

Last Oasis – 基本ガイド (役立つヒントとコツ)

ラスト オアシスの危険で移り変わる砂の中での孤独な生活を理解するための基本的なガイド。



私はこれらのアイデアをベータ版の最後にまとめ始めましたが、アーリー アクセスはまだ始まったばかりです。ゲームやプレイヤーが変化し、お互いに反応するにつれて、メタは変化すると思います。


このゲームは、ソロ、小グループ、カジュアル プレイをサポートするメカニズムを備えていますが、ソロ プレイヤーにとって非常に難しいことを簡単に切り抜けられる大規模なグループ (非常に大規模なグループであっても) が参加できるように設計されています。

簡単に言えば、多くのコンテンツ (技術ツリーにあるもの) があり、自分ではアクセスできない可能性があります。あなたはより大きな歩行者を持つつもりはありません。幸いなことに、ほとんどの場合、小型のウォーカーはソロに適しています。

あなたがどんなに優れていても、あなたがどれほど注意を払っていても、あなたは殺され、回復に対処しなければなりません. PVP ゲームなので、それはほんの一部です。つまり、ソロでプレイすることの一部は、すべてを失うことへの準備であり、可能な限りの準備ができているということです。多かれ少なかれ自分の条件でソロをプレイするための鍵は、損失を軽減するために利用可能なメカニズムを理解し、使用することです.

2 つ目:水平線に目を向ける

ソロの遊牧民は遊牧民のグループ(同等のスキルを持つ)に対して不利になる可能性があるため、殺されるのを避ける最も簡単な方法は、戦いを完全に避けることです.単独の遊牧民は、〜常に〜周りの世界に注意を払い、別の歩行者を隠す可能性のある地形の変化を追跡することでうまく機能します - または、別の歩行者を見つけた場合にあなたの脱出を隠すために使用されます - そして常に潜在的な翼を探します敵対的なウォーカー。



これは完全に非没入型ですが…。グローバル チャット ログにも目を光らせておくことをお勧めします。多くの人が死んでいるのを見たら、自分が十分に安全な場所にいるのか、ホット スポットがある可能性が高いのか、避難経路があるのか​​、ログアウトする時なのかを判断する時が来ました。使用する準備が整っていない貴重なものがたくさんあります。




2 番目のウォーカーを作成するためのチュートリアル クエストの一環として、おそらく最初のウォーカーをロビーに転送するので、ここではメカニズムについて説明しません。ただし、それについていくつか言及します。

  • あなたのキャラクターは、ウォーカーがロビーに移動したマップと同じマップにいる必要があります。火災が発生したオアシスに歩行者用金庫を記録したままにしておくと、それは消えてしまいます....
  • 最大 5 人の「お気に入り」のウォーカーを持つことができます。これらのウォーカーは、オアシスが火事で駐車されたときに、東にある生きているオアシスに自動的に転送されます。
  • これらの 5 つのお気に入りの歩行者は、あなたのセーフティ ネットであり、銀行であり、ソロ ノマドの (極端な) リスクを軽減する方法です。

    たとえば、最初の日、私は小さな隠れた穴にキャンプを設置し、水が浄化され、土のワックスが叩かれ、遊牧民の布のさまざまな部分が作られるのに少し時間がかかることに気づきました。 .ウォーカーをもう 1 つ作るのに十分な量があったので、クラフト デバイスの管理と農業の仕上げに時間を割きました。次に、別のスパイダー ウォーカーを作成し、その水、貨物、ハッチをアップグレードして、後で必要になるかもしれないいくつかの必需品といくつかのウォーカー モジュールを積み込みました。 Ballista Spider Walkerはキャンプをまったく詰めることができないので、作ったクラフトデバイスも詰め込みました.その後、ロビーに転送しました。

    アイデアは非常にシンプルです:単独の遊牧民は、私たちが乗る小さなウォーカーが保管できるよりもはるかに多くの農地を簡単に耕すことができます.ギャンクされ、キャンプされ、ワイプされたとき (そうでない場合) に行きます。

    信じてください、ロビーにウォーカーが数人いると、ソロでプレイするストレスが大幅に軽減されます。バックアップ (または 4 つ) があることを知っているだけで、現在使用しているリグを失うことについてもう少しリラックスできます。

