

Among Us – 総合基本ガイド (ゲームプレイと戦術)

ゲームプレイと戦術について可能な限り多くの情報を提供することを目的とした長いガイドです。これにより、ほとんどの公開ロビーを克服し、人々がゲームの経験を持つ傾向があるプライベート マッチに備えることができます。



こんにちは、私のガイドへようこそ!私は、このゲームをプレイすることで収集できるすべてのヒント、トリック、および観察を試みて収集し、パブリック プレイヤー向けの基本的なリファレンスを提供することにしました。現在、一部の公共のロビーは完全な無政府状態のように感じることがあり、真の悲嘆はあまり目立たないものの、見過ごされている明らかなことがたくさんあります

私は古いベテランのふりをしているわけではありませんが、簡単に参照できるようにできる限りコンパイルしたかった.これのいくつかは私が周りで見たいくつかのナゲットに基づいていますが、主な問題は、これらのガイドは通常、インポスターを十分にプレイすることだけに焦点を当てており、クルーメイトの側面を無視していることです (平均してゲームの 80% になります) ).

このガイドは、Skeld (悲しいことに、公開サーバーの 95% が適切なゲームを取得するのに非常に苦労して実行している) で、パブリック ロビー (より有能で/より簡単にあなたを読むことができるかもしれない激しい音声通信や親しい友人グループはありません) でプレイしていることを前提としています。奇妙すぎない設定 (ウルトラ スピード、キル クールダウンなし、イジェクト レポートなし、3 人の詐欺師など) で、他のマップでの経験)。


このゲームを初めてプレイする (または予定している) 場合は、始める前にいくつかの簡単な操作を行う必要があります。

  • [設定] に移動し、[マウス + キーボードの動き] に切り替えます。マウスを使って自由に照準を合わせながら矢印キーで機銃掃射できることは、一般的な機動性だけでなく、なりすましを避けるためにも非常に重要です。サボタージュが発生したときに廊下でじっと立っていることは、経験豊富なプレイヤーにとって致命的な贈り物です。
  • Skeld の Freeplay に飛び込んで、コントロールといくつかのミニゲームを試してください。これは、自分が何をしているのかを確実に把握するのに適しています。開始エリアのコンピューターを使用してインポスターに切り替えて、安全な環境で敵対者のみのメニューを試したり、殺害/ベント/サボタージュがどのように機能するかをテストしたりできます.
  • マルチプレイヤー名を選びます。忘れがちですが、「プレーヤー」はそうではありません。長いものは選べないので、おしゃれなものを選んでください。人々は色や名前で呼びかけます。
  • インポスター フィルタを選択する デフォルトでは 1 です。これは通常、10 人用のゲームでは難しすぎます。完全なゲームに対してよりバランスの取れた挑戦をする傾向があるため、2 つのインポスターのゲームを検索することを強くお勧めします。
  • 飛び込んでびしょぬれ!インポスターであっても失うことを恐れないでください。あなたはより良くしようとする必要があり、多くのラウンドはあなたからの多くの入力なしですぐに終了したり、膠着状態に陥ったりする可能性があります.すぐに、物事の流れがわかります。

ロビーに参加するとき、実際に機能するロビーを取得する最も簡単な方法は、リストの一番上にあるロビーに参加しないことです。スロットが6/10~8/10のものを狙って祈る。希望があれば、オフライン モードで少しトレーニングすれば、最初の試合をプレイできます。



平均的なゲームには 10 人のプレイヤーがいて、そのうち 2 人が詐欺師です。詐欺師は、お互いが誰であるかを常に知っています。乗組員のすべてのメンバーには、左上に完了するタスクのリストが表示されます。これには、マップ上の特定のポイントに移動する必要があります (右上に開き、感嘆符がスポットをマークします)。詐欺師も提案としてタスクを持っていますが、それらを完了することはできません。ゲームは次の方法で終了します:

  • すべての詐欺師は死んでいます。クルーの勝利。乗組員には自己防衛の手段がないため、両方の詐欺師を殺す唯一の方法は、ディスカッション ラウンドで彼らを投票で外すことです。
  • 乗組員はすべての目的を達成します。クルーの勝利。これは、生きている乗組員と死亡した乗組員がすべてのタスクを完了する必要があることを意味します。この勝利は公の場ではめったにありません。なぜなら、任務を完了することを拒否する恐ろしい乗組員が常に 1 人いるからです。
  • 詐欺師は乗組員を圧倒します。詐欺師の勝利。残りの詐欺師が忠実な乗組員に投票できなくなった場合、彼らは即座に勝ちます。これは、生存している 2 人のプレイヤーで 1 人の詐欺師が生きている場合、または 4 人のプレイヤーが生きている場合で 2 人の詐欺師が生きている場合に発生します。主な詐欺師の勝利
  • 船/コロニーが破壊されました。詐欺師の勝利。詐欺師は常に致命的な破壊工作を引き起こす可能性があります。完全に修正またはスキップせずにティック ダウンを許可した場合 (体を報告することによって)、ミッションが台無しになり、詐欺師の勝利としてミッションが終了します。




おそらく、あなたは船の 8 人の乗組員の 1 人として選ばれます。それは単純な役割ですが、あなたは無力ではありません。賢くプレイすることで、ほとんどの場合、最初の犠牲者になったり、ゲームの途中で無力になったりすることを防ぐことができます.

乗組員として、あなたは非常に強力な立場から始めます。詐欺師は 2 人、味方は 7 人です。ただし、誰を信頼してよいかわかりません。また、通常は船全体を移動するための非常に長いタスクのリストが与えられ、注意が分散され、必然的に 2 つの詐欺師にあなたまたは他の人をシャンクするための開口部が与えられます。詐欺師が報復を受けずに死ぬたびに、完全な敗北に近づきます。


  • 自分のタスク、特に他の全員が向かっているタスクを実行します。タスクがマップ上のどこにあるかを確認し、混雑しているタスクに優先順位を付けます。タスクを実行しないと、チームにハンディキャップが生じるため、キル レポートが表示されるまで何もせずに人々を追跡しないでください。
  • できる限り他の人と付き合う。すべてのタスクを精査するのはクールに聞こえるかもしれませんが、これは必然的に、ある時点で完全に孤立し、詐欺師があなたの前を横切るとすぐに身動きが取れなくなります。最初のラウンドでのソロ ランボーは、まずまずの詐欺師にとってもプレミアム ピッキングです。
  • 部屋に出入りする人に注意してください。完璧な記憶がない限り、明らかに難しいことですが、詐欺師を裏切る最大の方法の 1 つは、詐欺師が部屋に入って外に出ていないことに気づき、中に死体を見つけることです。 2 人組で旅行する人を優先してください。2 人組は裏切りの被害を受けやすいためです。
  • サボタージュ アラートを確認します。点滅するライト、アラーム、およびカウンターは、インポスターが船のモジュールを妨害したことを示します。これらが発生した場合、誰もが行っていることを終了または中止して修正するのが一般的な手順です。致命的な破壊工作を時間内に修正できなかった場合、試合全体が詐欺師の勝利で終了します。
  • ディスカッション ラウンドの準備をします。必然的に、詐欺師は誰かを殺し、死体が発見されます。誰と一緒に旅行していたか (特に、彼らがかなりの時間あなたの元を離れなかった場合) を書き留めます。逆に、あなたがたまたま近くにいた場合は、殺戮地点の近くに誰が潜んでいたかを書き留めてください。

