

Dynasty Warriors 9 Empires – Ultimate Game Mechanics Guide (タイトル、武器、戦略、モード)


ゲーム メカニクスの決定版ガイド

基本概念 – 希少性


  • コモン - ホワイト
  • アンコモン – 緑
  • レア – ブルー
  • レジェンダリー – パープル
  • エピック - イエロー
  • 基本概念 – 名声

    名声には 6 種類あります (英語版がリリースされるまでは、7 つの帝国の用語を使用します):

    • 勇敢
    • 裕福
    • 賢い
    • 整然と
    • 種類

    これらの名声が戦略ツリーを決定する 7 つの帝国とは異なり、ここでは 1 つの名声に縛られていません。


    • ブレイブ vs ワイズ
    • 裕福 vs 秩序
    • 善と悪



    すべてのキャラクターには特定の個性があり、それらとやり取りしようとすると、名声レベルに応じて多かれ少なかれポイントが得られます.すべてのキャラクターには、好きな 2 つの名声と嫌いな 2 つの名声があります。

    例:劉備は「親切」と「裕福」が好きですが、「秩序」と「悪」は嫌いです。レベルがすべて 10 の場合、これは +10 (親切) と +10 (裕福) を取得することを意味しますが、残りの 2 の半分を差し引きます。この場合、(10+10) / 2 は 10 に等しくなります。 20 -10 は 10 の結果になります。単なるやり取りの基本として 3 を追加すると、彼をランチに呼ぶたびに +13 が得られます。






    新しいタイトルのロックを解除すると、散歩中にできるアクションの量も増えます (3 から開始)。


    • レア (青): 少なくとも 1 つのステータス (Kind または Evil のいずれか) が 2 で、残りの 4 つのいずれかが Lvl 2 である必要があります。これらは 6 つあります。散歩で 4 つのアクションを実行できるようになりました。
    • レジェンダリー (紫): さまざまな名声にレベル 5 が必要です。すべての組み合わせにオプションがあります。これらは12個あります。散歩で 5 つのアクションを実行できるようになりました。
    • エピック (イエロー): 2つの名声でレベル10が必要ですが、どの組み合わせでも同じです.これらは12個あります。散歩で 6 つのアクションを実行できるようになりました。


    CAW のタイトルを選択するオプションの横にタイトルのリストがあり、大量の Epic タイトルが表示されます。それらはユニークなキャラクター用であり、それらに限定されています。また、DLC CAW には専用のタイトルもあります。

    • レア: Kind or Evil に +50% (他に -50%)、1 つの名声に 50% (反対側に -25%)。
    • 伝説: Kind or Evil に +65% (他に -50%)、1 つの名声に 65%、別の名声に +25%、残りの 2 つの名声のいずれかに -15% (残りの 1 つには 0%)。
    • エピック: Kind or Evil に +80% (他には -50%)、1 つの名声に +80%、別の名声に 50%、残りの 2 つの名声のいずれかに 25% (残りの 1 つには 0%)。


    称号もドロップ率/ギフトに影響します。レートはレアリティによって固定されていますが、それぞれが異なるタイプのストラテージをプッシュするため、より具体的なストラテージが必要な場合は、レアリティとタイプのリストを確認してください (将来、自分で作成する可能性があります)。

    • 共通: 100% コモン
    • レア: 30% コモン、40% レア、30% レジェンド
    • 伝説: 10% コモン、40% レア、30% レジェンダリー、20% エピック
    • エピック: 5% コモン、20% レア、45% レジェンダリー、30% エピック

    タイトルのアイコンは、すでに「8 つの帝国」の設定である「Way of Life」を表しています。それらはすべて、善か悪かのどちらかです。

    • 種類 =2 きらめき
    • 悪 =紫の雷 2 つ

    他の 3 つのアイコンは次のとおりです (現在、適切な翻訳がないため):