    Less Is More:いいえ、本気です


    ソロ ファーミングと探検のお気に入りは、Spider Walker、Spider Walker with Ballista、Firefly です。

    Firefly は非常に安価で、ビルドに Vision Powder は必要ありません。遊牧民レベルのソロ ファーミングに十分なストレージを備えており、羽が生えると思ったよりもはるかに高速です。


    これらの翼のおかげで、歩行者は遠く離れた場所でも非常に見やすくなっています。そして、ウォーカーと翼が大きくなればなるほど、目につきやすくなり、視界から隠す場所を見つけるのが難しくなります。ホタルはかなり小さいので、かなり狭い小さな隠れ場所に入ることができますが、実際にはそれほど機敏ではありません.そして、もしあなたが 1 つを走らなければならない場合は、運転に非常に注意してください:彼らは小さな風景の変化で底をつく傾向があり、それはあなたを遅くします.

    スパイダー ウォーカーの話です。私の考えでは、念のためにチュートリアル用に作成したディンギーを (少なくとも) 隠し持っている限り、これらは完璧なソロ ノマド マシンです。


  • 翼がないので、風景の中ではほとんど見えず、これまで見てきたオアシス マップの非常に多くの場所に隠れている可能性があります。
  • 通常のウォーカー カーゴのアップグレードにより、かなり持ちこたえます。
  • バリスタ スパイダーは、ソロ ノマドが硬い木箱を簡単に壊す方法です。これにより、進歩が本当にスピードアップします。
  • どちらのスパイダーも優れた操作性と牽引力を備えています。まるでラスト オアシスの ATV のようです。
  • 彼らは小さく、翼のある歩行者ほど速くはなく、確かに窮屈に感じるでしょう.


    ディンギーと大型のウォーカーの良いところは、個々のクラフト デバイスだけでなく、キャンプ全体をそれらに詰め込むことができることです。そのため、さまざまなクラフト デバイスとストレージが配置された小さなキャンプを作成し、それらすべてをその中身と一緒にウォーカーに詰め込むことができます。そして、ベース全体をすばやく開梱して、すぐに使用できるようにします。

    そのため、ソロ遊牧民はバリスタ スパイダーでログインし、木枠から破片を集めながら少し探索し、一時的なキャンプで遊牧民の布を作るためにガマの飼育に落ち着くかもしれません。キャンプを解体した後、バリスタ ウォーカーに乗ってマップの端まで行き、そのセッションで集めたすべての素材をつかみ、ロビーに送り、ディンギーにログインします。




    ここでは深く掘り下げすぎていますが (上部にリンクされている入門ドキュメントを参照してください)、どの武器が複数の目的に役立つかについて知っておくべきことがいくつかあります。戦闘は非常に重要なので、あなたの武器はルプや他のプレイヤーに対しても機能する必要があります.>

    まず、樵の鉈をアンロックした後もしばらくはビートスティックを持ったままにしておく傾向があります。 I keep the Beat Stick on hotkey 1 and use it for fighting the easy rupu and breaking open the loot urns in their camps. That saves wear and tear on the axe.

    My first weapon unlock is usually the Rawbone Hand Axe. While its more expensive to craft it also gives you a lot more resource yield than the basic axe. Its also a very good weapon for the early game:fast and decent damage. Once I have one I no longer carry a basic axe unless my bone axe is worn and I need to do a lot of farming at that moment. In that situation I’d prefer to make a new bone axe if i can, though, because the farming will be much more efficient.

    Bone shards can be found in easy and higher Oasises, by the way. They look like lightly curled horns or tusks sticking out of the ground and are harvested with an axe.

    Another urgent unlock is the Simple Sickle. This will greatly increase yield from bushes, aloe, rupu vines and cattails. It isn’t very durable so keep an eye on its health and make sure you have what you need to make a new one when the old one breaks.

    In the very early game its enough to just pick up stone off the ground but once you’re out of the Cradle and have a walker with some storage its not a bad idea to have at least a stack of stone ready to go. That’s tedious and difficult outside of the Cradle where loose stone is far less common so the next hand tool to unlock is the Simple Pickaxe. Earth Wax is also a random and rare drop from mining rocks. (More on Earth Wax later.)

