

Steel Division 2 – Manspam 戦術ガイド

3 対 3 および 4 対 4 のチーム ゲームでの競争レベルでのマンスパム戦術であるミームの使用方法に関する詳細なガイド。このガイドを読み、ゲーム メカニクスの基本を理解すれば、これらのデッキのいずれかをプレイして、よく計画されたヒューマン ウェーブ攻撃で敵を圧倒する準備が整います。


ヒューマン ウェーブを使用する理由

「人間の波」は、デッキに 180 以上の歩兵分隊を持ち、ジャガーノートをプレイし、できれば毎分 10 以上の分隊を展開するデッキを中心に展開します。それは単に非常にカウンターメタであるため、誰もこれに対して準備ができていません.人々は歩兵ではなく、戦車、飛行機、大砲のスパムを期待しています。さらに、戦車は歩兵をうまく処理できない傾向があり (750m のシャーマンは例外です)、砲兵は広範囲の正面攻撃に対処するよりも、ブロブに対処したり、戦略的な場所に集中したりするのにより適しています。これらの要素をすべて組み合わせると、成功へのレシピが完成します。


この戦略を誤解しないでください。歩兵だけの攻撃では勝てませんが、歩兵は重要な武器です。ほとんどのプレイヤーが知っているように、歩兵は適切な支援なしでは効果がありません。誰でも効果のない歩兵をスパムすることができますが、適切な戦略を使用すれば、ボルトアクション ライフルと粗悪な軽機関銃しか持たない膨大な数の兵士を、勝利を収める力に変えることができます。したがって、このガイドが必要です。

まず第一に、何がうまくいかないのでしょうか?これらの師団の 1 つを選択し、フェーズ C まで待って、160 歩兵分隊で敵を攻撃し、2 両の戦車、牽引砲、または砲兵が数秒で部隊全体を固定するために、攻撃が無駄になるのを見るかもしれません。 .では、「正しく行う」とはどのようなものでしょうか?


この戦略は歩兵への支援を必要とするため、最初のフェーズ C の収入ティック数は、味方の前線ではなく味方の前線に費やすのが最善かもしれません。ポイントを別の戦線に投資し始めるのは危険に思えるかもしれませんが、10 ~ 15 個の歩兵分隊を別の味方の前線に配置し始めるとすぐに、その戦線は急速に敵チームの注目の的になります。


これらの師団のゲームプランは、初期の歩兵が不足しているためにわずかに悪いことを除いて、フェーズ A と B の通常のジャガーノートのように展開されます。フェーズ A とフェーズ B では歩兵の数が少ないため、できれば町ではなく、マップのスライスを選択します。ある種の混合/中距離エリアが適しているため、対戦車砲と戦車に頼ってフェーズを維持できます。 A と B. 歩兵には細心の注意を払ってください。これらのデッキの動作のリプレイとビデオがいくつかあり、フェーズ A と B をどのようにプレイするかについての優れた指標となるでしょう。フェーズ B の終わりまでに、フェーズ C がヒットしたときに歩兵のプッシュをサポートできるあらゆる種類のユニットを取得し始めることをお勧めします。スパム可能な中戦車、対空砲 (できれば大口径)、対戦車砲、飛行機、大砲などを考えてみてください。前線が遅く、フェーズ C の前にこれらすべてのものを購入する時間がある場合は、成功する可能性があります。

フェーズ C が発生するとすぐに、チームへの不利益から、そうでない場合でも、チームで最も重要な資産の 1 つに変わります。突然、180~ の歩兵分隊がマップ全体に広がり、最前線全体に押し出されます。特に最初のゲーム中、または浮動小数点やリアクティブなプレイに慣れている場合は、少し圧倒されるかもしれません。 Cがヒットしたらすぐに素早く行動し、決定的に行動する必要があります。最初の 220 収入ティックは、崩壊の危険がある場合は自分の最前線に行くか、歩兵を受け取った後に敵を粉砕するのに最適な位置にいるため、最も多くの戦車と支援装備を備えた味方に直接行く必要があります。増援により、彼らは収入でより多くの鎧を購入することになります.

