

Halo Infinite – 初心者向けスパルタン ガイド




Halo:Infinite の現在のゲーム モードについて説明する前に、基本といくつかの高度な武器、およびそれらの詳細について説明する必要があります。



  • MA40アサルトライフル
  • MK50 サイドキック
  • BR75バトルライフル
  • VK78コマンドー
  • CQS48 ブルドッグ
  • MLRS-2 ハイドラ

誓約 / 追放

  • パルスカービン
  • ショックライフル
  • マングラー
  • プラズマピストル
  • ディスラプター
  • 熱波
  • センチネルビーム
  • お針子
  • ストーカーライフル
  • ラヴェジャー




  • ニックネーム:アサルトライフル、AR

MK50 サイドキック


  • ニックネーム:マグナム、ピストル、サイドキック

BR75 バトルライフル

このバッド ボーイは Halo 2 以降に導入されました。これはバースト ライフルであり、MK50 Sidekick のように機能します。現在のところ、すべての範囲に適しています。スコープもありますが、このゲームではあまり使用しないでしょう。ランク戦ではこれを持ってスポーンしますが、そうでない場合は武器スポナーから見つけることができます.初心者にもプロにも最適な武器です。

  • ニックネーム:バトルライフル、BR


インフィニットの新しいライフル。これはおそらく、初心者にとって最も簡単な武器の 1 つです。 BR75バトルライフルのように感じますが、自動です。遠距離と中距離で素晴らしいです。近距離では物足りないが、敵が弱ければ倒せる。新兵器としては悪くない。これは武器スポナーから見つけることができます。

  • ニックネーム:コマンドー

CQS48 ブルドッグ


  • ニックネーム:ショットガン、ブルドッグ

MLRS-2 ハイドラ

インフィニットの別の銃、今回はグレネードランチャー。リロードが必要になる前に、最大 6 個のペレットを発射します。しかし、それは非常に不正確であり、当面この武器を使用することはお勧めしません.誰かを殺す前に最大 4 個のペレットを撃ちました。



誓約 / 追放


BR75バトルライフルのエイリアンバージョン。 BR75バトルライフルと同じくバーストライフルです。 BR75 バトルライフルほどではありませんが、機能します。正直なところ、BR75バトルライフルか別の銃を手に入れたいと思いますが、今のところそれほど良くありません。他の武器と同じ品質ではなく、中距離と遠距離しかカバーしません。

  • ニックネーム:パルスライフル、カービン


乗り物を無力化するショックライフル!使っていてとても楽しい武器です。 S7 スナイパーのように機能しますが、ダメージは少なくなります。

車両に対して使用する場合は、基本的に EMP のように無効にします。敵はしばらくの間、運転できなくなります。それだけでなく、落とした武器やアップグレードの場合、衝撃を与えることができます。なぜ、またはどのようにこれを使用するのかはわかりませんが、役立つかもしれないことを知っている人はいません.


  • ニックネーム:ショッカー



  • ニックネーム:なし


Combat Evolved の不良少年。このプラズマ ピストルはもはや EMP ビークルではありません。少しダメージを与えますが、左クリック ボタンを押したままオーバーチャージすると、スパルタン シールドを壊すことができます。通常、過充電されたプラズマを放出し、そのスパルタンを顔全体に叩きつける場合は、敵の近くにいることをお勧めします。平凡なサイドアームの1つです。この武器は武器スポナーから見つけることができます

  • ニックネーム:エナジー ピストル



  • ニックネーム:なし



  • ニックネーム:スキャッターショット



  • ニックネーム:レーザー ビーム、レーザー



  • ニックネーム:なし


基本的には S7 スナイパーライフルと同じですが、より弱いです。ボディショットでシールドを壊すことはありませんが、大量のダメージを与えます。また、S7 スナイパーライフルよりも発射速度が速いです。最初の1、2発はストーカーライフルを使用し、しばらくしてから武器を排出する必要があるため、グレネードまたは別のライフルを使用することをお勧めします.武器スポナーから見つけることができます

  • ニックネーム:プラズマライフル、ストーカー


赤いプラズマを放ち、かなりのダメージを与える。多くの人が知らないもう 1 つのことは、左クリック ボタンを押したままにすると、プラズマ ピストルのようにオーバーチャージすることです。モロトフのようにプラズマのプールを発射します。それは AOE ダメージを与えますが、誰かがそこに長時間立っていると、最終的には倒れますが、ごくわずかです.

