

Final Gear ビギナーズ ガイド:パイロットを強化し、メカバトルを制覇するためのヒント、コツ、戦略

KOMOE Technology は、iOS と Android の両方のプラットフォームで利用できる最新の RPG である Final Gear のリリースにより、モバイル RPG コミュニティでの地位をさらに強固なものにしました。モバイルだけでなく、一般的にゲームの世界で RPG が過剰に存在することを考えると、Final Gear は驚くべきことに、何時間にもわたる試行錯誤と冒険を提供することが保証されている機能とアクティビティがぎっしり詰まった、完全にユニークなアクション戦略体験を提供します。

ファイナル ギアでは、それぞれ独自のスキルと特性を持つアニメの女の子の軍隊を募集して指揮し、それぞれのキャラクター クラスに合ったさまざまなギアを操縦できます。ギアは、組み合わせて使用​​できるパーツの製品であり、特に独自のギアの構築を楽しむプレイヤーにとって、ゲームの楽しい要素が指数関数的に増加します。全体として、Final Gear には独自のパッケージが付属しているため、他の RPG と比較することは困難です。ただし、アクション戦略アドベンチャーでメカバトル、ビルド・ア・ボット、アニメの女の子が好きなら、間違いなく Final Gear を気に入るはずです。

このゲームには、刺激的で威圧的な印象を与える独特の魅力があります。アイコン、メニュー、細部にこだわったすべてのビジュアルは確かに圧倒的な第一印象を与える可能性がありますが、一度チュートリアルを進め、ロックを解除するすべての新機能を順を追って説明する手順を読むと、確実にコツをつかむことができます。はるかにシンプルな見た目の RPG と同じです。

Final Gearには、特に完全な初心者にとって戦闘を便利にするオートモード機能があります。注意が必要な機能やメニューにも常にインジケーターが表示されるため、どこに足を踏み入れるかが非常に簡単にわかります。

ファイナル ギアの世界に飛び込み始めたばかりで、冒険を進めるためのヒントや戦略を探しているなら、もう探す必要はありません。 Final Gear の初心者向けガイドには、チームをすばやく強化し、目の前に迫るすべての課題を克服するためのヒントやコツが満載です。


経験豊富でベテランのモバイル RPG プレイヤーにとって、ガチャ メカニックの存在、またはゲーム内のキャラクターやその他の重要なアイテムのランダムな取得は、リロールの機会をもたらします。ガチャとリロールの概念に関する完全な初心者の場合、後者は単純に、最初の 10 回のガチャ プルから可能な限り最高のキャラクターを獲得できるようになるまで、何度も何度も冒険を開始するプロセスを指します。

ほとんどの場合、強いヒーローから始めてほとんどの課題を比較的簡単に乗り越えられるように、できるだけ多くの再ロールを行うことを強くお勧めします。さらに、旅の開始時に最高のキャラクターを 1 つか 2 人持っていると、より適切なキャラクターが採用されるのを待っている間、他のユニットに投資せざるを得なくなるのではなく、それらをアップグレードするためにリソースを投資することにもつながります。

最後に、ガチャの仕組みでは、すべてのプルからトップ グレードのキャラクターを実際に確保できる可能性はほとんどないと予想できます。そのため、旅を進める前に、少なくとも 1 つか 2 人のトップ ティア キャラクターを確保することをお勧めします。すぐに募集してください。

ファイナル ギアでのリロールのアイデアがあまり売れていない理由の 1 つは、採用における初心者バナーのためです。対象のSSRキャラクターのうち、1体確定の10連です。この甘い取引は無限の再試行でさらに良くなり、名簿の力を活性化するために絶対に最適なキャラクターの組み合わせを確実に得ることができます.少なくとも SSR ヒーローを確実に入手できるビギナー バナーを超えて、多数のウェルカム 報酬とイベント報酬により、さらに別の SSR ヒーローを即座に召喚できる特別チケットも提供されます。