自分の前線を安定させ、前進させるのに最適な位置にいる人に歩兵を送った後、いくつかの選択肢が残されます。最後のコントロールポイントに押し込むためにうまくいっている連合軍の前線に歩兵を送り続けますか?それとも、敵軍と注意を分割するために別の戦線を開きますか?私は後者に行くことをお勧めします。他のすべてのアーキタイプと比較したこのデッキの強みの 1 つは、マップのどこにいてもプレッシャーをすばやく構築できることです。味方全員に歩兵を 1 発送り、彼らが通常の前線を押している間に、通常はあまり戦闘が行われない地域に 10 分隊を送ってみてください。
例として lenina 4v4 を例にとると、2 つのスポットが思い浮かびます。マップの中央右側 (1) はオープン フィールドと呼ばれ、町と橋点の間の川 (2) です。

マップのこれらの「デッド」エリアを攻撃する理由は、特に C による防御が非常に貧弱だからです。彼らは、突然 10 以上の分隊が突撃し、彼らと戦うためのツールがないことをほとんど知りません。彼らはリソースをますます分割することを余儀なくされ、他のより重要な前線でのリソースが少なくなることを意味します。また、これらのデッドポイントが貧弱な歩兵エリアになる傾向があることも役立ちます。これは実際にはあなたにとって良いことです.つまり、そこにいる歩兵の数が少なくなります。歩兵は、歩兵スパムの最大のキラーです。そのため、森や町を避けることをお勧めします。最初に地図外/砲撃で倒してから、味方のより優れた分隊に支えられて歩み寄る場合を除きます。

フェーズ C に入ってから 5 ~ 10 分で、敵の前線に亀裂が入り始めるほどの圧力が最前線全体に蓄積されているはずです。探すべき「亀裂」には 2 種類あります。1 つは自チームが優れた戦力を持っていることによるもの、もう 1 つは最前線の低強度エリアのどこかに敵が十分な部隊を持っていないことによるものです。低強度の「デッド」エリアにリソースを費やし、波を無傷に保つのに十分な歩兵を送って他の前線に圧力をかけ続けることを再度お勧めします。そこにリソースを使いすぎないように注意してください。そうしないと、スタックしすぎて砲兵に行き詰まる危険があります。


枢軸国デッキの 1 つとしてプレイする場合、フェイズ C で非常に簡単な時間を期待できます。これらのデッキの問題は、主にフェイズ A と B です。それらは非常に弱いディビジョンであり、唯一の償還要因は、持ち込める歩兵です。後半のゲーム。防御的にプレーする必要がある序盤のゲーム。また、敵がラッシュデッキではないという点で、少しの運も必要です。彼が急いでいるデッキの場合は、早い段階で味方に助けを求める必要があります。ありがたいことに、1 つか 2 つのポイントが遅れているときにチケットを消耗することについてあまり心配する必要はありません。

ほとんどの場合、フェーズ A および B での最大の脅威は T-34 および/またはシャーマンです。ほとんどの人はゲーム中盤にそれらを大量に持っており、これらの枢軸国デッキは実際に対処するのに十分なATを持っていません.もしあなたが多くの問題を抱えているなら、フェイズ B で Korruck's Tigers を入手することをお勧めします。または、Tartalek としてプレイしている場合は、Stugs を保存して、味方から 1 体の Tiger または Panther を求めて、後で歩兵で返済することをお勧めします。 .