  • ニックネーム:なし




  • M41 SPNKR
  • S7 スナイパーライフル
  • シンダーショット


  • M12 イボイノシシ
  • M290 マングース
  • M808 スコーピオン
  • AV-49ワスプ
  • M15 レイザーバック
  • M290-M ガングース
  • M12R ロケットホッグ
  • ゴースト
  • ブルートチョッパー
  • バンシー

キャプチャー ザ フラッグ [CTF]

Ah yes Capture The Flag, a nightmare on ranked games if you are playing with randoms. Multiple times you or your team will mess up. But here are some tips to help you out.

Protect Your Team

I’ve seen many teams that try to get the flag but without any help. Sure you could try and pick the flag up and drop it every second but it is faster if all of the teammates group together. Now you could be worried that the other team would take the flag. That is fine, as long as you have their flag they can’t capture yours. Remember two heads are better than one. Guess what 4 heads could do. Which leads to my next point.

Drop The Flag

Once you reached your base or any other safe place. You may encounter a problem, your flag has been stolen. But fear not, it isn’t all bad. Drop the flag and make sure you are in the radius of the flag. This will show that the flag is contested and not returning. This will allow you to equip your weapon while holding the flag. Wait for your team to kill the enemy player with the flag and then capture your point.


One of if not the easiest games to learn and play. Although, many randoms and yourself may leave out key details to winning the match.

Before we begin, please keep this in mind.

Capturing 1 zone does not give you any points, you need at least 2 zones. Many people leave out this detail or just do not know it at all and begin getting kills. So remember to keep this in mind.

Forget Kills, Get The Zone

Many people would want kills and kills only. But this is a Stronghold game, with means you need to get the zones. Kill those you need, ensuring that the zones are in your control is top priority. With the zones down, you can finally get the kills. No one likes a kill only person in a non-slayer game.

Group Up With Your Team

Grouping up with your teammates is fantastic for Stronghold as the more players capturing a zone will help you out a ton. By capturing the zone with your team, it increases the speed. And of course once you’re done, get the other zones.


ODDBALL! without a doubt, one of the best and enjoyable gamemode. Like CTF and Stronghold, you obviously need to have teamwork to win.


When the balls spawns, head towards it immediately. You want to grab the balls first, that is the point of the game. The longer you hold onto the ball, the more the points you get. But of course don’t rush in like a newbie. Toss some grenades at the ball first. You will damage the enemy as every one is going to run towards it. Have your team with you or be near your team, make sure they or you back them up. Once you think its clear or good enough to grab it, return to your team immediately, they are your protectors they don’t want you dying. Same goes for you.

Armor Upgrades

Some armor upgrades that can help you out in this gamemode are:

  • Dropshield:Drop shield is probably the best one you will ever have. I have yet to find any other upgrades that work so well as dropshield. It is so simple to use it as well just head to a corner and make sure the dropshield covers the player with the ball. It deflects all coming fire even grenades. Though you might want to replace it every so often as it breaks after a few hits.
  • Thrusters:Thrusters are more of a solo kind of upgrade. It is really good for passing and stealing the ball. You could be the first to get the ball by stealing it. But please don’t use it in front of the enemy, that’s just dumb. Use it at the side when you see an opening. It’s really fast too so it will be hard to get shot at. The other way is by passing the ball. By grabbing the ball in front of the enemy you could use your thrusters back at your team and the ball will automatically drop from your hands.


Many newbies will learn this quickly so this isn’t very useful but while holding the ball you can actually punch enemy players. It’s the standard 2 tap with the first hit breaking the shields and the second kill them. Remember to check your radar as it is very helpful for these sort of situation.


  • Use this trick only when your team is no available.
  • Avoid enemies unless you have to punch, your goal is to secure the ball not the kills.
  • Don’t run straight forward. Wait for them to come to you, find a spot to hide in.