    • シンプルなヘッドギア =フィアース ジェネラル
    • 尻尾付きのヘッドギア =ブレイブジェネラル
    • 皇帝の帽子 =「提督」

    固有のタイトルが固定されているすべてのメイン キャラクターに見られます。それらがどのように意味するのか正確には理解していませんが、私が解釈する方法は次のとおりです:

    • 激しい – 呂布、夏侯惇、関羽などの最前線に出る
    • 勇敢 – 認められた強さですが、趙雲もここにいますが、劉備や曹操のように軍隊のリーダーです.なぜかドンバイやシャオチャオのような人物も登場します。
    • 「提督」 – 陳公、荀瑜、諸葛亮、そして貂蝉のような非戦闘員のような、純粋な戦略家または率直な政治家のいずれかです。

    CAW に関しては、ロックを解除した後、編集モードで最初のタイトルを変更することを忘れないでください。これにより、新しいキャンペーン中に選択したタイトルで表示されます。

    すべてのオフィサー (オリジナル、ジェネリック、CAW) は、キャンペーンを開始するときに共通の称号で開始されるため、残りをアンロックし、オリジナルと DLC の CAW には、彼らだけがアンロックできる 1 つのユニークなエピック タイトルがあります。


    まず、「器」が必要です。これには 5 つのレアリティと 1 つの属性があります。

    メインゲームと同様に 7 つの属性があるため、レアリ​​ティごとに 7 つの船のロックを解除できます:

    • 無属性
    • 稲妻
    • スラッシュ




    また、下位レベルの船のジェムのレアリティに制限がないため、1 スロットの共通船に 1 つのエピック ジェムを配置できます。つまり、エピック ジェムを手に入れ始めたら、すべてを安く売りたいと思うかもしれません…

    ただし、Epic Vessel で Common Weapon を持つことはできますが、Common Weapon の外に Common Vessel を持つことはできません (新しいレアリティの船を入手すると、武器と弓のロックが自動的に解除されます)。これは、攻撃力を下げたい場合は、壮大な船を持ち、レア度の低い武器を選択できることを意味します。ただし、レアリティの低い船でレアリティの高い武器を選択することはできません。これは、これを読んでいるあなたの 95% 以上にとって役に立たない情報ですが、変な人がいるかもしれません.

    宝石にはランダムなステータス効果があり、船に装備することができるので、DW9 のランダムな宝石の地獄に備えてください。彼らは金の価値が0なので…


    最大 4 つの戦略を設定でき、ガード ボタン (L1 または LB) と方向入力でそれらを使用します。それらは戦場でさまざまな効果をもたらしますが、7 帝国や 8 帝国とは異なり、外部エンティティの召喚はありません。

    私はそれを追跡しようとしましたが、あまり安定した結論は得られませんでしたが、それらの一部 (すべてではないにしても) があなたの部隊数を使用する可能性があるように感じました。ただし、再び充電するのは非常に難しくなります。


    • 攻撃 – 効果:自分の周囲にエレメンタルの「魔法」を放つ (属性ごとに範囲と範囲は異なるが、複数のカードで同じである);要素を武器に埋め込みます。効果が減少したり、使用するほど充電に時間がかかるなどの悪影響もあります。また、高レベルの効果のためにHPの小さなチャンクを取る場合もあります.注意してください。
    • 自己強化 – 次のような効果:攻撃力/防御力/速度を上げます。 HPの回復と結びつくこともあります。
    • 遠距離強化:次のような効果:味方の攻撃力または防御力を増加させます (通常、自己強化効果 [悪いものも] と結びついています)。
    • 回復 – 次のような効果:HP を即座に回復します。無双を瞬時に回復。徐々に回復するHP;味方のHP回復
    • スペシャル – 次のような効果:他の 3 枚のカードの計略ゲージを増やすか、ユニットの互換性を一時的に無効にします (「剣> 馬> 弓> 剣」)


    In DW8 Empires we had a bar with a number of “ticks”, and the cost would decrease a number of those ticks, meaning you would have to wait to have enough to use the stratagem. But we don’t have such bar anymore, so at best, Cost is likely related to how long it takes to charge the Stratagems (meaning, even Common cards have use having lower effects, but more constant to use.).