皮肉なことに、これはまさにほとんどの Axis チームが必要としているものです。枢軸軍のかなりの数の師団は平凡な歩兵タブを持っており、戦車のプッシュの前で歩兵を攻撃的に使用するように実際に作られているものはありません.装甲擲弾兵は高価すぎて数が少なすぎます。枢軸軍の専用歩兵デッキは、さらに高価な MP 44 装備の歩兵に依存しています。

フェーズ C に到達すると、チーム全体が歩兵師団を取ることを決定しない限り、ほとんどの枢軸国チームで楽な時間を過ごすことができます。 Panther、Tiger、および歩兵のスパムは、同盟国にとってほとんど止められません。彼らが持っている唯一の本当の答えは大砲です。ただし、上記の計画に従った場合、マップ全体を攻撃する必要があり、砲兵は集中攻撃に対してのみ有効です。また、常に移動しているターゲットに対しては有効性が低下します (移動を続けてください)。いずれにせよ、あなたのチームはカウンターバッテリーに集中できる優れた砲兵を持っている必要があります。 That’s the main reason this tactic works better on the Axis side, as they have better armor and support equipment, but lack infantry. A match made in heaven.


The Allied decks have a much better time in phase A and B than the Axis, mostly because they are just much better in a straight up deck-to-deck comparison. You shouldnt have much trouble holding your own front. The Canadians get tons of great AT guns, and the 184th gets ISU-122s that will shred Tigers and Panthers, on top of having good infantry. The only real threat you might face is if you have to defend a city or forested area of the map vs MP 44 equipped infantry. You might be an infantry deck, but you can’t compete with 78. Sturm in a forest. That’s why I suggest taking a midrange point and playing defensively.

When phase C hits life gets worse when compared to the Axis divisions. You can’t simply plop down 15 rifles and expect your ally to push his tanks up with them. They will still die to Panthers and Tigers at range unless he has IS-2s. You have to play more tactically and make better use of the artillery you’re provided with to snipe all the big targets. Aside from that, your tactic relies on just having a lot of total deck value, much more so then the Axis spam decks. You can send 20-odd shermans into a forest or town if needed. You get big off-map support to clear said areas too, and some nice planes that can kill Tigers and Panthers. The game is a bit slower paced for allied divisions, as they have to manually delete every big cat from the game with their support tools, but your infantry spam is still the best tool you have. Panthers and Tigers have rather poor HE and German players tend to forget they need anti-infantry when they’re playing on a relatively open field. In the end your role is still the same, but the threat is just very different.


Korrück is where it all started, and the one that arguably does it best (this might be the optimal way to play Korrück in 4v4 multiplayer).

The recon tab for korrück starts of pretty well. They get a couple of nice vehicles, and a couple of good squads that you can use to substitute your infantry in phase A and B. For the vehicles I would recommend picking up the the aufk. Panzer 742 and the spw. adgz. as they are both really good early vehicles, one armed with the 45mm and the other with a 20mm autocannon. The spw. 203 is a good vehicle too. If you’re looking to substitute your infantry consider the Kosaken and lvf. Chasseurs your best options.

SS-Schupo. At 36 squads per card, 15 points per squad and 6 cards available, the SS-Schupo easily surpass the 200 squads benchmark, even without filling the 10 infantry slots available. They are quite a good squad for 15p too, coming with an MG and an SMG. Being disheartened also helps when you are doing a human wave assault, as this will make your squads rotate in and out of combat and essentially tumble their way to victory. For the rest of your infantry tab it’s really just a mix and match to try and maximise your transport use. I would suggest taking 1 squad of LVF grenadiers or Sicherungs in A and be sure to take the Sperrverband somewhere in your infantry tab too as they are really good!

Moving down to the tank tab, Korrück has an assortment of surprisingly effective phase A tanks. The problem is that none of them scale well into phase C and they are all locked to phase A and B with the exception of the Tiger and the T34. The Tiger can be used as the support element in your own infantry push, as even in phase C, 4 elite Tigers in one spot are a formidable force when acting in support of 20-30 rifle squads.

Korrücks support tab is a little better then the other divisions to follow. it has good MG’s, flammenwerfers, infantry guns and a nice assault tank with a surprising amount of armor. The VK18.01 feels like it was purpose bred to fight against PTRD armed russian infantry squads. as its 80mm front and 50mm side and rear will make it neigh invulnerable to them. A real hidden gem.

