover for a little longer before he can dodge or jump cancel Get Down, Man (Down + Attack).

Stripe has received a number of adjustments. For one, his bullets no longer recover one at a time. Recovery will start once he has unloaded his entire clip. His Comin' Atcha (Aerial Forward + Attack) has a longer recovery, and the hitbox is less generous.

Beyond those nerfs, Stripe also had his He's The Leader perk's speed buff has been reduced substantially, though that wasn't his best perk anyway, so that isn't a huge loss.

Superman was actually buffed in this patch. His Go Long! (Aerial Up + Special) special will now throw opponents further when he uses the down throw. This should help him KO opponents at the bottom of the screen more frequently. His defense meter also recovers a little quicker.

Tom And Jerry received a nerf reversal. Jerry will, once again, have three corks he can fire off.

Of course, alongside this patch, we have gained access to Gremlin's main antagonist:Spike. We have also been given a whole new Halloween event that will run until the middle of November.

As far as mechanical changes are concerned, there are two big changes to the gameplay systems this month. Firstly, the anti-infinite system that was implemented in the last patch is being tweaked. Previously, it would not allow you to perform the same attack more than four times in a combo, which is being adjusted further. Now a combo can only contain the same move three times.

Another huge change is coming to the dodge system. While it isn't an across the board change, most characters will now recover their dodge meter slower. Some characters are being hit slightly harder by this than others, but nearly every character will take longer to regenerate their dash meter. So, you are going to want to be a little more careful with your dodges.

Character Increased Time For Dodge Meter Regeneration
Arya One Second More
Bugs Bunny Unchanged
Batman One Second More
Finn One Second More
Garnet Two And A Half Seconds More
Gizmo Three Seconds More
Harley One Second More
Iron Giant Three Seconds More
Jake Three Seconds More
LeBron One Second More
Morty Three Seconds More
Reindog Unchanged
Rick Unchanged
Shaggy Two And A Half Seconds More
Steven Universe Three Seconds More
Superman Three And A Half Seconds More
Taz Unchanged
Tom And Jerry Three Seconds More
Velma Unchanged
Wonder Woman Two And A Half Seconds More

Arya's knife special has, in general, seen a bunch of fixes. So, dashing to you knife should work more consistently now. Her Dagger Slash (Up + Special) and Dagger Slash (Aerial Up + Special) were buffed so that opponents will have a little less control over their knockback.

Arya's Whirling Stab (Up + Attack) has also been made more consistent, as the first attack will combo more consistently now. Overall, these are pretty small changes, but they should make Arya a more consistent character.

Batman only really received two changes, and both of them relate to his Bat-Strike (Aerial Forward + Attack). He can no longer cancel out of the first hit of this combo attack as quickly. However, the second hit will combo more reliably now. Overall, this makes it a slightly worse move for maneuvering around the battlefield, and a slightly better attack. It is probably a net-nerf, but not a substantial one.

Garnet received a number of buffs. Her Gauntlet Strike (Neutral + Attack), Double Jab (Up + Attack), and Crystal Combo (Forward + Attack) now have far better hurtboxes, which means that Garnet is now more likely to win when she exchanges blows with opponents. Her Flying Crossarm attack (Aerial Up + Special) travels further upward now, making it a better followup attack.

In general, these are great changes for her. Many of these attacks were already a big part of her game, so them getting stronger is pretty good news for Garnet players.

Oh no, they went to town on the little guy. Gizmo got absolutely smoked by nerfs. His Beep Beep! (Forward + Special) has been nerfed in a number of ways. If Gizmo is hit out of the car, then the car will no longer collide with his opponents. He will also need to pick up considerably more speed before he is able to deal damage with his car.

Gizmo-A-Go-Go (Up + Special) was also hit with a whole host of nerfs. The cooldown for attaching to partners was increased. Damage taken while riding on your partner's shoulder will now decrease the amount of time you can remain there. Also, his Harsh Melody (Down + Attack) move has been made considerably slower all-around while tethered to your partner.

