

Mortal Kombat X – Jax の遊び方:コンボと戦略



1 – スクエア/X
2 – トライアングル/Y
3 – X/A
4 – サークル/B

グラウンド ポンド

Jax のトレードマークである Ground Pound が復活し、以前のゲームとほとんど変わっていません。必殺技はブロックできないため、相手はジャンプして回避する必要があります。表記の直後に進むまたは戻るを押すと、攻撃が当たる場所を制御できます。通常版はジャックスからのジャンプ距離くらいで当たり、前方を押すと画面の向こう側に配置され、後方を押すとジャックスの真正面にヒットします。

Ground Pound を使用して、画面全体から発射物を使用するのが好きな対戦相手を罰することができます。一部の発射体は、Ground Pound アニメーション中に Jax を通過することさえあります。通常、画面中央からダッシュ パンチでグラウンド ポンドを追うと、中程度のダメージを与えることができます。あなたが十分に近ければ、フルコンボを着陸させるために駆け込むことができます.強化版(グランドシェイク)は、必殺技発動時の相手の位置を追う。


ダッシュパンチが復活し、本質的にはこれまでと同じです。画面のほぼ全長に達し、すぐに止まり、高くヒットします。攻撃がブロックされた場合、ほとんどのキャラクターは攻撃を罰することができますが、かわすこともできます。幸いなことに、Jax にはダウンダッシュ パンチ (バック、フォワード + 2、ダウン) が追加されました。これは、通常のバージョンの下でダックしようとしている人を攻撃するオーバーヘッド攻撃です。

どちらのバージョンのダッシュ パンチにも鎧があり、敵の攻撃をかいくぐるのに役立ちます。ダウンダッシュ パンチは、ジャグリング コンボでフォローできるため、コーナーで特に役立ちます。これを使用してコンボを延長し、敵を追い詰めたときに追加のダメージを与えます。


メジャー ペインは対空膝攻撃で、相手のジャンプにすばやく反応できる場合に有効です。ゲーム内の他の対空攻撃よりも少し遅いですが、反応が速い限り機能します。強化版(メジャーマッスル)は攻撃の最後にパンチを加え、敵を画面外に飛ばします。また、敵の空中攻撃を通り抜けるため、対空攻撃がはるかに優れた装甲も備えています。対戦相手がブロックした場合、両方のバージョンが罰せられる可能性があるため、対空機会またはコンボを終了するためにそれらを保存してください.


もう 1 つのトレードマークである Jax 攻撃は、Gotcha Grab の形で戻ってきます。相手にブロックされても安全で、上段はヒットするが、中段・下段・上段攻撃の直後に使うと下に潜り込めない。たとえば、対戦相手が Jax の Ankle Breaker (Down+3) をブロックし、あなたがそれをキャンセルして Gotcha Grab に入った場合、対戦相手は Gotcha Grab もブロックする必要があります。ほとんどの場合、ローアタックに続いてハイアタックを行うと、対戦相手はハイの下でダックすることができます。ただし、ガッチャグラブでブロックを離してかがむと、攻撃力が高いにも関わらず被弾してしまう。単独で使用する場合は、その下に隠れることができます.

強化されたバージョン (Gotcha Beatdown) は、追加のダメージを与えるためにより多くのヒットを追加し、アーマーを備えています。これは、ジャックスが地面に倒された後にプレッシャーをかけられているときに使用するのに最適な動きです.賢い対戦相手は攻撃を受けて身をかがめて罰を与えることができますが、その場合は、アーマーとヒットをオーバーヘッドとして持つダウンワード ダッシュ フィストの強化された攻撃を組み合わせることができます。対戦相手がジャックスを罰から守るためにブロックした場合、通常は安全ではないコンボや攻撃をキャンセルして、ゴッチャ グラブに入れることもできます。


Jax の X-Ray は、ゲーム内でオーバーヘッドとしてヒットする数少ない X-Ray 攻撃の 1 つです。これにより、対戦相手が低い攻撃を期待するときはいつでも、Jax は非常に危険な 50/50 の推測ゲームになります。たとえば、フィールド グレード コンボ (1,2,3) は低い攻撃で終了します。ただし、X-Ray への 2 番目のヒットをキャンセルすると、対戦相手がローを期待しているときにオーバーヘッドが発生します。 X-Ray にはアーマーがあり、攻撃を通すことができますが、確実に接続できるようにコンボすることをお勧めします。


