

Total War:Three Kingdoms – 高度なヒントとコツ


その他のトータル ウォー:三国志ガイド:

  • はじめに
  • 初心者向けガイド (ヒントとコツ)
  • ドン派閥のロックを解除する方法 (簡単な方法)
  • リソースとキャンペーン マップ
  • ダメージの種類と影響
  • スパイ &スパイ活動ガイド
  • ゾーン オブ コントロール ガイド。
  • 管理者ガイド
  • ユニットの種類



  • バックスペースをクリックすると、いつでも軍の動きを止めることができます。これを使用して、敵軍を攻撃し、近くで停止することで、敵軍が逃げるのを防ぐことができます。
  • 「R」を押すと、戦場だけでなくキャンペーン マップでも軍隊の移動をスピードアップできます。
  • 外交で人を右クリックして交渉を迅速化し、交渉画面の「取引を提案する」にカーソルを合わせると、あなたの立場に影響を与える派閥が表示されます。
  • 外交画面の上部には「クイック取引」というオプションがあり、取引を提案し、どの派閥がそれを受け入れるかどうか、または受け入れるよう説得できるかどうかを確認できます。
  • 建物のアップグレード、解体、または改造を選択すると、その建物に小さなコインの形をしたオプションが表示され、より多くのお金を支払うことでプロセスをスピードアップできます。
  • 汚職はこのゲームの仕組みであり、税金によってお金の一部を失い、収入を台無しにする可能性があります。借金をしたくない場合は、腐敗と適切に戦うようにしてください。
  • 画面上部に財務と呼ばれるオプションがあります。使用すると、税率を変更して、すべての司令部での税収、公序良俗、食料生産を改善/減少させることができます。各司令部の左下隅には、免税というチェックボックスもあります。これは、公共の秩序を高めるために、すべての収入/食料生産を失うために使用できます。
  • コマンドリーを見ると、左下隅にコマンドリーに影響するバフとデバフがあります。これは、そこに構築すべきものと構築すべきでないものを確認する良い方法です。
  • キャラクターの「特性」を確認します。特性は、特定のタスクで一部のキャラクターを他のキャラクターよりも優れたものにします。たとえば、諸葛亮は司令官のユニットに+15%の弾薬を与え、司令官の敵ユニットに-30%の弾薬を与え、すべてのソースから+10%の収入を与える「華麗な」特性を持っているため、素晴らしい司令官になります。司令部で。これにより、他の人がそこに配置された場合よりも有益になります。
  • セット ボーナス付きのアンシラリーを確認します。ボーナスにカーソルを合わせると、すべてのピースを所有しているかどうか (装備しているかどうか) がわかります。一部のセット、または付属品だけでも驚くべき効果があるため、それらを有利に使用する方法はたくさんあります。
  • 初期のターンでは、良いユニットが占領される前に自分の陣営と結婚する機会を探してください。仕事をしてくれる女性が一人も見つからない場合は、登場人物の妻と離婚して「結婚を受け入れる」ことができます。
  • 軍隊を解散させるのではなく、ユニットを交換して、より優れたユニットまたは異なるタイプの軍隊にアップグレードすることができます。これにより、開始するユニットが増えるため、召集/補充にそれほど時間がかかりません。これは、「採用」時に通常得られるボーナス レベルも利用します。
  • 将軍とそのユニットを維持するために将軍を呼び戻すことができますが、維持費を支払う必要はありません。後で再配備することができ、同じユニットを持つことができます。
  • 管理者であり、現在軍隊に所属していない将軍は、維持費なしで、管理者である都市の守備隊に従者を追加します。
  • 「柔軟性」スキルを持つ将軍を派閥のリーダー、首相、相続人にすることで、再配置コストを 25% から 75% まで削減できます。これは、5 つの「トレーニング キャンプ」を建設するか、改革を使用することで、100% 以上にさらに改善できます。
  • 派閥リーダー、首相、後継者に「理解」スキルを持たせることで、すべてのユニットをレベル 7、歩兵または射手騎兵の場合はレベル 8、近接/突撃騎兵または農民の場合はレベル 9 で開始できます。 「訓練キャンプ」を建設し、そこでユニットを募集/交換し、「ホワイトホースフェロー襲撃隊」を持ち、歩兵、突撃騎兵、農民のための適切な改革を行います.理論的には、適切に対処すれば、15 ターン目までに任意のユニット/8 農民ユニットのレベル 7 を獲得できます。
  • 北にある 4 つの「馬の牧草地」を取得して最大までアップグレードし、それを「鍛冶屋」の建物と組み合わせて適切な改革を行うことで、騎兵隊の採用コストを 116% 削減し、維持費を 90% 削減できます。
  • 画面で F1 キーを押すと、UI に関するほとんどの情報を表示できます。これを使用して、これまで気づかなかった可能性があることを見つけて、それらについての簡単な説明を得ることができます。
  • 戦略家 (青色の将軍) は、レベルが上がるにつれて戦術を獲得します。これらの戦術は軍隊のすべてのユニットに適用されますが、一部の戦術は特定のユニット タイプ (たとえば、槍ユニットの「槍の壁」) でのみ使用できます。このため、すべての軍隊に戦略家を 1 人配置することをお勧めします。
  • 派閥のすべての食料生産を購入または占領し、その食料を使用して彼らと取引を交渉します。派閥の食糧生産がマイナスの場合、彼らは食糧に対する強い欲求を持ち、それが彼らにとって信じられないほど重要であると考えるため、より多くの支払いをします.
  • 高レベルおよび/または伝説の将軍を採用するときは、必ず特性を確認してください。より高い宮廷の地位を望んでいるために、より高い負のペナルティを受ける原因となる特性を持つ将軍は、去る可能性がはるかに高くなります. Lu Bu のような法廷での地位を用意してください。
  • トレビュシェット ユニットは素晴らしいです!使用するすべてのストラテジストの下に 2 つ含めるようにしてください。残りはクロスボウマンまたはその他の高装甲貫通型遠隔ユニットです。
  • ユニットの弾薬ステータスは、ユニット内の部隊ごとに計算されます。したがって、弾薬 20 個の射手 160 人は、実際には 3200 本の矢になります。 +50% のボーナス弾薬を持つレジェンダリーストラテジストは、その 4800 本の矢を作成します。したがって、「グラフィックス」オプションの「アドバンス」セクションで「ユニット サイズ」を高く設定すると、プレーヤーの設定によっては、プレーヤーにとって非常に有利になる可能性があります。
  • 敵と戦争をしていて、敵があなたの土地を奪おうとしていることに気づいたら、家臣や友人と取引して、完全な損失から利益を得ることができます。