However, Gizmo did receive one buff. It will take opponents slightly longer to recover from the sing effect. Though, we fear this won't be enough to make Gizmo's singing specials useful.

Jake has continued to receive nerfs with this patch. His Funky Junk (Aerial Forward + Special) and Belly Bump (Aerial Neutral + Special) both have increased whiff frames. This means that missing with these moves will now make him more vulnerable to counterattacks.

Lebron only received an itty-bitty nerf. The explosion that would be caused by his opponent catching the ball has been slightly decreased in size. That's it.

Morty received a few nerfs. Temporal Back-Up (Down + Special) is now slower and the timeframe for saving the life of your opponent is now shorter. Beyond that, there are more limitations on the knockback of his grenade explosions. Overall, while he was nerfed, none of it is that severe.

Rick is getting hit with a whole host of nerfs. Rick's Jetpack attack (Up + Special) will now be more punishable on whiff, and the fully charged version will do less damage. The aerial version also does less damage and doesn't knock back quite as far. His Polymorphrick Ray (Aerial Down + Special) will now make it so Rick's transformed opponents take less knockback.

The airborne version of You Like Arguments? (Aerial Forward + Attack) has a little less knockback. Finally, Itchy Ricker Finer (Neutral + Special) is now on an ammo system. In general, Rick does less damage, and doesn't knock opponents back as far.

Steven Universe's movement speed is a little slower now. That is the nerf he received. That is it.

Superman's Go Long! (Aerial Up + Special) special will have the throw direction diminished further. Superman's Flying Swing (Aerial Forward + Attack) and Bullet Barrage (Aerial Neutral + Attack) have reduced knockback. On the plus side, Superman's Heat Vision does get an additional charge!

Tom And Jerry received a few buffs this patch. Their Feline Pounce (Down + Attack) can now be canceled earlier, and Jerry received a slightly larger healthbar.

Velma has received even more nerfs. Velma's Motivational Speaker (Neutral + Special) cooldown is now longer. Her Shutterbug (Aerial Up + Special) attack has more whiff recovery. Velma's Hit The Books (Aerial Forward + Special) attack has fewer active frames (meaning that it can't hit for as long). Finally, Velma is now slower. Jeez, maybe one day they will stop bludgeoning this girl.

Wonder Woman was hit with nerfs this time around. Her Flying Warrior (Aerial Up + Special) is no longer instantly cancelable. Her Amazon Shout (Down + Attack) is now hugely more punishable on whiff. She is also a touch slower.

Another nerf came for Look Out Below (Aerial Down + Attack). Now the attack will have a slightly smaller hitbox that will better match the animation. However, despite this move being hit multiple times now, Bugs fans should know that it is still quite good. They just can't keep a good rabbit down, it seems.

Finn had the ability for him to cancel certain attacks limited in this patch. His Ground Chop! attack (Aerial Down + Attack) can no longer be instantly canceled on hit. The same is also true for his The Sword Stuff combo attack (Forward + Attack).

Garnet received a few more buffs in this patch. Her Shocking Slam (Down + Attack) will no longer stop you dead if you are running while you perform it (giving you a little extra distance). The recovery on her Double Jab (Up + Attack) has been reduced, making it easier to use in certain combos.

Similarly, her excellent Starburst move (Aerial Neutral + Attack) has a faster recovery, making it easier to follow up after it. And finally, her Meteor Punch (Aerial Down + Attack) will now hit earlier in the animation. All of these are nice changes!

This is Gizmo's first patch, and he has been handed some nice, little buffs. For the more general stuff, his jump speed is faster, his music notes stay out slightly longer, and his car is now classified as a heavy projectile (meaning it will blow through projectiles that aren't heavy).

His Aerial moves also got slightly better. His Umbrella Bash attack (Aerial Forward + Attack) now recovers much quicker, and his Falling Furball attack (Aerial Down + Special) can now be jump canceled out of. Spiffy!