The anti tank tab would be alot better if they had more and cheaper slots. but sadly you have to make due. With the choice between pak36 and 45mm for the light guns. fk288 for the medium guns. and a pak 40 for the heavy guns. I would strongly advise you to take the pak40 and a pak36. with the rest being up to the user.

Anti air is quite good but only 4 slots. disheartened and discount 20mm flak38’s are almost a steal. these units are fantastic and you have to take one in phase A. I would also strongly advise you to take both the big gun flaks for their multipurpose value. you might very well need them as AT guns.

The next interesting tab is the Artillery tab. It might not be big and flashy by German standards. but it’s still quite good. You get 2 different rocket artillery pieces:the Nebelwerfer that’s locked to phase A, and the Vielfachwerfer. I would say both of them are mandatory in your Korruck deck. They are both great value in any kind of assault, and can be used to disrupt the enemy’s offensives in phases A and B.

Lastly there is the air tab, and what a tab it is:2 cards of cannon Stukas, arguably the best tank buster in the game, if you can manage to not get them shot down (by either using them against overextended enemies, or shutting down all his AA first). These things kill any medium tank from the front in 1 pass, and any tank from the side in 1 pass, including the mighty IS2s. And they won’t have to worry about enemy fighters much either, considering Korruck can easily bring 18 Me 109’s. To top it off you could add some JU 87 D-5s, the best bomb Stuka in the game. With an air tab like this, you’re well placed to also help your team win the air war while they focus on supporting your soldiers on the ground.

12th Tartalek

Tartalek has the best Infantry out of the 4 divisions mentioned. Not necessarily the best to spam, but they are the strongest out of all 4 of the spam squads. 13 men, a panzerfaust and Hungarian mustaches. You can’t go wrong with that. In addition they have the best off-map and heavy artillery in the game. Sadly the only reason this deck is playable is because it’s on the Axis side, which comes with huge advantages when you’re planning on man-spamming.

It starts off quite poorly for Tartalek. I personally don’t think any of these recon units are worth it, but leaving three 1p slots open feels quite bad, so I at least put in the Csaba. Maybe it can kill some halftracks or infantry with its MG. That’s about it.

Thankfully it’s followed up by a mustache filled infantry tab that leaves no room for complaints. 6 cards of panzerfaust armed Lövész, and 4 cards of those killer 3MG squads with unpronounceable names. Did I mention they all come with mustaches? Solid infantry tab for a not so solid deck. Next!.

The tank tab, or rather the lack thereof. 2 slots, 1 card of Stugs and 1 card of H39, or a command S35 if you’re really feeling it. The Stug will help you through phase A, after which you’re left with H39s or nothing at all, not sure which is better. Personally, I only take the H39 because it’s 16 tanks I can deploy on one of my ally’s fronts later on during the game and tank AT shots.

Let’s quickly move on to (and away from), the support tab, which isn’t much better. 1 card of flamers is good but you’ll be hard pressed to find yourself using 6 cards of MGs or 4 cards of 50mm mortars. At least that leaves you with room to use those 1p slots for support trucks. Huge success!

In the anti-tank tab you will find the biggest travesty that is in this game:A 75mm AT gun with 60mm penetration. This shouldn’t even be possible! Avoid the 97/38m at all costs. Instead try the 40mm’s, as they are essentially Pak 36’s with HE shells. Quite nice value. The 40m 75mm is a must if you want any chance of making it to phase C. At least you get a card of Panzerschrecks… Thankfully you can substitute your anti-tank tab with your anti-air tab

The anti air tab is really good. they start off with the bofors (36m), which are arguably one of the best anti air guns in the game, which also come with AP shells. So not only are they one of the best AA, but they also deal with light vehicles rushes really well. giving you protection against the most common allied rush decks. another best in the game that goes to Tartalek. Sadly their 80mm anti air gun is not as good compared to its counterparts, but it’s better than nothing and very welcome in Tartalek’s anti air tab, as they function as decent at guns again