Additional Info

I will not be going through Slayer as it is a shoot and kill gamemode. However, I will go through other details of the gameplay to pay attention to.


I mentioned this multiple times but Halo is all about teamwork. Without this, your team will hate you and you will hate them too. Remember to stick to at least one teammate do not go solo unless you have to. Like i said before 2 heads are better than one.


DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT ignore the grenades. I seen many newbies forget about grenades and they rush the enemy or they get rushed and fail. Grenades are a must have in Halo and there’s a whole meme about it even in other games. I will go through the grenades available in Halo:Infinite.

What to do:Toss grenades at corners or where you think enemies will go through. It’s all about prediction and timing. You can also toss it directly at the enemy base during CTF or at the zones in Stronghold.

Types Of Grenades

  • M9 Frag Grenade:The generic grenade, you will spawn in with 2 of these. Use wisely. Of course, you will be able to pick up more grenades during the matches through bodies or weapon spawners. They take awhile to explode so you want to throw it further at where the enemy is moving. Each grenade does the same damage as a melee. One to break the shield and the other to kill the Spartan.
  • Plasma Grenade:The good ol alien sticky grenade. This grenade is basically a sticky. You can use it like a Frag but it has lesser throwing range. It also kills the spartan regardless if they have a shield if it lands on the enemy. If not, it does the same damage as any other grenades.
  • Brute Spike Grenade:They brought this back due to the Banished and brute things, it works exactly like the Plasma grenade from what I can tell.
  • Dynamo Grenade:The newest creation of 343. it works like a molotov. By throwing this near the enemy it will slowly damage the enemy until it is out of range. From what i can tell, it bounces on the ground so do what you will with this new grenade.


Another thing I see is that a ton of players will have problems with gun fights. Gunfights would take a long time with these players. Mostly because they can’t hit the enemy and aren’t accurate with the weapons.

I would recommend doing a 10-20 minutes warm up with the training system in Halo:Infintie if you are trying to get pro. If not, you could also play around with the weapon drill systems. Or if you are daring, play a quick game and practice your aim with real time players.

Now for the shots. Remember this. You can shoot anywhere when their shields are still up. Once it’s down, get the head. When a Spartan’s shield is down, their head is their weak spot. Get the headshot and you are done with the battle. Melee is also a good plan to win but make sure you have the advantage. By going close to the enemy you must make sure you have these two things Your shields are still active and going good. and The enemy is weak or unable to hit back.

Basically hit first or do more damage. If not, that’s a chance wasted.


Another skill to have is that you must know how the game work and how the map works. These two are very important. I haven’t seen any new players get lost in the map but for Big team Battle, a little.

If you press Z you can scan the map, the mapscan shows you multiple things such as Weapon and Grenade spawns. Keep those two in mind as you want to make sure you can swap or change your weapons whenever you need or want.

Another would be to note the Power weapons and sometimes vehicles.

Power Weapons And Vehicles

Power weapons are in every map.

The weapons are:

  • M41 SPNKR (Rocket launcher)
  • CINDERSHOT (Grenade Launcher)
  • S7 Sniper Rifle
  • Skewer (Heavy Sniper Rifle)

It isn’t a must to have these weapons but you don’t want the enemy team to have it so you can either snag it or let your team have it. Just note that multiple grenades will be thrown at them especially it maps like streets.

Vehicles are only spawned in some maps like behemoth.

Vehicles are:

  • Ghost (One-seated vehicle) (Speedy but easy to break)
  • M12 Warthog (Three-seated vehicle) (Ideal for damage with a turret and a shooter. Mediocre defenses.)

Like the Power weapons, you don’t need these for the game but if you want maximum defense like CTF you can use either one of these especially the M12 Warthog.


Movement mechanics are important for almost every game. a new movement mechanic introduced by Infinite is Sliding. There isn’t much for that other than moving to cover. However it is good to know some movement mechanics.

One of them i wouldn’t call movement but it is still good to know is jumping, what i mean by jumping is that during a battle or gunfight, jumping in front of your enemy could mess up their aim as it is distracting, though i wouldn’t do that for every fight. Also if you are going to doing, do it randomly as they could get used to it.

This wouldn’t save you from damage but it could help avoid any headshots.