このゲームは、開始時に少し機械的な強度がありますが、すぐに乗り越えなければならないこぶです.ミニゲームは通常、非常に単純なパズル スキルのみを必要とし、せいぜい 1 時間のプレイ時間ですべてを把握できます。ゆっくりと行うことを忘れないでください。3 回以上やりすぎて集中しすぎて死ぬ可能性があるよりも、少しゆっくりと完了する方がよいでしょう。

地図で迷ったとしても、心配しないでください。それらには複雑さがあり、破壊工作ポイント (ドアとモジュール) や通気口など、通常の乗組員には隠されているものもありますが、これらはすぐに習得できます。



初めての詐欺師ラウンドで私があなたに与えることができる最大のヒントは簡単です.安全にプレイし、空想的なドライブバイキルに行かないでください.公共のロビーでの詐欺師のミスプレイの半分は、誰かがあなたを監視しているときに(カメラを介して、または他に出口のない部屋にあなたが歩いているのを見ている)、または単にあなたの上に歩いてきたときに誰かをシャンクすることで構成されている.死体は何をしても即座に報告されるため、一度に 2 人の乗組員と向き合うことに頼ることはできません。ですから、捕まらないようにできることをしてください。


  • 妨害行為は有能な詐欺師の主力です。どのボタンを押すかについては、非常に多くの戦略が必要です。すべての妨害行為は、乗組員の流れやキルの機会に大きな影響を与えるからです。特にキルがクールダウン中のラウンド開始時にボタンを連打することは控えてください。
  • ドアまたはモジュールのいずれかを妨害できますが、両方を妨害することはできません (Polus を除く)。マップ上のいずれかのドアがダウンしている場合、モジュールは元に戻るまで妨害できません。モジュールが妨害されている場合、ドアを落とすことはできません。
  • かなり遠くから殺せます。ノーマルのキル半径はかなり広く、誰かに突進して殺すことができます.あなたの殺害が安全であると確信している場合は、誰かを突っ込むことを恐れないでください.
  • 殺害が発見される可能性が高い場合は、通気口でキャンプできます。準備/偵察を行っていない部屋の通気口から出るのは非常に危険であり、特にクールダウン中にキルを行うと、有能な乗組員によって即座に発見または推定される可能性があります.代わりに、通気孔にとどまり、死体が発見されるのを待つことができます.
  • 仕事はできませんが、ふりをすることはできます。安全なふりをすることはそれ自体が芸術であり、一貫して行うのは非常に困難ですが、目的もなく常に走り回るのは、最初の 2 ラウンドを過ぎた詐欺師の完全な贈り物です。視覚効果のないタスクの横にじっと立っているだけで、そのタスクを「実行」できます。

これは本当に基本中の基本であり、誰もが知っておくべき信じられないほど基本的なヒントを超えています (たとえば、人の前で換気口に入らないでください。これは自分の役割を完全に放棄するからです)。もちろん、それは大したことではありません。また、詐欺師として恐ろしいことをして、ディスカッション中に深刻な混乱に陥らないようにするために、学ぶべきことは他にもたくさんあります.


必然的に、誰かがシャンクされ、彼の半分になった体が不運な目撃者に見下され(または誰かがブザーを妨害して緊急会議を呼びかける)、悪名高いディスカッションにつながります.そして、良い議論が決着すると、殺人が無視されるか、誰かがスケープゴートとしてエアロックからきれいに放り出されることになります.これを適切に行うことは、両方の役割として重要であり、ラウンド ツー ラウンドのゲームプレイでスキルを簡単に節約したり台無しにしたりできます。


  • 貢献できるものが何もない場合は、閉じてください。辛辣で無礼に聞こえるかもしれませんが、話しすぎたり、ひどい指摘をしたりすることは、チームを台無しにする最も簡単な方法です。沈黙または意味のないおしゃべり (どこ? 誰? 手がかり? スキップ?) は、優れた詐欺師の最良の武器であり、乗組員としてランダムにナンセンスな話をすると、ミスリンチにつながり、複数の罪のない人が殺される可能性があります。あなたの情報や疑惑が悪い、または不安定な場合は、まだそれを提供しないでください。数え切れないほどの乗組員が、ちょっとした悪い情報をめぐって互いにリンチしています。
  • レポーターは常に、告発について最初に批判を受けます。ラウドスピーカーを使用している人物の発言リストを確認します。彼らは死体を発見し、公式に報告したため、最小限の注意を払っています。忌まわしい情報がない限り、彼らについて話してはいけません (他の誰かが公然と発散したり殺したりするのを見た、またはレポーターがターゲットを殺したことを証明できる場合)。
  • レポーターを既定のオプションとしてリンチしないでください。特に早い段階で。キラーは自分のキルを報告することができますが、これは非常にまれです。それは明らかである傾向があり (優れたプレイヤーは、キルが「速すぎる」と簡単に判断できます)、誰かをフレーミングするか、何も持っていないと言うことを余儀なくされます (ひどいように見えます)。特に素早い殺害で、それらを疑わしくします)。
  • 情報が悪い場合は、スキップしても問題ありません。 「勘で」、または非常に些細な情報で人々をリンチすることは、詐欺師の殺害率を2倍にし、試合に勝つための簡単な方法です.詐欺師は再び乗組員を喜んでプレイすることを忘れないでください。トレードせずにディスカッションで乗組員を殺せば、彼らにとって大きな勝利になります!
  • ディスカッションは、戦略を示し、すべての情報を交換する機会です。ぜひご利用ください。特に、乗組員が特定のリンチのターゲットに設定されている場合、またはスキップを計画している場合は、ためらわずに投票チャットを使用して戦略を立てたり、個人的な疑惑を述べたり、要求を行ったりしてください (たとえば、ラウンドの開始時に乗組員にあなたに従うように依頼するなど)。あなたが自分自身を証明するのを見るために)
  • 取引を真剣に扱います。通常、X が Y を非難した場合、Y はその要求に屈しますが、X が無実であることが判明した場合は X をリンチするよう求めます。それを待って、双方がそれを真剣に受け止めていることを絶対に確認してください.乗組員として、別の乗組員と取引することは、あなたができる最悪のことです。これにより、ラウンド 3 の開始までに少なくとも 4 キル、場合によっては 6 キルが保証され、2 人の詐欺師が生きているサドンデス モードになります。ささいな情報を交換しないでください!
  • 詐欺師として、チームメイトに自殺するほど忠誠を尽くさないでください。キリングバディが誰であるかを常に認識しているため、投票が悪化し、彼がまな板の上にいるときを簡単に知ることができます.ただし、仲間の詐欺師を厳重に防御することは非常に危険な戦略であり、2 人ともすぐに処刑されてしまいます。票を引き分けたり奪い合ったり、次のラウンドで勝てる自信がない限り、詐欺師を弁護しないでください!