    Another point to take in is the number of Stars in a Stratagem, as you get repeated ones, they will rank up like this:

    • 1 Star> 2 Stars> 3 Stars> 4 Stars> 1 Big Star

    However no visible improvement is seen besides “Gotta collect them all”. Cost is not reduced, Rarity doesn’t change, nor are the effects changed.

    If you get them a 6th+ times however, you get 100 Gold instead… Quite miserable.

    Large Stratagems

    At the start of a battle, you and some officers may offer a Strategy for the battle, these Strategems also build up your Fame and friendship with the officer, the number of the stars is the difficulty. It’s important to point out not all strategies are equal in how they hit the enemy or protect you.

    The Large Strategy will involve a small mission, they usually range from:

    • Capture 3 or 4 specific bases.
    • Protect 3 or 4 specific new non-named officers (Engineers, Taoists, etc)
    • A mix between Capture, Protect and Defeat non-named officers.
    • Defeat a specific number of enemy officers (named and non-named) that will come at you.
    • Defeat a number of enemies while protecting a non-named officer.
    • Guide non-named officers to a certain location, protect them from an ambush.

    Some example of these strategies (Names are provisional until we get an official English version):

    • Night Attack: You have 3 minutes to claim 3 specific bases with no enemy generals around, if you accomplish it, all enemy generals will appear weakened.
    • Juggernauts (Attack) / Ballistas (Defense): Protect 3~4 engineers for a determined amount of time, both from generals or exclusive enemy spawns that will aim specifically for each of these engineers. Once summoned, a number of Juggernauts / Ballistas based on the number of saved engineers will spawn and support you for the rest of the battle.
    • Summon Elemental Beast: Either protect summoners, or capture specific bases, once finished, a Elemental Beast will support you for the rest of the battle.
    • Elemental Field: Similarly, either protect or capture mission, once finished, the field will spawn Elemental attacks for the rest of the fight (Ground Explosions for Fire, Icicle rain for Ice, Thunder Storm for Thunder, Tornadoes for Wind, and Poison Swamps for Poison. No Slash).
    • Allied Reinforcements: Get 3 non-named officers to the meeting point, but non-named enemy officers will spawn there, so do help them.
    • Show your might: Spawn alone in battle, and kill 3 specific officers or capture 3 specific bases, once you accomplish it, all your officers will spawn strengthened, but if you fail, they spawn weakened.
    • Grab the enemy’s attention: Kill a number of enemies while protecting a spawned officer.

    The enemy also has their own strategies, which will raise a sub-mission similar to the ones you have to do, but for the enemy side. They usually start slight before yours is ending or after it has been finished. Also, after failing one time, the enemy may try another Stratagem (Usually Bandit rioting). There are 2 exceptions I found that they use and you can’t:

    Missions to capture 3 bases, but your real mission is to find the informant, and kill it, meaning, you can finish this in your first capture depending on your luck.

    Elemental Beasts will be summoned instantly, and wreck havoc. Just order everyone away from it, and try to deal with it if you are confident. They are the “Do not pursue Lu Bu” of this game at first, and you will likely die the first times. It takes some time, but you get used to fighting them with better weapons and level.

    In any case, all of these missions are either time based, are on the survival of the mission targets.

    Fighting Elemental Beasts

    Unlike other characters in the came that you can mash and stagger, Elemental Beasts aren’t as easy, and they can pack a big punch (They can’t OHKO (One Hit Knockout), but they will instantly leave you at 1HP at worst, so THKO (Two Hits Knockout)). Worst yet are their Ranged attacks, with my opinion the Flame Tiger being the worst.