戦おうとするたびに逃げる敵軍に遭遇することがよくあります。これは、特に移動範囲を改善しておらず、強制行進を使用している場合は、非常に迷惑になる可能性があります.これに対抗するには、Backspace キーを押してユニットの移動を停止します。


ここに問題があります。攻撃しないとこのサークルに入ることができません。しかし、一度攻撃すると、敵には撤退するオプションが与えられます。これに対する解決策はバックスペースです。敵ユニットを攻撃する場合は、ユニットがサークルに入るまで待ちますが、まだ攻撃していない場合は、[バックスペース] をクリックしてユニットをそのままにしておきます。敵は現在の位置から移動できず、あなたのユニットを攻撃するか、自分自身を野営します。野営している場合は、次のターンに攻撃し、逃げようとする場合は再度攻撃します。

これを行うと、少なくとも 1 回攻撃するのに十分な距離まで近づくことができれば、敵は最も遅い軍隊からでも逃げることができなくなります。


キャンペーン マップでも戦場でも、ホットキー「R」を押すと、ユニットの移動速度が変わります。戦場では、これによりユニットが前方に疾走することで、ユニットの速度を上げたり下げたりします。これによりチャージが有効になりますが、ユニットが疲労する原因にもなります。

ただし、ほとんどの人はこれをキャンペーン マップでも使用できることを知りません。キャンペーン マップ上で「R」を押すと、自軍と敵軍の両方のすべての軍の動きが加速します。疲れることはありませんが、見る時間を節約できるので、ゲームのペースが少し速くなります。


クイック ディール


この時間のかかる作業を避けるには、画面の左上隅に移動して、[交渉] の横にある [クイック取引] オプションをクリックします。この「Quick Deal」画面は「Negotiate」と似ていますが、その逆です。その人のところに行って取引をしようとするのではなく、彼らがどのように反応するかを見て、取引に行くと、画面の右側にそれに対する全員の反応が表示されます。

誰かが家臣になれるかどうかを知りたいとしましょう。 「Quick Deal」に移動し、「Create Vassal」を見つけて、誰があなたの家臣になってくれるかを確認します。それらが緑色で、横に「はい」と表示されている場合、それはあなたが何も得ずに家臣化できることを意味し、彼らはあなたに何かを支払うことさえあるかもしれません.彼らが青色で「たぶん」と書かれている場合は、贈り物や力で彼らを説得して、取引に同意してもらう必要があります.赤く着色されている場合、「いいえ」はいいえを意味します。


建物の建設、解体、または改造を行う場合、それを行うには複数ターンではないにしても、少なくとも 1 ターンは必要です。しかし、人々が飢えているために今すぐ食料が必要な場合はどうでしょうか?それとも暴動を起こさないための治安?または、軍隊を募集しようとしていますが、「徴兵事務所」がありません。あるいは、5 ターン待ちたくないだけかもしれません。どんな問題でも、お金で解決できます。


この価格は、私がまだ把握していない多くの要因に基づいていますが、基本的にはこのようになるようです.建物が高価であるほどレベルが高くなり、完成までのターン数が多いほどコストが高くなります。この費用は平均して、建物自体の費用のようです。したがって、1,100 の費用がかかる建物を即座に建設するには、即座に完成させるのに約 1,100 の追加費用がかかります。建物に 2600 =~2600 ですぐに完成。 So this may not be useful very often.