Jake received a few more nerfs in this patch. His That's Heavy, Dude (Aerial Down + special) will no longer bounce grounded enemies, and his Splits! (Down + Attack) now have more recover on whiff.

LeBron received a nice buff, but also a biggish nerf. Now, when he throws his basketball with Buckets (Neutral + Special) and his partner catches the ball, it will create a small explosion, knocking enemies off of them. It is also faster.

But with the good comes the bad; LeBron's Denied! special (Down + Special) will no longer destroy heavy projectiles. Also, the with baseketball version of his Make Room attack (Aerial Neutral + Attack) will no longer break armor on the first hit.

Shaggy keeps getting those nerfs. Thankfully for Shaggy fans, this batch is pretty light. His Flurrious Feet attack (Aerial Neutral + Attack) will no long break armor on the first hit, and his Zoinks (Aerial Neutral + Special) now has a longer recovery.

Steven Universe was given a few nice buffs this time around. His projectiles are a little quicker, which is nice, and his Bubble Barrage (Forward + Attack) has been adjusted to more consistently combo.

His excellent Shield-Breaker (Aerial Forward + Attack) now sends opponents flying farther, making it slightly better for kills. Finally, his Bubble Slam! (Aerial Down + Attack) is now a little faster to hit, and will better match the animation. Nothing here is world shaking, but it is all nice to have.

Superman just can't stop catching nerfs. Overhead Strike (Up + Attack) will now require that he commit more to the attack, and it doesn't knockback as far. Similarly, his Super Punch (Neutral + Attack) requires an increased commitment, as it cannot be canceled as quickly.

Finally, Superman's Go Long! attack (Aerial Up + Special) now has substantially more recovery on whiff, and it is less effective when throwing down. While this is still an incredible move, it means people will need to be a little more careful while using it.

Tom And Jerry largely benefited from this patch. Their Mallet Time attack (Forward + Attack) did become more punishable on whiff, so that was slightly nerfed. However, every other change is a buff.

Both Scratch Cat (Aerial Forward + Attack) and Cast-Iron Crusher (Aerial Down + Attack) have less recovery. On top of that, if Jerry is killed while attached to an ally, he will return to Jerry. Very nice!

MultiVersus has continued its campaign to brutalize Velma with nerfs. Motivational Speaker (Neutral + Special) will no longer apply a stack of weakness when enhanced by an ally. It will also do less knockback in this ally enhanced state.

Also, both Bright Idea (Up + Attack) and Bright Air-Dea (Aerial Up + Attack) have gained increased recovery. To be fair, that was an abnormally good attack, but it really feels like Velma has just been getting dragged through the mud lately.

The biggest aspect of this patch has to do with the hitboxes and hurtboxes. Before, characters were able to be hit in some pretty unusual places. Like the space between their legs, as an example. However, now the hitboxes and hurtboxes are much more closely aligned to their models. If you found it frustrating that your attack would seemingly hit, but it wouldn't register as connecting, then this update is likely to fix that problem for you!

Beyond that, there were a few projectiles that were immune to projectile-defending attacks (such as Bug Bunny's Rockets). That is no longer the case. These moves are now categorized as being "Heavy Projectiles". They cannot be reflected, and they will destroy non-heavy projectiles. But they can now be stopped by anti-projectile specials.

But of course, alongside these system-wide changes, come a whole heaping of nerfs and buffs. These have been detailed down below!

Multiversus has now completely eliminated the Assassin Passive that saw them take an increased amount of damage. So, that means Arya will take five percent less damage. However, her Dagger Slash special (Up + Special) and Whirling Stab (Aerial Up + Attack) attacks have been reverted to how they were before the previous patch. So they will no longer have the same vacuuming effect.

Batman received a few very minor buffs. The first hit of his Bat-Combo (Forward + Attack) will now combo more consistently into the second hit. His Smoke Bomb (Down + Special) will also now dodge all projectiles.