    To win, target the enemy to keep him always in check, and keep some distance. After he attacks his surroundings, try doing a combo, but Roll away if it feels like he plans on doing something. Rinse and repeat, taking to long may get other Generals to join the fight, which won’t be helpful at all.

    Sometimes specific inputs will appear, telling you to do a Break, Stun or Launch attack. Do those and they will be stunned, but be careful of the timing, if you are attacking in another way, you may lose the chance.

    The Lightning Bear is slower and easier to deal with, the Lightnings are easy to predict, and his attacks are open.

    The Wind Wolf will summon tornadoes around himself constantly, just keep away from those, or try to approach where they are not.

    The Flame Tiger can release a Fireball from his face straight forward himself, it will explode even if no one is there, it can also summon explosions from the ground right under you, so jump away as soon as you see it, and keep on jumping until you are safe. And if he starts summoning fireballs all around himself, run away from him and wait for those to explode.

    A mistake may just cost all of your HP when you are starting the game, or you are fighting in a disadvantage.

    Family Members

    • Father/Mother – If you CAW was created at the end of another playthrough, they will be tied to those parents. This means that when you play with that character, the compatibility with his/her Father and Mother is 100%. You just need to meet them and invite them into your party. In battle they also have unique phrases about their role as father/mother, or their child prowess in battle. But that’s all there is, I think you can also get them as Sworn Siblings (I had the option show, but I already had everything filled), although you likely can’t marry them.
    • Sworn Sibling – This time you can have 3 of them instead of 2. They will always be with you, and never be your enemy. Their favorability will always maxed too, this means that they can never be hired by another Kingdom, and if you leave yours, they will leave together with you. But they can die (in battle to get a specific Event, or executed among captured soldiers), and that slot cannot be filled with someone else.
    • Spouse – Same rules as a Sworn Siblings, the different is that they stand by your side on meetings, and you have a child in the post credits of your game, so they will influence the child.

    Sworn Siblings and Spouses will sometimes call you to give you presents, certain characters can give you unique gifts, like special horses (Red Hare with Lu Bu, Guan Yu or Dong Zhuo, Shadow Runner with Cao Cao, Hex Mark with Liu Bei or Pang Tong, and White Horse with Zhao Yun).


    Unlike the previous recent games that added this concept, in DW9 Empires, a Child only happens at the end of the game, so they will always appear so long as you are married, unlike before where you had to wait until they appeared to then finish the game.

    Thanks to the new highly customizable system, the child will have facial characteristics of their parents, even if at least one of the parents are not CAWs, so that’s an improvement (Careful with Lu Bu’s children, mind you, you have been warned).

    Another thing is that the child will appear straight in the Edit Mode, meaning you have to give it a name, so although it will give you a full on character just lacking a name, you can still completely edit it, including changing gender (which you couldn’t before), so essentially, the game gives you a Male and Female versions of the child, and you can select which one you want, but the one that appears first is random. One thing you can’t edit is the Base Status type.

    As explained before, children have full favorability from their parents, besides unique interactions. Beyond that, there is a chance their base status come as “Genius”, which is the highest ranked for base status, meaning that, if you want to make strong CAWs, you may want to base them from children instead of making them from scratch. However, I have no idea how to trigger that, my first child (Normal CAW + Unique Character) had it, but that one’s child didn’t (Genius CAW + Unique Character).

    My current guess is that it may be based either on the Unique Parent (Lu Bu is too strong, thus it got my CAW with the slow but heavy hitter attack (Although Genius still has more base attack power), while more all-around characters may get the improved all-rounder version..

    Empires Mode – Basics

    A reminder of the basic parameters.