関連: Final Gear Tier リスト:最高の SSR および SR パイロットの完全ガイド

これらの両方の機能により、すべてのプレイヤーはチームに 2 人の SSR ヒーローがいることが保証されます。それをはるかに超えて、これらのヒーローは基本的にランダムではなく、どのヒーローを採用するかをプレイヤーが選択できることを考えると.プレイヤーに与えられる事前登録とウェルカム ギフトでは、10 倍プルを少なくとも数回追加できます。プレイヤーがリロールを続行することはまだ励みになるかもしれませんが、そうする前に周囲の状況を知る必要があると感じています.

Final Gear でのリロールは、チャプター 2-4 を完了した後にのみ行うことができます。これは、ガチャ メカニックを備えたほとんどの RPG と比較して、通常より少し長いです。これは大きな問題ではありませんが、再ロールするには、Android デバイスのキャッシュとゲーム データをクリアし、iOS デバイスでゲームを完全にアンインストールして再インストールする必要があります。

これは、リロールのすべてのインスタンスで 3 ギガバイトを超えるデータを再ダウンロードする必要があり、スキップ可能なダイアログで何度も何度もそれらすべての戦いを経験することを意味します.あなたのインターネット接続が数分でアプリ全体をダウンロードするほど速くない場合、またはさらに悪いことに、データプランが限られている場合、リロールはおそらくあなたにとってあまり選択肢ではありません.

リロールを試みるたびに Final Gear での進行状況にリンクできる多数のソーシャル メディアまたは電子メール アカウントを持っていない限り、リロールで必要な SSR キャラクターがすぐに得られない場合は、長くて疲れる冒険になる可能性があります。 2 人の SSR ヒーローで冒険を始めることに非常に満足している場合は、再ロールに関する次の部分を完全にスキップできます。そうでない場合は、Final Gear で再ロールする方法を知ることに進みます。

まず、最も重要なことは、ゲスト ログインを使用して冒険を開始する必要があることです。既存のアカウントでゲームにサインインするオプションがありますが、必要なキャラクターを確保し、冒険を続ける準備ができてからサインインしてください。

2章から4章までの時間を短縮するために、すべてのセリフとカットシーンをスキップできますが、最初に読むことをお勧めします。募集オプションが利用可能になったら、必ずメールからギフトを請求してください。複数の 10x リクルートを実行するには、十分な数の無料クリスタルが必要です。

好きなSSRキャラクターを十分に獲得したら、ゲームの設定を通じて、ゲームの進行状況をApple IDまたはGmailアカウントにリンクする必要があります.そうでない場合は、ゲームを終了し、アプリのデータとキャッシュをクリアして、最初からやり直す必要があります。


Final Gear 内で世界を横断する際に参加する戦闘は、チームベースです。チュートリアル セッションは 1 人のキャラクターから始まりますが、次第にさまざまなキャラクター クラスが紹介され、すぐに 4 つのギアの完全なチームが指揮下に置かれます。バトル ステージは基本的に、比較的スムーズな進行を確保するためにチームが満たすべき推奨パワー レベルを示していますが、バランスの取れた相乗効果のあるチーム構成は、常により好ましい結果につながります。

キャラクターの希少性やグレードは、多くの場合、チームのスロットを検討する際の主な基準となります。ほとんどの場合、SSR のトップ キャラクターを選択し、彼女を中心に構築します。莫大なパワーにより、どのチームに依存するかに関係なく、多くの初期コンテンツを通過できますが、旅のある時点で、よりバランスの取れたチーム設定が必要になることが予想されます.このため、各ユニットのレアリティ グレードに関係なく、バランスの取れたチームで冒険を始めることが重要になります。