  • 一般的なタスク。すべての乗組員が共有する非常に具体的なタスク。共同作業ではないため、すべての乗組員が自分で行う必要があることに注意してください。このタスクは通常、エリアの交通量を増やし、非常に意識の高い詐欺師に殺害の機会を与える可能性があります。 Skeld での一般的なタスクは、管理カードのスワイプまたはワイヤーの固定です。乗組員は他のタスクをランダムに分担できることに注意してください。
  • 短いタスク。通常、数秒間続く 1 回の対話で実行できるタスク (少なくともその 1 ステップ。データのダウンロードは短いと見なされますが、アップロードするために別の場所に移動する必要があります)。これらは、関心のあるオブジェクトの近くで少し停止してから離陸することで簡単に実行できるため、最も偽造された相互作用であることがよくあります。不審なベテラン乗組員を追い払うために、完全に「完了する」までプログレス バーを動かさないものもあります。
  • 長い仕事。長時間、通常は 10 秒以上注意を払う必要があるタスク。これらには、視覚的なフィードバックがある可能性が高くなります (Start Reactor などのいくつかの例外を除く)。ただし、非常に不審に見えることなく、特定の部屋でアイドル状態にするために使用することはできますが、あなたを観察している人をすぐに殺さない場合は、進行ティックでタイミングを合わせないように注意してください.
  • ビジュアル タスク。詐欺師の悩みの種であり、Among Us メタゲームの中核です。それらが有効になっていると仮定すると、一部のタスクは、進行中または完了時に明らかな視覚的フィードバックを提供します (武器タスクでは発射され、医療スキャンではスキャン中のキャラクターが他の人に表示されます)。偽者はいかなる状況下でも通常の作業を行うことができないため(ふりをすることさえ)、これは、その人物が正当な乗組員であることを疑う余地なく証明する主な方法です。逆に、視覚的なタスクを偽装すると、知覚力のある乗組員との間でトラブルの世界に巻き込まれます。

乗組員の場合、左上のタスク バーの各ノッチは、乗組員の完全なタスク リストが完了していることを示していることに注意することが重要です。いっぱいになると、ゲーム内のすべての乗組員がタスクを完了したことになり、即座に勝利します。勝利に近づいている場合は、グループを組んで人々を危険な目標に行進させ、詐欺師に驚きのスラムダンクを与えることを検討してください!

詐欺師にとって、タスクはあなたの存在の悩みの種です。彼らは乗組員が勝つための代替手段であり、あなたに圧力をかけ続けることを余儀なくさせるだけでなく、あなたが乗組員を助けていないという事実を簡単に裏切ることができます.誰かをだますような方法でインタラクションを本当に偽造する唯一の方法は、妥当な時間その下に立ち、タスクの進行状況バーがカチカチ音をたてるように立ち去ることであることに注意することが重要です(特定のマルチであるふりをしない限り) -ステージタスク)。他の方法でそれを行うと、ベテランの乗組員にヒントが得られるかもしれませんが、誰かがグループから離れるまで廊下をあてもなく歩き回るほど悪くはありません!





The Skeld では、公開サーバーで常に人気を博しており、詐欺師が乗組員をいじるために利用できる 5 つの破壊工作が用意されており、それぞれに特定の目的があります。

  • リアクターのメルトダウン。核ボタンは原子炉に過負荷をかけ、ステーションが爆発する前に乗組員が介入するのに 30 秒を与えます。ハンドリーダーを同時にスワイプして原子炉をリセットするには、2 人が必要です。原子炉は同じ部屋の中にありますが、互いに見えないところにあるのが便利です。また、この妨害行為により、乗組員のほとんどがマップの左側に向かいます。最初に間違った人が入った場合にタイミングの良いキルを行うと、試合が終了する可能性があります。
  • O2 シャットダウン。 O2ボタンは酸素システムをシャットダウンします。つまり、管理者とO2自体にある2つの別々のピンコードリーダーが解決されない限り、乗組員は30秒で窒息死します.これらのタスクは互いに独立して実行できますが、かなりの移動時間と解決時間が必要になります。また、この妨害行為により、乗組員のほとんどがマップの右側に向かいます。最初に間違った人が入った場合にタイムリーなキルを行うと、試合が終了する可能性があります。
  • 消灯。ライトボタンは、ステーションのすべての照明をすばやくシャットダウンし、周囲の非常に限られた半径を除いて、すべての非詐欺師プレイヤーを完全に盲目にし、他のプレイヤー (またはその死体) を発見するのを防ぎます。電気のスイッチボードをフリックすることでライトをすばやく修正できますが、暗い廊下を自由に追いかけ、他の人の直接の視界で殺すことができることによるダメージは激しい場合があります.
  • コミュニケーション オフ。通信ボタンは、すべてのステーション通信を即座にシャットダウンします。最初は厄介者のように聞こえるかもしれませんが、用途があります。これにより、すべての乗組員のタスク リストと、彼らがどこにいるかを示すミニマップ アイコンが非表示になり、修理されるまでカメラと管理テーブルが完全に無効になります。これは、スクランブルされた振幅波をモデルと照合する短いが退屈なミニゲームを含む小さなコミュニケーション ルームで修正されます。
  • ドアロック。ドアのアイコンのいずれかをクリックすると、部屋に通じるすべてのドアがすぐに閉じて、丸 10 秒間ロックされます。これにより、人が出入りし、クリーン キルとベントの機会が設定されます (誰もあなたが入ってくるのを見ていないと仮定します)。船全体の乗組員が部屋や廊下で一人で、または多かれ少なかれ信頼できる乗組員と一緒に立ち往生しているため、一般的な混乱。ドアロックは独自のクールダウン中にあり、個別に発射できますが、アクティブな間は他のすべての妨害行為をブロックし、他の妨害行為中には発射できないことに注意してください。

2 つの致命的な破壊工作 (Reactor と O2) は印象的で、常に試す価値があるように聞こえるかもしれませんが、最も愚かな乗組員だけが、特に全員が生きている早い段階で、Reactor を爆発させたり、O2 を自由に使い果たしたりすることに注意することが重要です。そして説明します。代わりに、彼らの主な力は、脅威が無力化されたことを確認するために、ほとんどのプレイヤーを特定の部屋に強制的に入れることにあります。これにより、詐欺師は全員の位置をリセットし、新たに孤立したターゲットを殺す準備を整えることができます.


派手な妨害行為を使用する場合は、進行中の致命的な妨害行為を無視できないほど幸せそうに見えないように十分注意してください。アッパー O2 が尽きそうになったときに武器で何気なく「タスクを実行」している乗組員は、リンチの主要なターゲットです。自分の破壊行為を修正することもできることに注意してください。これは、最初に到着し、どちらの方法でも修正されることがわかっている場合に推奨されます (特に、プレイヤーの大群があなたの後ろに迫っている場合)。一部の人々は、あなたの勤勉な行動があなたを安全にすると信じ込ませるかもしれません.



これは後で説明するより詳細な戦略につながる可能性がありますが、すべての安全なキルが試合に指数関数的な影響を与えることに注意することが重要です.乗組員が死亡したということは、ラウンドの後半に乗組員と一緒に投票する人が 1 人少なくなること、ずさんな殺人の潜在的な目撃者が 1 人少なくなること、安全にプレイする必要があるときにトリオを形成する人が 1 人少なくなることを意味します。その結果、たとえ強力なグループが動いていたとしても、人々を死なせることは、基本的にゲームを投げるのと同じくらい近い.やるな!