    My next weapon unlock is usually the Bonespike Sword. Your preferences may be (quite) different but I find the Bonespike Sword to have good damage, is fairly fast and (ahem) its better at harvesting fiber class things than doing it by hand. That means if I have a lot of stuff stored up already I don’t need to carry a sickle and just use the sword to keep my supplies stocked up. (I usually have one on my walker, though, in case I run into a high value resource and want to make the most of it.)

    It feels really nomadic and efficient to just have my sword and axe in hotbar slots 1 and 2 with a pickaxe and maybe a repair hammer. The tradeoff for using the sword to harvest things, though, is that it will get worn done more quickly. That’s a factor you’ll have to gauge but just keep it in mind if your inventory is full and you find something you really want to keep:you can toss the sickle and still use your sword to free up an inventory slot.

    Other Equipment

    I usually don’t unlock better water bottles at first because you get them in loot all the time. Instead I unlock the gathering pouch and light backpack. These are equipped items that give you more inventory space. While they don’t allow you to carry more weight it makes difficult choices like the one I suggested above less frequent.

    I also find they make building a new walker very easy. I can just stuff the backpack full of the materials needed and spam F to build it. Sure, I’m overburdened…. for about 10 seconds. And then I don’t have to rearrange or do inventory shuffle with the supplies I normally carry. Keep in mind that the more you’re carrying the more you stand to lose if something bad happens.

    Crafting Stations

    Youll discover the Fiber and Wood stations as you go along because they are fairly intutive and your need for weave, rope and wood shafts will lead you to them.

    What isn’t as obvious is that the next thing you’ll want is the Stomper. The stomper is basically an automated mortar and pestle and its the easiest way for a solo nomad to get enough earth wax. Just put palm leaves or mushrooms in it and wait.

    The waiting is the hard part if you’re using a Spider – which is too small to have anything on it. You can fit a stomper on a Firefly, though, and certainly a Dingy. In that case just have it going while you roam.

    If you’re out on a spider, though, you’ll need to set the Stomper up on the ground somewhere. Fortunately the game has plenty of little places you can tuck yoursefl away. You certainly can (and will) be found but many players don’t check every crack and crevice. And for good reason:it doesn’t usually pay off since even if there are some resources to gather there its easier and more productive to find them elsewhere.

    Just don’t stay in one place for too long. Let the devices make the resources you need then pack or disassemble them and move on.

    If you’re using a campfire at the same time – which is wise since any time spent in camp crafting other things is also a good time to make drinking water – be careful about having so much wood in it that it stays on all the time. That light is also very visible and can sometimes light up the things you’re hiding in. I never have the campfire burning during an eclipse. Its just way too visible.


    Its the fastest way to level up, you get fragments from completing sections of it and it does a great job of guiding you through the game’s most important mechanics. If you make a mistake very early on and unlock the wrong thing then it can be hard to progress through the tutorial. I saw a few streamers do exactly that and they found themselves haing to explore and fight before they knew how to fight or make bandages….

    • Even in the wingless walkers avoid being on top of ridges for long. You’re very visible and any movement will draw eyes to you.
    • When going over a ridge stop before you get to the top and see what’s on the other side. If someone could see you if you went over the edge you then have the option of watching to see what they are doing or turning around.
    • Fight the rupu, especially the larger, smarter ones. You’ll want all the practice fighting you can get and the rupu are the best practice you’ll get for melee practice. If you have trouble with a White Death you will certainly have trouble with a player that knows what they are doing.
    • If you are being attacked use it as an opportunity to practice fighting and learn.
    • Get really good with your grapple. It can save you from fall damage, allow you to move in ways that are much harder for ranged weapons to hit and is just generally a cool way to move around.
    • You can kick. By default its mapped to “2nd middle mouse button.” If you don’t have that button remap it to something else. I’m using R and so far its working well. Be careful using it, though, as it uses stamina.
    • As far as I know there isn’t any way put markers on the map, yet. All I’ve been able to figure out so far is taking a screenshot to mark a place. You can also put down a quick sandbed which will be easily visible on your map but I’d do that very sparingly. Other nomads will find and destroy them and they are a sign of your presence since they have your name on them.
    • Have a lot of looted repair hammers and wondering what to do with them all? They’re better at opening the hard loot crates than any weapon you’re likely to have. Its a great use for them and you spend less time being vulnerable at a highly visible landmark. Win win.
    • Get really, really good at blocking. When it comes to melee it doesn’t matter who good their weapon is:a block is a block. Again, practice with the rupus. Players are WAY better than rupus but its a good place to start.
    • Keep those fragments in your walker storage.すぐに。 No exceptions. Yet at the same time…
    • Avoid hoarding too many frragments in your walker. Its better to know what you want to unlock and do that as soon as you have the frags for it. While your walker storage is safer than any other storage ingame your walker can still be broken into with the right equipment. It might not happen that often because that ammo is expensive but its good to be in the habit of using those fragments as soon as you can becuase it WILL happen at some point.
    • Also, if you’re about to get ganked and you can’t avoid it…. take those fragments and unlock whatever you have time for. Even if those aren’t the things you were working towards its better to unlock them than to just lose the fragments.