Final Gear のキャラクターの分類は、範囲とクラスの両方に関連しています。ユニットは短距離、中距離、長距離のいずれかであり、各距離タイプには 2 つの異なるクラスがあります。 4 ユニットで構成されるチームには、射程タイプごとに少なくとも 1 人のパイロットが必要です。短距離パイロットは、ストライカーまたはディフェンダーのいずれかです。ストライカーは、背後にいるパイロットよりも防御値が高くなる傾向があり、最前線で最大のダメージ ディーラーです。一方、ディフェンダーには攻撃能力がありません。ただし、高い防御ステータスと防御スキルを備えたチームの生存を確保するために不可欠です。



範囲とクラスに基づいてパイロットの健全な組み合わせを考慮するだけでなく、各ユニットの固有のスキルを当然考慮する必要があります。現在のレアリティ グレードを超えて、それらの一部は次のグレードにアップグレードできることに注意してください。特に、これらがチームの相乗効果にどのように貢献するかを考慮することが非常に重要です。


他のすべての RPG と同様に、特にモバイルでは、Final Gear のメイン キャンペーンは最も基本的なゲーム モードであり、すべての基本的なリソースとアイテムの主要なソースであり、あらゆる課題に対処するために必要です。ほとんどのゲームと比較して、Final Gear ではプレイヤーは非常に大きな課題に取り組む前に、多数の簡単なキャンペーン バトルに没頭できます。

Given the plethora of gifts and rewards players are provided at the start of their journey, everyone is likely to take on a long series of battles where their team’s power levels are at least 5 times as much as the enemy team’s power levels.

In addition to gold, which is the basic currency in the game, Final Gear has a unique currency called Bounty Credits, which players need to earn from campaign battles to unlock and battle through other maps and districts within the campaign mode. Although we recommend going to more challenging regions and moving forward as fast as you can, feel free to revel in any given mission within the unlocked regions in your campaign.

Missions can take several battles and some time to complete even on auto mode. Strategies are not limited exclusively to building your team and managing their skills and positions in the actual combat. Planning on where to deploy your teams on the map and how you engage enemies considering the different missions are also critical factors you should take into consideration.

Every pilot you take into battle earns experience points and reach new levels. Their levels are capped based on your account level and progressing through the main campaign is your best bet of increasing it.

Of course, you can expect there to be plenty of means for you to strengthen your teams and pilots but keeping everyone in your roster at decent enough levels for the upcoming challenges will greatly depend on their individual levels. You can always grant pilots instant EXP but simply taking them through as many battles for free EXP is always the best bet.

In addition to outright rewards from each campaign stage you beat along with the EXP and Bounty Credits you earn, progression through the main campaign serves as your only key towards unlocking the rest of Final Gear’s many features. A lot of these features contribute to empowering your pilots and improving your gears and with opportunities to earn more from them, it is always best to unlock as many of the features sooner than later.

Despite Final Gear having paid crystals that can only be earned using real money, dedicated free-to-play players will certainly be able to do well enough on their respective journeys.

4. Maintain Focus On Team 1

Being able to form different teams in strategy RPGs is nothing new. Most strategy RPGs that involve a plethora of units to collect and upgrade usually relates to players having different teams for different types of dungeons and needs. It is also common to see different teams simply meaning different compositions, given that most RPGs only let you take one team into battle.

In Final Gear, however, additional teams are unlocked as you progress in your adventure. You will end up having to manage a total of 4 teams. The best part of it is that you will engage in various battles where you need to utilize multiple teams. This feature can be both exciting and intimidating especially since being able to command 2 or more teams simultaneously is a relatively rare experience for RPG players.

After building your first team, assembling their gears, and commanding them in battle several times, along with a couple or more upgrades and adjustments in-between battles, you will eventually get used to it and even enjoy every bit of it.

Managing more than 1 team can be intimidating primarily to the decision points attributable to enhancing each team and each member. With at least 2 teams to organize, the dichotomy leaves you with a choice of whether to continue focusing efforts on your first team or dividing resources as evenly as possible between your 2 teams.