However, if you are downgraded or demolishing something, you get money refunded and if you decide to instantly finish either of them, it will cost you half what you were refunded. So if you’ve taken over a city and don’t want to wait to start building your own stuff, you can still get some profit even if you instantly demolish it.

Fighting Corruption

Corruption is a terrible, terrible thing in Three Kingdoms. A large city that taxes 1500 gold from it’s citizens can end up only giving you 300 because of 80% corruption, which then goes towards your 320 gold upkeep on the buildings. That means that city which should be giving you a 1500 gold profit, is now giving you a 20 gold deficit. Spread this to 10 cities and you are losing 15k gold profit and having to pay 200 gold out of pocket every turn.

To combat corruption, you can put an administrator in the commandery which reduces corruption by 30%. You can assign someone to ‘Counteract Corruption’ which is learned from a yellow skill called ‘Stability’ (looks like a mountain) and can be learned by Commanders(yellow) and Sentinels(purple). This reduces corruption in a commandery by 50%.

Those are okay but the real way to fight corruption is through buildings. There are buildings in the ‘State Workshop’ and ‘Administration Office’ branches of building that decrease corruption. The best of these are the ‘Grand Treasury Mint’ and ‘Office for Archives and Seals’ which decrease the corruption of their commandery and every commandery surrounding them by 15% and 20% respectively.

So basically, if you have 1 of the two in every commandery, you will never have corruption anywhere again because they stack with each other. Now you just need to decide which one to build based on what else you build there.

Tax Level and Tax Exemption

Sometimes you get a new city and you discover you are producing too little food and it will take several turns in order to build enough to rectify the situation. You could buy food from someone, but you don’t really want to spend money either.それで、あなたは何をしますか? Well you can increase taxes.

At the top of your screen is an option called Treasury, which you can also get to by pressing the ‘7’ hotkey. Inside of the menu that pops up is a detailed account of your Income and Expenses. This includes how much money you had last turn, how much you have this turn, and how much you will have next turn with how things are currently going. On this menu there is also a section called ‘Tax Level’ which has a slider. As you move the slider to the right, tax rate and food from farming increase while public order decreases. As you move the slider left, the opposite occurs.

By using this slider, you can manipulate your income in order to get the most out of your land. If your public order is high while food or money is low, increase your ‘Tax Level’. If your public order is low and you can afford to give up some food and money, decrease it instead. This will help you keep your people happy while also getting everything that you can out of them.

But what if your public order is high in all cities except one? Well if you go to that city and check out the bottom left corner, there is a checkbox labeled ‘Tax Exemption’. If you check that box, then you will lose all income and food generated by that commandery, but gain +25 public order every turn(compared to +15 from having the lowest ‘Tax Level’). This can be good getting all of your commanderies on the same page when it comes to public order so that you can more easily adjust them using the ‘Tax Level’ slider without having to worry about loss of income or a rebellion occurring.

Commandery Buffs / Building Tips

What should you build in your commandery? Are commanderies one size fits all? No, no they are not. Some commanderies are low in fertility while some are high. Some naturally grow crops from their outlying areas while other mine metal or chop wood or perform a trade. Every commandery is different so the things you build there should be different too.

If a land is high in fertility, it increases food production and peasantry income by 25%. These seem to generally occur in commanderies that naturally have sources of food production and peasantry income, but not always.

If a land is low in fertility, it decreases peasantry income by 25% but not food production. These places tend to not have sources of peasantry income naturally but again, this isn’t always the case.

Some places produce food naturally, some commerce income, some peasantry, industry, and some don’t have any kind of production and just give access to a trade good.

So what should you build where? Well to answer that question fully in detail would require a guide of it’s own, but I can give some recommendations.

  • If fertility is low, avoid making buildings that increase Peasantry Income or Population Growth. Look at it’s extra buildings to decide what should go there.
  • If fertility is high, maybe build some Food Production, Peasantry Income and Population Growth buildings. Try to look at it’s extra buildings first to see if it’s worthwhile then go from there.
  • If it’s neither then build completely based on the extra buildings.

If the building is Commerce(blue) or Industry(purple) build a ‘Grand Guest House'(Inn), ‘Silk Expedition Trading Post'(Marketplace), ‘Office for Archives and Seals'(Administration Office), ‘Grand State Workshop'(State Workshop), and ‘Master Lacquerware Artisans'(Private Workshop) to maximize profits and get rid of corruption.

If the building is Peasantry(green) then depending on how much extra food you have saved up, build either ‘Magnate Estates'(Land Development) and ‘Winnowing Machine Workshop'(Government Support) for more food, or ‘Livestock Market of the Commandery Capital'(Land Development) and ‘Grand Irrigation Canals'(Government Support) for more money at the cost of food. Along with these, build a ‘Office for Archives and Seals'(Administration Office), ‘Province Administration of Han Empire'(Tax Collection), and ‘Grand Temple of Confucius'(Confucian Temples) for maximizing your peasantry income and possibly food production.