ジャックスは、基本攻撃とコンボにかなりの汎用性があります。彼は至近距離で強いプレッシャーをかけることができますが、グラウンド パウンドやバリエーション固有のいくつかの必殺技で敵をゾーニングすることもできます。彼は下段攻撃と頭上攻撃の間を移動する多くのコンボを持っており、多くの場合、彼は罰から安全です.ブロックされたときに安全ではないコンボでさえ、Jax はそれらのほとんどを Gotcha Grab で終わらせて安全にすることができます。

Two of Jax’s best combos are the Air Raid (Forward+2,1) and Expendable (Forward+2,1,2). Air Raid leaves Jax at zero, which means he’s even with the opponent. However, Jax’s Quick Fist (1) and Knee Jab (Down+1) are two of the fastest attacks in the game, which means when Jax is even with an opponent, he generally has a slight advantage. For example, you can follow Air Raid with the Knee Jab, then cancel that into a Gotcha Grab. Most characters can’t interrupt that string of attacks, but if they try you can just use the Expendable combo instead to stop them in their tracks.

The Warfighter combo (Back+3, Down+2) should be a staple in your Jax arsenal. It’s a low kick into an overhead elbow, and the elbow is safe if the opponent blocks. This is a great tool to keep an opponent on their toes and works especially well when your opponent doesn’t have meter, forcing them into an overhead/low or Expendable combo mix-up as they get off the ground.

Ground Control is one of Jax’s better combo strings. It starts with a moderately fast high attack, followed by a low, then ending with an overhead that’s safe if the opponent blocks. You can’t follow up with a combo, but it inflicts a solid 12 percent damage if all three hits connect.

All Out Assault (3, Forward+4) is another decent combo string that can lead into some damage if you have good reactions. The first hit is high, but it leads into an overhead. If the opponent blocks, Jax is safe, but if it connects you can follow with a Dash Punch or Run Cancel into a full juggle combo. The easiest way to connect a combo is by immediately running, then using Upward Punch (Forward+2) into a combo. You can use other attacks, but Upward Punch is one of the easiest to connect in this situation.

You can use Armed Forces (3, Back+2) to extend combos. It’s a high kick followed by an uppercut that launches an opponent into the air. When used in the middle of a combo it will help to keep an opponent in the air so you can follow with more attacks and more damage.

The Head Slammer overhead (Back+2) is not safe with the standard notation, but if you hold 2 for the maximum charge it becomes safe and bounces the opponent off the ground so you can follow with a juggle combo. The Outranked combos (Back+1,2,1) is also a solid poking string that is safe if the opponent blocks.

Heavy Weapons Variant

In the Heavy Weapons variant Jax gets to use a machine gun and a rocket launcher. He can shoot both straight ahead or angled upward as an anti-air attack. The L.A.W. Rocket (Down, Back+2) fires a rocket launcher projectile that hits mid and cannot be ducked under. You can delay the attack by holding 2 and even aim it upward by tapping Up. While you’re delaying the attack you can angle it upward, then move it back down to a straight shot by tapping Down. You can even cancel the attack by pressing Forward, Forward or Back, Back.

The L.A.W. Rocket should primarily be used from a distance as a zoning tool. It’s not the fastest projectile in the game, but it hits for 11 percent damage, which is good for a projectile. The ability to quickly aim it upward is also an asset if your opponent tries to jump over the projectile.

The enhanced version (L.A.W. Blast) increases the damage and is safe if the opponent blocks it at close range. However, there aren’t many situations that would warrant using the L.A.W. Blast over another enhanced special move. It inflicts three percent chip damage, so if an opponent has very little health remaining you can use a blocked combo into the L.A.W. Blast to potentially finish them off.

Jax’s Machine Gun (Back, Forward+3) fires a bit faster than the L.A.W. Rocket, but doesn’t hit quite as hard. The Up Machine Gun (Down, Back+3) fires at an upward angle as an anti-air attack, but at close range it will hit a standing opponent. Unlike the L.A.W. Rocket, you can duck under both versions of the Machine Gun. This actually creates a decent mix-up if you’re zoning out an opponent who has low health. Use the Machine Gun until they duck under it, then switch between the Machine Gun and L.A.W. Rocket, mixing in the anti-air versions if you anticipate a jump. This works well against characters who don’t have a good way around projectiles (such as a teleport).

If you want to zone with Jax, this is the variant you should be using. However, against most characters the Pumped Up variant tends to work a bit better overall.