逆に、詐欺師が誰かを殺し、すぐに気付かれて処刑されると、特に非常に早い段階で、乗組員に有利にゲームが大きく揺れ動きます。詐欺師として 8 対 9 対 1 にすることは不可能ではありませんが、簡単なことではありません。特に、誰かが詐欺師を実行させることで自動的に証明され、他の人を証明したり、投票/タスク グループを形成したりするためにすばやく移動できるためです。勝利のキルでない限り、1 キルはゲームをスローする価値はありません!

先に述べたように、殺害についての最大のことは、特に早い段階で、安全で他の乗組員に明らかな手がかりを与えないように殺害する必要があるということです. Assuming no-one leaves, you have up to seven people in Round 1 who can potentially guess who killed that poor crewman, or walk in on you or otherwise observe you enter or leave the room the victim was killed in. Don’t give them a slam dunk case by rushing the first isolated target you can find!

Your kill starts on cooldown at the start of every round, so your first thought should be a good fake destination for a task you are going to pretend to do. Keep an eye out for anyone who isolates themselves or duos with you on the part of the map you are prowling. The easiest kill setup is meeting up with someone isolated and no-one seeing either of you together until you kill.

Remember that sabotages are available to give you a kill setup, so don’t panic or do something rash if you’re stuck in a crowd or no-one makes themselves a good target by the time your cooldown is up. You’ll usually want to save the sabotage until then (except for doors, as they can be used to split groups and cut line of sight right before your kill). Not only will the sabotage force people to move suddenly, but they might distract people enough to give you an opening. Obviously, if someone is ignoring the sabotage totally, they are usually isolating themselves and making themselves a perfect target for a stab, as people will be gone from the area for 20+ seconds.

Getting away from a kill is important, as being caught with a body or clearly running from it will get you executed in 95 % of lobbies. The easiest method, assuming your room features one (remember to scout ahead, don’t hesitate to cancel a kill if your getaway is not secure), is the humble vent. You can enter it instantly when in range, allowing you to leave the room unseen for a connected vent. You can also just camp in the vent assuming you are not expecting a second kill, which is especially recommended early on as people are still doing tasks all over and will most certainly run into your kill or your teammate’s. If you exit your vent, make sure to do it in a room that is safe, magically appearing from inside a room someone was just in is a slam dunk case for a lynch.

Leaving on foot, or deciding to continue leaving after venting is extremely dangerous and not recommended unless you are absolutely sure your entire side of the map is isolated (early on, this is basically never). The only exception is if the lights are out and you don’t expect for them to be repaired before you get reasonably far away from the body and blend back in.

Be very careful about indirect monitoring. If someone is obviously dipping in and out of rooms checking where everyone is, or if you see a camera blinking red near your kill, this definitely means that someone is checking where everyone is in anticipation of puzzling together a murder on this side of the station. You will usually want to prepare a coherent sabotage (on Skeld, anything but Reactor) to get them off your back before you try anything. Do not attempt to force it, they want you to be carelesss!

While detailed more later, Lights Out allows you to bypass all these concerns and get kills that would be suicide in normal gameplay. Since crewmmates can literally not see more than two feet in front of them, but you can still see normally, you can easily run up behind someone in the dark, stab them, and carefully leave while dodging other people coming in before the lights go back on and your misdeed is spotted.

At the end of the day, killing is an art, but remember to try and get safe kills above all. While you don’t want to be that Impostor teammate that literally gets no kills all game, going kamikaze and only killing one or two people before being lynched will put your fellow Impostor in a world of trouble.

Proving Crew and Being Safe

At the end of the day, the main struggle of the crew during the game is to find out who are their fellow, trustworthy crewmmates, and who the one or two Impostors left are before they give them improvised spine massages. Usually, the main slang that is used in this game to denote that someone is most likely a genuine crewmember is them being “Safe” (or “Proven”, as seen in TTT).

Of course, the opposite would be to do things that appear dodgy or that make no sense for a crew member, from the subtle like pacing incoherently through hallways, to the blatant like diving down a vent right in front of someone. This makes you Suspicious, or can even instantly prove you are an Impostor and give the crew an easy kill with an emergency meeting!

However, it is important to denote that there are levels of safety and suspicion that any competent player should apply, and things usually linked to them, which I will try to describe now.

Safe/Proven/Confirmed Crew

Anyone exhibiting any of these behaviours can basically be trusted, as it is either impossible or incredibly unlikely for an Impostor to do these. Even if they do them, they are likely to harm their team or sabotage their own efforts. Don’t hesitate to duo or trio with them around the station, and listen to them!

As Impostor, anyone who gets labelled as such is a priority target. If you can isolate them, shank them. People trust them and they will form solid voting blocs in the mid to endgame, which can win a stalemate in the crew’s favour.

  • Performing a visual task in a way that multiple people can certify. It is absolutely impossible for an Impostor to fake a visual task, so as long as it is clear they are the one performing the task, this proves them permanently.
  • Being in full view of multiple people all round when all Impostors killed. Since there is a pretty big kill delay, and things like venting pause the recharge, two kills means that both Impostors got their kills off. If you never lost track of someone during that time, and they never got too close to any kill site, they are basically proven. Make sure both Impostors killed however, one Impostor can easily play pretend as a crew companion for a round if no good kill opportunities emerge!
  • Getting an Impostor lynched with evidence. This meaning that they volunteer critical information that gets an Impostor voted up, without needing someone to suggest them first. For example, calling an emergency meeting, declaring someone vented, and they turn up as an Impostor when flying out the airlock. While Impostors are advised to throw obvious and hopeless teammates under the bus, it is incredibly rare for Impostors to casually and single-handedly throw their teammates with information only they witnessed, especially early on and if no-one else corroborates.
  • Getting murdered, or thrown out the airlock and confirmed innocent. As stupid and obvious as it sounds, it’s important to remember that if this happens to someone, you can confirm that they were speaking as proven crew. While they might not have perfect information, this might bring some new doubts.

Potentially Safe/Trusted

These are behaviours you would expect from someone doing their job as a crew member, though nothing stops an Impostor with some skill from faking these. As a crew member, you want to keep some sort of mental note of who looks more safe, and who looks suspicious for those dangerous voting stalemates. As Impostors, try to end up in this category if you want to survive past the early game!

  • Performing tasks in general. Most crewmembers will expect Impostors to be on the prowl for isolated crewmmates, so someone staying in a large group and obviously tending to devices makes little sense, especially if repeated or if kills happen away from them. Check for task completion ticks if you can!
  • Foregoing “obvious” kills. If you are travelling alone with someone and they don’t kill you even after multiple times of entering a room with a vent without being seen by others, this is a good sign of trust. Good Impostors will make sure their kills are safe, but ignoring clean kills is crazy. Of course, make sure the kills you think they are ignoring would make sense to them!
  • Accepting scrutiny/timeouts. As always, Impostors are usually always on the lookout for opportunities. Staying twenty seconds in Medbay with three other people to see Yellow scanning themselves makes no sense in that context, especially since others could be isolated during that.
  • Good report callouts. Since Impostors rarely self-report, and framing is extremely dangerous (it’s very easy for a crew member to counter a claim by saying they saw the person somewhere else just before a report), someone who makes a good report on a kill or even helps find an Impostor can likely be held in esteem.