Another wave of nerfs came for the bunny. His Safe and Rocket attacks are now all considered "heavy projectiles", which means that opponents will have more ways to deal with them. His best moves were also all nerfed again.

His Swing Batta Batta (Aerial Up + Attack) has a worse hitbox, Look Out Below (Aerial Down + Attack), will take slightly longer before you can recover when landing, and Flying Rabbit's Foot (Aerial Forward + Attack) also saw more frames added to the landing recovery.

He also saw his weight reduced, making him easier to be knocked off-screen. The majority of these nerfs are fairly minor, but he is definitely slightly worse in a number of ways.

Well, clearly the developers felt bad for the painful wave of nerfs Finn received last patch, as he has been buffed in a number of ways. Firstly, like all Assassin-class characters, Finn now takes five percent less damage. He also gets to start combat with 100 extra gold now.

A few of his moves were even buffed. His Soaring Backpack Attack (Aerial Up + Special) has had its vacuum effect improved. The shockwave from the High Five Dude (Neutral + Special) will also now hit his opponents. Finally, his Low Blow Bro (Down + Attack) has had its minimum range improved.

Garnet received a few slight buffs. Now, when Garnet uses her Stronger Than You special (Neutral Special) to stop projectiles, the frozen projectiles can not hit her or her partner. This is a pretty nice change. Her Gem Dash (Down + Special) attack is now slightly faster. Finally, the first attack of her Flying Combo (Aerial Forward + Attack) special can now be canceled slightly quicker.

Harley is now very slightly faster. She is also an assassin character, so she takes five percent less damage now.

Iron Giant was, once again, hit by nerfs. And we really don't know why? His Bolt Friends (Neutral + Special) will now no longer benefit from perks that help reduce cooldown. Booster Barrage (Aerial Neutral + Attack) will now be more punishable if he whiffs.

His Superman (Aerial Up + Attack) attack now does a little less damage. Beyond that, he gets half as much grey health in his rage mode. One of these days they will stop nerfing this poor boy, but that day is not today.

Jake's aerial game took a hit in this patch. That's Heavy, Dude (Aerial Down + special) used to be a move without a finite end, but now it will conclude after three seconds.

When he eats more than one opponent with his Rubber Stomach, Dude! (Neutral + Special) he will now spit them out after the first chew. His Funky Junk attack (Aerial Forward + Attack) is now more punishable if he whiffs, and his Where's My Halfpipe? (Aerial Down + Attack) does less damage on the first few hits.

LeBron received a number of buffs. Now, when he throws his basketball with Buckets (Neutral + Special) his opponents won't be able to hit the ball. If the ball collides with a projectile, it will bounce back to LeBron. Moreover, the grounded version of this attack is now faster.

LeBron's ball-less version of the Check (Forward + Attack) now hits earlier in the animation. This is also true for his Take It To The Rim (Up + Attack) attack when he has the ball. Finally, his with-ball version of Work The Floor (Down + Attack) can now be canceled earlier.

Morty mainly received fixes to things that weren't working correctly (like him and his team member being randomly pulled toward his save point). However, he did receive some buffs as well! His Unresolved Anger Issues (Forward + Attack) will now combo more consistently. His Power Of Earth (Forward + Special) will now block projectiles better.

Most interestingly, however, his Another Portal? special (Aerial Forward + Special) will now only show the reticle to Morty online, making it hard for his opponents to snipe him. That is a huge win!

Reindog received a few more buffs. His enemies will no longer be able to hit his Ptoo! projectile (Neutral + Attack). However, this attack did receive a nerf as well. You can no longer perform a downward dodge into it as quickly (which was a way to rapid fire his projectile). Lastly, Reindog's Flying Chomp (Aerial Up + Attack) will now have both hits combo more consistently.

Shaggy is sure paying for being good early now. He has been hit with another handful of nerfs. Like what happened to Bug Bunny's Rockets, Shaggy's Super Sandwhich is now classified as a projectile . His Power Stomp (Down + Attack) lost its armor and now knocks opponents back farther.