    What are those tier 2 fragment things? Tablets? Where do I find them?

    Yes, Tablets. And you might as well forget they exist for a while. You make them. From 100 fragments and 1K torque. Torque is made with wind powered walkers or placed windmills and stored in Torque Batteries. You take these supplies to static crafting stations that only exist on hard maps to make the Tablet(s).

    You can see the dangers, yes? First, that’s a lot of effort to farm up. Second, you have all that stuff on you or your walker as you approach the crafting station. Third, if you manage to make one you then have one of the game’s most valuable items in your inventory….

    Making Tablets one or a few at a time is likely to be endgame play for solos. It takes 100 of the SAME Tablet (of which there are 3 kinds, determined by RNG at creation) to unlock the largest walker.

    See what I mean about the limitations of playing solo? That’s not a bad thing:its simply a consequence of a game that allows for both challenging solo AND large group play.


    Respawing Elsewhere

    ああ! I had just finished downloading the game, fired it up, poked through the character creation choices and was finally getting started! Its so exciting!

    Upon standing up and looking around I saw another beginning player running at me with a stick. I defended myself as best I could but… yeah.

    なんで? Why?!?!? I don’t even have any loot!!!!

    The answer is simple:that player would rather not have the competition of another fresh spawn right in his or her spawn cradle. There are plenty of other cradles so you’re just being told – in the quickest, if not very polite, way – to respawn elsewhere and leave them alone. There is nothing personal or toxic about it.

    Since you are solo nomad that as simple as it can be. In the respawn menu there is an option to respawn to a different Cradle server. I suggest looking for one that is “spacious” though at present there is little chance it will stay spacious for long. You’ll be spawned in the same getting started canyon with no loss.

    You may have to do this a few times. Just stick with it and eventually you’ll find a place to at least get your feet under yourself.

    Protected Inventory

    Up to (but not including) level 20 your top 4 inventory slots do not drop on death. Neither do the weapons or tools you have in hotbar slots 1 and 2 and anything you have equipped in the 3 equipment slots and what you are wearing. You’ll see the little lock icon on those inventory slots so put the important stuff there.

    What’s important? At that stage its going to be fiber, wood, stone and…. your choice of the resource that is most important at the moment. Might be rupu pelts, rupu vine or catus fruit depending on what you are currently working on.

    “But what about the Fragments?!” I hear you ask. Fortunately those are also protected no matter what slot they are in.

    And Once We Hit Level 20?

    So, walkers are very expensive to break into because it takes ammo that isn’t exactly cheap. Zergs might have enough of this ammo to raze and entire server to the ground if they want to but everyone else is likely to be more selective about their targets.

    So upgrade the cargo capacity of your firefly and put the important stuff there. Certainly that includes Fragments and whatever materials you are stocking up on to build the next walker or crafting device.

    While its tempting to leave stuff stored in your campfire and other storage devices (and I sometimes do) its important to understand that those devices aren’t as safe as your walker’s cargo. It can be broken into by anyone with a weapon. Its up to you if you want to run that risk or not.

    And Finally (for Now)…

    Don’t be too afraid of making friends and teaming up with other players. Once you’re set up with your backup walkers its less of a risk to talk with other nomads, share news and team up to do things that are harder or more time consuming for 1 person to do. Its a dangerous desert and, sure, plenty of people will attack you just because you are there. But not everyone will and finding other like-minded nomads can also be a fun part of the MMO experience of Last Oasis.