Finding Imposters and being Suspicious


Switching to the bad part of the scale, suspicious behaviour is the stuff that gets crew members thinking about someone’s loyalty. Early game, it can be a fair warning to steer clear from someone, or at least to avoid being alone with them at all costs. Late game, as options narrow with proven crew mates, they become liabilities to hang unless they have cleaned up their act

  • Pacing aimlessly or nervously, camping. Even a lost newbie can open his map and head to an objective. Someone who constantly doublebacks on himself, seems to wait outside doors or in rooms away from objectives or seems to dip in and out of a room with someone working alone tend to attract suspicion. Just make sure they’re not in a buddy system if simply gravitating around someone!
  • Going out of their way to be isolated. Avoiding big groups or splitting very quickly. Pacing or doing random stuff if followed by someone else. Seeming to panic or leave when they were in a duo and someone extra moves in.
  • Potential fake tasks. Leaving tasks that take a good few seconds unreasonably quickly. Seeming to “remember” tasks they kept passing by earlier when under new scrutiny (be careful about late reveal tasks like rewiring panels). No progress tick on a task that should have had one.
  • Convenient sabotage. Standing still moments before a sabotage, especially constantly. Perfect door slam if they were getting followed. Someone spots a group, splits and lights go out quickly afterwards, or doors go down on you.
  • Very good awareness during Lights Out. Impostors can see others perfectly during Lights Out. This can betray them if you see them obviously taking good notice of you and other teammates as you stumble around in the dark.
  • Improbable mobility. Anyone who appears to go from one side of the map to another in an unreasonable amount of time, or exiting task rooms you never saw them enter, always brings up the prospect of having used vents to that end. Just make sure you’re not underestimating how quickly they can navigate!
  • Unreasonably useless in Discussions. By the mid-game, most crewmen should have basic leads on who is safe or suspicious, especially as the amount of people to track drops fast. Impostors will usually go out of their way to not provide leads as they will have to make them up on the fly and any counterclaim can go very poorly for them. Being creepy silent is obviously an even worse form of it.
  • Trying to get a Safe/Proven crewman voted off. While everyone might not have perfect information at all times, someone you personally saw prove themselves (by doing a visual task for example) being attacked randomly during a Discussion round is suspicious. If they are accused of an obvious Impostor thing (for example venting), don’t hesitate to confront the accuser to avoid a mislynch.


Some actions are just so egregious that they prove that someone is working against the crew. As an Impostor, you should do everything you can to avoid these, and as a crewmember, you should go out of your way to press on them, even calling an emergency meeting if you reasonably can.

  • Spotted using vents. Only Impostors can use the vent system. This is a slam dunk case, run for the emergency meeting unless you can see the body they caused, then report that!
  • Running away from a murder or not reporting. Obviously, if you literally saw them cut the body, this goes without saying, but if someone darts out of a room or general hallway and you find a body retracing their steps, you can assume they have something bad to hide.
  • Defending another Impostor. If an obvious Impostor made up a horrible alibi and someone went for it hook and sinker (especially as the only one), you might want to give them a good check next.
  • Making a clear Impostor call on someone who turns out innocent. If the person who flew out of the airlock for “using a vent” or “self reporting” turns out innocent, the person who reported them likely isn’t.
  • Darting out on a visual proof promise. If someone claimed they were going to prove themselves and refuses to do so, they have a lot of explaining to do.
  • Pretending to do visual tasks with a straight face. While some like Medical Scan be be excused by the nearby Sample task, others like Weapons or Trash make for horrible fakes. Do not trust anyone who AFKs on them without visual feedback.
  • Ignoring sabotage. Early on, some crew mates might opt to power through their tasks during a lethal sabotage. However, later on, and at any time if they are doing so absurdly close to the actual sabotage fix point, this behaviour can cost crew the game with a well-timed murder, and thus be more than questionable. Camping a sabotage repair point without actually doing it is also a dead giveaway.
  • Being executed and revealed Impostor. Obviously, but this means that this person’s defenses or condemnations can take another spin. Be careful about fake throws however! Some Impostors are aware that some of their peers will throw their teammates in rage after being offed early and might supply a fake name to get a mislynch out of their misfortune.

Advanced Round Flow

Now that we covered basically everything you need to know to be competent at the game (assuming you’ve had time to practice), we are going to cover the metagame and how to peak above the rest of the crowd and be the person who carries an entire round. However, much like before, we need to start by reviewing how a round -truly- works

This guide defines a round as the time between everyone getting control (start of match or after a discussion) and the time where the next Discussion happens, when a body gets reported or an emergency meeting is convened, which immediately resets everyone to the Cafeteria or map equivalent and cancels ongoing sabotages or tasks. Rounds are obviously where all the gameplay happen, with Discussions being limited to social skills only (either deduction or manipulation depending on what side you belong to). The sum of all rounds is a match/game.

There is a specific flow to every round, and multiple “stages” a match/game goes through, which can be summed up as follows:

  • Early Game/Stage 1. Both Impostors are still alive and at least 8 people are alive in total. The game is still undecided. The crew can still safely focus on tasks and skip discussions with no/bad hints and shouldn’t lynch on a single suspicion. The Impostors should carefully think up their opening kills to make sure they aren’t caught, even if it means killing late or even not killing in a short round, as dying now will swing the game massively in the crew’s favor.
  • Mid Game/Stage 2. Both Impostors are still alive and at least 7 people are alive in total. At this point, the game is still balanced but Impostors are making gains. The crew should start playing more safely and ensure they stick in coherent groups, and anyone who can prove should do so when others see them. The Impostors should start or continue to fabricate a cover to get the one or two more kills they need
  • Sudden Death/End Game/Stage 3. Both Impostors are still alive and 5-6 people are alive, or one Impostor with 3-4 people alive. The last bit of the crew needs to stick together at all costs while preparing to fix sabotages, and call the emergency meeting to vote Impostors out. Impostors can win the game during the round if they get enough kills to get down to 4 people alive with two Impostors, or 2 people alive with one Impostor, so don’t give them kills! They are also the most likely to win by Sabotage if they can pick out or stall people during it, which is a common Sudden Death tactic.
  • Crew Advantage. One Impostor is alive with more than 5 people alive, or the tasks are at least 75 % complete when not in Sudden Death. If this happens, focus on finishing your tasks to secure the victory, but don’t split to avoid getting the Impostor back into the game!

As you can see, the game can move quickly. Since Impostors can kill two every round, the game can move from Early Game to Mid Game in Round 2 (3+ kills, or 2 kills with mislynch), and even into Sudden Death as early as Round 3 (4+ kills, or mislynch leading to it). This underlines how powerful properly and cleanly killing someone is, and how bad it is to random lynch as a crew! This also means you can go from running around in one round, to playing ultra safe and trying to prove everyone and vote by elimination in the next.