Now I understand that you can’t always build all these things because of reform restrictions, so I would go for building a ‘Grand Treasury Mint'(State Workshop) instead of an ‘Office for Archives and Seals'(Administration Office) until you are far enough in the game to have the reform needed to build it. As stated earlier, corruption can kill your game so you don’t want to put it off until it’s too late.

Maximizing Traits / Skills / Attributes / Equipment Sets / Job Positions

Everyone is different and some people are just better at certain things than others. That’s why it is important to pay attention to a person’s traits before you hire them, when you are creating an army, sending out a spy, and selecting a Prime Minister, Heir, or Commandery Administrator.

Traits sometimes only take effect when the character is performing a certain task and that is why it is important to pay attention to them. For example, if a character increases campaign movement speed, they might do well in the army. If they get extra cover when spying, then they should be a spy.

Also pay attention to how ambitious a character is. If they get “increased penalty from desire for higher office” then you should be sure to check if they will do well in an administration position. If they will, great! Put them in one. If not, then you should be wary that they may defect if you don’t cater to their every need and desire and constantly promote them….might just want to let them go if they are so unhappy and aren’t useful for anything. And if their trait “Increases ambition to gain independence as administrator”, then you should either not put them in an administrator position(unless they are very very good, or have traits to decrease their ambition) or be prepared to either continuously tell them no, they can’t have their own commandery before paying them to be happy, or accept them as a vassal while giving up a commandery to them.

Similarly to traits, there are skills that improve certain tasks. There aren’t nearly as many of these and these are something you have some control over. The can only be gotten on certain character types and at certain levels depending on where their tree starts. If a character has many traits related to their type (blue traits for a strategist for example) then they generally become legendary at low levels.

Now if you put equipment together into this mix, then you can turn a powerful character into a godlike character. For example, you could make a Strategist(blue) who has all blue traits put on equipment that will all come together to have archery units with 200% Ammunition, 50% increased fire rate, 20% Melee Evasion, have fire arrows, perform night attacks, can deploy outside of the normal range for an ambush during battle, and have increased ambush chance outside of battle.

This can be applied to spying, commandery administration, faction leader/prime minister/heirs, and even just people who you send on assignments. While so many things about this are randomized, there is such an enormous amount of traits out there that you can almost always find someone that can be useful, even if they can’t min-max to godlike standards.

Marriage =Benefit =/=Love

Throughout history, marriage has more often than not been about benefits rather than love. Kings marry their daughters for alliances or territories or gifts. The young and good looking marry the old, ugly, rich, and powerful to further themselves. Modern culture may have shifted to this but this isn’t modern culture.

Marriage is a powerful tool in your arsenal, especially in the early game. Lu Bu, Sun Ce, Zhao Yun, Zheng Jiang, and (in the year 207) Sun Ren are all extremely powerful characters that can be easily acquired through marriage. If you play correctly Lu Bu can even take out a fully stacked army solo on legendary, though it’s a bit difficult.

So how does this marriage thing work? Well you have to have an unmarried man or woman related to you, and the woman must be between the ages of 18 and 51. They must also be related to you. An easy way to make them related is to adopt them on the Family Tree screen, so if you are Liu Bei then Guan Yu becomes your Brother and Son….

Most of the characters worth acquiring through marriage are men though, so you need a woman to get them. There are a few options for this.

  • Have a daughter and wait for her to become 18 years old…..not very practical and RNG stinks.
  • Hire a woman who is between 18 and 51 in the court menu then adopt her. RNG again but better.
  • Divorce your wife or someone else’s wife in the Family Tree screen. Easy peasy.

On most characters, divorcing your wife is the easiest and most practical option. Ma Teng can get Lu Bu basically immediately by doing this, then you can divorce her again and get Sun Ce or Zhao Yun. Your wife will really get around this way.

Warning though, some characters may rebel soon after arriving at your faction if you can’t appease them. Lu Bu is really bad about this, so have a court position ready for him when he gets there or you’ll lose him at the start of your next turn.

Unit Swapping

So you got a better Cavalry unit, or you want your Spear units to have a shield to defend from bows, or you need to swap two of your Archers to Trebuchets for a siege battle. But after you disband your unit and recruit the new one, they take several turns to muster so you’re slowed down and the situation may change while you’re waiting, losing precious time. How do you avoid this? Unit Swapping.

If you click on your army and then select a unit, multiple options come up. The option which is second when going left-to-right is ‘Swap Unit’. When this option is chosen, it takes you to the same screen that you would see when recruiting, but the unit you currently have is omitted from the list. Everything about them is the same so this is just a faster way of disbanding and recruiting right?違う! When you unit swap, your unit type changes but will retain a large portion of army you already have (at least 50% but can be up to a little over 80%). This means that while it would normally take several turns to build your army after recruiting, it can now be done in one or two. This drastically speeds up your assault, allows you to upgrade units whenever you want without waiting, and makes your army a lot more versatile provided you have the money.