The cancel window on his Like, Overhead Swing! (Up + Attack) was also delayed to make it harder for him to combo off of the attack. Finally, his weight was decreased substantially, making him easier to knock off the platform.

Steven Universe was given a tiny, little nerf. After generating two shields in the air with his Shield Stepper attack (Up + Special), he will need to touch solid ground before he can summon any more.

Superman was hit by another round of nerfs. His Up And Away (Aerial Up + Special) will now be more punishable on whiff. Both versions of his Heat Vision (Aerial Down / Down + Special) now require "ammo" to use (the ammo replenishes every eight seconds).

The grounded version also has fewer active frames (meaning the attack will stay damaging for less time). So that special was hit pretty 難しい。 His Meteor Liftoff (Up + Special) will also no longer hit behind him.痛い!

Taz fans rejoice, he has been given a bunch of buffs. His Chew em Up, Spit em Out (Neutral + Special) will now work against moves like Bug Bunny's Rockets or Shaggy's Super Sandwich.

His You Spit What You Eat (Down + Special) will now recover faster. And his Dogpile! Dogpile! (Up + Special) is now cancelable.

However, he did receive one nerf. The Taz-nado (Forward + Special) the cooldown version is now worse, lasting for half as much time as it had previously.

Tom And Jerry were given nerfs to a number of their melee attacks. Their Cast-Iron Crusher (Down + Attack) and Scratch Cat (Forward + Attack) are now both slower to recover. Their Mallet Time (Forward + Attack) is also a little slower to hit on startup.

Jerry was also hit with some nerfs , he is now a projectile, so anti-projectile attacks can be used against him, and he has fewer corks. Tom and Jerry are still strong, but they are definitely a little less so now.

Velma got hit by some more nerfs. Her Shutterbug (Aerial Up + Special) no longer applies weakness. So, that tool is essentially useless now. Her Supportive Words (Neutral + Attack) will also no longer heal her. On top of that, she is slightly slower. On the plus side, now the Mystery Machine has replaced the cop car. So that is fun!

Wonder Women received only nerfs, but they are all pretty minor. Her Amazon Shout (Down + Attack) will no longer stop projectiles as it charges, so that is a bummer. Wonder Woman's Lasso Of Truth (Neutral + Special) is no longer a projectile.On top of that, Wonder Woman is now a little slower and a little lighter. Nothing too major here. The change to hitboxes is going to especially help her, as she had a few wonky ones.

Beyond a bug fix to the cooldown of special attacks, there weren't many system-wide mechanic adjustments in this patch. However, the Ice Debuff does not slow players down quite as much as it used to.

It was all buffs for Arya. She received a buff to her Dagger Slash special (Up + Special). The move now hits them up at a better angle for follow-ups. Similarly, her Whirling Stab (Aerial Up + Attack) will now combo more consistently. Arya can cancel her Knife Flourish (Aerial Neutral + Attack) and her Rolling Slash (Down + Attack) in her dodge earlier. Also, her Sharp Edges combo attack (Forward + Attack) will maintain momentum from the first strike.

Batman only received a few changes. On the positive side of things, Batman's Bat-Grapple (Forward + Special) has been adjusted so that he will no longer overshoot the fighter he grappled to when they dodge him. However, Batman's Bat-Combo (Forward + Attack) was nerfed; it will now recover slower when it whiffs.

Sorry, Bugs fans, the rabbit got hit by a series of nerfs. All of Bugs Bunny's grotesque projectile shenanigans have been put to rest, he will now only be able to summon one rocket, and one safe, at a time before entering into cooldown. Similarly, he will only be able to have a single tunnel present at a time.

Another nerf is that all of his aerial normals have greater amounts of recovery now when they whiff. So, your opponents will be more capable of punishing his Swing Batta Batta (Aerial Up + Attack), Look Out Below (Aerial Down + Attack), and Flying Rabbit's Foot (Aerial Forward + Attack) attacks.