As soon as the round starts, so does your strategy for the round. Your first decision is to choose a destination to accomplish tasks (you should always be accomplishing tasks as long as you are not isolating yourself, especially early on). For obvious reasons, and as stated earlier, I would recommend generally sticking with at least a few people (never go down an entire direction alone or with only one person). The actual meaning of the directions and what they imply for you will be detailed later on the Skeld guide, but you will generally get a good idea of how the map is split up after playing a few rounds on it.

The Impostors start on kill cooldown, which means that they can only kill after the amount of time listed on the lobby screen (usually 20 to 45 seconds). This also means that outside of new Impostors, they have absolutely no reason to act suspicious or start a lethal sabotage immediately unless they are going for a specific strategy (like forcing everyone into Reactor, O2 or Electricity immediately on Round 1 to confuse the crew). As a result, it acts as a bit of a “truce”. You should usually be going straight for your task and try doing it if you have any company, or find people if you don’t feel safe.

The kills will usually happen a bit after cooldown ends with competent Impostors, so you can fully expect that both kills will have been done after a minute unless your team is playing it extremely safe. While rare early on, failing to find bodies even if you couldn’t see the perpetrator is dangerous. Impostors may roll with it and try to go for a second set of kills, especially if kill cooldown was set low. Allowing Impostors to kill two people in one round is the worst thing you can ever do, as it will get you very close to Sudden Death and it is extremely unlikely you can properly investigate the kills in Discussion.

Assuming the match isn’t won or lost, a round can only end in two ways. A kill is reported, or someone heads to the Cafeteria and triggers the Emergency Meeting. As an Impostor, you tend to like long rounds, as they give you a good chance to get two kills off and dramatically wound the crew, though you may abort a bad round where you are unable to get a kill to avoid an aggressive crew from running away with tasks. As crew, you always want to end a round as soon as kills have happened, even if it means triggering an emergency meeting if needed. If the round has been going for more than a minute and you suspect kills have happened, do not hesitate to beeline to the Cafeteria and use your emergency meeting, you might save the game!

The emergency meeting unlocks after a specific cooldown (normally none, but it is extremely rare for it to not be set to at least 15 seconds to give Impostors counter-play if someone plans to instantly emergency meeting on round start). The emergency meeting will also lock in all conditions if a sabotage is ongoing, including non-lethal ones (doors don’t count). As an Impostor, you can give a last saving throw to someone obviously gunning for the Emergency Meeting by calling a sabotage in and shanking them before it’s repaired.

It is critical for you to keep track on what game stage you are in and how your current round is flowing at all times, so you don’t get surprised by sudden changes in crew behaviour, or worse, a sudden game over screen because the Impostors got the final kill. Remember to not let rounds drag on for too long, you don’t know how many people are dead until you’re back at the round table!

Advanced Crew Tips

As crew, your biggest weapon, as obvious as it is from the beginning, is others. Impostors want isolated targets quietly doing tasks in the back of a room no-one saw them enter, to get themselves a tasty kill. One cannot underestimate how important it is for competent crewmembers to always have someone with them, preferably more than one. Even if it means ignoring isolated tasks, especially early on!

Duo and trio are two words you should keep in your mind early on. Travelling alone is, to put it simply, as good as suicide. If the first person you meet is an Impostor, and especially if you meet in an isolated room, you won’t be seeing the Cafeteria again. Being in a duo that is clearly obvious to others is far safer than it appears at first glance. If you wind up stabbed, the person that was tagging with you will appear extremely suspicious for obvious reasons, even if they were not spotted running from your body. As long as you don’t intentionally split for them, you are putting an Impostor in a difficult situation by tagging with them, as long as others witnessed you two wandering off together!

A trio, and of course anything above this (all the way to one, enormous stampede of crewmen) is of course even safer, and starting a four people you are guaranteed to be safe, as there are only two Impostors. There is also a specific dynamic with a trio even if you are unlucky enough to be tagging with both Impostors. Killing a person tagging along as an Impostor duo is extremely dangerous, as this casts suspicion on both Impostors if they don’t make a perfect getaway or get spotted before the deed.

Later on, as the number of crewmen still standing on their own two appendages shrinks, you will switch to a specific dynamic that genuinely wins matches. The buddy system is the next evolution of these random tag-alongs. If you trust someone enough to tag along with you even when the both of you are unaccounted for, you make yourselves an atrocious target for an Impostor, assuming you tagged with a safe person. Do not blindly go on a buddy system with someone who hasn’t reasonably proven themselves. Good Impostors will act safe to not be voted off later. If in doubt, ask for someone to prove themselves in Discussions before you follow them!

Proven groups are the plural version of this, with one person that is proven beyond a doubt (usually due to doing a visual task in front of others) leading a group of other crew and sending them around the ship to do tasks. This dynamic forces Impostors to use their sabotages to try and shake you up instead of simply picking you off one by one and easily finishing the round. Killing the proven person can also split the group, so be extremely careful about moving in a coherent group, as this is the main counter for Impostors!

Remember to save up your visual tasks until the mid-game! It is very rare for crew to win by tasks outright, and being able to scan yourself or throw the trash out in front of multiple other crew will instantly allow you to prove yourself beyond doubt. Be careful about being a target after this however, don’t do this and immediately wander off!

Assuming you are playing safe and not casually entering rooms alone, your main moment of weakness will be sabotages. While crew will often move in big blobs down the hallway to fix it, this leaves you vulnerable to being ambushed by Impostors lurking around, especially during Lights Out. The need for speed during lethal sabotages also means that you might have to fix an objective alone, which is a perfect opening for a clutch Impostor kill if the crew is moving poorly.

Mid and late game, the biggest danger is being blocked from doing tasks. The Impostor can just spam sabotages off cooldown to send you swerving through the map, and wait for any vulnerabilities to axe a question to an unfortunate crewman. While you can win by elimination with bad Impostors, good Impostors will act friendly and tag with groups enough to not be the “one person who is never here”, until they get the perfect opportunity to get away with a kill.

Advanced Impostor Tips

It cannot be reiterated enough, every kill is powerful and should be treated as such. Don’t just run around blindly stabbing the first person you catch alone. You will be guessed out and caught most of the time, especially if you went on the busy side of the map! If you want those tasty ambush kills, the mid-game is where you will find them. Keep yourself alive until then!

Be aware of who is collecting good information and proving themselves, and reversely who is playing stupidly, unreasonably believes you or made themselves suspicious. It is absolutely worth skipping a safe kill on someone that stands to be lynched, or take some chances to kill the one person who proved themselves early and is trying to organize the entire team. Killing people with good information cripples the crew, and leaving people who are suspicious alive even when they’re been wandering off alone makes them look extremely suspicious and will often get them lynched first during elimination. Getting the creepy crewmate thrown out the airlock first can literally win you the game if you are on tempo with kills.

If someone throws accusations or suspicions around during a discussion and they’re not onto you, strongly consider shanking them and not the person they’re accusing (assuming their target is crew). If the person under accusation did not take the precaution to stick with people or prove themselves, this makes them look horrible and will get them thrown out. You probably won’t even need to speak up and frame them.

Closing random doors can make the crew panic very easily, and set you up for unusual kills. A combo that is often not expected is manning the cameras while doing it, and making sure to lock people out from your incoming kill. Camera vent is linked to Electricy and Medbay, both have doors! Additionally, dropping a lot of doors will only slightly delay the next sabotage (it will unlock when the last door raises if not on cooldown), and can even split groups if timed properly or give your teammate an opening he didn’t expect.