Benefits of Recall and Redeployment

So your army has outlived it’s usefulness to you. You finished your war or have no enemies anywhere near them or you just can’t afford to keep them.職業はなんですか? You ‘Recall’ them.

Click on your army then select your general/generals and choose the option that appears labelled ‘Recall the selected retinue’. This will pull your general and his units from the field.

So what are the benefits of this? Well….

  • No upkeep cost – While they aren’t in the field, their units cost nothing.
  • If they are Commander Administrators, their retinue is added to their city’s garrison for no cost.
  • They can be Redeployed regardless of distance to their previous position, for the price you recruited them for.

This means you can save money on an army until you need them again, have them defend your cities, or teleport them across the map to fight against more dangerous foes. The only drawback of this is that Redeployment costs the same amount as you originally paid to recruit all the units. So if you only paid 1000 gold to recruit them all, you will only pay 1000 gold to Redeploy, but if you paid 20k gold, then you will be paying another 20k. So this is potentially very expensive. Fear not! For there is a solution to this!

Commander(Yellow), Champion(Green), and Vanguard(Red) Generals have a green skill called ‘Flexibility’ which reduces Redeployment costs by 25%….if the character with the skill is the Faction Leader, Prime Minister, or Heir. But this effect stacks so if all three have the skill then you get 75% off of Redeployment costs. There are also two Reforms, the Red Reforms ‘Provincial Military Forges, and ‘Green Dragon Supply Ships’. So that is another potential 40% off. On top of that, if you build the ‘Training Camp’ from the Conscription tree, you get 5% off and this applies for every one you have, potentially allowing you to have as many as you have Commanderies.

So how should you take advantage of this? Well I personally would say you should have a couple ‘Training Camp’ built so you can take advantage of the +3 troop levels. These can even be built anywhere because you can just Redeploy for free anywhere. So build two ‘Training Camp’ anywhere you want for -10% Redeployment Cost. Then if you get both the Reforms that is another 40% off, totaling -50% Redeployment cost.

Finally you must choose your Heir and Prime Minister. If your Faction Leader is already Yellow, Green, or Red then you only need one of the other two to be the same and can pick Purple or Blue for the other. If the Faction Leader is Purple or Blue then your limited to Yellow, Green or Red.

So what are the benefits of each?

  • Yellow: -25% Redeployment Cost, +5 Faction Support, +1 Available Assignments, +1 Starting. Rank for All Troops.
  • Green: -25% Redeployment Cost, +1 Available Armies
  • Red: -25% Redeployment Cost, +1 Available Armies, +5 Faction Support
  • Purple: +1 Starting Rank for All Troops, +25 Bonus Experience for Units Per Season
  • Blue: +1 Available Armies, +1 Trade Agreements

So given this information, I consider 3 Commanders(Yellow) to be the best option the 3 top positions. Here is my reasoning.

  • Trade Agreements are nice for money, but if you build well then you shouldn’t be too tight on money and just because you have Trade Agreements doesn’t mean you can use them.
  • Available Armies are nice, but since you can Redeploy armies for free you don’t need a ton of them, just a few.
  • +25 Bonus Experience is nice, but not really necessary at all.
  • +1 Starting Rank for All Troops means that 3 leaders with this give +3 Ranks to all units.

So the most important skills are the -25% Redeployment Cost, and the +1 Rank to all units. Only the Commander has both. In addition the Commander has +5 Faction Support which helps with Public Order across your whole faction. +1 Assignment means a lot of option from less construction time, faster mustering/replenishment, reduced corruption, and many others. Basically you can choose from a huge amount of benefits based on what you need at the time. Finally, Commanders are Yellow. Yellow is Authority. Your Authority level contributes to the Satisfaction of your Court across your whole nation. This means if you had 3 leaders with 200 Authority, you’d get +45 Satisfaction for every Court member. No more messing with their whining and trying to make everyone happy! Realistically though, you’ll get about +15 to +30 which still definitely helps.

Basically 3 Commanders means -75% Redeployment Cost, +3 Rank to All Units, +15 Faction Support, +3 Available Assignments, and around +15 to +30 Satisfaction in your Court.

Now these calculations bar the special bonuses that certain characters give. These bonuses mostly come from Historical characters and are usually very good, but need specific other characters in order to really min/max.

Super Soldiers

As your units level, they become stronger, faster, and more adequate. The first few levels go by fast, but the later levels can take some time. And every time you swap units to upgrade or change them, all their experience disappears. If you have a level 6 unit and upgrade to a better version, but they become level 2, then while you still have a better unit, they aren’t as good as they could be. You could accept the loss and just let them level naturally, but a better option is to increase their starting level. But how do you do this?

There are several options to increase the level of units, and among these options are more options that make you choose between unit types, requiring you to either forego a particular unit type in favor of another or build multiple areas for training.