Wrestler Variant

The biggest addition in the Wrestler variant is the Energy Wave projectile attack (Down, Back+2). When it’s blocked Jax has significant advantage and can press his offense hard. This works especially well when paired up with the Air Raid (Forward+2,1) and Expendable (Forward+2,1,2) combos. The mix-up here is whether or not you can end Air Raid with Gotcha Grab, Energy Wave or simply continue the combo into Expendable.

If you end Air Raid with the Energy Wave and the opponent blocks it Jax has enough advantage to allow Jax to follow with another Upward Punch (Forward+2) and start the mix-up all over again. Only the fastest special moves in the game can beat out the Upward Punch in this situation, and it’s a risk to use them because Jax can simply block and punish instead of continuing to pressure.

A smart opponent will attempt to duck under the Energy Wave. It hits high which allows an opponent to punish Jax if they duck at the end of the Air Raid combo. The mix-up is that Jax can finish with the Expendable combo instead, or end the Air Raid combo with the Gotcha Grab, which will hit a ducking opponent. You’ll need to test your opponent to see how good their reactions are. Skilled players will be able to see the Energy Wave and actually duck under it, but most will have to make a guess.

From a zoning perspective you can delay the Energy Wave by holding 2 and the enhanced version (Assault Wave) fires two blasts with the second hitting mid so the opponent can’t duck under it. You can delay the Assault Wave as well, but when used at close range it doesn’t have the same advantage as the Energy Wave.

The Wrestler variant gives Jax two new combo variations and two special moves. The Jammer (Forward+3, 1+3) and Deploy (Forward+4,1+3) combos add a tackle to the end of those attacks. The attacks and the tackles that follow can both be punished if an opponent blocks, but they work well to end combos if you’re going to big damage.

The Quad Grab (Down, Back, Forward+1) is a staple throw for Jax that allows him to perform a series of throws for big damage. The initial notation does one throw, but you can follow with 2,3,4, then 1+2+3+4 to get additional throws. The last few are difficult to time, but try to hit the input just before Jax slams the opponent to the ground with each throw. If you can consistently pull off the entire combo, this is a great way to end combos or just apply pressure at close range.

Jax also gains the Back Breaker (Down+Throw in the air) that can be used after Jump Kicks for decent damage. By itself it’s not the best air-to-air attack as many other aerial attacks will beat it out. However, if you use a combo that knocks an opponent into the air, following with a Jump Kick into a Back Breaker is very good damage.

This is the recommended variation for Jax because of the heavy offensive pressure you can apply with the various Energy Wave options at close range. You also get the Quad Grab, which can be devastating if you learn the timing for the entire attack chain.

Pumped Up Variant

In the Pumped Up variation the Super Gotcha Grab replaces the normal Gotcha Grab and inflicts more damage at the expense of having to press a button for each attack. The Super Gotcha Grab can also be punished if the opponent blocks. Aside from the damage output, the normal Gotcha Grab is superior, but there’s no going back in the Pumped Up variation.

The Ground Pound is also replaced by the Ground Tremor. Instead of choosing one of three places for the Ground Pound to hit, the Ground Tremor covers the entire length of the screen. While it inflicts more damage, the tradeoff is that it does not knock the opponent into the air like the Ground Pound, so you can’t follow it with a juggle combo.

The Energy Wave is also part of this variation, but with the Super Gotcha Grab being punishable if the opponent blocks it, the pressure strategy from the Wrestler variant isn’t nearly as effective. The additional damage from the Super Gotcha Grab and the ease of use from the Ground Tremor make this variation a bit easier to use for newcomers, but you may want to switch to the Wrestler variants if once you get more accustomed to Jax’s arsenal of attacks.

サンプル コンボ

25 percent – 3, Back+2, Forward+2,1, 1,1, Forward+2,1, Gotcha Grab
25 percent – Forward+2,1, Downward Dash Fist, Run Cancel, Forward+3, Dash Punch
37 percent – Forward+2,1, Downward Dash Fist, Run Cancel, Forward+2,1, 11, Forward+2,1, Gotcha Grab

Note:The Super Gotcha Grab adds four percent damage to these combos when performed in the Pumped Up variation.


T-Wrecks (Fatality 1) – Forward, Back, Down, 2 (Close)
Jax The Ribber (Fatality 2) – Down, Back, Forward, Forward (Close)


Sledge Hammer – Kill a ducking opponent with Back, Forward+2, Down

Ground Breaking – In the Pumped Up variation, hit three Ground Pounds during a match, then kill the opponent with Down, Down+4+Block (Ground Shake) and hold 4 during the attack.

For more information on Mortal Kombat X, head over to Prima’s free guide or directly to our tips for Jacqui Briggs and Cassie Cage !