While dangerous, as your target will get a proof of you being an Impostor before you kill them, and anyone could wander in or already be inside, you can use vents to enter a room someone is in and kill them. There is a high chance that people might be circulating outside the room, especially on some rooms like Navigation that normally have bad vent links, which will create serious bad blood between crewmen. Electricity is the most famous one as there is a big view blocker hiding two of the three tasks and the vent from the door and most crew will not enter willy-nilly. Doing it with Lights Out makes it a lot more safe, and can make for some pretty nasty frames if someone leaves a room to fix the lights, leaving a crewmmate behind, and they wind up dead. You cannot sabotage while in vents, so do it beforehand.

Using O2 sabotage to swing a crowd from left to right, or inverse for Reactor, is a good tactic to sow chaos and open up kills. Most people will rush whatever room is being sabotaged, often beelining it in a predictable pattern, allowing you to set up good drive-by kills. Early in the game, it is also very unlikely that anyone will make a mental tally of who showed up to fix the emergency or not, especially as legitimate crew on the other side of the ship may ignore it to fix tasks.

If someone found you out but doesn’t have a body to report, you still have a chance to get them! The dead don’t talk, so you simply need to catch up to them and shank them before they hit the Emergency Meeting. Do not ignore witnesses to obvious Impostor acts, they will always be believed. The main strategy, assuming your teammate is being reasonable and didn’t blow the sabotage early, is to fire a sabotage, especially Lights Out, or drop the doors in the way of the Cafeteria to catch them or run your kill cooldown down.

Lights Out hard counters Emergency Alert. It will block it from triggering until repaired, and you can very easily kill the reporter even if they are in public or in the Cafeteria. This can also be used to save a vent kill if it fails and someone walks up on you after you’re out of the vent but before you shank them (if you are caught venting or speeding out from the kill, good luck). Simply go for an immediate Lights Out and kill the crewman if they are stupid enough to run for it.

Be careful about killing someone trying to fix a lethal sabotage if time is running out, especially Reactor. You can run out time by faking the emergency task and making sure there’s no backup, giving you an instant and satsifying win, but if someone sees the body and reports it, the sabotage will immediately be cancelled and you will move to Discussions, where you are certain to die. When in doubt, simply repair the sabotage unless you are certain that the crew screwed up and that they cannot repair or report in time.

Sabotages get stronger the longer the game go on. While early on they can be used to pick kills, late in the game they can block the Emergency Alert, be used to get kills even on organized groups, or even win you the game if played properly. O2 tends to become more powerful than Reactor as there is a huge detour between both tasks that can be extremely dangerous to a single, coherent group. If the group was far away enough (Reactor or Camera area, especially Lower Engine), doing the tasks one by one will not work and the sabotage will time out, giving you an easy win. This means the group must split. Lights Out allows you to directly attack groups as only a small distance between members is needed to mess with them, and if the entire group goes into Electricity you can lock them in with doors once fixed to waste more of their time.

If multiple people are literally stacked right on top of eachother, you can perform what is referred to as a stack kill. Simply enter the stack and mash Kill. Someone will die, and the body will be reported very quickly, but it will be genuinely incredibly hard if not impossible to see who actually did it as there is no kill animation besides a very slight side step to match your victim’s sprite. This works especially well during sabotages or common tasks as people might stack right on top of the task, and some may jitter inside the stack to taunt. Do note that everyone inside the stack becomes suspicious, so make sure there are enough people who are not proven to not give people an easy guess!

You can “fake” visual tasks if you feel ballsy. Simply stack up with someone who is genuinely doing the task and claim you also were doing it at the same time. While a shaky proof, especially if your choreography is off, it might be enough to get suspicion off of you in voting stalemates, and explain why you didn’t save up your visual task to experienced crew.

Advanced Discussions Tips

All rounds past the first begin with a Discussion, and they all end with a Discussion. As such, it is still an important topic to get especially good at. Crew need to find and punish the Impostors, and the Impostors need to stay alive to keep killing.

First of all, it is important to note what a Reporter must do. The Reporter is the person who triggered the discussion by reporting a body (hence the name) or calling for an Emergency Meeting. As soon as the screen shows up, they must pull up the chat and give the following, if possible in this exact order:

  • Where. Where did you find the missing body, or where did you see the misdeed happen (and what misdeed) if you called for an emergency meeting.
  • Who. Who has either clearly done the deed (if the Reporter knows), or who is under suspicion if not. You will be expected to say who was near the kill. If you literally saw no-one going in, say that.
  • Why. If you can’t specify either for an emergency meeting, explain why you called it and what you want to achieve. While calling a non-execution meeting is not suspicious (Impostors usually always want rounds to drag on for as long as possible to get multiple kills), totally frivolous meetings are not cool. Interrupting a long round or discussing strategy like who is proven or not is not frivolous unless the crew is about to win by tasks.
  • Any clues. If the initial briefing is inconclusive, the table opens to everyone else to give their own suspicions. Do not randomly run your mouth, calling someone suspicious on little evidence will easily lead to a mislynch or cover an Impostor frame.
  • Vote, skip or talk. Depending on the info gathered people either agree to vote for a specific person (always ensure the vote doesn’t split. A tie or enough people skipping will cancel the vote and might give a busted Impostor a last free kill!), skip the vote (to return to the action if no-one has anything), or keep talking and planning for the next round. Everyone must vote for the vote to end, so please don’t stall!

Failing to give this information, especially basic stuff, will make everyone suspicious of a self-report. If you are new to the game and see a body, it is better to open the map to see where you are before reporting, so you don’t draw a total blank!

As stated much earlier, skipping is the way early in the game unless you have damning evidence or the Reporter is willing to engage themselves on an accusation. Lynching someone because they might have been in the general area 10 seconds before a report is a very good way to kill an innocent person, make sure you’re being reasonable when retracing steps mentally, especially as most competent Impostors will simply vent out and will be nowhere near the body in short order.

Get people proven and safe as crew. Process of elimination and backing eachother up in votes wins games for the crew! As the list of people alive gets smaller and smaller, and as individual people prove themselves beyond a doubt, the amount of people who are left shrinks rapidly. If there are only as many Impostors left as people who are unproven or suspicious, you can argue for a lynch by process of elimination.

Avoid crossing suspicions! If someone accuses someone you trust, don’t get into a shouting match or a trade, as you are likely to get innocent people killed and put others innocents under major suspicion for lynching an innocent. Always ask people to justify their suspicions, and propose a soft solution to avoid having to trade unless you are certain the other person is framing. Red might have been absent when the kill happened, but you were with him, so make sure to speak up. Impostors can definitely back eachother up casually, but this is rare for them to genuinely defend eachother on the chopping block due to the risk of being executed one after the other. Early in the game, never lynch on suspicion unless multiple people can confirm the suspicion and no-one backs them!