The artillery tab is the redeeming factor of Tartalek, and the biggest reason you would take this deck over Korruck on the Axis side (besides the mustaches of course). Almost everything in here is great:the FK280 that can function as an emergency AT gun on top of being a solid artillery piece. The same 97m that I recommended you avoid on the anti-tank tab, but now as an artillery piece and suddenly a lot better! 50p for a piece that compares to the F22, oh yeah! It also really adds to the WW1 vibe of the deck. It’s bigger brother, the 149mm is no joke though. While its identical to all the other 150mm~ artillery in most stats, it has an ace up its sleeve. It has double the Rate-Of-Fire. These mustache clad Hungarians can fire twice as fast as their Western and Russian counterparts! An amazing achievement, which makes this the best big caliber towed gun. Well deserved!

If anything survives your 149’s it might be time for the real big guns. 305mm ŠKODA Mörser, the best off-map in the game. It has the same amount of shells as the 150mm off-maps while having DOUBLE the damage! 15! and because it’s a plane it is quick to deploy wherever you want, and just as easily redeployed. Just make sure they don’t get shot down too quickly, considering they get 4 shots if they stay alive! Which segways…

…nicely into the air tab, as you might want to send some planes to escort them and draw away enemy AA fire. Thankfully there are quite a few aircraft to choose from. 4 cards of decent fighters, 2 heavy bombers and an assortment of ME210s, out of which especially the protos are really strong. As it has insane fire rate and armor penetrations. while also being on a good chassis. This plane is excellent for dealing with pesky t34/85s that threaten your position. Overall, quite similar to Korrücks air tab and follows the same philosophy.

184th Strelky

184th has the best infantry to spam out of the 4 manspam decks, with the Strelky at 20p. They also rock the heaviest anti-tank out of all the decks and are just a solid support deck in general. All-round, a great choice for the allies to spam some infantry with and they are Russian so that adds some extra immersion!

The recon tab isn’t very interesting, sadly. There’s the typical Soviet sniper in there, some bad recon squads, and the BA-10m which is quite decent actually. Sadly that is all.

The real meat starts at the infantry tab. This is a Soviet infantry tab to be proud of:10 slots at a good price and 9 Strelky squads to fill them with. A match made in heaven. I would suggest putting all 6 of your Strelky squads with anti-tank grenades in C, as they are the best infantry spam squads in the game right now. At 20p with 11 men, it is a squad that can deal with both infantry and tanks. They will kill anything they meet. No matter what the threat is, these brave Russian men will overcome it. Besides that you get all the lovely Soviet infantry you’re used to:your tankos, avtos and saperi are all back for another adventure.

The tank tab leaves much to be desired, but it does have enough tanks to get you through phase A. You get the proper Stuart (M5l) with 70mm pen, and the Lee (M3s) is a surprisingly good vehicle.

With it’s 2 guns it has a very good matchup against Stugs at below 500m range, which is great because that’s the most common tank you will face from the Axis infantry decks. Aside from that you also get a card of Valentines. They are also quite the hidden gem, mostly because of their great mix of price, penetration and availability. 16 Six Pounders on a vehicle in phase B? Yes please. Do note that their weakness is their slow movement.

The support tab is tied with recon for being the worst this deck has. 1 card of flamers and 1 card of infantry guns are the only units worthy of note. The maxim just isn’t a good machine gun, and the 50mm mortar is no better.

Thankfully the anti-tank tab comes to the rescue. This is one of the best anti-tank tabs the Allies have to offer, mostly due to the 3 cards of ISU122s, which is just a fantastic unit. 200mm pen and 125mm frontal armor. An absolute beast at killing Tigers and Panthers. You also get the trusty 45mm AT gun, the mainstay of the Soviet anti-tank tab.

Surprisingly this deck also has one of the best soviet anti-air tabs. 3 cards of 37mm to kill any planes coming in small numbers, and 2 cards of 85mm if the enemy decides to really get annoying with his airpower. They will also come in useful protecting your artillery, because there is definitely something to protect.

