

MechWarrior Online – Ultimate Flea Guide (エリート FleaWarrior になる)




ノミは、ハイリスク、ハイリターンのゲームプレイの縮図です! Fleaing の技術を習得することを選択した者には、1000 以上のダメージが待ち構えています。

Flea で過ごした時間の中で、私は多くのことを学び、今でも新しいことに気づき続けています!このガイドの一部は一般的な知識であり、他のメカにも適用されます。いずれにせよ、これが誰かがより良いフリー パイロットになるのに役立つことを願っています!その一部は簡単なメモであり、知っておくと便利な情報です。ノミがいない場合は、フィールドでノミの戦いの仲間を保護してください!彼らが何をしているのかを知っていれば、彼らは非常に役に立ちます。



Flea 20 に ECM と ECM スキル ノードがある場合は、次の範囲を覚えておいてください:

  • > 255m (256m 以上) でステルスが得られます (敵はあなたをターゲットにして、チーム全体にあなたを明らかにすることはできません)。
  • <120m (119m 以内) でジャミングが発生します (敵はミサイルでロックオンできず、ターゲット データをチームの他のメンバーと共有できません)。敵のミニマップに「低信号」が表示されると、敵はあなたが近くにいることを認識できることに注意してください!
  • ECM 以外のノミにいて、ECM メカに遭遇した場合も、これらを念頭に置くことをお勧めします!

チームがターゲットにした ECM メカをターゲットにする必要がある場合は、ECM カウンター モードを使用します (ディスラプトはデフォルトです。J を押して切り替えます) (ディスラプトをオフにすると、敵のターゲティングを妨害してステルスやジャミングを行うことがなくなります)。



  • Inner Sphere LRM は 180m 以上にしかダメージを与えません..
  • クラン LRM は 180 メートル以内に指数関数的なダメージを与えます。
  • ATM は 120 メートル以上にのみダメージを与えます。
  • PPC は 90 メートル以内に指数関数的なダメージを与えます。
  • ヘビー PPC は 90 メートル以内ではダメージを受けません。


IS AC20、SRM、Streaks、PPC、Gauss など、ピンポイントで高いダメージを与えるものや特定のミサイルを見つけた場合は、特に注意するか、逃げてください。ロータリー、UAC、および一部のクラン オートキャノンは、対処が少し簡単です (よりノミに優しい笑)。 RAC メカを見つけたら、スピンアップする時間が必要なので、覗き続けてください!


ノミのパイロットとして、あなたはたくさんの小さなレーザーを使うことになります。そのため、射程に慣れることが重要です (一部の射程スキル ノードによって変化する可能性があるため、これらは概算として使用してください)。

  • 小型パルス レーザー:最適 145 m – 最大 291 m (50% のダメージを与えるには 218 m)。
  • 小型レーザー:最適 172 m – 最大 345 m (50% のダメージを与えるには 258 m)。
  • ER 小型レーザー:最適 216m – 最大 432m (50% のダメージを与えるには 324m)

したがって、実用的な最大有効範囲は、ER 小型レーザーで約 200m と 300m です。


これは、アーマーが非常に少ないノミにとって、間違った角を曲がったり、目に見えない敵からの攻撃を受けたり、攻撃の機会を見つけたりするのを防ぐために非常に重要です.時間が経つにつれて、直感と本能で戦場の「熱」を感じるようになります。敵が発見されておらず、誰も発砲したり被弾したりしていない場合、「熱」はありません。一方、活動が活発なとき (チームメイトが助けを求めているとき、メカが左右に打たれる絶え間ない音、そして一般的にただの混乱) は、気を散らされた敵が確実にキルされるため、ノミが輝きます!

攻撃するときは、コミットできる場合にのみ攻撃してください。逃げると、通常、バイパーまたはピラニアが足を追いかけたり、背中を撃たれたり、不要なダメージを受けたりするためです。メカが多すぎる場合は、チームのサポートを待ちます。評価するために、彼らのチーム全体があなたの攻撃位置に来る可能性があると仮定します.敵のメカがあなたを標的にすると、彼らのチーム全体があなたを見ることができるので、あなたをバックアップするのに十分なチームメイトがいますか?そうでない場合は、位置を保持し、攻撃しないでください。 If there are two away from the group, only attack if you have a plan and prioritize your targets (for example, one is a LRM boat and one is a Locust, so prioritize the Locust).

Keep your eye on the mini-map and try to feel the higher level perspective of what’s going on all around you. Flea pilots rely on the team more than most other mechs! Also, keep a habit of zooming in and out frequently, because forgetting to zoom out could mean not seeing a mech that’s about to kill you, and it’s also really hard to fight close range when zoomed in. Also remember to treat armor as a consumable just like ammo! Conserve it as much as you can, but know when to use it (when it’s max heat)!