Discuss round strategy if you have things you want to do! As there is no leadership role, don’t expect people to follow your orders and kiss your boots if you literally micromanage them or order them around, but it is perfectly reasonable to ask people to follow you to do tasks in a dangerous room (Electricity notably) or to prove yourself (Medbay, Storage, Weapons notably). Since you can’t talk during the round, this is the time to broadcast your intentions! Most people tend to trust orders as an Impostor has no reason to get people grouped up and planning to prove eachother, though expect people to ignore you and wander off in public lobbies. As long as you have at least two followers, you can still go ahead with your idea.

During Sudden Death, assuming your information isn’t good enough to execute the last suspicious crewmates, make sure to get people moving as a group. If anyone does something weird, make sure to get a trio on them. When in doubt, hit the Emergency Meeting! A kill or two can end Sudden Death in Impostor victory!

If you are stuck in -absolute- Sudden Death (one kill wins the game for the Impostors), you are in a world of trouble, but it’s still possible to win if you play it perfectly. If Emergency Meeting is unlocked, hit it and vote whoever is most suspicious, run around the Cafeteria until then, using tables to avoid whoever is obviously chasing. If it gets locked by a sabotage, you will most likely game over unless the Impostor does something stupid like not defend the sabotage task and not hunt whoever is camping Emergency Meeting.

The Skeld and You

The Skeld is the game’s original map, and due to the lack of map scrambling as a default option, the map of choice for basically all public lobbies as of current. As a result, knowing it in and out will put you above the brass in public lobbies

First of all, you should look up the actual map to visualize how rooms are linked.

I will list the important features of every room, as well as some guides for some rooms.


This is where the crew starts every round and acts as the northern divider of the map. This is usually a safe area with three tasks slightly out of view along the northern wall.

The emergency meeting button is on the middle table. If stalked by an Impostor, make sure to round the table before hitting it and pray.

There is a vent on the right door leading to Weapons. It is very rarely used outside of Lights Out or Emergency Meeting/O2 ambushes as all its connections are horrible and this is a high traffic public area.


A very common room for proving tasks, though it only has one other task. Usually ignored past proving tasks outside of sample task, as scanning alone is a bad play. Security camera fully covers the entrance.

Vent is inside along the left wall, visible from inside the entire room. If you shut the door before going in, you get what you see, making it a good kill vent.

Upper Engine

The top left corner of the map. A common transit room, especially early in the round. The room is totally flanked by cameras, making it particularly dangerous.

Vent on the top left corner connects to Reactor and Lower Engine. It is visible from a transit route!

Only kill if you can shut the doors and enter from Reactor vent safely! Mind the major blind spot through the engine which can hide a crewman doing refueling or caught by the doors.


A task room with an infamously long and tedious task in the center which can easily tie up someone. Completely covered by Security cameras and no door makes it a risky kill.

Vents are on both ends of the room and connect to respective engines but very visible from the open doorway, making them the ultimate gamble when setting up a Reactor ambush or simply killing someone doing a task inside. Emergency tasks cannot see the opposing vents. Expect a crowd during emergency however


Crewing this room is dangerous as there are no tasks inside the room itself (there is a single Fix Wiring task right outside the door) and this room has good vent connections. A smart Impostor who sees the cameras running will likely shut the door and vent hop to you to shank you. If you are going to use this room intensely, get a buddy. Good Impostors will beeline Security if the cameras are on.

There is a vent in the South East corner, visible from doorway task but not from the Camera station. This vent connects to Medbay and Electricity and is safe if the door is closed.

The Security Cameras and their connections are as follows:

  • Top Left:Navigation Hallway. Weapons is North, O2 is West, Navigation is East. Hallway to Shields is South.
  • Top Right:Admin Hallway. Cafeteria door is North, Admin is East, Storage door is South.
  • Bottom Left:Medbay Hallway. Upper Engine door is West, Medbay door is South, Cafeteria door is East
  • Bottom Right:Security Hallway. Reactor is West, Security door is East, North and South connects the engines (doors not visible)

Lower Engine

Upper Engine’s cheekier, lower brother. Unlike Upper, the right door is not covered by cameras, making it an interesting kill if no-one is keeping an eye on lower hallway. Mind the rewiring and upper room blindspot however!

Vent on the bottom right corner connects to Reactor and Upper Engine. It is visible from a transit route!


The most infamous room in the ship. The hallway outside it is by far the least secure in the game with full door shutdown possible and zero camera coverage, and the room itself has an enormous sight blocker hiding the tasks and the vent in the back from the door. The lights are fixed under the blocker.

The vent on the top left which connects to Security and Medbay has “kill vent” written all over it though is it actually riskier than Medbay since someone could be hanging out in the bottom part of the room and walk up on you. Walking in is actually far safer and allows you to confirm a clean kill, making it a pretty terrifying room for crew. Do not go in alone!


Another famous proving room and doubling as the bottom transit room. This room has an enormous sight blocker in the middle that makes it a bit riskier than Cafeteria, though it is high traffic and thus risky for a kill. It also has no vent to support the doors.


An extremely high traffic room sitting in the most convenient top to bottom transit on the map and the Administration console. While less powerful than the Security cameras, this console allows you to see how many people are in each room, giving you a clue of where people are, thus an interesting tool for Impostors to use.

It also contains a bottom left vent with atrocious connections (Cafeteria and Navigation Hallway Lower Corner) and no doors (unless you close both Storage and Cafeteria), and the entrance is covered by cameras. All and all a very dangerous room for a kill due to the traffic on the ID console and lower O2 override, but if no-one watches the cameras it can be a nasty surprise.


This is easily the lowest traffic room in the game (though with no doors it can be checked on from the hallway). This room has two petty tasks and the underused communications fix. The lack of vents or doors, and the high traffic hallway outside makes it a particularly bad kill room and thus a room that is usually overlooked in gameplay.


An extremely high traffic room sitting in the most convenient top to bottom transit on the map, containing the Administration console. While less powerful than the Security cameras, this console allows you to see how many people are in each room, giving you a clue of where people are moving, which actually makes it an interesting tool for Impostors to use.

It also contains a bottom left vent with atrocious connections (Cafeteria and Navigation Hallway Lower Corner) and no doors (unless you close both Storage and Cafeteria), and the entrance is covered by cameras. All and all a very dangerous room for a kill due to the traffic on the ID console and lower O2 override, but if no-one watches the cameras it can be a nasty surprise

A high traffic public room with a single, extremely rapid shield task that can be used for proving and an obvious vent right next to it. Usually not liked by Impostors due to the total lack of cover and the camera coverage on northern entrance. The vent leads to Navigation’s south vent.


A decently isolated room with an entrance covered by cameras and no door. The double vents lead to public spots (Weapons top, Shields bottom) but can easily be used to hide after a good kill. Due to perspective, the top vent is always visible when crossing the hallway, and bottom vent is hard to see. Has a lot of tasks!


A small, cramped room without doors and vents and with camera coverage. Very dangerous kill as you will need to run quite a bit to jump into a vent and you will be spotted on camera doing so. O2 upper task is here.


A famous proving task room, heavy traffic and a somewhat exposed vent. Not a great kill room in and out of itself, though you can close Cafeteria door for a cheeky ambush, especially with cameras off.

A quick thing I would point out about The Skeld is that the left side of the map provides far safer kills than the right, giving an interesting dynamic to experienced Impostors. However, that also means that good crewmen will rarely enter this part of the map alone and favor going right to do these tasks first.