Here are the different ways to increase unit starting level:

1. Having Commanders(Yellow) or Sentinels(Purple) as your Faction Leader, Prime Minister, and/or Heir and have them learn the skill ‘Understanding’. This increases the level of your unit by 1 across the whole faction. Meaning that no matter where you recruit/swap them, they will get the bonus. This only works if they are Faction Leader, Prime Minister, or Heir though, but it does stack giving you a potential +3 levels to every unit across the whole faction during recruitment.

2. Building a Conscription building and recruiting/swapping units in the Commandery you built it in. The ‘Conscription Office’ and ‘Training Field’ are the level 1 and 2 versions of this building tree and will only give +2 levels while the ‘Training Camp’ gives +3. Again, this only applies if you recruit the units in the Commandery where this is built, otherwise they won’t get the benefit.

3. The Red Reform Skills give bonus levels to specific units faction wide. The buffs and Reforms are as follows. ‘Convict Drafts’ for +2 Peasants, ‘Extended Conscription Period’ for +1 Melee Infantry, ‘Hereditary Buqu’ for +1 Melee Cavalry, and ‘Barded Mounts’ for +1 Shock Cavalry.

4. Finally you can build a ‘White Horse Fellows Raiding Parties'(Military Infrastructure) for +1 on All Cavalry Units.

This means that without Reforms or the ‘White Horse Fellows Raiding Parties’ building, you can have all units be Level 7 right out of recruitment provided that they are built in a Commandery containing a ‘Training Camp’. With those buffs you end up with…

  • Level 7 All Units.
  • Level 8 Melee Infantry and Archer Cavalry.
  • Level 9 Peasants and Melee/Shock Cavalry.

So if you push for the proper Reforms, build the ‘Training Camp’, and get enough Prestige to become a King, you could theoretically have Level 9 Peasants on Turn 15. Realistically though, you can have Level 6 for all units starting out after Turn 10. This gives you a serious edge on enemies and makes the journey to level 10 units much faster.

To give one comparison, the difference between Level 1 and Level 10 is 18% Melee Evasion. That means your units dodge 18% more attacks which alone can turn the tide in your favor. Not counting the extra morale and attack rate which makes it likely for your Level 10 to have 50% or more of it’s health remaining after fighting a Level 1 of the exact same unit. Add in buffs from your Generals, Items, Commandery Administrators, and Court Leadership, and your unit can crush lower level units with ease.

Free Horses and “The Stallion Who Mounts the World” Build

Cavalry is expensive! They cost a lot to recruit, and a lot to upkeep. They don’t do great in sieges and become almost useless going uphill or through trees. But when they shine, they SHINE. They absolutely DESTROY enemies during a charge and a Horse Archer can kite like no tomorrow. Have him use flame arrows too and you can forget about them not being great for sieges, those towers will be child’s play and enemies will find them extremely annoying to get rid of. But….they are still expensive….. But like most problems, there is a solution and that solution is the ‘Horse Pasture’.

There are 4 ‘Horse Pasture’ on the map and they are all in the North. 3 are in the Northwest and 1 is in the North East. When built on, they give -5% Recruitment and Upkeep Cost for All Cavalry Units Faction Wide to start with, and this goes up to -20% each when upgraded to max. Multiply this by the 4 locations and that becomes -80% total for both Recruitment and Upkeep.

But that’s not all!!! Just to upgrade your ‘Horse Pasture’ to ‘Tribal Horse Host’, you have to get the Reform ‘Barded Mounts’. This gives -8% Recruitment Cost which brings our new total to -88% Recruitment Cost. But to get to that Reform, you have to get the Reform ‘Regional Commissioners’ which means it is now -96% Recruitment Cost. Now just put any character into the Court Position ‘Grand Commandant’ and you are at -106% Recruitment Cost.

This means FREE HORSES!!! Just pay for food.

If you really want to reduce the cost, you can get the Reform ‘Hierarchical Enfeoffments’ which will reduce the Upkeep by 10% for a total of -90% Upkeep and give access to a very nice new Cavalry Unit called the Jade Dragons.

So now we just need to maximize the horses potential. Luckily there is a build I like to call “The Stallion Who Mounts the World”

It’s pretty simple. Choose Ma Teng as your Faction, he and his son Ma Chao give -15% upkeep for Qiang Units, which are his factions special cavalry units that are as good or better than any other Cavalry that you can get. So a total -30% for Qiang Cavalry Upkeep + -80% Upkeep from the 4 ‘Horse Pasture’ fully upgraded brings it to -110% Upkeep for Qiang Cavalry.

Ma Teng Also give +10 Melee damage for Shock Cavalry while Ma Chao give +15% Armor and +15% Melee Damage for all Shock Cavalry.

That’s your Faction Leader and Heir, but who should be your Prime Minister? Easy, Sun Ce. He gives an addition +15% Melee Damage for all Shock Cavalry, as well as +100 Charge Bonus for all Cavalry!

Now who shall lead these troops? Well actually, any Vanguard(Red) General will work. A Vanguard can give his Retinue +25 Charge Speed, +25 Charge Bonus, +25% Running Speed, +10% Armour-Piercing for the whole army, and +25% Melee Damage for all Shock Cavalry.