It was all bad news for Finn players this patch. He will no longer gain coins from an attack that is in Attack Delay. His Throwin' Stones (Aerial Down + Special) special is now more expensive.

His Mathematical Air Dash! (Aerial Forward + Special) will now take longer to recover on whiff, and his Backpack Attack (Up + Special) has had its vacuum effect decreased.

Finn's Flying Sword Moves! (Aerial Forward + Attack) has fewer active frames (those are what determines when a move causes damage during its animation). His Low Blow Bro (Down + Attack) has worse range when it isn't charged. And, lastly, his The Sword Stuff (Forward + Attack) now has more recovery if you whiff the first hit. The little guy was definitely hit hard.

Garnet received a few slight buffs. Her Stronger Than You special (Neutral Special) is now considerably faster, meaning that she will be more capable of buffing her team with her song. Also, her Starburst attack (Aerial Neutral + Attack) now has slightly better knockback, which is pretty nice, as this was already one of her best attacks.

Harley is now very, very slightly heavier. Meaning she will be a touch harder to knock out of the ring. And... that's it.

So, Iron Giant was hit with a number of nerfs and most of them seem pretty targeted at doing one thing:pushing his enemies farther away so that they don't get trapped in an endless storm of swirling metal.

This means that his Systems Are Go (Up + Special), Booster Barrage (Aerial Neutral + Attack) will all push the opponent further away, making it harder for Iron Giant to follow-up.

His Superman (Aerial Up + Attack) attack will also no longer hit multiple times. Beyond that, the moves that provide him with grey health provide less now.

Jake's You Axe'd for It! (Up + Attack) now has a little more recovery as well as a later dodge cancel window, meaning that this attack has become a little more punishable. He also lost the ability to perform an infinite with his Where's My Halfpipe? (Aerial Down + Attack) attack.

LeBron has had his dunk nerfed fairly severely, with it no longer generating a shockwave unless it is the layup version (performed by dunking after your partner throws a received ball). His Check attack with the ball (Aerial Forward + Attack) allows you to dodge out of it earlier, but it doesn't hit as far behind LeBron as it used to.

His Make Room attack (Aerial Neutral + Attack) can now be cancelled earlier, allowing it to combo more easily. Another buff is that his Dime Drop (Forward + Attack) and Work The Floor (Down + Attack) attacks no longer share attack decay. Better yet, his Dime Drop combo will now hit more consistently.

Reindog received a few small buffs. His ally will no longer be locked into hit-pause when they throw Reindog in their ball form. Also, Reindog's Flying Chop (Aerial Up + Special) will hit a little higher above him. However, Reindog did receive a very slight nerf as well; his Ptoo! projectile (Neutral + Attack) will now have a very slightly slower cooldown.

When all is said and done, Shaggy got off pretty easy. For starters, his Like, Feed The Hunger (Down + Special) move was actually buffed. When he is in his rage mode, his ground slam will apply weakness and pop his opponent up into the air. Not bad.

However, he was due for a few nerfs as well. Shaggy's Snacking-Instinct Kick (Forward + Special) now has more recovery frames if it whiffs (this is for both the grounded and aerial versions). The Recovery is also slightly worse in the air when in rage mode.以上です。

Steven Universe was almost entirely untouched. However, he did receive a single nerf. His Watermelon Steven, Go (Down + Special) attack will now only start to have its cooldown recharge after Watermelon Steven has been rungout.

The Man Of Steel was gently hit with nerfs this go-around. Superman's Super Punch (Neutral + Attack), Overhead Punch (Up + Attack), and Heat Vision (Down + Special) all take slightly longer to recover on whiff now.

Taz's Chew 'em Up, Spit em Out (Down + Special) now has a more direct projectile trajectory. His You Spit What You Eat (Neutral + Special) will now refresh an apple core if you eat a projectile. His Slam-wich (Up + Attack) will now hit twice and is easier to combo into.