Again, the artillery tab is one of the best tabs out of all the soviet divisions. 2 cards of ML-20 152mm big caliber corrected shot artillery pieces which is quite rare for the Soviets. Treasure them dearly and they will reward you with kills on any important unit or strong point your enemy has. If you need more firepower, you can call in the 280mm off-map (the biggest ones the Soviets get) to obliterate any target. As icing on the cake you get some 122mm and 76mm towed guns too.

The air tab is sadly not as good as the rest of this deck. You get some mediocre fighters and 2 AT rocket planes (1 of which is not actually AT, It’s just really big). Finally they have a pretty good bomber in the IL-4.

3rd Canadian

3rd Canadian is the best of the bunch in a deck to deck comparison. Not only does it get an infinite amount of cheap 15p infantry in the form of rifles (they’re not even disheartened!), but they also function like an actual good deck besides that. They get access to anything you’d want from the Commonwealth.

First and foremost, you can get up to 9 cards of rifles, and you have over THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY transports for them! Although it’s probably not a good idea to get more then 5 in phase C, you wont need more than 200 infantry in 95% of your manspam games anyway, since 3rd Cannuckians have so many more units to spend their points on. That’s their strength over the other manspam decks after all. Other than rifles, the Canadians sadly don’t really have anything interesting in the infantry tab. A 4 man flamer squad that would have fit better in support and 2 five man satchel charge squads. But hey, at least you have 9 cards of rifles!

The Canadian recon tab has some hidden gems. The 2 man squads can come in 2-inch carriers. This is one of the best and most overlooked units in the game. It’s essentially just a 50mm mortar on a transport, but that transport matters so much more than you might imagine. The fact that it now has 10mm armor means it doesn’t die to enemy MGs. You can now freely shoot your 2-inch mortar at enemy squads at 500m without dying to a single squad MG looking at you. I’d suggest getting 2 cards of snipers in 2-inch carriers, but there are also great armored car options.

The tank tab is what really sets it apart from the other decks. Shermans, and lots of them. Up to 30 sherman DDs in A if you’re that crazy. Not only do you get more tanks then the other infantry decks, but they are also the best infantry support tanks you could ask for! Just what this deck needs. As a finisher, you can take a card of Fireflies for some oompf in the tank tab. A big +!

The support tab is the weakest part of the deck. You get your commanders, bad machine guns, supplies and 2-inch mortars. The only thing that is unique is the M7 DDs and the AVRE. I personally take the AVRE, just for the armor, and try to bait armor facing with it while AT guns can shoot at the side of Panthers and Tigers. Besides that it’s all quite depressing.

The anti-tank tab is Great Again. It has all you need, but it leaves you wishing there were more slots you could fill. 4 cards of 6pdr, 4 cards of 17pdr and even 2 cards of Wolverines if you’re into that sort of thing. Just stay away from the Piat squad, it’s no good.

It is the same story with the AA tab. 2 cards of Bofors, and 2 Crusaders, but only 3 slots. A true modern dilemma.

The artillery tab is just stunning. You get everything you could ever want and more:big guns, small guns, small off-map, big off-map, self-propelled, towed guns and mortars. Spoiled for choice! Personally my favorite is the 381mm off-map, not only because it’s the biggest explosions we’ve got ingame currently, but also because it combos so well with your manspam tactics. Landing an off-map in town just before you push your 30 rifle squads in there is going to give you a huge boost. You also get 2 cards of 5,5-inch off-map, with a really potent mix of damage and shots.

Furthermore, you get bl5,5 -inch towed guns, one of the best heavy artillery pieces in the game which you can take up to 3 cards of. By now it should become very clear why the Canadians are the best out of the bunch so far.

The air tab isn’t lacking either. Up to 3 cards of one of the best fighters in game, the Spitfire, plus 2 cards of Mosquito rocket planes. It’s just a fantastic deck overall.