This brings any Cavalry under the Vanguards command to +10 Melee Damage for Shock Cavalry, +55% Melee Damage for Shock Cavalry, +15% Armor for Shock Cavalry, +125 Charge Bonus for All Cavalry, +25 Charge Speed, +25% Running Speed, and +10% Melee Armour Piercing Damage. If you have 3 Vanguard Generals in the army, it becomes +30% Melee Armour Piercing Damage

Now just put on a ‘Herdsman’ Follower or an ‘Art of War’ on any member of the Army and you can have the ‘Wedge’ Formation for your units which gives +100% Mass(making it easier to push through the enemy line unhindered), +50% Charge Speed, and +25% Charge Bonus but -50% Armour and -25% Speed. This makes your Cavalry Charges even more devastating and, with practice, the negatives become negligible.

With this, you can have maximum amounts of armies using only Qiang Marauders and destroy anyone you come across. Just siege anything you can’t Auto Resolve and because of how many full stack armies you’ll have, you won’t have to be concerned about the time wasted on the siege.

Remember to always fight to your strengths and avoid fighting on the enemy’s terms.

Grab Them by the (Rice) Balls!

An army marches on it’s stomach. Food is extremely important and when a someone is starving, they will be willing to pay more for food than if they were well fed. So how can we take advantage of this? Well it’s simple, we seize the means of production!

Factions often are low on food. They may not be negative, but they will try to keep to the minimum positive amount they can. So if you take land that produces food, such as a Farmland, Fishing Port, or Herdsman, from a faction that is barely positive on food to begin with, they will go into the negative. Negative Food Production can be considered as starvation, and as stated earlier, people will pay more for food while starving!

While a faction might have +1.1 attitude towards a trade of 1 food when they have positive food production, this might become +6 attitude when they are in the negative food production.

So to take advantage of this, buy the location where food is produced from a faction, then use the food production you just received from them in order get everything you traded to them back, and more!

Another option is to focus on taking a faction’s food production during war, then use the food to buy peace from them and possibly some extras.

To maximize the benefits from this, focus on Food Production in your city buildings by building ‘Winnowing Machine Workshop'(Government Support) for +150% Food Production, and ‘Magnate Estates'(Land Development) for +5 Food Production. In addition to this, be sure to have someone in the Court Position ‘Grand Director’ for +25% Food Production from Farming and Fishing. Finally, get the Reforms ‘Transverse Bulkheads’ for +50% Food from Fishing, ‘Junks’ for +50% Food from Fishing, ‘Winnowing Machines’ for +25% Food Production, and ‘Treatise of Agriculture’ for +25% Food from Farming.

This makes any city give +5 Food Production, +175% Food Production, +125% Food from Fishing, and +50% Food from Farming. Here is the Food Production of any food producing buildings in a Commandery with all the bonuses.

  • City Production:+13
  • Herdsman:+19
  • Fishing Port:+32
  • Farmland Production:+32(Grain) or +39(Rice)

This makes every Commander with Farmland and these buildings produce 52 Food and there are 24 Farmlands(15 Grain/9 Rice) across the map. If you take control of them all then you will be bringing in at least 1143 Food every turn. The reason I say at least is because, as stated in an earlier section, there are buffs and debuffs for Commanderies. These buffs give +50% Food Production while the debuffs don’t affect Food Production. Meaning each Commandery with a buff gets +16 Food Production in the city, +37 on Grain Farms and +45 on Rice Farms. If we assume that 30% of the Commanderies get the buff, then that means the new total is 1591 Food every turn!

Over 1000 Food Production every turn with only counting the Farmlands and there is still the 8 Fishing Ports and 13 Herdsman to give food as well. If you own enough to manage even +500 surplus, you probably have enough to buy most of China from the starving people who have yet to submit to your rule.

Own them all and you may dub yourself the Rice Emperor!

Spoiled Generals

You are looking through your court and notice that you are able to higher a Legendary Unique General who is already level 7. All that power for a mere 1000 gold? What a deal! You hire him and put some nice Ancillaries on him, but then the next turn he leaves you. You’ve just been scammed out of 1000 gold and a couple good Ancillaries and you don’t know why he left you like this, without even saying goodbye.

Some Generals are just frankly spoiled brats with bad tempers. They don’t tell you this beforehand though so when you hire, you always have to hope for the best. Very few will leave in one turn though and there is always a white notification on your character option in the lower right corner, so you will at least get a warning before they do leave.

So why do they leave? Well any General whose satisfaction is at 0 when your next turn starts will leave you. But why don’t they like you? Well there are a lot of reasons.

Some Generals disagree with you because your personalities are different. For example, if you are “Generous”, you like to give money. But they are “Greedy” and so hate your generosity.

Another reason could be that they liked the faction they used to be in and don’t like the fact that you confederated them.