Of course, he did receive some nerfs; his Dogpile! Dogpile! (Up + Special) attack does a little less damage and doesn't knock opponents back quite as far. His dreaded Taz-nado (Forward + Special) was also hit by a big nerf, as it is now a cooldown attack. When the attack is in cooldown, it will be replaced with a considerably weaker version.

Tom And Jerry went largely untouched, but this duo did receive a single buff. The Lookout Below (Aerial Down + Special) attack's Dynamite will now receive all projectile perk effects. Which is great news, as this is already one of Tom And Jerry's best tools.

Sorry, Velma fans, the inevitable has occurred... Velma got hit by a wave of nerfs. Her Knowledge Is Power Signature Perk now heals for less. Velma's Hit The Books (Aerial Forward + Special) has had its range reduced. Her Shutterbug (Aerial Up + Special) applies fewer stacks of weakness (two instead of three).

Her My Glasses! (Aerial Down + Attack) now has worse recovery in general, and her Light 'Em Up (Aerial Forward + Attack) has more recovery on whiff. Oh, and they made her slightly lighter. Overall, nothing here is too crippling, but a lot of her moves are slightly worse now.

Wonder Woman's Lasso Of Truth (Neutral + Special) now has a slightly shorter cooldown. Her Warrior's Charge (Forward + Special) comes out quicker, making it easier to react to projectiles. Lastly, she received a substantial increase in her weight . While none of these buffs are going to make her an unstoppable force, they do take an already solid character and make her better.


Character Guides

Taz Shaggy Harley Quinn Finn
Jake Garnet Arya Stripe
Batman LeBron James Marvin
Morty Black Adam
Wonder Woman Tom And Jerry Velma Reindog
Superman Bugs Bunny Steven Universe Gizmo
Iron Giant Rick

More guides coming soon!

  • MultiVersus

    Below you will find everything you need to know about MultiVersus. You will find a number of guides that cover the ongoing elements of the game, such as guides dealing with system-wide mechanics, guides that deal with the game's progression systems, and, of course, detailed character guides.

    • Beginner Tips And Getting Started

      Ranging from basic advice on how to play the game to guides instructing you on how to unlock every character in the roster, this section will deal with all the general aspects of MultiVersus.

      • The Basics

        • Beginner Tips
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        • Everything You Need To Know About The Founder's Packs
        • Everything You Need To Know About The Season 1 Battle Pass
    • Character Guides

      This is going to be the bulk of the guided material for MultiVersus. Here you can obtain a better understanding of each character and what they are capable of. Each guide will provide a general strategy for each roster member, and help explain the unique gameplay mechanics that apply to each.

      • Character Guides

        • Bruiser

          • How To Play As Jake
          • How To Play As Shaggy
          • How To Play As Taz
          • MultiVersus:How To Play As LeBron James
          • How To Play As Garnet
          • How To Play As Batman
          • How To Play As Morty
        • Assassin

          • How To Play As Harley Quinn
          • How To Play As Finn
          • How To Play As Arya
          • How To Play As Stripe
        • Tank

          • How To Play As Wonder Woman
          • How To Play As Superman
        • Support

          • MultiVersus:How To Play As Steven Universe
          • MultiVersus:How To Play As Reindog
          • How To Play As Velma
          • How To Play As Gizmo
        • Mage

          • How To Play As Tom And Jerry
          • MultiVersus:How To Play As Bugs Bunny
    • Rankings And Other Ephemera

      With MultiVersus garnering so much of our attention, we can't help but excitedly theorize and categorize the many different aspects of the game. Of course, this is a living title, so many aspects of it will shift over time. Moreover, there are a number of different considerations that one must account for, and different perspectives will come to different conclusions. So, we encourage you to use these lists as food for thought, not as the word of god.

      • The Best Characters For Beginners
      • Every Support Character, Ranked
      • Every Assassin Character, Ranked
      • Every Mage Character, Ranked
      • Every Tank Character, Ranked
      • The Best Perks
      • The Most Interesting Teams
      • MultiVersus:Halloween Event Guide 2022
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