We recommend maintaining focus on your team 1 as you will continue to need a strong team that can break through all kinds of challenges in your adventure. This means that team 1 will engage most battles as much as possible, raking in EXP for the most part until the team is close to reach their individual level caps. This will still allow team 2 to engage in some fights and level up its members a bit.

As far as gear parts go, members of team 1 should be top priority. You will most certainly be able to assemble more gears than you can possibly use and for the early battles, even the fifth to eight best gear sets you can use are good enough for your second team to win battles.

5. Enhance Your Gear

As we mentioned earlier in this guide, Final Gear provides numerous ways for players to strengthen their units and team. For one, having both pilots and gear parts upgradable leads a lot of potential as well as a lot of needs given that every bit of enhancement requires resource materials. This is among the reasons why it becomes important to recruit pilots you would continue to use early on and is likewise a consideration as to why you should only maintain focus on a single team.

Earning EXP and reaching new levels stands as the most basic way of strengthening your pilots. Each new level reached comes with stat increases and any stat increase leads to an increase in power. In the pilot menu, you can train pilots and give them instant EXP using Piloting Theories. You will most certainly have an abundance of these items early on but you can quickly empty your supply if you rely on these a lot.

Earning EXP from various missions is easy so we recommend saving these Piloting Theories for later recruits who will join your team. As you continue to gather crystals and recruit more pilots, you will no doubt recruit higher grade ones that will replace one or a couple of your current favorites. They will, however. Need to catch up in terms of level to be instantly useful so be sure to save some Piloting Theories for them.

Pilots you recruit can have between 1 to 3 stars in terms of rank. Each one, regardless of rarity, can be ranked up all the way to 6 stars. Ranking up does not just come with a massive stat boost but also unlocks additional passive skills for the pilot. The challenge relative to this feature is that it requires an extra copy of the specific pilot you want to rank up, making it very easy to rank up normal grades a lot more than SR and SSR pilots.

Each pilot, regardless of rarity or grade has 1 active ability and 3 passive skills. The active skill is unlocked for everyone but passive skills each unlock at 3 stars, 4 stars, and 5 stars, respectively. All unlocked skills are at level 1 and can be upgraded to a higher level using system upgrades.

System upgrades are not as easy to obtain and can either be class specific, or work in general, which is way more valuable. As far as skill upgrades go, it is best to have a top priority pilot for each given class and only invest in them if you are certain you will continue to use them for a long time.

Each gear in the game is composed of 4 basic parts:the weapon, the cockpit, the frame, and the mount. Later on, each one will also be able to equip 2 chips that boost their performance. Equipment or gear parts come in different rarities indicated by their color and each one also comes with a rank, indicative of its level.

Gear parts can also have a minimum mercenary team (account) level requirement. Although Final Gear makes it very easy for players to automatically equip the best parts as far as power I concerned, you should freely explore different options. SR and SSR parts also have set effects that tremendously increase a gear’s performance.

Each gear part can be enhanced through the brace up feature up to a max enhancement level of +20. Although bracing up is relatively cheap, it is best to still spend it prudently especially if you feel that the gear part in question will soon be replaced.

Beyond all these available upgrades, be sure to remember continuously recruiting pilots and developing gears. You can quickly and easily do these through the recruit and develop icons on the lower right side of the screen, provided that you have the necessary resource materials. Pilot recruitment and gear development take time to complete but it can also be instantly completed using accelerators.

6. Do Not Rely Too Much On Auto Mode

We certainly appreciate the auto mode feature in Final Gear as it makes a lot of battles very convenient and odes a pretty well job of sweeping enemies as well. As a beginner, you are likely to rely a lot on this feature once it becomes available and, perhaps, even feel that it can do a better job than you at eliminating enemies. While auto mode tends to get the job done, it will become more and more challenging to rely on it as you reach farther in the campaign or face more powerful enemy rosters in events and other challenges.