Or it could be that they are Inigo Montoya, and you killed their father. Prepare to die! (for real though, killing family and friends makes people dislike you to some degree forever)

Again, there are a lot of reasons so I won’t list them all, but one final reason that is quite common is that the character has a trait that makes them have a higher negative penalty when they desire a higher court position. Mix that with being a higher level and they will definitely want a higher position very very badly. A prime example of this is Lu Bu.

So how do you fix this hatred of you? Well one easy way is to give them a Court Position if they desire one. If they don’t desire one then they won’t care very much whether you give them the position or not. Another option is to Promote them. This is different than giving them a Court Position as you pay them a bonus and then increase their salary. So it’s an expensive option that increases their base satisfaction by 5 permanently and gives them an extra 10 satisfaction temporarily.

Other than this, there isn’t a whole lot you can do. Personally, if a General is mad at me because of their old faction AND wants a higher court position, then unless they are an amazing, god-mode character then they can leave. A General who contributes very little and needs you to pay them more money every few turns or go out of your way to keep them happy isn’t worth the effort and should just be released from your service or married off for a rice ball.

Trebuchet Terror

1200 Armour Piercing Damage, 500 Range, 10 Ammunition.

This is a Trebuchet. The accuracy may not be the most spectacular, but when it hits an enemy, the enemy is blown away.

It’s main purpose is as a siege weapon. It can be used to destroy towers from outside their range, making taking cities without gates a breeze. It can also destroy the gate, so even then it makes everything simpler. But what about outside of sieges?

Before we start, let’s get some more info on Trebuchet. Trebuchet can only be recruited by Strategists. Trebuchet have 10 Ammunition but this number is per Trebuchet in the unit. So if you have higher ‘Unit Size’ in your options, then you get more Trebuchet and thus have more shots. On ‘Ultra Unit Size’ you have 4 Trebuchet in a unit, meaning 40 shots. Strategists main skill is Cunning, which increases the ammunition of their retinue by a percentage. The percentage becomes +50% when they have 100 Cunning(Legendary) and +100% when they have 200 Cunning(Max). Strategists also have a skill that can be learned called ‘Resourcefulness’. This skill makes their Trebuchet into flaming Trebuchet. This increases damage by setting the enemy on fire after hitting them, causing a large amount of damage over time which affects towers in cities/settlements as well.

So a Strategist who is Legendary gets Trebuchet Unit with 15 Ammunition per Trebuchet instead of 10 and can shoot Flaming Shots. Have a couple of these on the field and you can destroy a large amount of enemy units before they are anywhere near you. Mix these with a few crossbowmen and then have a retinue of cavalry to take out the damaged enemy and their archers, and you have a powerful force.

Basically, when using Trebuchet, you don’t want the enemy anywhere near them. Set them far back on level ground with some crossbows at 200-250 range to defend them while being able to hit the enemy along with the Trebuchet then have your cavalry take care of enemy ranged units or units that have been broken apart by the trebuchet while your swordsmen keep the enemy at bay, letting your Trebuchet annihilates the enemy forces. A good tactic is to use one to target enemy ranged units while the other targets strong enemy units. In descending order, here is what Trebuchet should target.

Ranged Captains>Ranged>Sword Captains>Swords>Spear Captains>Spears>Cavalry of any kind

The reason is that you want to take out the slowest and most damaging units first because of how slow the Trebuchet’s attacks are. You should also be sure to not try to use a Trebuchet to completely take out an enemy force. Trebuchet work best to destroy a large amount of units and due to their inaccuracy, they are more likely to miss if a unit is small. So have a Trebuchet hit one unit, then move to the next until all Ranged, Swords, and Spears have been hit, then go back through the list.

It is also for this reason that it is best if you have your ‘Unit Size’ option be as large as possible. This can be changed in the ‘Pause Menu’ under ‘Graphics’ then clicking ‘Advanced’.

2 Trebuchet Units with 4 Trebuchet a piece means at least 80 shots, 120 shots on a Legendary Strategist. 120 accurately fired shots mean approximately>90% of a stack of 18 enemy units are killed without your units being placed in any danger but given inaccuracy this number becomes closer to>60%. As long as the enemy doesn’t get close enough to attack your Trebuchet and you aren’t extremely outnumbered, Trebuchet can turn the tide of battle in your favor, regardless of if it is a Siege or not.

Bait and Switch

You are at war with an enemy and they are about to take one of your lands.職業はなんですか? Well you could ask him to make Peace with you, but more often than not, that’s not going to happen. You could try to use the garrison to defend against his full stack (HA!). Only thing left to do is sweep the dirt under the rug and sell it as Prime Real Estate!

You’re about to lose the land no matter what you do, so why not make a profit off of it? Your Vassals and Friends might be interested in that land and they’ll pay you for it for sure!

Just find a Vassal or Friend that is bordering the land. If there isn’t one, pick anyone. Literally anyone will do as long as you can sell this land for something. Then name your price. You might be able to get a better land that isn’t next to the enemy faction for a much cheaper price. Keep your eyes open for good deals!