  • The Flea’s speed makes it a great flanker and backstabber. The only time you’d want to fire at an enemy mech facing you, is when they’re under fire from friendly mechs, or busy shooting friendly mechs.
  • In general, always press R to target what you’re about to attack! And always pick a specific component to focus on! Even in tier 1, I see some players who don’t do this. Also take a quick glance at the loadout if you can. When using lasers, hold the beam on the component as best as you can until it finishes burning (otherwise the damage is spread). When using SRMs/MRMs, lead the shot when the target is moving. Use arm lock if you’re mainly long range and have weapon groups mixed with arms and torso for extra concentration of damage, otherwise keep it off for better aiming flexibility, and quicker torso turning in close range.
  • Peeking is very effective and a relatively safe way to attack when compared to charging in to brawl, and you can quickly rack up damage done. When peeking, make sure to expose the min amount of yourself for the shortest time possible (so make sure to MASC out, alpha strike, MASC in!), and peek from a different spot, or switch up your peeking rhythm when the enemy notices you. There are two types of peeking:horizontal peeks around the corner, and vertical peeks with elevation differences (an enemy coming up over an incline, or an enemy exposing its top below you). Reverse peeking is when you back out of cover, to be able to go forward into cover quicker.
  • Hit and run is useful when you see an instant kill or a weak component. It’s also useful when you need to keep moving and attacking at the same time. In a Flea, be sure to use MASC to allow you to fire as frequently as possible (run 90 degrees to the enemies FOV and fire with a turned torso, MASC U-turn as you turn torso in the direction of the mech to fire again, and repeat to keep firing and moving within the same area).
  • Circling is the most common but there are some tips to keep in mind! Most players fire constantly as they circle (which is fine with machine guns), but as a Flea pilot, you need to be as effective and deadly as possible, so time your fire at components you target (e.g. rear CT), and save your MASC for a short burst when you’re within the enemy’s FOV, then let it recharge while giving you more time for a shot to the rear CT. You want to keep the radius of the circle as tight as you can, because the bigger the radius, the slower you appear to go to the enemy, and the longer it takes for you to make one full circle.
  • Rear CT/ST is probably the most efficient way for kills (besides headshots) in a Flea with limited firepower and extreme agility. This is best performed on lone mechs that are slow, or distracted mechs/mechs under fire!いくつかのヒントを次に示します。
    • You want to stay completely out of sight of the enemy! So keep using bursts of MASC to maneuver and stay behind the mech. Imagine instant death if you end up in the enemy’s sights. It’s important to remember that the closer you are to your target, the faster you can maneuver around it, so close the distance quickly, and keep it tight!
    • When shooting the CT, aim for dead center, as you may be damaging the side torso instead (unless the mech has one torso left or has a dangerous torso you’d like to destroy, then go for the torso!) and if you can’t get a good shot on it, aim for the center of the butt, which also counts as rear CT damage!
    • Even at an angle, or when the enemy is attempting to back up towards a wall (coward lol), angled shots towards the rear CT/butt also work. When you see a mech trying to back against a wall, go behind them so they end up backing into you instead of the wall. If you’re shooting at an angle, and the mech is going backwards, be sure you have your legs positioned to be able to follow them back, otherwise you’ll lost sight of their rear and will soon be facing the mech head on.
    • This attack is not only reserved for slow mechs! Linebackers, Shadow Cats, and lights are also juicy targets. When a light is running away, they are easy kills in Fleas that can keep up. They often don’t expect another mech to keep up, so they keep running, giving you plenty of shots.
    • Don’t stop moving! It’s tempting to stay still to keep firing, but don’t do it. Go back and forth, forward forward back back, etc.


  • The best armor is not to get hit! Play as if your CT is already open red, because it’s just one mistake away from it truly being so.
  • Situational awareness! As mentioned earlier, situational awareness is key to survival. One important note to add is to always keep in mind that if an enemy spots you, their whole team also sees you, since targeting data is distributed among the team! But this can also be used to your advantage if your goal is to distract the enemy team, or lure them into friendly firing lines.
  • Keep moving forward and don’t stop moving! Fleas rely on evasion more than armor for defense, so one of the worst things you could do is to stay still when the battlefield is hot, even for a brief second, because that’s all it takes for you to be instantly killed. One of the most common mistakes I see, are pilots going backwards. Going straight back is the worst, because you stay within the enemy’s FOV, and it does absolutely nothing good for you. You’d rather back up 90 degrees, or sideways, to the enemy’s FOV, but why go backwards when you can go forward? Lights are fast, and speed is your greatest advantage, but when you reverse, you go slow, not to mention the brief moment where you’re basically standing still every time you back up then decide to go forward again! The only time you should back up is to maintain a rear CT shot, or MASC back and forth forward and back when focusing on firing at a component, or when backing up to cover.
  • MASC
    • Some pilots haven’t realized that the greatest advantage to MASC isn’t the speed, but the 50% turn rate boost for agility, and the boost in acceleration/deceleration! So make it a habit using MASC to turn and to quickly change direction! This comes in extra handy when trying to stay behind a mech for a rear CT kill, or when trying to dodge and evade shots.
    • MASC is limited, so use them in bursts! Skilled Flea pilots are able to consistently use MASC, even near the redline, but using it in short bursts and relying on the sound as an indication of how much more they can apply. Also, remember to let it cool down whenever you’re in the air!
    • MASC messes up your aim, so practice firing after aim has settled. It’s easy to have this happen when using MASC to peek and hide quickly, so practice!
    • Use MASC when peeking! As mentioned before, you want to peek and go back to cover as fast as you can. Do a quick burst out of cover (practice not over-exposing yourself!) as you alpha strike followed by a quick burst back to cover.
  • Evasion
    • Best done 90 degrees to enemy mech’s FOV, with erratic unpredictable patterns, when closing the distance or retreating. Combine with moving the torso (torso twisting) to spread laser damage or to protect critical components. Use MASC every time you turn and turn often!
    • Keep in mind that the acceleration burst from a MASC burst is what will most likely dodge a shot. Combine MASC bursts with a change in direction for greater effect.
  • Legs
    • If you’re legged or a leg is weak, use cover to your advantage (peeking up over hills to force them to shoot upper part of your mech).
    • If left leg is weak, circle enemies clockwise, and vice versa.
  • LRMs
    • Always be aware of what direction LRMs are coming from. You can check for a trail of smoke left behind from the missiles if you missed where it was coming from at first. If there’s no cover around the best thing to do is to run full speed perpendicular from where the missiles are coming from.