Auto mode locks on to enemies with great precision and unloads active skills as soon as it becomes available. As helpful as the latter is, simply activating skills when they are available may not always be the best course of action, especially in boss battles.

Every battle you engage in is composed of waves and there are numerous instances when you should time your skill usage right for better results. Using skills strategically will eventually be a determining factor in your victory especially in the latter districts and levels.

Beyond skill activation, if you have watched your team on auto mode enough times, you will notice just how much lacking the AI is when it comes to avoiding damage. There will certainly be a lot of times when your long range unit or units will be swarmed by enemy bots before some other team member comes to her aid. Although manual controls actually only let you handle one pilot at a time, an instant shift of control to the rest of the team paired up with advanced actions can tremendously boost your team’s performance.

7. Accomplish Requests, Trophies, And Event Targets

Final Gear certainly provides an abundance of in-game rewards for the most active of players. Beyond the outright rewards you obtain from clearing various battles, clearing missions in the campaign, and first time clear rewards, there are hosts of additional sources of rewards to earn that largely depend on how active you are. These come in the form of requests, trophies and special event missions.

All these 3 features do not necessarily mean having to put in more effort as the objectives outlined in all these features form part of the usual activities you should partake in on a regular basis. In essence, these features ought to be your guide towards progressing through the campaign and other challenges within the world of Final Gear. The rewards are a great added incentive and certainly helps your pilots and teams remain above par for the increasing levels of challenges to come.

Requests basically contain targets you should aim to accomplish on a regular basis. Daily requests are typically the easiest of the bunch and should be your daily guide towards progressing your adventure. Weekly requests are basically jacked up counterparts of daily requests and if you can consistently accomplish daily requests, then you are likely to have no trouble completing weekly requests.

Final Gear also hosts special events that can earn you unique rewards based on your active participation in the event. Although the most basic event targets lie within the event requests, there are additional ones you can accomplish under the events icon on the main screen. In addition to the login rewards, be sure to check the novice mission as you would want to accomplish the mission targets sooner and earn rewards that can help you in your adventure.

8. Regularly Manage Your Inventory

There are a lot of items to encounter in Final Gear that are essentially unique and difficult to compare with conventional items in other RPGs. Battles you engage in, mission and quest rewards, as well as continuous development of equipment also lead to a rapid increase of items in your inventory and lack or absence of inventory management can contribute to a lack of overall efficiency as well.

To ensure that you are maximizing your inventory and using every bit of resource you have at the best times, make it a habit to visit your warehouse through its icon on the lower left side of the screen.

For starters, you can expect that inventory slots are limited. Although you can expand it using crystals, premium currency in this case is best used for more important purchases such as special recruits. You have an initial warehouse capacity of 500 items which should be well more than enough to hold precious gears and consumables. Ensuring you always have ample free space is among the regular tasks you should hold so be sure to do a bit of cleanup with every visit.

Equipment will consume the majority of your warehouse’s free space. You can opt to dismantle them in bulk whether by rarity, part type, or a combination of both. You can obtain development parts as a result and development parts are a basic resource you need to develop new parts. You should take time to look into the rest of the other items in your warehouse.

There are some items that may be unfamiliar to you and highlighting each one should give you a good enough idea on how to use them. Under the “items” tab, be sure to check for consumables that reveal the real reward once you use them. Some of these items contain valuable resources that are best used sooner than later.

Final Gear most certainly holds a ton more details that we cannot fully squeeze in within one guide. We are, however, strongly confident that the tips and general strategies we discussed in this guide should suffice for you to have a better understanding of the rest of the game’s other aspects.

As we wrap up this guide, we hope that you have learned a great deal and will be able to apply that knowledge to your adventure within Final Gear’s world moving forward. If you happen to come across some neat tricks or strategies we have not included in our guide, as well as an inclination to share your experiences in the game, do not hesitate to tell us about it down in the comments!