    • Gold – Besides required to some orders, you can buy gems and arrows.
    • Supplies – Besides required to some orders, you need it to invade other territories (Not defend).
    • Monthly Gold Income – Once you gain a territory, or work under the ruler of a territory, this will indicate how much Gold you will passively get each month (turn). You also require this to hire more officers. You can still get this value in the negatives, meaning it will eat up from the savings (Gold).
    • Monthly Supply Income – Once you gain a territory, or work under the ruler of a territory, this will indicate how much Supplies you will passively get each month (turn). You also require this to hire more officers. You can still get this value in the negatives, meaning it will eat up from the savings (Supplies).


    Another important point is that you have a number of troops under each character/general, based on your level, so they will define how much Supplies your and each of your generals will weight on each sortie, so it doesn’t matter if you have 8 generals with maxed troops, if you only have supplies to send 2 of them to battle.

    When an officer joins into a new Kingdom, that count will be reset back to 0, and will build up slowly as normal each month, or if you use orders to recover it faster. This rule also includes extra territories that you got by defeating a ruler, even if they did not enter battle and saw no fight, the moment they join your Kingdom, their troops will be reset, so they will be weak and incapable of defending the extra territory.

    Defense battles

    Unlike previous Empires where you could use troops of adjacent territories to defend from an attack, in the current build at least, that doesn’t work, so you will need enough officers to fill in the places close to enemy territory. This also means that if a vagrant group rebels inside your territory, and you have only some random general in that territory (the minimum necessary), you either let them take it, or waste a turn to move soldiers there to defend.

    Invasions from other Kingdoms will usually take only a single month, and if failed, it will only drop the defense level of the territory instead of being taken, however insurgencies are continuous and must be defended or else they won’t stop.

    Similar to Officer’s Troop Count, Territories also have Defense Levels, and once they reach 0, the territory will be taken by the invading or insurgent force, otherwise, like in cases where you get multiple attacks at the same time, you have to weight on which is more important.

    Empires Mode – Strolling

    In this mode you get to interact with other characters, raise your friendship, visit places and so on. All landmarks, waypoints, towers and so on (Hideways have their own rule, explained ahead) that you unlock will remain unlocked for every playthrough ahead (used to teleport), so you are free to run around as you wish, although there isn’t much to do in this open world anymore.

    All relevant parts of Strolling mode can be done through the Menu. Strolling is fully and completely optional.

    You have a number of Actions that can be done in one turn (the number can be seen at the top right of the menu).

    Starting an interaction with someone, or asking them to escort you will require 1 action each. Interactions with an Exclamation Point are actions started by the other side, so they don’t count in your actions.

    You can increase the amount of actions by unlocking a new Tier of Titles, as explained in the Titles section.

    Exclamation Point events are usually:

    • You are building up friendship with someone, and they want to raise it with you too.
    • Confession / Sworn Sibling Request.
    • Someone selling themselves to join your ranks.

    The officers that can be found in strolling mode are usually either Free Officers, or officers of your Kingdom that are not executing an order (You can see their faces next to the orders, which will boost that order’s effects. So if you see them there, you won’t see them on strolling mode).

    If you are a Free Officer, you can see and talk with officers all around the map, you can also go all around and enter any city, post at the request board to meet any character. However, the only Hideaway available will be the one in the territory you are currently in.

    If you join a Kingdom, all Hideaways in the territory of your Kingdom will be available, with the main one being the territory you are currently positioned at. However all other Hideaways will be locked. You will also be unable to enter cities outside your territory, as all the gates will be closed. This also means that no more talking with Free officers outside your territory, so if you are eyeing someone, either try moving to that territory, and/or don’t get invited to any Kingdom that is not from the territory.

    A reminder that all teleportable points outside the Hideways will forever be unlocked, so fell free to unlock those.

    Another thing you can do, which can be supported by having an escort, is to go catch Bandits or Hunt. Each Bandit will give you 2 Gold, each Hunt will give you 5 amount of Supplies. So it’s a way to get free stuff (Kill 500 enemies to get 1000 Gold, which can be gotten with the simplest Money Order, although you do spend 1 turn without interacting with others, but even like that, it’s a waste of time).
